
Comments by Dudester (page 75)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What would you like to see "new" in a strip club???
    A stage with depth. If the dancer just wants to just use the front part to use the pole-fine. The back part would have a bed where the dancer could use her imagination. What I'd really like to see is the old type bordello design. A victorian style house. As you enter,there's a "parlor" to your right where the stage shows go on. There's a kitchen and dining room also on the floor and a room where you could watch TV (a game?) instead of the stage shows. Upstairs-private rooms for private entertainment.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers have violent boyfriends?
    I grew up in an abusive home. My mother's boyfriend beat and raped all of us. In the 1970's, the only way you could prosecute a wife beater was if the wife (or girlfriend) actually pressed charges, then followed through. As far as kids, prosecutions of molesters and rapists were rare at best. When I was 13, I complained to a school counselor, cops, and a judge. I was told that because "kids are pathological liars they aren't allowed to press charges or testify in court". The judge then added that had "as much rights as a shovel." The abuse finally stopped when some adult friends stepped in and beat the shit out of the abuser, promising much worse if the abuse happened again. Although laws have changed, there is still a lot of abusive homes. As an adult, I've been able to put the fear of God in several abusers. Why women: A) Put themselves in this situation mystifies me. B) Continue in the relationship when there are many avenues of escape mystifies me even more. I've met women who have no desire whatsoever to escape the deep dark world of shit they're in. If I knew a way to take away their kids, I'd certainly do it. She's an adult and wants to be a punching bag for life-fine, but don't subject your kids to it. I presently have a 20 year old subordinate who is a real cutie. For ten years her stepfather not only did terrible things to her, but took pictures as he did it. No matter what I say, she won't press charges. That she escaped the home is enough for her, however, unless she gets counseling, she's not going to escape the "cycle of violence". We've already had to reassign her because she had an abusive incident at work, and she's covering for this asshole too, although the entire thing was caught on tape, and she disputes the facts of the incident.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Then there's christina-model.com Even after breast reduction surgery she's got natural D's. For years she was a tease, but lately, due to competition, has had to really get naked. She turned down a high six figure offer from bunnymag to pose when she easily could've been the playmate of the year. Of course, the downside of that is that she would've had to have sex with that oversexed viagra popping octogenerian hefner.
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    16 years ago
    Man Sues Akron Strip Club For Injury
    My father actually made a living suing people. In today's very connected world, he wouldn't have survived (computer background checks) as he only worked somewhere until he figured out how to hurt himself, then he'd sue. Because of him, my family has been extremely, hesitant to sue, even when we've been terribly wronged. Lots of other people are quick to sue, for even the slightest slights. Because there are highly publicized awards on TV, people think every case is going to be like hitting the lottery. Daytime TV doesn't help with hours and hours of programming of TV shows where people sue each other-Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, Judge penny, etc. etc. ad nauseum. People get the idea they should sue because that means they'll be on TV, then they think they'll get to be celebs-it's a sickening ongoing indictment of our poorly constructed, celeb worshipping, litigious, crazy value poor society.
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    16 years ago
    Man Sues Akron Strip Club For Injury
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again and again. Those platform shoes are stupid, counter productive, and dangerous. Right now, it's a minor lawsuit, but if the clubs don't wake up, OSHA will find justification to intervene in clubs and start setting standards on far more than shoes. With a lover of regulation in the White House and both houses of Congress filled with people from his party, the clubs are living on borrowed time, unless they act quickly.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Reasons to stay away...
    Why I won't return to Houston Dolls-my most recent ATF works there and she has spies there who will call her in if I come in when she's not there. She thinks she has an exclusive with me. Why I won't return to Fantasy North-If the girls do extras, they're not doing it with me.
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    16 years ago
    Lapping & Talking...(at the same time)
    I prefer her not talking myself, unless she is telling me she prefers OTC sex. On the other hand, the private rooms are somewhat insulated from the booming noise of the club's music.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Percentage of strippers who like what they do...
    I couldn't begin to know the numbers. My most recent AYF has been working clubs for ten years, says she hates it, but I'm convinced she'd be lost without it. A former co-worker fell into it, and she enjoys it so much that she's not going to stop unless she falls into the arms of a guy with a seven figure bank account (she told me once:"I'm expensive"). I know a stripper who defies the conventions. She's been in it for ten years, she's still smokin hot, but she doesn't have a loser boyfriend or kids to support. She just won't move on because she is easily making money.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Lately, the dj at Houston Dolls has been playing 1970's and early 80's rock songs like Hotel California (a long song) and Foghat's Slow Ride. I like that kind of stuff. If the clubs didn't force the girls to wear those ridiculous platforms, and they could really dance, I'd love to see a girl dance to Judas Priest's Turbo Lover.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Everytime a big athletic event goes on, the girls will follow. I'd had kind of a "pen pal" relationship with a porn actress. Because we had gotten to know each other, I asked if she would mind meeting for a hook up. She told me no, that she only has sex with her live in, and the four guys she does scenes with. Then, she turned right around and went to New York for the All Star game (she's not a sports fan).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    Just curious, how many of you work with former dancers?
    Several years ago there was a clique of women in my workplace who were either former strippers, present strippers, or were on their way to be strippers. I found them to be entertaining. I only saw one of them naked, just once (no, I didn't get a LD, her dance card was full). Several of them I really wanted to see very naked. This clique is gone now. I wonder about one gal presently at work. I think she did it before, but she's very coy about her past and as a supervisor I'm limited in what things I can ask.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "It was the Woman--She Beguiled Me"--More legal problems with strippers
    For some guys, there seems to be this rite of passage wherein you meet a woman (doesn't have to be a stripper) who empties your bank account. For me, I was extremely naive and poorly raised when I joined the military. A couple of girlfriends really twisted my mind, then one drained my 8,000.00 bank account. I was too besotted to see it coming. I see tales of men, who marry, then get financially screwed over. A relevant example was that financier from Indiana who lived the American dream-till he got in trouble, then tried to fake his death with a plane crash. He had a smoking hot wife who bailed on him when it appeared the gravy train was over. Waddya wanna bet she finds another sugar daddy? It's sad that humans take each other this way. Boys should be properly taught that there are some truly hideous women out there and you should proceed carefully.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    latch ons / red lights
    I have a poor "poker face". When a hideous looking being comes over, and she sees the look on my face, it's enough to send her scurrying away.
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    16 years ago
    Dancers, taxes and the homeless
    In the 1960's, two events happened that impacted our lives on this site: 1) Up until the 1960's, there was a bordello in every medium size and up city and town in America. A coalition of feminists and religious folks had them shut down. Everyone knew where they were, including the local Sheriff-who went there several times a week, just like every other uy in town. 2) Many of the asylums were closed. Up until the 1960's, if a damaged person was born in your household, you gave them over to the state and they spent their life in an asylum. Sociologists and Psychologists lobbied state legislatures to have them closed, saying that the residents had "the right to pursue their own lives", and asylums "were holding them back". Prior to the 1960's, the homeless were either lazy no good for nothings, or people in a bad stretch of their life. The insane joined their ranks in the 1960's, more than tripling the homeless problem. 3) Hate him, or love him, George Bush was dead on that Faith Based Initiatives were the best cure for the homeless. Northwest Assistance Ministries in Houston has an 85 percent success rate in getting people back on their feet, retrained, employed, and under their own roof. Government welfare offices only have a one percent success rate. One percent versus eighty five percent, hmmm...I'd say that was a no brainer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Short Songs
    Perhaps this is where we present this idea: A TUSCL Membership card. We, the TUSCL, network with each other. In a sense we are the BBB of strip clubs. When we, the TUSCL, go into a club and find a rip off practice, like short songs, we present our cards and tell the manager he might want to rethink his policy, lest we blacklist his club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hollywood Strip Clubs
    Showgirls-Lots and lots of flesh-really poor script. Having seen her in Saved By The Bell, I liked seeing all of Elizabeth Berkely, and often. Striptease-Demi Moore's giant bolt ons. I much preferred the B cups she offered often in About Last Night. Dancing at the Blue Iguana- A plus for Daryl Hannah naked, but you also see lots of Sandra Oh from Grey's Anatomy (not great-she's a horse face). You slso see a lot of several other average looking actresses. It's too bad no Hollywood type will set foot in a real club to see what really goes on inside because these three are the only stripper flicks of note.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strangest Gifts You've Given a Stripper?
    A year ago, I very nearly sold a couple of scripts to a production company. Because a character in one of the scripts was based on her, I gave a one time ATF a copy of the script.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strip Club Golf Outing
    There were two strip club sponsored golf tournaments in Houston that ended badly. Strippers behaved badly on the course (the club encouraged them to) and women golfers saw it and called the media. The second time around, it was caught on camera by a news helicopter. If there have been any further tournaments, I didn't hear about it. Along the same lines.... For more than a decade a pair of shock jocks threw what was basically a bachanallia. It was a "formal ball", but in order to get tickets, your very attractive wife or girlfriend had to go to the radio station and "perform". After one ball, which made the news because it got way out of hand, the radio station not only ended the ball (which they had sponsored), but fired the jocks. A couple of years later the best dj in town ressurected the ball and used his own money to advertise it on the radio. The day after the ball, he was fired. It's been three years, but he finally landed a job at an all talk station. My point-there's a time & place for everything. It's best if strippers and their customers keep it inside the walls of a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strangest Gifts You've Given a Stripper?
    A year ago, I very nearly sold a couple of scripts to a production company. Because a character in one of the scripts was based on her, I gave a one time ATF a copy of the script.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strangest Gifts You've Given a Stripper?
    A year ago, I very nearly sold a couple of scripts to a production company. Because a character in one of the scripts was based on her, I gave a one time ATF a copy of the script.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Pretty Good Stripper Act
    1) Yeah, but can she Lapdance? 2) Why the hell don't we have TV like that in the U.S.?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why Not Providence??
    Mayor White: We should let those idiots come into the Astrodome Council: Why? Mayor White: Because the church groups are ready to go and this is going to be very good for my political career. Council: Good how? Mayor White: Kay Bailey Hutchison is going to give up her Senator slot to run for Govenor and that idiot Rick Perry is going to try to remain in the Governor's Mansion Council: So why don't you run for Govenor? Mayor White: Because Senator is a do nothing job. Look at Ted Kennedy. He gets re-elected every time and he spends most of his time drunk, a bimbo under every arm. Council: So you think you get these idiots here and still have the political credibility to run for Senator? Mayor White: Like I said, the church groups are ready to go. They're going to do all the work. The county owns the dome. We're not out of pocket here. The feds will reimburse us for any costs and then some. It's a no brainer. See, I'm thinking like a Senator already
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    16 years ago
    Why Not Providence??
    Even with the loophole, the problem might be with the dancers. People vary from region to region, for instance, Southeners are known for their hospitality. Houston rates high as a high mileage city, but Houstonians are known for their hospitality (it was Houston that rescued the people of New Orleans after Katrina-when no one else would). The Northeast isn't known for it's hospitality. When I was young, I briefly had a roomate from Providence. She was a hard person. One day she just disappeared with a few of my items. The few weeks she spent with me she led me to believe that people from Providence are cold hard people.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who is next to get bailed out? Strip Clubs?
    Actually, I post often at a porn forum board. It's an interesting place with a couple of porn producers and the occasional actress posting there. The producers are of one mind that they are to blame for their own problems. They shoot a lot of "Gonzo" nowadays. What that means is that they bring an actress and just shoot a sex scene. There isn't any plot or eroticism, just some gal getting screwed silly. They put out 1,500 of any title and for the past few years have been breaking even at best. I had a long talk with a couple of producers on returning to 1980's format and shoot a movie with just one girl in different situations with a interconnected (although weak) plot. Although one producer felt that would cut down on costs and absolutely affirm first amendment protection, actresses and crews have short attention spans and serious continuity would be lost. Thing is, today, because it is mainstream, porn is having trouble pleasing everyone, all the time. Some people who are regular customers want edgier stuff. Thing is, prosecutors are out to prosecute those who do edgier stuff. One longtime producer was just sentenced to ten years because he did highly degrading stuff (consensual) to actresses-including, making them consume body waste material (feces). Porn is having an identity crisis and the industry is such that just about anyone can get into the act with not much capital (see the movie Zach and Miri Make A Porno-it's actually borderline factual). It would be healthy for the industry for some of the porn companies to fade away as the gonzo stuff is letting girls in the industry with little to no work ethic, who are difficult to work with when a producer actually wants to do something semi serious. Actually, the only thing productive going on in the sex industry is that these gals (and some of them are lookers) are using the title "Porn Star" to pad their "resume", and asking more when they do escort, usually after they shoot a few scenes and can't find any other work. A run of the mill escort asks 300 an hour, but a porn star wants 1k or more. I vote no on their bail out, but that's because I'd like to see better porn than what is being produced nowadays.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    peep shows
    Oink Oink Sooooeeee!!!