
Dancer texting while giving a lap dance?

Sunday, February 15, 2009 6:24 PM
Thought I'd seen it all... Recently I was getting a lap dance and after awhile I noticed the dancer on the next couch had a PDA and appeared to be texting. She was facing away from her customer. Talk about multi-tasking! I pointed it out to the dancer I was getting a lap from. At first I wanted to give the girl the benefit of the doubt that it was the customer's PDA and she was checking it out or adding her number or something. At the end of the dance I overhear some converstation "it's a Blackberry". The customer leaves, apparently not too bothered, and she sits on the "prime" couch and goes back to checking her messages, texting, or whatever. We then ask her if we can use the "prime" couch and she gets up and leaves. My dancer confirmed my understanding that the dancers aren't allowed to have phones, PDA, etc. on the floor. 1. Have you had a dancer use a cell or PDA during a lap dance? 2. What did you do? Or how would you react if it were to happen to you? Personally I would have stopped the lap immediately and prorated the amount - if half a dance at $20 per I would have given her $10. I would have then sought out the manager and reported her.


  • jayc
    15 years ago
    Yea have seen that happen before, happens more often than you think. Never seen one texting while giving oral (that's would be true multi-tasking - LOL).
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    I had a dancer stop once to get a phone call on her cell. She apologized and kept the call short. As far as one texting, I wouldn't put up with it. If she had a problem not getting paid for the aborted dance, I'd discuss the matter with the manager. I'd ask him what kind of manager would allow such rudeness.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    two instances. First, dancer had a kid, and took call from baby sitter. Kept it short. Second, dancer had her cell, did not use it until I asked her for her phone number. She instead said, "what's yours?", pulled out her cell and dialed mine, so we had each other's.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Use a cell phone during a lap dance and I won't pay the dancer a dime. She can complain to the manager and I'll explain why I won't pay. I jumped all over my son for text messaging in church on Christmas Eve. This whole cell phone culture is out of hand. Everyone thinks that they are so important that they have to talk to someone all the time.
  • gridget
    15 years ago
    I agree 100 percent. As a part-time dancer I would say that this behavior is completely inappropriate. I would never dream of using my cell while giving a dance...very rude and inconsiderate on her part. I apologize on behalf of this rude incident that happened to you...we are not all like that.
  • I don't speak on behalf of 59, but you don't have to apologize for all dancers, gridget. Each one's different -- that's why we love them! If I saw a dancer do that, I'd say something like, "Done?" If she keeps dancing or gets another call, I'm getting up and leaving the LD area and probably the club (because I probably wouldn't be allowed to stay in a club where I didn't pay a stripper).
  • 59
    15 years ago
    Just to clarify it didn't happen to me...to the customer on the next couch. I was amazed he didn't seem upset, at least outwardly.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I've seen it several times, but I've never been getting a dance and then have the girl talk on the phone. That would be unspeakably rude. I've had favorites who were with me answer the phone while we were talking, but never for long. Their conversation is one of two types: 1. Babysitter needing to talk to mom/dancer 2. Dancer not at club talking to dancer at club.
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    I fucking hate when they whip it out (a cell phone) even while we're talking in the lounge, forget the VIP. I once had a hottie grinding away. About the third song, I hear the ring. She answered it and sat back down on my lap. I stood up and dumped her on the floor and walked out of the VIP. I bitched to the doorman and left. Next time I was there, she apologized and offered a freebie. It was her baby daddy calling about the baby from the hospital. Yeah, whatever, she didn't know that beofre the call if it was true. I told her to get lost.
  • ozymandias
    15 years ago
    I haven't had that happen yet, though I'm sure it will eventually. When it does, I'll just let her finish the dance, pay her, and find another, more attentive girl. O.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    It doesn't upset me because the prices are reasonable.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Reaction? Probably a quick tap on the ass to get her attention and then politely send her on her way. If she's cool about it she'd be paid for the full song. Wouldn't imagine a girl doing it after the first song since the duds don't make it that far.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    One of my younger cousins can be texting (while sitting in a chair or at the dinner table) without even looking at her cell phone and while she's carrying on a verbal conversation with someone else! I dunno how kids make it through the day at school with cell phones. Two former ATFs of mine and I would text frequently when they were at work or just out & about. I would always try to keep the messages short...since I can't stand texting without a QWERTY keyboard.
  • how
    15 years ago
    If something truly urgent demanded a dancer's immediate attention, I'd hope she would excuse herself from what we were doing and attend to it. She could then either return to our activity, or not as appropriate. But she'd obviously forfeit payment for the interrupted dance...
  • Anna
    15 years ago
    LMAO!!!! I'm sorry I had to. Most good clubs don't encourage dancers to have a phone on the floor...I just think that is just as rude as texting at dinner, the movies or on a date.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Anna, A dancer's cell phone in a nude club? I wonder where she might hide it during her dances? Perhaps we just invented the dildo phone!
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Clubber- That's why they carry purses around, although the dildo phone would be interesting.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    DD, Of course I knew that, but then it would be difficult to bring up the dildo phone.
  • Tucker40
    15 years ago
    Hmm, clearly that phone would always be set on vibrate.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    I've seen this happening more and more lately, although at my favorite club cell phonesd aen't permitted to be carried by dancers, tey all find a way to sneak them in. Personally, I think it is rude, selfish and inconsiderate (did I miss anything?) for a dancer to do this. I haven't pushed one away yet or walked out, but I do remember who did it and whether they apologied or seemed to not care. The smart ones don't do it. It's the ones who aren't focused on their jobs who make the rude interuption. In the total scheme of things, we shouldn't be too surprised, should we? In most cases, the calls relatd to kids, so if that's their focus, it can't be all bad, just not called for at the time. And just to make things current, it happened to me just this afternoon. It's someone who I'm just getting to know so I'm cutting her some slack to see if she improves her behavior. We'll see.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    I would look at this the same way I'd look at other distractive/rude behavior- ie talking with other dancer during ld, smoking during ld, or just turning their back and going through the motions without any connection- in short,anything indicative of not giving patron "attention". Bottom line: If I'm interviewing for a job that pays $400/hr (effective rate of $20, 3 minute ld), I'm going to give interviewer my enthusiastic, undivided attention. I expect likewise from someone I'm paying $400/hr.
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