
Celebs In The Club

We all hear about the celebs in clubs like Scores in NY, but do you see hear celebs in the smaller, regular-type clubs? If/when they are in the club, are they whales, hogging the girls and spending a lot of money?

I've never seen a celeb in the club, but I hear from my favs that they come into MY clubs once in a while. My prev-ATF (Hip Hugger in Kokomo) had Brad Miller (Pacers) as a regular. She also claimed that a member of 50 cent's entourage used to come in once in a while (that could be customer shit, though... someone claiming to be something they are not). My ATF just mentioned yesterday that Tony Stewart (NASCAR) was in Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy the other day.

I guess now that I think about it, some NBA players were causing problems at Club Rio in Indy, with shots fired, etc.

The report on Tony Stewart's visit was that he had four girls sitting with him during his whole visit. He wasn't really spending any money and according to my ATF (who didn't want anything to do with him), the girls that were with him didn't make any more money than she did that day.


  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    I've never seen a true celeb in the club either, but a few years back I had a conversation with a girl at the Mons in Tampa about football players -- for those of you that don't know Tampa, the Mons Venus is just about mile down the road from the Bucs stadium complex on Dale Mabry. This was when Warren Sapp played for the Bucs -- she claimed he was a pretty regular customer. One would think the dancers would get all excited about millionaire jocks coming into the club, but she felt just the opposite. She said he was a total jerk -- all about himself -- and wasn't a big spender.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    I found it interesting that Brad Miller would choose the Hugger over the Indy clubs....but maybe he prefers the laid back atmosphere. He grew up in a pretty small town, Kendallville, Indiana, which is only about 30 miles from my hometown.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I'm not sure if I told about this here before. About eight years ago at my regular club, I was one of only two customers in the place for awhile. The other guy was arguably the second most famous basketball player of all time, next to Michael Jordan. It was around the holidays, and there was a blizzard that kept all the customers away that night. I was sitting with my fave when this tall dude came in alone and sat at a stool back in the shadows away from the stage. She nudged me and said is that who I think it is? I couldn't tell. He sure didn't seem like a world famous superstar. He chatted with a waitress for a few minutes, but I don't think any dancers (of the few working) or anybody else paid him any attention. After about an hour, he made his exit, and the DJ whispered good night to him, saying his nickname into the microphone. So it was him afterall. I hear he stops into the club whenever he's in town visiting his family, usually alone. I like to think maybe he sits recalling memories of good times he had there back when he played college ball up the street.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Basketball celebrities don't seem like a big deal to me. Maybe that's because I saw them so much when I was in college before they became big names. I remember seeing Michael Jordan playing for a nearby school at my school. One time I went to McDonalds and felt short. I was standing behind 3 tall basketball players. They probably all went on to make a million or so. I remember eating at Hooters and saw a celebrity comedian sitting at another table by himself. No one was bothering him. I think about the only instance I might get excited by a celebrity in the club is if they wanted to party with me. If the celebrity was a pretty female that would be fun. Just as long as I'm not all over the evening news.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    McDonald's, Hooters, WTF? The question is about seeing celebrities in a strip club. I'm sure we've all seen some in other places. Not that it's a big deal to us, just rare outside of high profile big city clubs.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    WTF, topic moderators now? My message was it's all the same to me. Doesn't matter if I see a celebrity at the strip club or at Hooters. Actually I'll probably pay even less attention to a celebrity in a strip club unless the spotlight is really on them. I've had a dancer point a celebrity out to me but I forgot all about it within a minute. I'll just ignore this topic from now on if that makes everyone happy. Don't respond to my post and I won't post anymore.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Oh, boo hoo. Maybe you're looking for that board where you can say, "Big deal, I saw tall people at a McDonald's", and nobody's allowed to point out that they were talking about something else. Good luck.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Pardon me. I'm a little short on patience lately with some of the meandering, nonsensical, irrelevant and fantasy-based keyboard diarrhea around here. This was probably a mild example, just the latest one that happened to follow my post.
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    Ronnie Brown of the Dolphins was hanging out at Diamonds. He is supposed to be a super sweet guy and the dancers who talked about him said he seemed so innocent and was unbelieveable nice. Supposedly according to the dancers I spoke with it is a very good place to run into Miami Dolphin players and also Heat players. It sort of makes sense in that it is a beautiful upscale black club.

    I haven't been in the longest time. The cover was raised to $20 and the dancers were coming VERY late at night so it just wan't too appealing to me. Also, they refused to honor a coupon that I was given that gives me free admittance. A previous manager gave it to me because he said he really appreciated my business.
  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    Strippers are basically dumb party girls, so it's to be expected they'll just shut down in awe at the sight of a celebrity. It's frankly pointless to remain in a club if a celebrity and his entourage arrive.

    In the ATL it's a factor with the black clubs, where rappers and the like make a regular circuit of the clubs. When they arrive, time to go.

  • chandler
    17 years ago
    While I have nothing against dumb party girls, the strippers I favor tend to be indifferent to most celebrities. Or at least so they claim - I haven't actually been present when they've demonstrated their indifference, which is just as well.
  • imnumnutz
    17 years ago
    observation after going to strip clubs for WAY too many years: Strippers say they don't necessarily mind celebs, but the wealthier they are, the less they tend to spend. Not all, but a good number. Pro athletes, from what I'm told, are generally they cheapest.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I was not there but my former ATF told me that Brittany Spears had once visited my favorite club while doing a concert in Columbia.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Sorry chandler about getting a bit touchy and/or rambling on the last day or two. I didn't get much sleep and I'm surprised I didn't ramble on all over the place.
    Back on subject, I don't remember ever seeing a big time celebrity in a strip club. What's it like? If it's a famous basketball celebrity, does everyone try to get a look and do all the dancers try to meet him? and the same for a famous female celebrity?
  • Pete22z
    17 years ago
    The dancers I talked to weren't all that crazy about celebs. They generally expect a lot without paying since they're usually on the receiving end of "comps" wherever they go. I guess to a celeb, why should strip clubs be any different?
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    Although I have never seen either of them in there, John Goodman and Mark McGuire have been known to go to PT's-Sauget (across the Mississippi River from St. Louis). The girls don't like Goodman, and say he is a jerk.

    A local celebrity, August Busch IV, President of Anheuser-Busch, goes to Penhouse Club, next door to PT's, and the girls like him a lot. He brings an entourage and camps out in a reserved VIP room
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Back in the late 1970s, I and some other agents visited MBOT in San Francisco, CA, where we were stationed. I think Sharon Mitchell was there and one of us (not me) volunteered to go on stage. Since she couldn't 'blow' him in front of everyone, she sucked on his finger like it was a cock and grabbed his trousers crotch to see if he was getting a hard-on. We never found out the truth!
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