
Comments by Dudester (page 74)

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    16 years ago
    Dancer texting while giving a lap dance?
    I had a dancer stop once to get a phone call on her cell. She apologized and kept the call short. As far as one texting, I wouldn't put up with it. If she had a problem not getting paid for the aborted dance, I'd discuss the matter with the manager. I'd ask him what kind of manager would allow such rudeness.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Ballout Bailout
    Actually, this is old news-ain't gonna happen. The pain the porno industry is feeling is self inflicted. It would be best if some of the weaker companies folded. From talking to a producer at another site, I understand it costs 10-15k to make a porn movie nowadays. The trouble is, recouping your costs. You have to have some kind of hook to get people interested in a certain title, then you have the problem of the net. The minute you release it, some guy is uploading it to the net so that others can watch it for free.
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    16 years ago
    Update on Burned Dancer Case
    They call her Mia, but her real name is Roberta Abdue Dos Santos Busby. From Brazil. Lives in Simi. Single mother, two daughters, 4 and 8. Stripping part time in Tarzana. Just went back full because she lost her bill collector job. Rough times. And that was before they set her on fire. She's working the other night at Babes and Beer. Counting tips. Goes outside to meet a couple people, they douse with her something flammable, light her up. She's in critical condition. Police are looking for the suspects, Rianne Theriault-Odom, 27, who might have been a dancer at the club and Nathaniel Petrillo, 22. Both have priors. Burglary for her, drug possession and credit card fraud for him. A real winning pair. Why? Pissed off dancer and psychopath boyfriend, maybe? Busby grabbed a bigger share of tips? Did more dances? Who the fuck knows? Like I said, rough times.
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    Book Guy, I know that ordinarily it's okay to be cynical on this site, but keep in mind that most dancers live month to month, hoping on good nights to pay the rent, phone bill, utilities, and car insurance. Right now, there are some frightened kids who don't know if their mother is going to live. Their sole means of support is in agony, in a hospital, not drawing any kind of pay. Even if she survives, she's going to need vocational training, never to give a LD again. Now is not the time to be cynical or mean. I didn't hesitate to send a check. I only wish I could be there to help more.
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    Thanks founder. This is an absolutely horrific case. The suspect in this case deserves life without parole, too bad there's no Devil's Island with a hole to throw her into. The victim, if she survives, will have no quality of life. Her children will be scarred for life.
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    16 years ago
    Black girls who speak with a white-cent
    Pussy is pussy to me. The only thing I ask of it's container is to be under 5'6", 150 pounds, have a pleasant personality, good hygiene, and ask reasonable rates. Whether it's skin color is white, yellow, brown, or black matters not one bit to me. I've fucked women of all races, so I guess I could be called an equal opportunity fucker.
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    16 years ago
    Inspirential Strip Clubbing
    As a writer, I sometimes find the confines of a club to be relaxing enough to jog my imagination, however, my muse-a European model, has quit the biz to concentrate on college (she wants to be a nuclear physcist, she modeled to make enough to go to a good school).
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    16 years ago
    A Mistress?
    The 1960's threw us into a state of turmoil. Up till then, it was recognized that there was a difference between the sexes and that is why there was bordellos. Men want sex everyday, and they need fantasy, whereas women prefer less sex, yet want their mate happy, and closing the bordellos across the country was shaking up the normal order of things. Strip clubs have replaced the bordellos, but it's taken forty years for it to happen. European men of means have a wife and a mistress. It's expensive, thus just for men of means. I was recently told that 80 percent of couples in Belgium cheat on each other. Early in the movie "Memory of a Killer", a couple is having a discussion. Husband tells wife that he'll have to stay overnight on a business trip. While smiling, the wife says:"Do me a favor, buy her a better perfume."
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    16 years ago
    Salt Lake City "topless" clubs
    Utah is run by the Mormon church. Utah doesn't run by the conventional rules you'd find anywhere else. That a woman could wear pasties in a club is a major concession by the church. What is also an ugly truth of the church is that on the Utah/Arizona border there are privately owned communities with polygamist families, some of which have 12-13 year old brides. Can you imagine that a church still trying to be mainstream is a pedophile paradise?
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    16 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    I'm not apologizing for clubber, he should apologize. I think what he was very poorly trying to say is that there are a number of people who limit themselves. In the workplace one gets ahead by looking and acting responsibly, not to mention working hard. The people I have the most trouble with at work is people with a ghetto mentality. I'm able to monitor the productivity of the people I supervise and the ghetto folk will get an ugly look on their face when I point out that their co-workers aren't just working rings around them, but carrying their weight as well. These folks think it's alright to just sit, yak on the phone, and "be cool". I actually had one complain to my boss that he should set his own standards, and not me. He thought because both of them were african american that she would sympathize with him. He was taken aback when she told him he was wrong. A couple of years ago, I had a young white guy in the workplace who spoke "ghetto". First, we had problems when he violated our grooming policy by trying to grow a goatee. He actually tried that "my skin is allergic to shaving" excuse, but when he couldn't produce a medical excuse the write ups and suspensions began to mount. Then, he started shaving, but he grew a Hitler moustache in order to try and offend my Jewish background. What finally did him in was when we caught him bootlegging DVD's on the job (actually making them). My company is very image concious. My boss does have a bias. She does want people with darker skin to succeed, but she'll be the first one to jump on someone for answering a company phone with speaker phone mode and saying "Yo" instead of answering the phone professionally. She'll also get on me for not hammering people testing the boundaries of dress code or who will revert to ghetto mode the second they step off the desk (we require them to be professional the entire time they're on campus).
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    16 years ago
    A Mistress?
    pompatous, Great post. I wouldn't have thought of looking at those sites. I'm not considering trying to find a mistress. Earlier, I enjoyed the post of a member here who took a stripper on a working vacation. Fish and company begin to stink after three days. He learned that. I'm probably more particular than him. I had an ATF from 04 to 06, with whom I had lots of shared interests. It still bugs me that she bailed on me.
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    16 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    I had a brief physical only thing with one of those. She wasn't a stripper. She was trailer trash actually. She was endlessly interesting because of her contradictions. She would call black people names I would never use, ignoring that her two children were half black because of her first marriage. I dumped her after she got overly curious of my bank account. I find ghetto mentality in all races. At work, we have pre shift safety meetings. The ghetto folk think work is time to goof off and hang out on the phones, but I can monitor most of them and let them know that work time is for work and they know I'll shove them out the door if they don't keep up.
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    16 years ago
    A Mistress?
    Sorry, I meant high six figures (I had just woke up, hadn't had my caffeine yet), and yes, he lets his FORMER stripper wife do temp work. It's so that she can have pocket money (when she buys him a birthday or anniversary gift, she'd prefer that he not know how much it costs).
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    16 years ago
    Bachelor or birthday on stage
    I once saw a guy get tied to a chair onstage. They tore up his clothes and all grinded on him. A former co-worker, who was also a stripper, used to do personal bachelor parties. She'd dance fully nude for them, then she would fuck them all. Her rules-no more than five guys, they had to wear condoms, and upfront price was 5k. She would go 2-4 hours before she said no more.
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    16 years ago
    The key word here is marketability. Young women who make their living with their bodies don't realize that they decrease their ability to make money with something, that in twenty five years, seems stupid in retrospect. Actress Christina Ricci has been marking herself up something fierce lately, to the point of covering one entire breast. Because of her body art, producers have to spend extra money to make it appear that she's not trailer trash by using CGI, or extra costuming, or reshooting scenes entirely.
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    16 years ago
    Catching something from a dancer
    You only live once, so I take the attitude of Boxman from The Flight of the Intruder-"You afraid of a few bugs? What kind of pilot are you?" Then Box explains why he always carries 26 condoms (why they call him 'Box')
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    I always avoid topics like religion and politics, but this has bitten me in the butt. My last ATF and I contemplated having a relationship (actually, she was stringing me along), but I found out she was an atheist and this was a major turn off. A pagan I can easily deal with, but atheist-no. In a club I really don't like to discuss my work. Some men are defined by their professions, I'm not. I'm very successful at my work, but I'm a writer at heart and I'd prefer to talk about that-without the dancer thinking it's how I make my money. My best ATF and I shared a love of older movies. We discussed our passion before and after, and sometimes during our lovemaking sessions.
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    16 years ago
    Have you heard of the "LINGERIE" bowl???
    This year's lingerie bowl had to be moved from a vacant lot in Tampa to a nudist resort. Usually, nudists are overweight over thirty somethings, but because of the high profile TV time this will draw, I'm sure there'll be some naked cuties in the audience. I would definitely recommend watching this year's bowl.
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    16 years ago
    According to the script, so that Warner can cement his position in he alof Fame and build on what he did ten yers ago (supermarket stock boy becomes NFL QB, leads team to Super Bowl victory in first year), the Cardinals will get a last minute touchdown and win. Warner will say he's going to Disney World, he retires and becomes football commentator.
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    16 years ago
    the Starship "Enterprise" never had a strip club on board...
    Leaks I've seen from the Star Trek movie they are presently filming has Kirk doing some very Kirk like things. First, he has some interaction with an Orion girl, then he bangs Uhura. Kirk was quite the horndog. If you watch the original series,he was usually banging females on board-he didn't need a strip club. Star Trek Voyager really took off once Jeri Ryan joined the cast. The funniest episode had her uploading the doctor into her borg implants. He took over her personality for a time, becoming attracted to a female passenger and coming onto her. Once she downloaded the doctor, she chewed him out for having an orgasm in her body. Star Trek Enterprise had some out and out sexuality, including nudity. T'Pol was hot and she got banged by the chief engineer more than once. The comm officer, an Asian, had some really hot scenes just before the scene ended. We got to see her nude, but in silhouette, as she crawled across the bed while seducing her lover.
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    16 years ago
    What an idiot.
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    16 years ago
    If Casey Anthony looked like Rosie O' Donnell would she get any media attention?
    Quote from the movie Patriot Games:"This is a country that holds it's breath when a little girl falls down a well and you just put one in the hospital." TV networks get ratings when they cover a story that the entire public can get behind. In the case of Caylee Anthony, she was a darling little girl who wasn't reported missing for a month, then her mother, Casey Anthony, had a "oh well" attitude about it, and she went out and partied. This kind of thing outrages the public and there is a collective healing when the story is covered and the healing becomes complete when the offender is punished. Right now, in Galveston, the "Baby Grace" case is underway. Riley Ann Sawyer was a darling little girl. The entire American public got to know her because her body was found in a container and month went by before an Ohio grandmother said "I think that's Riley." It becomes more gruesome than that. It turned out that the little girl and her mother, Kimberly Trenor, had moved to Texas from Ohio and married a class A jerk. When the three year old didn't say "Thank You" the mother and new stepfather beat the three year old all day with belts, then their fists. The little girl tried to stop the abuse by saying "I love you mommy". When she finally died, they put her body in a plastic tub and put the tub in a shed. After several weeks, when the shed stank, they poured concrete in the tub, then threw it off a bridge into Galveston bay. Then they went on with their lives as if nothing had happened. The D.A. has decided not to pursue the death penalty. It's not just little girls. Several days ago, a 93 year old World War 2 vet froze to death because the electric company cut off his electricity while the outside tempature was around 15 degrees. The man's neighbors are furious and the electric company has been forced to beat itself up over this. The kicker is that the man has no family left to justifiably sue the pants off the electric company. It's about the defenseless. When the defenseless are harmed by someone much larger, the public is outraged and the hype is necessary to assuage the feelings of the public.
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    16 years ago
    Off topic?.. what the earliest age you got in trouble with the opposite sex?
    I was eight when I met my cousin steffi. Her family had moved in next door and suddenly, instead of me and my brother, there was six kids running around between the two houses (next to each other). When I met Steffi, she just loved to smooch, kiss, nuzzle, hug, and rub body parts together. I was still at that "girls are yucky" stage. I sent her away and her feelings got very hurt. My mother then ordered me to "make nice with her, or else!!" I soon found out that smooching stuff wasn't half bad. About that time, my mother declared that since there was so many kids running around that the kids would now sleep and bathe together. Since Steffi and I were 11 months apart, we were paired together. We bathed together (but hid ourselves) and slept in the same bed. We soon became an item and our relatives thought "kissing cousins" was cool as we were always making out. But, within a year, the wheels fell off the wagon. Steffi, who was always a step ahead of me, decided to take our relationship to the next level. Once in bed, she stripped and recommended we rub our yoohoos together. I was reluctant, but gave in. The next morning, her mother noticed Steffi's panties were on backwards. Since I was the guy, I caught holy hell. That was the end of the sleeping and bathing arrangement and I was actually relieved as I was catching heck at school about it. We remained kissing cousins and an item, but we were now very closely watched. A year went by and a friend showed me a porno mag. I finally figured out how Tab A went into slot B. At that same time, Steffi found a public event where we could pull a switcheroo and get at least two hours of privacy to seal the deal. It actually took eight months of planning and pooling of allowances. We bought the tickets for the event and gave them to our families, tellin each that we were going with seperate pairs of parents, actually leaving us at home alone. After the cars left, we retired to the bedroom for the magic moment. She went in the bathroom to prepare herself (she wanted to wear makeup, and look beautiful). Finally, forty five minutes later, she emerged. She was beautiful. She took two steps. We heard my mother's car skid to a stop outside. Within a minute, we were in deep dark shit. We were seperated by eight hundred miles and forbidden to communicate with each other. Over the years, my mother took a perverse pleasure in telling me everything Steffi was doing. When she married, my mother wanted me to go to the ceremony (can you imagine? "I OBJECT!!") I didn't go, but my mother did. Afterwards, she told me "She married a guy who is just like you in every respect. I wonder why?" Yeah, gee.
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    16 years ago
    Reasons to visit a strip club...
    5. I'm single and for twenty bucks an attractive woman is going to let me suck her nipples, grope her breasts, and perhaps play with her kitty. 6. For a manageable fee, I'll be able to arrange a sexual encounter, which saves me the trouble of the difficulty of arranging a conventional date, wining and dining her, and waiting on her trust for us to finally seal the deal. 7. Although I want sex every day, actually I only need it once a month or so. Going to a club allows me to have this sex on a basis wherein I avoid the high financial and emotional cost of a marriage. I can control the encounter, control the cost, whereas a marriage is an unpredictable situation that goes wrong 51% of the time in our present day society.
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    16 years ago
    Do you have a myspace page?
    The people who have one are either young, or they need to let their employer, or prospective employer, that they are computer savvy. Some people use their myspace, or friendster, or other page, as their primary means of social networking. I used to be among my brethern (people who shared my thought on just about every issue) at a website called PTM, but the site owner pulled the plug on that site and this site is close to people I think like. Since myspace, and similar pages, encourage you to use your real name and place of residence, it's the type of site where you should feel comfortable-unless you're like me and prefer to remain secure behind a monniker.