
Do Things Really "Get Better" In VIP (Or more expensive option)

Any place that interests me.
IMO, a qualified NO. Pretty much, what you get in basic dances is what you get in VIP. In 2 cases, things did get better, once on subsequent visits, another time, that night. But, both times, mileage was at basically good level to begin with.


  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    minnow: I think that depends on where you are. In Atlanta, home of the air dance, it can only get better in VIP. Of course more expensive too. In my favorite club with my favorite dancers, VIP is a waste of money. None of my favorites (ex one) have ever even approached me with a Champagne Room visit gig. They would rather I spend the money on them, rather than to the house and so would I. My favorites will do Champagne Room gigs (1-3 a month) for big bucks but I know the fools did not get anything that I don't get for a whole lot less.
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    Usually it makes no difference. I would say it gets worse just as often as it gets better. (Although one nice woman in Vegas did jerk me off onto her tits back there. That was fun.)
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    In one of the clubs I go to where the VIP/Champagne room happens to be very expensive ($400 for 1 hr min) but very private,(in theory you could do anything there) - I will now and then roll the dice and walk up to a dancer and after maybe a few minutes of conversation and assuming I still like her,(and she can still stand me) ask her for a Champagne sesssion

    I can sense they like the aggressiveness, seems to be a turn-on of sorts, in a club sort of way at least, especially when the club is loaded with guys spending an average of about 10 to 15 bucks for their drink and almost nothing else

    A few weeks this worked very well with this super-exotic beauty, but she was over 30, and understood what I wanted which is practically nothing, except a bit of kissing during the last 1/2 hour once you do the conversation thing

    Today I tried the same thing with this very very pretty feminine-type soft spoken dancer who turned out to be only 19 years old, something I of course didn't know when I first approached her. I probably has 10 to 12 girls I could have selected, most of them 8 or higher and I selected her.

    Found out later she had some regulars now and then doing TWO hours or more at a shot just for "conversation" and then doing it with one of her friends, one guy spending way beyond his means - just for kicks because he was getting a divorce (she tells me). Apparently she's been raking in the dollars, about 500 to 900 per shift, pretty good for someone that's only been dancing for 4 months

    Even though I hinted with her beforehand that I ask for or require very little in the CR, and alluded to her what I'm interested in, the session ended up a nice conversation, basically hugging and nudging around the mouth, and when the final hint came it was "against her rules" - pretty bad, basically a total waste for that price

    Turns out she's is very afraid in general of CR sessions because she doesn't do nude per se (below waist) and of course nothing else except conversation, so she said she was relieved when I limited what I wanted

    Now this girl had no boyfriend and had she, I honestly would have not even asked at all even after entering the CR, however she was very young and so what I was suggesting probably I guess might be pushing it.

    In any case one can understand why so many people are going to AMPs or escorts today, the clubs are very overpriced

    Now of course I do have a few ATFs type that make up for all the problems that strip clubs have, and they can be wonderous women
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    When a stripper says things will "get better" if you opt for the VIP, I think what she means is better for her.
  • imnumnutz
    17 years ago
    depends on the dancer, depends on the club. At the Rhino in Vegas, I have been fortunate to find several dancers who know what I like, and they are generally willing to give it to me in the VIP (not sex, but lot's of touching and nibbling). Won't happen out on the floor.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    The only time that things get better in VIP is where the dancer is, beforehand, very explicit about what will happen there. Lines such as "I can really take care of you back there," "I'll make you feel really good," etc., etc. are, in the words of contract law, "mere puffery", and should be disregarded.

    The one exception...Oasis Goodtime Emporium in Atlanta. VIP is expensive, but worth it.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Well, over at Secrets there was this country bumpkin. Young, big, innocent, and from Nebraska, I think he said. So he is asking me what the deal is with the VIP private private area. I say it is expensive. He wasn't concerned about cost, however, and said the price quoted was very reasonable ($400--I later learned just for the dancer!). He wanted to know if the dancer would really make him feel good. She wasn't being explicit enough for him. :) And, he wanted to know if it was against the law. I advised him that I'm not an attorney, but an attorney's opinion really ain't worth much even when the law is clear and even if he is very knowledgeable. It mainly depends on the judge's interpretation and what he'll allow as evidence and the court/law is basically a fraud to extort money out of you if you have any or if you're poor to help fill the prisons to generate the $$$s.

    So then he wants to know how he will get what he is paying for, if the the dancer isn't willing to say more than he'll be very happy. I said, You pay, then you'll be happy if that is what she said. So how do I know if I've never been back to the VIP? Oh, because I've known her over a year at different clubs and she likes to make paying customers happy! :)

    With that, he is up and spending money immediately. Then when he is done he thanks me and says that she is the greatest. And, he can't believe how reasonable the cost was. Wants to move to Miami! :) I had the opportunity to talk with her later and she also thanked me. She said it was one of the easiest jobs she ever had. That he loved everything, which in turn made her want to do even more than she promised . . .

    A wonderful win/win. :)

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hey, parodyman your access to the secret files is definitely needed in this thread! So please get to work, ASAP. :)

  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Not sure why I get such a kick out of kissing strippers, however with the right ones it can very very nice. The "rules" I usually have followed (as posted in September) are posted below. So I deserved exactly what I got with this young girl (a pleasant conversation and some nudging) because I broke rule 1 and the very important rule 3, although with Rule 1 extended champagne sessions (with otherwise first time dancers) seemed to work for me a few times in recent months -because you can get to know them a bit first. Actually this young girl turned out not to be a "head case" at all, in fact not even a hint of stripper persona, just feminine with a nice personality, in any case its just too much to ask or hint about with a girl that young in my opinion

    some rules I noted in September:

    1. not in a random 1st time or near first time private dance, there's no connection anyways - so why bother
    2. never never would I force or aggressively push for a kiss from a dancer on the mouth (nor anywhere near it) w/o some kind of permission, either implicit or explicit.
    3. preferably dancers in their late 20's or older (so far at least) as too many head-case young girls in the business, although I am sure there are many exceptions
    4. if you know or have info they've got a current boyfriend, especially early stage hot love affair deals, I would abosolutely not want to kiss such a dancer. The level of fakery exceeds even my standards.
    5. would not want if the dancer has unavailable boyfriends due to current incarceration in the state, fed or local prison
    6. if it gets involved,e.g. more than light kissing, there has to be some sign of mutuality or reciprocity on the dancer's part, ie you must sense she either doesn't mind it or (ideally) gets into it a bit, so you don't feel its a total one way street situation
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Funny this topic just came up! Last Friday, while visiting Stephanie's Cabaret in Evansville, IN, there WAS a definate difference between the topless VIP area and the nude VIP area, which of course was double the price also. Read the review.
  • 24play4ever
    17 years ago
    Yeah if she says she gets Wild in back but won't do anything in Front get outta there. I have had fun in the VIP sections but I pretty much knew I would before I got there. Depends on the Girl 1st and the Club 2nd.
    17 years ago
    Whether or not things "get better" depends a lot on what you mean by that term. If you mean more mileage, I think it depends on both the girl and the club. If you mean more privacy and perhaps nicer surroundings, which are obviously important to some people regardless of whether they're seeking higher mileage or not, than the answer is usually yes.
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Desperate dancers are making promises about VIP services. Not all deliver, but many do. Watch out for "we'll so what happens." Are you going to complain to a bouncer/manager that you didn't get FS.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "Lines such as "I can really take care of you back there," "I'll make you feel really good," etc., etc. are, in the words of contract law, "mere puffery", and should be disregarded."

    Like the used car dealer that says: "This car is the greatest car in the world" Yes, obviously sales puffing, and disregarded

    However for that matter nearly every explicit promise offered in VIP would be void anyways under public policy grounds, as void for illegality, as clearly these generally fall under statutes prohibiting sexual acts in exchange for money, including services far below FS

    Not that anyone would attempt to enforce any of these promises, but the dancers know they can promise almost anything, and so long as they don't care for repeat business from that customer - any promise is going to be made
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Do dancers think about repeat business from a customer when they puff about services in the VIP?
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    The regular dancers who work day in and day out at the same club definitely think not only about repeat business, but fall out from not only management but their fellow dancers. It is a little surprising, but regular dancers generally really don't like ROBs at all because they rightfully believe the dirt will rub off on them and then they will have more trouble selling dances or have to deal with more pissy customers.

    And, yes SuperDude you can complain to management even if you don't know him. You do it tactfully and when I do it getting a refund isn't the issue. I make that VERY clear that I don't want a refund and it really isn't about me getting ripped off. It is about protecting other customers and the club. Yes, it is about protecting the club. Believe it or not the club generally doesn't like ROBs----ok, there is one exception that I'm aware of. Secrets is a hardcore club that is totally different than Angels even though ownership is the same. Secrets is hardcore in that you can run into bad management and bad dancers and get taken for a pretty penny. Services not render isn't a real problem, however, it is an issue of fraud and extortion. Angels is very pro customer in contrast. You complain and very likely you'll get results and an apology.

    And, it isn't about FS or being graphic about what exactly the dancer promised. It is the fact that you are an unhappy customer because she promised you the world and delivered sh*t. Remember, you aren't seeking a refund (although I have definitely been offered refunds--which I refused explaining that isn't the issue) it is about protecting the other customers and the club from a bad dancer.

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Oh and please guys don't be an f**ing moron and be complaining the price was too high! You agreed to her price *beforehand*, then NO it wasn't too high if she did what she said she would do.

  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Well, in my experiences, though limited, they always had the potential to get better. The couple of times they didn't, it was with a dancer that just seemed to have no clue, not that they didn't try. The rest of the times, they were always better. But as FONDL mentions, "better" is very subjective.
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    My best experiences in the private rooms are always with dancers who don't try to hard-sell you on them. I buy a few dances and see how things go. If she seems like a willing participant and the club set up is right I will invest in a VIP room and see how it goes.
    One thing to remember is that not all VIP rooms are conducive to things actually "getting better". My current favorite club has cameras in VIP and none in the isolated private dance stalls. I asked my fav if she wanted to do a VIP room about a month ago and she told me I wouldn't be able to suck her nipples or finger her in their so we stuck with the very dark private dance area...
    17 years ago
    The other aspect to remember is that the house usually gets a big cut of the money you spend in VIP (which is why the girl usually wants a tip) but the dancer may get to keep everything you give her in the regular dance area. If I like a girl I'd prefer to give my money to her rather than the house.

    Most of the places that I've frequented don't even have VIP rooms so this was rarely an issue for me. And when they did, I might try them just out of curiousity but for the most part it was always an economic consideration for me - which was the better deal? For example I always did VIPs at Brad's because it was cheaper than paying by the dance. Personally I think they should all be like that but I don't know of anywhere else that is - most VIP rooms are grossly overpriced which is why I don't do them.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    In over 25 years visiting clubs, I have never been in the "VIP or Champagne" room. No need. I have gotten all the extras and high mileage I would ever need in the regular lap dance rooms or areas.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Place I go, it's the other way around. The ultra-expensive VIP is roughly 90% to the dancer, with the house's cut running maybe the same TOTAL $ as for a single lapper. Single lapper turns out to be 50% or less to the dancer.
  • chipitin
    17 years ago
    Where I go, the house gets a 20% better cut for the champ room (taking money away from the dancer compared to the same amount of money spent in the standard room), so no motivation for the dancer to upsell to go to it.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Who gets the money difference is not a concern for me. The VIP rooms I've been in were all much more private then the regular dance areas. Only in one club did the dancer mention cameras, but then she knew where it was and how to avoid it.

    I have never received, in the regular dance areas, what was obtained in the VIP rooms. Are all the clubs the same, of course not. But then that wasn't the question.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    This is a classic YMMV question IMO. If the VIP area is truly private (no cameras, nobody "checking in on you", or it has a locked door), if you've discussed upfront with the girl *exactly* what you want beforehand (can't stress this one enuff-we've all been taken for a ride with this I bet), and if you're comfortable with the price (I'd never pay more than $200-250 myself), then it may indeed "get better" in the VIP area. If you smell like a pile of dung, then I don't think things will ever "get better" for you. I once frequented a club where this one farmer would show up smelling like cow s&#t on a routine basis (he'd even show up with some baby cows in his truck!)...things were never very good for him.

    I also agree that for a lot of guys you can get exactly what you might want/need in a regular lap dance area. It depends what your "thing" is. You don't need to go in a VIP room to get a kiss, but I wouldn't want FS from a girl in a wide-open lap dance area (too many people would want my autograph afterwards...lol...). You never know, OTC may put the VIP room to shame. One time at Club Fantasies in RI, the champange never showed up to our room, but I didn't mind (since I don't drink).
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