You know the kind-some have those braid things in their hair. One sat with me and I asked if another stripper was at the club. She said "Who? I nevah heard of dat bitch." I avoid these at all costs-I don't even care if they give extras. Any one know a ghetto girl that they actually like and will spend money on? I wish they would go back to the ghetto-PLEASE! On the annoying scale, they rank up with cars who have stereos that you can hear 5 miles away.
Reminds me of a politician in the late 60's that said, and I paraphrase, You can't raise the black man to the level of the white man, but you can lower the white man to the level of the black man.
I can say that at the time I did not agree with him, but history has proved him correct to this point in time.
I had a brief physical only thing with one of those. She wasn't a stripper. She was trailer trash actually. She was endlessly interesting because of her contradictions. She would call black people names I would never use, ignoring that her two children were half black because of her first marriage. I dumped her after she got overly curious of my bank account.
I find ghetto mentality in all races. At work, we have pre shift safety meetings. The ghetto folk think work is time to goof off and hang out on the phones, but I can monitor most of them and let them know that work time is for work and they know I'll shove them out the door if they don't keep up.
By saying "black-cent" do you mean slang mostly used by black people or are you talking about all slang in general? I agree with you in the fact I like when someone speaks proper English, but every race uses slang. I get irritated when I talk to someone who doesn't have a open mind or comes off like an idiot. I don't want a woman who speaks proper English if she can only talk about 3 topics. Your letting your personal feelings towards one group come out in your rant as opposed to addressing the entire issue. You two strike me of some really old guys who are out of touch. Even though some states are behind, the rest of the country has moved past the 60's. I truly feel sad for both of you. The younger generation is a little more open minded. In case your wondering, yes the music you can hear 5 miles away is irritating to me to.
"they rank up with cars who have stereos that you can hear 5 miles away."
One of my former boss' sons had a good retort to this whenever he heard it...change the channel to NPR (or some other news station) and turn the volume all the way up..."I'm just educating the public man..."
"but history has proved him correct to this point in time."
Riiiiight...that's why we have a half-black President now...sheesh...
However it can be hot...for example, in the movie Dirty Love with Jenny McCarthy as the main character, Carmen Electra plays a girl with a ghetto accent and it is hot. Well... she is always hot. Anyways... <3 A a PROUD black man, to say I disagree with your first post would be the understatement of the millenium. There's simply no possible way I could disagree with you MORE than I do right now.
I would like some facts to back up Clubber's statements. What exactly brings someone up or down to a certain level will be a part of this. Go ahead Clubber explain. Be sure to break it down so a low level person like myself will be able to comprehend it.
Clubber there are 3 posts above mine. I think it would be pretty obvious I'm not referencing Dudester. Your a smart guy, I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
I'm not apologizing for clubber, he should apologize. I think what he was very poorly trying to say is that there are a number of people who limit themselves. In the workplace one gets ahead by looking and acting responsibly, not to mention working hard.
The people I have the most trouble with at work is people with a ghetto mentality. I'm able to monitor the productivity of the people I supervise and the ghetto folk will get an ugly look on their face when I point out that their co-workers aren't just working rings around them, but carrying their weight as well. These folks think it's alright to just sit, yak on the phone, and "be cool". I actually had one complain to my boss that he should set his own standards, and not me. He thought because both of them were african american that she would sympathize with him. He was taken aback when she told him he was wrong.
A couple of years ago, I had a young white guy in the workplace who spoke "ghetto". First, we had problems when he violated our grooming policy by trying to grow a goatee. He actually tried that "my skin is allergic to shaving" excuse, but when he couldn't produce a medical excuse the write ups and suspensions began to mount. Then, he started shaving, but he grew a Hitler moustache in order to try and offend my Jewish background. What finally did him in was when we caught him bootlegging DVD's on the job (actually making them).
My company is very image concious. My boss does have a bias. She does want people with darker skin to succeed, but she'll be the first one to jump on someone for answering a company phone with speaker phone mode and saying "Yo" instead of answering the phone professionally. She'll also get on me for not hammering people testing the boundaries of dress code or who will revert to ghetto mode the second they step off the desk (we require them to be professional the entire time they're on campus).
Those who exude the kind of attitude to which the OP referred (independent of ethnic or racial considerations) do tend to irritate me. I call it "hoochie" attitude, and have found it typically involves excessive head-bobbing (but not THAT kind of head-bobbing) as well -- also irritating! It is similar to the punks who want to pretend to be hardcore gangsters, as if that is their aspiration for achievement. I avoid people who demonstrate overly-negative attitudes, in general.
Clubber, I have to agree with MisterGuy on this one. You must think that if, "the white man can be lowered to the level of the black man." then that must make the white man 2/3rds of a man.
Were you a SLAVE OWNER or a member of the KKK in a previous life?
All I can reply to your rather stupid reply is, OPEN YOUR EYES!!! As a proud black man, you should be up in arms with what the democrats have done to black people. But then again, ONE YOUR EYES!
I guess many of you can not read. I only repeated what someone else said, and mentioned I did NOT agree with him.
Of course if you are less then 60 maybe 55 or 50 years old, you likely do not remember being a kid back in the 60's, so can not compare them to those today.
And few kids, become much more as an adult then what they were in their formative years. You can deny it all you wish, but I see it every day. As I told reignfire, OPEN YOUR EYES!
"As a proud black man, you should be up in arms with what the democrats have done to black people."
"I only repeated what someone else said, and mentioned I did NOT agree with him."
Liar...does the phrase: "I can say that at the time I did not agree with him, but history has proved him correct to this point in time" ring any bells??
Have fun backpeddling on that one idiot...
"And few kids, become much more as an adult then what they were in their formative years."
What is this sentence even *supposed* to mean clubber?? Do YOU even know??
Clubber, Biggotry is the same whether it's Dougster/Bobbyl calling people fags and doing his silly gay bashing or you putting down people of color. Most African Americans I know are hard-working, law abiding, upstanding, tax-paying citezens. And only a small percentage of them are crackheads and baggy-clothed gang-bangers. If you'd have an intellegent conversation with the average african american you might see that they don't fit the stereotype.
But, don't try to convince us that you're NOT a racist. Instead, use that negative energy for more important things like klan meetings and cross burnings.
I would agree that most blacks I know are as you described, but I do not know any of the incredible number incarcerated for being "baggy-clothed gang-bangers" and other types of criminals! Check the FACTS, the percentage of blacks in prison verses their total population is dramatically higher then others.
Clubber, It is true that a higher percentage of the entire black population is in prison than that same percentage of whites. It is also true that the percentage of blacks that have been charged with a crime, who can afford an adequate legal defense is much lower than their white counter parts who have been charged with a crime. So, in other words, a white person is more likely to hire a competent defense attorney where as a black person is more likely to get stuck with an incompetent public defender. Add racial profiling to the mix not just law enforcement but biased juries as well and WOOLA...well, it's whole other can of worms.
I have a friend who is black. He called about a pizza delivery job. The manager was interested in hiring him and asked him to come in for an interview. My friend showed up in a suit for the interview. When the manager saw him, he said, "What do you want?" My friend replied, "I'm here for an interview sir. I'm supposed to meet with the manager." The manager said, "The manager's not here right now. I'll have him call you." My friend left and never got a phone call. Believe it or not, these scenerios play themselves out all the time. And even though we have anti-descrimination laws on the books, it still DOES happen. Blacks less likely to find employment than whites means NO MONEY and that means doing what they have to do to survive. Then NO MONEY leads to the inadequate and incompetant public defender so they are more likely to get convicted than aquitted than whites.
If we had a level playing field to begin with, no racial bias and no social injustice then those percentages of incarcerated blacks would be no higher than whites.
Clubber... It sounds like you're the one who needs to open your eyes.
By the way, I'm white and I am NOT happy with my republican party or our last president. I voted for the democrat this time.
43 white presidents 1 half black and half white
So, less than a quarter of one percent of our presidents have been black. But the percentage of black population is higher than that. Hmmm... That's not right.
"incredible number incarcerated for being "baggy-clothed gang-bangers" and other types of criminals! Check the FACTS,"
Clubber, you don't think it is very possible that a young black man is treated very different than a young white man?
If I'd been a young black man and engaged in the same "normal" behavior, then I'd probably be dead or locked up tight in a government prison. Having said that, I definitely don't believe in the equality BS.
"the percentage of blacks in prison verses their total population is dramatically higher then others."
Wow, what a blatant display of racism...and defending racism (which accounts for at least some of the higher number of black Americans that have been unfortunately imprisoned in this country) with more racism!
It really doesn't surprise me though coming from a Southern, GOPer like clubber. Even the recent race for the head of the RNC came down to a black guy and another young, white guy that had apparently, recently been a member of an all-white country club. The GOP is pretty much tone-deaf when it comes to racial or sexist issues IMO.
"'the percentage of blacks in prison verses their total population is dramatically higher then others.'
Wow, what a blatant display of racism"
If you believe in the government and the society as a whole, then it doesn't seem racist even a little bit. The number of blacks being locked up is extreme, imo. And, I've repeatedly heard whites assert something along the lines of my family was poor, but we weren't criminals; blame the criminals i.e. blacks and let decent folks i.e. whites live in peace.
I want to add something to my last post in response to Clubbers' blatant display of racism. I failed to mention that blacks don't have as good of an oportunity to education as whites either, making the playing field even more imbalanced.
And I want to clarify something I said regarding public defenders. I refered to them as incompetant and inadequate. What I should have said was that public defenders (who have to pass the same bar exam as any other attorney) are spread so thin with so many cases that they can't adequately give any one individual a very good defense. Imagine what the outcome would been if the defendant in the trial of the century wasn't a former pro football player and had a public defender instead of the 'dream team'.
This one super sweet attorney (Roget?) over in Broward related his experience helping the poor. He said as a public defender the judges typically ignored him. Once he went into private practice charging $250 an hour the same judges were happy to listen to him all day long. He said it makes no sense, but that was his experience. This attorney made me feel guilty about being so cold and uncaring.
Oh even worse is when he would take cases pro bono many of the judges gave him much less consideration. For whatever reason some of the judges didn't like his donating his time. His interest in money was very. I also met an ACLU attorney who was his friend and she impressed the hell out me. She basically was helping society's "dirt" practically for free. She felt bad that she could do more to help. She was also a total knock out as far as looks.
I think the only way Clubber could actually appreciate it, is if he got a strong dose of that medicine. I truly think that for most people the only way they can understand is to suffer in the same manner----that also applies to yours truly----it is very difficult for me to put myself in another person's shoes.
Oh sorry fellows, I forgot that it is my fault that black people are in jail, or anything else mentioned. I am, of course, a part of the most hated group in the world, and therefore at fault for every single problem in the world, a WASP!
Of course there is the problem of successful black men immediately being labeled as "Toms" by other blacks, rather then being held up as an example! A couple of fine examples, Clarance Thomas and J.C. Watts. I am sure there are many many more.
I have never heard anyone refer to President Obama as a "tom" and he seems to be very successful. Besides, what does that have to do with the reasons for the higher percentage of african americans in prison???
And no one ever said, nor implied that it was your fault that black people are in jail. But, you offer no explanations as to WHY they are in jail.
This will *never* has been pointed out before...his "mind" is firmly closed shut at this point.
"I forgot that it is my fault that black people are in jail, or anything else mentioned."
As per usual clubber, you NEVER try and take responsibility for *anything* that you say on this board, and is racists like yourself that have perpetuated the unfair treatment of people of color in our own legal system. Thankfully...many of you will be dying off real soon as you get old, and we'll be that much better off without you...
"Of course there is the problem of successful black men immediately being labeled as 'Toms' by other blacks, rather then being held up as an example! A couple of fine examples, Clarance Thomas and J.C. Watts."
Those "conservative" black Americans are NOT called "Uncle Toms" by some just because they have become ""successful"...they are called that because they are perceived by others as behaving in a subservient manner to white American authority figures, or as seeking ingratiation with them by way of unnecessary accommodation.
"the operative word is 'Perceived' rather than fact!"
It's easy to see who's really on your side when you watch one's actions & words. Yours make you what you are clubber...a racist...nothing more, nothing less...
Actually . . . here in Miami-Dade County a man who was just a little darker than President Obama was classified as white (the man considers himself to be white, but his immediate friends and family are black). The white drop in reverse rule. Different cultures actually do have different rules.
Anyway, as sad or as amusing as it may seem the whites that I know are generally claiming President Obama isn't really black (before becoming President, however, he was black). These same whites would also claim there is no discrimination (and actually believe it).
Many many years ago I knew this extremely hardcore racist (she was proud to be a racist)----and her rule was that if a black was good in professional sports (she was crazy about sports) or successful through hard work/education, then they were no longer black. They'd proven themselves to be human.
Clubber can't raise himself up to my level but, I could lower myself down to his level....IF I WANTED TO. However, I don't engage in name calling or racism.
Anyone else who has read all that I've written here in this thread who thinks I'm an idiot, please speak up. I'd be more than open-minded to your criticisms.
Of course, if you DON'T think I'm an idiot, I'd like to hear from you too.
OK, MG, you idiot, YOU tell me why, that if a person is, as yank says, "half black and half white", he is considered black. THAT was my point, which flew right over that small empty head of yours!
Had to point that out, even though a waste of time talking to an idiot.
The only answer that I can pull out of my empty head is.... that's where all the attention has been. The media and people in general have making a big deal out the black half because we have never had a black president before. Why would they make a big deal about the white half when all the previous 43 presidents were white??? You've been watching the news, right? And you didn't pick up on this? WOW...
Do you notice that I haven't called you any names?
And I am happy NOT being equated to you. I guess if you want anyone to back you up on this, you'll have to create new accounts like davids/clifbar/dougster/bobbyl...
"YOU tell me why, that if a person is, as yank says, 'half black and half white', he is considered black."
Try looking him in the face you racist...he obviously looks black! Obama had a black father from Africa for Christsake!
You're wasting your time with clubber yank...he's doesn't have a leg to stand on here on this topic, and I suspect even a pea-brain like himself realizes it at this point. As I've said before, clubber NEVER takes responsibility for what he says here on this website, and he never will. I suspect that we're only a few posts away from him "giving up"...just like he always does...
So then the media makes him black, just as they made him president. Anyone with an iota of intelligence would never have voted for him, even if with McCain/Palin as the alternative. Way, I need to clarify that, anyone that has an iota of intelligence and does not wish to see this great country ruined. History DOES repeat!
The media didn't make him president. WE did. The media does not sway the voters as much as you believe because there are plenty of conservative talk show hosts and the also, conservative Fox news that balances it all out.
By the way, I don't subscribe to the KKK channel but I'm sure it's very entertaining. Perhaps you could keep us updated with all the latest strategies to keep the black population from succeeding in our country. I'm sure they've come up with new ways to spin and twist the truth to try to manipulate all the week minds into becoming a clubber clone.
I would agree about the media if most people would inform themselves. Unfortunately, they do not. Most have one source of "news" and believe it blindly. Informed people do not just look at one source. Again, anyone that is informed and does not wish to see this great country ruined, would never have voted for Obama.
In recent years, the black population, as well as other minorities, have been given incredible opportunities to succeed, often at the expense of the majority, and certainly the taxpayers.
In this country, only equal opportunities are guaranteed, NOT equal results!
"So then the media makes him black, just as they made him president."
Yea, because the media can change the color of a person's skin AND their heritage...please...
"Most have one source of 'news' and believe it blindly"
...just like you do...the only "news" sources that you've ever quoted (if they weren't just Right-wing opinion pieces masquerading as fact) are "conservative" ones. kettle...
"In this country, only equal opportunities are guaranteed, NOT equal results!"
Clubber, Most people I know do look at more than one source of news including myself. However, I don't, and never will, vote along party lines. I have voted both democrat and republican because I believe that fiscal responsibilties and and cival liberties can, and should, co-exist. As long as we have biggots like yourself who hide behind the arguement that 'government should get out of the way and let the free market take over and everything will be just fine' then we still need laws and programs put in place to ensure the fair treatment of everyone, not just whites.
You said in your post, "In recent years the black population, as well as other minorities, have been given incredible opportunities to succeed, often at the expense of the majority, and certainly the taxpayers." I have to say that if...and I say IF this statement is true then this the way it should be. Oh, would be wonderful if we didn't have affirmative action and quotas and the like, as long as everyone was treated fairly irregardless of skin color. And in a perfect world THIS DOES EXIST. But, we don't live in a perfect world so, we still need these things that you seem to loathe so much.
Look mg, on another thread you stated that I said. "You can't raise the black man to the level of the white man, but you can lower the white man to the level of the black man." when the post CLEARLY stated, "Reminds me of a politician in the late 60's that said, and I paraphrase, You can't raise the black man to the level of the white man, but you can lower the white man to the level of the black man."
Therefore, you have NO credibility and I will NOT waste my time! Now, as I stated in the aforementioned thread, and you did it here, dredge out you "runway" BS, AGAIN!
"Therefore, you have NO credibility and I will NOT waste my time!"
LOL...what a fucking pathetic, racist LIAR you really are clubber...does THIS phrase look familiar (where you were agreeing with the likes of the cofirmed RACIST George Wallace): "I can say that at the time I did not agree with him, but history has proved him correct to this point in time."
You are in denial you old fool...but keep it's fun completing owning the likes of you over & over & over
OK, one more time, and ONLY once more, I'll waste a few seconds on you.
You quote me, "I can say that at the time I did not agree with him, but history has proved him correct to this point in time.", and then say I agree with him! What I said, could you READ is that "...history has proved him correct...".
All one need do is compare kids of today to those from his time. Only an idiot would not see HE was correct. I guess that explains why you think what you think!
Sure, sure'll be back for more punishment & humiliation just like
"You quote me, 'I can say that at the time I did not agree with him, but history has proved him correct to this point in time.', and then say I agree with him! What I said, could you READ is that '...history has proved him correct...'."
You're really are such a moron *can't say* that someone was proven "right" when it comes to YOUR OWN historical interpretation and then, in the very next breath, try & claim that you don't agree with the guy in the first place! What you are merely doing here is pathetically trying to play word games, and it's not working stupid! YOU agree with the likes of George Wallace, which makes you a RACIST, plain & simple.
"Only an idiot would not see HE was correct."
No, you sad, old, RACIST, lying fool...only someone that is NOT a racist in the first place would disagree with the likes of you & yer buddy George go crawl back under the rock that you came out from in the first place...
I have a favorite white dancer that has an affinity for black men. Word is that she married a guy that she thought was black only to find out that he was actually Hispanic. You would have thought that she would have found that out before marrying him. Oh well. She didn't get hired for her brains!
Thanks for letting us know that you've, once again, quickly run out of moronic things to say in your own "defense" clubber (what a surprise) along now back to your rock...
last commentI can say that at the time I did not agree with him, but history has proved him correct to this point in time.
I find ghetto mentality in all races. At work, we have pre shift safety meetings. The ghetto folk think work is time to goof off and hang out on the phones, but I can monitor most of them and let them know that work time is for work and they know I'll shove them out the door if they don't keep up.
One of my former boss' sons had a good retort to this whenever he heard it...change the channel to NPR (or some other news station) and turn the volume all the way up..."I'm just educating the public man..."
"but history has proved him correct to this point in time."
Riiiiight...that's why we have a half-black President now...sheesh...
You mention in your post, "You two strike me of some really old guys who are out of touch." Might you care to reference who your "you two" might be?
The people I have the most trouble with at work is people with a ghetto mentality. I'm able to monitor the productivity of the people I supervise and the ghetto folk will get an ugly look on their face when I point out that their co-workers aren't just working rings around them, but carrying their weight as well. These folks think it's alright to just sit, yak on the phone, and "be cool". I actually had one complain to my boss that he should set his own standards, and not me. He thought because both of them were african american that she would sympathize with him. He was taken aback when she told him he was wrong.
A couple of years ago, I had a young white guy in the workplace who spoke "ghetto". First, we had problems when he violated our grooming policy by trying to grow a goatee. He actually tried that "my skin is allergic to shaving" excuse, but when he couldn't produce a medical excuse the write ups and suspensions began to mount. Then, he started shaving, but he grew a Hitler moustache in order to try and offend my Jewish background. What finally did him in was when we caught him bootlegging DVD's on the job (actually making them).
My company is very image concious. My boss does have a bias. She does want people with darker skin to succeed, but she'll be the first one to jump on someone for answering a company phone with speaker phone mode and saying "Yo" instead of answering the phone professionally. She'll also get on me for not hammering people testing the boundaries of dress code or who will revert to ghetto mode the second they step off the desk (we require them to be professional the entire time they're on campus).
He doesn't have per usual... What a pathetic, racist display...ugh...
"Your a smart guy, I'm sure you can figure out the rest."
No, he's not "smart" at let me make this clear. are close-minded, really old, out of touch, and an idiot.
I have to agree with MisterGuy on this one. You must think that if, "the white man can be lowered to the level of the black man." then that must make the white man 2/3rds of a man.
Were you a SLAVE OWNER or a member of the KKK in a previous life?
All I can reply to your rather stupid reply is, OPEN YOUR EYES!!! As a proud black man, you should be up in arms with what the democrats have done to black people. But then again, ONE YOUR EYES!
Of course if you are less then 60 maybe 55 or 50 years old, you likely do not remember being a kid back in the 60's, so can not compare them to those today.
And few kids, become much more as an adult then what they were in their formative years. You can deny it all you wish, but I see it every day. As I told reignfire, OPEN YOUR EYES!
It sounds like you agree with him now.
"I only repeated what someone else said, and mentioned I did NOT agree with him."
Liar...does the phrase:
"I can say that at the time I did not agree with him, but history has proved him correct to this point in time"
ring any bells??
Have fun backpeddling on that one idiot...
"And few kids, become much more as an adult then what they were in their formative years."
What is this sentence even *supposed* to mean clubber?? Do YOU even know??
Biggotry is the same whether it's Dougster/Bobbyl calling people fags and doing his silly gay bashing or you putting down people of color. Most African Americans I know are hard-working, law abiding, upstanding, tax-paying citezens. And only a small percentage of them are crackheads and baggy-clothed gang-bangers. If you'd have an intellegent conversation with the average african american you might see that they don't fit the stereotype.
But, don't try to convince us that you're NOT a racist. Instead, use that negative energy for more important things like klan meetings and cross burnings.
I would agree that most blacks I know are as you described, but I do not know any of the incredible number incarcerated for being "baggy-clothed gang-bangers" and other types of criminals! Check the FACTS, the percentage of blacks in prison verses their total population is dramatically higher then others.
It is true that a higher percentage of the entire black population is in prison than that same percentage of whites. It is also true that the percentage of blacks that have been charged with a crime, who can afford an adequate legal defense is much lower than their white counter parts who have been charged with a crime. So, in other words, a white person is more likely to hire a competent defense attorney where as a black person is more likely to get stuck with an incompetent public defender. Add racial profiling to the mix not just law enforcement but biased juries as well and WOOLA...well, it's whole other can of worms.
I have a friend who is black. He called about a pizza delivery job. The manager was interested in hiring him and asked him to come in for an interview. My friend showed up in a suit for the interview. When the manager saw him, he said, "What do you want?"
My friend replied, "I'm here for an interview sir. I'm supposed to meet with the manager."
The manager said, "The manager's not here right now. I'll have him call you."
My friend left and never got a phone call.
Believe it or not, these scenerios play themselves out all the time. And even though we have anti-descrimination laws on the books, it still DOES happen. Blacks less likely to find employment than whites means NO MONEY and that means doing what they have to do to survive. Then NO MONEY leads to the inadequate and incompetant public defender so they are more likely to get convicted than aquitted than whites.
If we had a level playing field to begin with, no racial bias and no social injustice then those percentages of incarcerated blacks would be no higher than whites.
Clubber... It sounds like you're the one who needs to open your eyes.
By the way, I'm white and I am NOT happy with my republican party or our last president. I voted for the democrat this time.
43 white presidents
1 half black and half white
So, less than a quarter of one percent of our presidents have been black. But the percentage of black population is higher than that. Hmmm... That's not right.
Clubber, you don't think it is very possible that a young black man is treated very different than a young white man?
If I'd been a young black man and engaged in the same "normal" behavior, then I'd probably be dead or locked up tight in a government prison. Having said that, I definitely don't believe in the equality BS.
Wow, what a blatant display of racism...and defending racism (which accounts for at least some of the higher number of black Americans that have been unfortunately imprisoned in this country) with more racism!
It really doesn't surprise me though coming from a Southern, GOPer like clubber. Even the recent race for the head of the RNC came down to a black guy and another young, white guy that had apparently, recently been a member of an all-white country club. The GOP is pretty much tone-deaf when it comes to racial or sexist issues IMO.
Wow, what a blatant display of racism"
If you believe in the government and the society as a whole, then it doesn't seem racist even a little bit. The number of blacks being locked up is extreme, imo. And, I've repeatedly heard whites assert something along the lines of my family was poor, but we weren't criminals; blame the criminals i.e. blacks and let decent folks i.e. whites live in peace.
And I want to clarify something I said regarding public defenders. I refered to them as incompetant and inadequate. What I should have said was that public defenders (who have to pass the same bar exam as any other attorney) are spread so thin with so many cases that they can't adequately give any one individual a very good defense. Imagine what the outcome would been if the defendant in the trial of the century wasn't a former pro football player and had a public defender instead of the 'dream team'.
Clubber... you must OPEN YOUR EYES!
Oh even worse is when he would take cases pro bono many of the judges gave him much less consideration. For whatever reason some of the judges didn't like his donating his time. His interest in money was very. I also met an ACLU attorney who was his friend and she impressed the hell out me. She basically was helping society's "dirt" practically for free. She felt bad that she could do more to help. She was also a total knock out as far as looks.
I think the only way Clubber could actually appreciate it, is if he got a strong dose of that medicine. I truly think that for most people the only way they can understand is to suffer in the same manner----that also applies to yours truly----it is very difficult for me to put myself in another person's shoes.
Of course there is the problem of successful black men immediately being labeled as "Toms" by other blacks, rather then being held up as an example! A couple of fine examples, Clarance Thomas and J.C. Watts. I am sure there are many many more.
And no one ever said, nor implied that it was your fault that black people are in jail. But, you offer no explanations as to WHY they are in jail.
This will *never* has been pointed out before...his "mind" is firmly closed shut at this point.
"I forgot that it is my fault that black people are in jail, or anything else mentioned."
As per usual clubber, you NEVER try and take responsibility for *anything* that you say on this board, and is racists like yourself that have perpetuated the unfair treatment of people of color in our own legal system. Thankfully...many of you will be dying off real soon as you get old, and we'll be that much better off without you...
"Of course there is the problem of successful black men immediately being labeled as 'Toms' by other blacks, rather then being held up as an example! A couple of fine examples, Clarance Thomas and J.C. Watts."
Those "conservative" black Americans are NOT called "Uncle Toms" by some just because they have become ""successful"...they are called that because they are perceived by others as behaving in a subservient manner to white American authority figures, or as seeking ingratiation with them by way of unnecessary accommodation.
Obama is white.
Agreed, and the operative word is "Perceived" rather than fact! Well, no more use talking to an idiot.
...and you really are a fool clubber...
"the operative word is 'Perceived' rather than fact!"
It's easy to see who's really on your side when you watch one's actions & words. Yours make you what you are clubber...a racist...nothing more, nothing less...
Anyway, as sad or as amusing as it may seem the whites that I know are generally claiming President Obama isn't really black (before becoming President, however, he was black). These same whites would also claim there is no discrimination (and actually believe it).
Many many years ago I knew this extremely hardcore racist (she was proud to be a racist)----and her rule was that if a black was good in professional sports (she was crazy about sports) or successful through hard work/education, then they were no longer black. They'd proven themselves to be human.
Anyone else who has read all that I've written here in this thread who thinks I'm an idiot, please speak up. I'd be more than open-minded to your criticisms.
Of course, if you DON'T think I'm an idiot, I'd like to hear from you too.
Had to point that out, even though a waste of time talking to an idiot.
Thank you so much for not equating myself to you!
Do you notice that I haven't called you any names?
And I am happy NOT being equated to you. I guess if you want anyone to back you up on this, you'll have to create new accounts like davids/clifbar/dougster/bobbyl...
Try looking him in the face you racist...he obviously looks black! Obama had a black father from Africa for Christsake!
You're wasting your time with clubber yank...he's doesn't have a leg to stand on here on this topic, and I suspect even a pea-brain like himself realizes it at this point. As I've said before, clubber NEVER takes responsibility for what he says here on this website, and he never will. I suspect that we're only a few posts away from him "giving up"...just like he always does...
So then the media makes him black, just as they made him president. Anyone with an iota of intelligence would never have voted for him, even if with McCain/Palin as the alternative. Way, I need to clarify that, anyone that has an iota of intelligence and does not wish to see this great country ruined. History DOES repeat!
By the way, I don't subscribe to the KKK channel but I'm sure it's very entertaining. Perhaps you could keep us updated with all the latest strategies to keep the black population from succeeding in our country. I'm sure they've come up with new ways to spin and twist the truth to try to manipulate all the week minds into becoming a clubber clone.
I don't think you're an idiot.
In recent years, the black population, as well as other minorities, have been given incredible opportunities to succeed, often at the expense of the majority, and certainly the taxpayers.
In this country, only equal opportunities are guaranteed, NOT equal results!
BTW, nice to hear you don't think MG is an idiot! I knew most would eventually KNOW he is!
Yea, because the media can change the color of a person's skin AND their heritage...please...
"Most have one source of 'news' and believe it blindly"
...just like you do...the only "news" sources that you've ever quoted (if they weren't just Right-wing opinion pieces masquerading as fact) are "conservative" ones. kettle...
"In this country, only equal opportunities are guaranteed, NOT equal results!"
So much for real equality for all then...
Most people I know do look at more than one source of news including myself. However, I don't, and never will, vote along party lines. I have voted both democrat and republican because I believe that fiscal responsibilties and and cival liberties can, and should, co-exist.
As long as we have biggots like yourself who hide behind the arguement that 'government should get out of the way and let the free market take over and everything will be just fine' then we still need laws and programs put in place to ensure the fair treatment of everyone, not just whites.
You said in your post, "In recent years the black population, as well as other minorities, have been given incredible opportunities to succeed, often at the expense of the majority, and certainly the taxpayers." I have to say that if...and I say IF this statement is true then this the way it should be. Oh, would be wonderful if we didn't have affirmative action and quotas and the like, as long as everyone was treated fairly irregardless of skin color. And in a perfect world THIS DOES EXIST. But, we don't live in a perfect world so, we still need these things that you seem to loathe so much.
Therefore, you have NO credibility and I will NOT waste my time! Now, as I stated in the aforementioned thread, and you did it here, dredge out you "runway" BS, AGAIN!
LOL...what a fucking pathetic, racist LIAR you really are clubber...does THIS phrase look familiar (where you were agreeing with the likes of the cofirmed RACIST George Wallace):
"I can say that at the time I did not agree with him, but history has proved him correct to this point in time."
You are in denial you old fool...but keep it's fun completing owning the likes of you over & over & over
You quote me, "I can say that at the time I did not agree with him, but history has proved him correct to this point in time.", and then say I agree with him! What I said, could you READ is that "...history has proved him correct...".
All one need do is compare kids of today to those from his time. Only an idiot would not see HE was correct. I guess that explains why you think what you think!
Sure, sure'll be back for more punishment & humiliation just like
"You quote me, 'I can say that at the time I did not agree with him, but history has proved him correct to this point in time.', and then say I agree with him! What I said, could you READ is that '...history has proved him correct...'."
You're really are such a moron *can't say* that someone was proven "right" when it comes to YOUR OWN historical interpretation and then, in the very next breath, try & claim that you don't agree with the guy in the first place! What you are merely doing here is pathetically trying to play word games, and it's not working stupid! YOU agree with the likes of George Wallace, which makes you a RACIST, plain & simple.
"Only an idiot would not see HE was correct."
No, you sad, old, RACIST, lying fool...only someone that is NOT a racist in the first place would disagree with the likes of you & yer buddy George go crawl back under the rock that you came out from in the first place...
haha hehe
What a joke you are!
hehe haha hoho!