
Kinky Play W/Strippers

Excluding sexual contact (FS, BJs, HJs, grinding, rubbing, fingering, etc.), what "kinky" things do you do with a dancer to get each other excited?

Having a fetish for long, silky hair, I enjoy playing, stroking and pulling a dancers hair. Also, kind'a going along with that, I like to bury my face in her hair and take in her clean smelling hair and perfume.

I also like to caress her face and trace her lips with my fingers - ideally she will take the hint and lick/suck my finger.

Talking dirty is always a turn on, but I've found that not all dancers are into that, so I usually am a bit reluctant to initiate it.

It usually gets me going when she nibbles and licks my ear, and I like when she licks and nibbles my neck and jaw line.

My ATF really enjoys having the back of her neck kissed and licked, so that's always a favorite of hers.

I've had one dancer that kind'a got off on pain and liked me to pinch and twist her nipples... definitely a turn-on to see her getting turned on by that.


  • jablake
    17 years ago

    It is probably not kinky. But, sometimes I can get a dancer to take off her high heels, which I dislike, and go barefoot. A short romantic story is fun especially if she tells it.

    I also like hearing about her day, even is it mundane, as her moves slowly up and down. Gum chewing I like especially if she had just asked me for a piece.

    With a non-stripper just plain old friend I would fondle her breast and she would respond by sticking her nails in my flesh and start increasing the pressure until I would stop fondling her breasts. I would increase the pressure on her breasts and she would stick her nails in deeper. Back and forth, that is the way it would go and her nails hurt! One time she said please stop feeling my breast I'm really afraid I'm going to hurt you. I said yes, but the titty feels so good. Then she says oh, my god, you are bleeding! Yes, my arm was bleeding thanks to her. She takes off for the bathroom and gets alcohol and bandages and toilet paper roll and etc. She then starts nursing me back to health which she seems to like. I'm fondling both breasts now and she says my god you really haven't learned anything! Your arm is bleeding and could be infected and all you want to do is play with my breasts. That's just stupid! So, then I start fondling her ass. She says you know this is sexual harassment. I said I won't complain about you if you put out like a good girl! With that she slaps me HARD and pulls away. I say what about my wounds? She says you can die for all I care. I try to help you and all you want to do is feel me and then threaten me with a sexual harassment complaint. I say that's only if you don't put out! Just put out and everyone will be happy. She says I won't be and storms away. :(

    She later became a stripper and also did a little escort work. She wouldn't let me buy the goods because she said even though she didn't like or respect me, we were still friends and she wasn't going to charge friends for sexual favors. I said what about free sexual favors? She says I just told you I don't like or respect you. How difficult is that for you to understand? I said but you said we were friends. She says yes and that makes really dumb.

  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I like those things, too, Doug. They seem pretty normal to me, not very kinky, except for the pain thing taken to extremes. Women's faces, ears, necks, and shoulders are all secondary erogenous zones, so light toughing is usually sure to get them excited, and I get excited by their response.

    I've found that almost all strippers enjoy dirty talk, at least the ones I connect with. It helps if you begin with humor or irony rather than graphic bluntness, although that can be disarming, too, in the right context.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Erm ... "light touching". Light toughing might not go over well.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I think heavy "toughing" might be exactly what a certain dancer we both know gets into. Not that I'm into that, but I'd be willing to experiment...
  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    May sound odd, but I find that biting girls (neck usually) can really get them going. Not an injurious bite, but hard enough to be a little painful... don't leave a mark though! Nearly every woman likes her neck nibbled/bitten if it's done "just right". They'll almost always reciprocate too, biting your neck/nibbling your ear... that gets them even wetter.

    IN fact I'll say the common factor in my interactions with dancers that led to some free OTC was a little light S&M in the club.

  • imnumnutz
    17 years ago
    DougS, we must be related! I enjoy all the acitivities you listed, and in the same order.

    My current ATF and I have a ritual. We always meet at the club bar and at some point during our conversation, I'll ask her if I can play with her hair. She always says yes. I'll just gently stroke it off her shoulder while we continue talking, but once we go to the VIP, she lets me do just about anything I want with it--and she seems to enjoy it. Next week, I've asked her to bring in a brush so I could just watch her run it through her hair. Last night, she took her top off and put it over my eyes, then proceeded to brush her hair all over my face, arms and legs. I loved it and she knew it.

    She rarely talks dirty. But it is a turn-on when she does something special, like burying her head in my crotch, then looks up at my and asks, "...are you enjoying that?" She, of course, knows that I am, but she also knows I like her to ask.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I don't know if this qualifies as kinky but at my favorite club I am also known as the candyman. When I tip a dancer on stage, she also gets a piece of candy. I stick candy down the tops of dancers and servers with no complaints. I get a lot of compliments and kisses. Some dancers that are not on my favorites list and know that they are not going to get dances from me, still have a sweet tooth and will come over and ask whats in the bag? I tell them and I tell them that if they want some, they have to let me cop a feel. They expose their tits, I fondle them and they get their treat. A 2 cent piece of candy for a feel up. Only the candyman can get away with this. Last week I was sitting with one of my favorites and a dancer came up for some candy. She let me feel her nice 34B's. The dancer I was sitting with was somewhat in disbelief. Do you know her? yes of course.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I've encountered dancers who like various things. Some like to be talked dirty to and kept making me talk more like they wanted. One dancer liked me to spank her on the ass during the middle of the lap dance. I could tell because she would be a bit spread out lying down a bit across my lap. Then she would stop moving and suddenly look up at me and say if I forgot "you know what to do" I accidentally slapped her a bit harder than normal one night and was wondering if I overdid it but she just smiled and said that was good. I know other dancers don't want to be spanked or slapped since I overheard one dancer say if some guy tries to slap her, she's getting a bouncer to get him thrown out.

    I remember another dancer wanted me to drip hot wax on her. I didn't really understand how that would be a turn on.

    Some dancers do like playing or squeezing a guy's nipples. I'm not into that. I might be into some gentle biting and I ran into one or two dancers who were too. One dancer was really into it and made me nervous until she said "relax, I won't draw any blood."

    I remember I first encountered a bunch of biting dancers one night in a military town in NC. Apparently a bunch of guys had told the dancers that they were numb from the beer or something and they got the dancers biting and biting a bit hard. I didn't like it at first but started to get used to it. Wherever the skin on my body is stretched tight, it did not feel good to get bitten.

    A few dancers I've met liked to use their tongues around my ear and then down my neck, a couple didn't stop there. I wasn't really into getting a wet ear or neck but if the dancer was enjoying it and gave me a much better dance, I wasn't complaining. I remember one or two dancers seemed to enjoy kissing me right on the lips. I would have to keep wiping lipstick off every time I went to the restroom.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Yeah, it sounds like we both have a similar hair fetish. To me, the FIRST thing that catches my eye when I see a girl is her hair. If she's got a decent body, and great hair, I could deal with an ugly face [wink].

    One of my fantasies that I haven't been lucky enough to find any takers on, is splashing my load into the silky hair of a pretty girl. One of these days....
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Candyman ALWAYS has a way with the dancers. I'm glad he does and envy him myself.

    As far as my kinky play with strippers.... if I get the chance, I like to take my cock out and whip their clits with it. Most have never had that done and most say it feels like a 'vibrator', and they usually enjoy it.

    Some dancers like their asses slapped by me. No names, but she dances in Elyria, Ohio. :-) Licks
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I remember tipping a dancer at shadowcat's favorite club and she had a way of grabbing my belt with her teeth, undoing the buckle, and pulling it off while it was still in her teeth. Then she wrapped the belt around me and pulled me in closer. When I went to tip her another dollar, she did a repeat performance. I enjoyed that. I swear I've had more dancers take off the belt I have now than any other. I was wondering if I should get one with a smaller buckle on it since I know of a few dancers who made me take it off before they would dance for me. I don't know though, it's not that much work to keep putting my belt on and if a dancer insists I take it off for a lap dance, it is slightly more comfortable.
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