
Which do you prefer?

avatar for FONDL

Obviously most girls lie between the extremes, but do you prefer a stripper who is mainly a girly-girl or a Tomboy? Ten years ago I would have said the former. Then I met my ATF. A couple weeks ago when we were together I called her a Tomboy and she readily agreed (thank God, I was afraid she'd hit me, which is maybe what Tomeboys do as opposed to crying when they're mad.) What's the difference? Which would she rather get for her birthday, a new perfume or a new softball glove? Or how about this - does she have brothers or sisters - my ATF has 4 brothers, no sisters. Seems to me that says it all.


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avatar for jablake
17 yrs ago

A girly-girl. But, the little lesbian girls that dress up like they're guys are totally adorable. It is sort of surprising in that they trying some guy behaviours and yet they're really very female. They're just too soft no matter how tough they try and act. And, watching them interact with their girlfriends is also a treat because generally they a lot less clumsy and a lot more calm than a young guy would be and of course they're a hell of a lot more attractive. :) I like slow and these girls on their own seem to take it as a snails pace. :)

I think most guys probably wouldn't care for that . . .

avatar for chandler
17 yrs ago

I think most strippers have at least a streak of tomboy in them. Same for most women I've ever been involved with. I like a girl who can mix it up with the boys - take it and dish it out - but not necessarily the type who play a lot of sports and do all kinds of guy things. I like her to have her mysterious, maddening girly girl side, too. Vive la difference, and all that stuff.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

I have been scratching my head trying to think of a dancer that came off as a tomboy. None come to mind. At the office, I have to agree with chandler but I have to be careful. "sexual harassment".

avatar for Yoda
17 yrs ago

What I like are beautiful intelligent women with a sense of humor who are not high-maintenance and don't take themselves too seriously. My preference is for women who are a bit older and defy further categorization. In other words, I like surprises!

avatar for ShotDisc
17 yrs ago

Using the terms given, I prefere a girl who leans toward tomboy. I am not a big fan of the girly-girl frills and stuff. I guess to mean, tomboy means more natural, less maintenance, more girl next door. Not afraid to work up a sweat.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 yrs ago

Athletic slightly tom-boy, slightly girl-next-door, but very feminine. Anything "male" or "powerful" is a turn-off (the cop outfit, the dominatrix) and anything that makes her look more than "petite" (large, fat, the whole bustier-with-a-thousand-laces-and-buttons thing) is also a turn-off. She needs to be little and vivacious and sporty.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

When I met my ATF I was a regular with another girl at the same club - a very feminine girly-girl. My ATF was the exact opposite. When the wheels fell off with the girly-girl I immediately grabbed (both figuratively and literally) my ATF, who I'd gotten to know a bit by then. And as they say, the rest is history. Sure there are lots of other variables but in general I much prefer the Tomboy. Waaaaay less maintenance for one. Do you need a second reason?

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 yrs ago

Hmmmmm..... let me think....... they both have pussies, right? Actually, I have no preference, Tomboy or Girlygirl. I just can't get that sweet sexy naughty little PP spinner out of my mind yet!!!!!!!

avatar for lopaw
17 yrs ago

I used to prefer strictly girly-girl types (at least someone more girly-girl than myself), but I have been pleasently surprised by a few tomboy types over the years. Now I'm game for anything.

avatar for DandyDan
17 yrs ago

Most of my favorites have been tomboyish, but I have favorites who are indisputably girly girl types. I just go for girls I like.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

I was just thinking of a way to have fun with this - let's try contrasting the two (girly-girl first, then tomboy) according to how they behave in different situations (it doesn't have to be true, just funny.) I'll go first -

When they get hurt, GG cries, TM hits you.

When they get mad, GG gives you the silent treatment, TB throws something at you.

When you make love, GG is gentle, TB attacks you.

When you go out somewhere nice, GG wears a pretty dress, TB wears jeans. When you watch football, GG is somewhere else, TB is yelling and screaming at the TV.

When you go out for drinks, GG has something pink, TB has a beer.

avatar for Clubber
17 yrs ago

When you ask where they wish to go, GG says shopping, TB says the gun range.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

If you suggest a movie, GG will want to go to the latest chick-flick, TB will prefer an action-packed thriller.

avatar for Clubber
17 yrs ago

While dancing, GG picks AWFUL music, TB picks metal!

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

The first time I took my ATF for lunch, she came dressed to kill. If it would have been dark, she would have been prime meat for rape in the parking lot.(not by me). She explained that, that is the way she was brought up. She always dressed classy and that is the way I like my dancers to be. But I do not limit myself.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

My ATF almost always wears jeans (or shorts) regardless of where she's going.

For Christmas GG wants perfume, flowers, jewelry. TB wants new jeans and a new pair of running shoes.

GG wears frilly underwear, TB doesn't bother.

GG sleeps in a frilly nightgown, TB sleeps in an old T-shirt (or less.)

When the late-night beach party turns to skinny dipping, TB is the first girl in the water, GG wants to go home.

When the guys start doing shots and beers, TB joins right in, GG wants to go home.

avatar for imnumnutz
17 yrs ago

i think i got lucky...my current ATF looks like a gg, but absolutely loves baseball, particularly cinci reds. i'm a tribe fan myself.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Imnum, I doubt if there is anyone who is totally GG or TB, they all have parts of each.

GG has a dozen pairs of high heels, TB has one and hates when she has to wear them.

GG has a dozen nice dresses, TB has one and hates to wear it.

GG always wears stockings with a dress, TB doesn't own any stockings.

GG goes to the spa to relax, TB goes to the gym.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

GG loves cats or cutesy little lap dogs. TB loves real dogs, big dogs.

avatar for chandler
17 yrs ago

OK, I think I can get the hang of this.

GG is frail with small hands and soft skin. TB has an Adam's apple, a deep voice and a heavy beard.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Good one Chandler. Except that my very limited experience* with "ladies" with heavy beards, deep voices, Adam's apples and large hands (you forgot large hands) is that they're usually GGs.

*vacations in Key West - such "ladies" are a pretty common sight.

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