Bones, I simply ment that I have had 2 ATFs and while they were both great while they lasted. I never got laid by either of them. I think that I got close. Maybe too close. I was never looking for ATFs. They just happened. Now, rather that ATFs, I just want a fuck buddy. Some one with no expectations other than having some old fashioned fun by fucking. No strings.
Your ATF's will never sleep with you. They know that they don't have to. You will keep spending money on them and they will keep letting you think that it might happen. It won't. If a stripper is willing to have sex with you she will tell you right away. It has nothing to do with being a buddy however, it's about cash.
I have ATF's but I stopped trying to fuck them years ago. When I want sex I go to a professional.
I agree with Yoda's first sentence but my reasoning is different. I think a major reason us old guys appeal to these young girls is that we don't pester them for sex the way guys their own age would. If you change that she will look at you differently and you will not longer be treated the same. You may get the sex but you won't ever have the same kind of trusting relationship that many of us associate with an ATF. Personally, if it's a girl I really like, I'd rather have a long-term friendship than a short-term sexual relationship, and I don't think you can have both.
I don't know that I will ever have sex with my current ATF. To be honest sex is not as important to me as it was 20 or ever just 5 years ago. The companionship means more to me now than anything...although I stil get a kick out of holding hands when we go out in public and watching the reactions we get...she is A LOT younger than me.
Imnum, I know exactly what you mean. My ATF and I used to hold hands a lot when we were walking but she won't do it anymore now that she has a serious BF, and I miss it. We're so much closer than we used to be in other respects, but we're not as physically intimate in that kind of way as we once were. I guess it's all part of the maturing process in our friendship.
I think it might be difficult to find a dancer as a fuckbuddy. I'm not interested in seeking a fuckbuddy, because of two reasons: A) The fuckbuddy might starting 'falling' for you and expect committments; B) I can tire of a buckbuddy easily, and am off looking for another new fuckbuddy. On the other hand ATFs are fine and handy, as I wouldn't necessarily want to fuck an ATF so that the 'secrecy' of not knowing how good the ATF would be, thus, keeps my 'quench for thirst' for her.
Just ask my Ohio ATF evilcyn. Would I want to fuck her? SURE! But, being teased by her is the utmost ultimate pleasure I can attain!
I know this is an old thread but I wanted to thank the posters here. I recently had an ATF relationship for a year and a half. It started sexual but quickly turned to platonic friendship. It built into deep trust between us. I cared for her. I also spoiled her and did my best to save her from some of her risky behaviors (but ultimately failed.) At times, I thought I was a fool or loser for not having sex with her . . . but I am encouraged to hear that this is common. The friendship was enough for me. It was based on chemistry and just enjoying being around her, spending time with her. That said, it did damage my pocketbook and left me sexually deprived for a while. Since then, I've been back playing the field on and off at the clubs. It's good to get back on the ball field.
last commentNot sure what you're looking for Candyman. I'm your 'buddy' but we never fuck! LOL
Bones, I simply ment that I have had 2 ATFs and while they were both great while they lasted. I never got laid by either of them. I think that I got close. Maybe too close. I was never looking for ATFs. They just happened. Now, rather that ATFs, I just want a fuck buddy. Some one with no expectations other than having some old fashioned fun by fucking. No strings.
Your ATF's will never sleep with you. They know that they don't have to. You will keep spending money on them and they will keep letting you think that it might happen. It won't. If a stripper is willing to have sex with you she will tell you right away. It has nothing to do with being a buddy however, it's about cash.
I have ATF's but I stopped trying to fuck them years ago. When I want sex I go to a professional.
I agree with Yoda's first sentence but my reasoning is different. I think a major reason us old guys appeal to these young girls is that we don't pester them for sex the way guys their own age would. If you change that she will look at you differently and you will not longer be treated the same. You may get the sex but you won't ever have the same kind of trusting relationship that many of us associate with an ATF. Personally, if it's a girl I really like, I'd rather have a long-term friendship than a short-term sexual relationship, and I don't think you can have both.
I don't know that I will ever have sex with my current ATF. To be honest sex is not as important to me as it was 20 or ever just 5 years ago. The companionship means more to me now than anything...although I stil get a kick out of holding hands when we go out in public and watching the reactions we get...she is A LOT younger than me.
Imnum, I know exactly what you mean. My ATF and I used to hold hands a lot when we were walking but she won't do it anymore now that she has a serious BF, and I miss it. We're so much closer than we used to be in other respects, but we're not as physically intimate in that kind of way as we once were. I guess it's all part of the maturing process in our friendship.
I think it might be difficult to find a dancer as a fuckbuddy. I'm not interested in seeking a fuckbuddy, because of two reasons: A) The fuckbuddy might starting 'falling' for you and expect committments; B) I can tire of a buckbuddy easily, and am off looking for another new fuckbuddy. On the other hand ATFs are fine and handy, as I wouldn't necessarily want to fuck an ATF so that the 'secrecy' of not knowing how good the ATF would be, thus, keeps my 'quench for thirst' for her.
Just ask my Ohio ATF evilcyn. Would I want to fuck her? SURE! But, being teased by her is the utmost ultimate pleasure I can attain!
I know this is an old thread but I wanted to thank the posters here. I recently had an ATF relationship for a year and a half. It started sexual but quickly turned to platonic friendship. It built into deep trust between us. I cared for her. I also spoiled her and did my best to save her from some of her risky behaviors (but ultimately failed.) At times, I thought I was a fool or loser for not having sex with her . . . but I am encouraged to hear that this is common. The friendship was enough for me. It was based on chemistry and just enjoying being around her, spending time with her. That said, it did damage my pocketbook and left me sexually deprived for a while. Since then, I've been back playing the field on and off at the clubs. It's good to get back on the ball field.