Ok guys got a question. Living in central indiana our clubs are pretty high contact a buddy I go with to the clubs insists that the key to a great LD is to where a condom so he does not have to worry about having to cut the dance short. 1 is this really done 2. Don't you think the girls could tell you have it on???
Why would you have to cut a dance short - because you were afraid you would come in your pants? Or in her hand? Or in her mouth?
If it's in her pants, I doubt seriously that she will CARE, whether or not she KNOWS. And if you are wearing a pair of shorts and a pair of dark pants, nobody else will know either then or later.
I remember one of the first time I had a really stimulating "dance". When it was all over, the girl asked me if I had cum. I was too shy to admit I had. Later, I realized the little sweetie WANTED me to cum - perhaps for pride, perhaps to cajole me into a bigger tip than if I had not.
But what exactly do you mean by "pretty high contact"? Talk about an ambiguous question! If we are talking about cumming in her hand or her mouth, I would let the girl set the tone of the encounter. Some girls provide condoms or kleenex where appropriate. Personally I can't imagine wearing a condom into a club, but each to his own, I guess.
There is nothing that feels better IMO...So as long as it is containable its a nice bonus to a dance...
Why are male orgasms "dirty" and female orgasms "beautiful"?
There have been times when I have cum with my pants on, usually a up the shorts hj, but I have lots of shorts and Tide.
As for me, i just try and have fun. If i have an orgasm, GREAT! As stated above, i have lots of Tide. I can't see how wearing a condom during a lap dance would be comfortable at all.
Sorry to disagree, but I don't think you keep your posts shorter. That is just my 2 cents and probably the majority will disagree with me.
You wrote: "I'll agree I should keep my posts shorter . . . "
I disagree with you. The length of your posts is fine, imho. However, the majority and I may be wrong about this probably prefers shorter posts. One poster--who thankfully no longer posts at all--had a real reading problem. Having difficulty reading my posts is understandable and often valid, but this particular moron couldn't even read concise well written prose. Worse, he was demanding others e.g. the good writers to dumb it down. :(
I haven't read a post on here by anyone that was too long. Poorly written perhaps----I'm speaking about myself in that regard mainly because I have the bad problem of missing words and I prefer to write in a more windy style to boot! Not a good combination: missing words and windy. I sometimes or often disagree with different poster's povs including yours-----but, my povs probably don't win many lucky charms. :)
Evilcyn, love ya. I seem to remember you going bonkers once in your club when someone found a condom on the floor of the VIP!
TUSCL Brother, hey by the way, how the hell are ya ???
I always bring a condom or two on a strip club outing, but I never need them, since the dancers always have an ample supply.