
Are crazy dancers a dime a dozen or only 1 in a 100?

I'll argue a dime a dozen in some clubs but a lot harder to find in other clubs. I once asked a dancer how fast she's been on the highway and she told me the make and model of a motorcycle and said she was going 155 mph at one time. She mentioned that was dangerous. I agreed with her no doubt there. (I didn't say this but a bug at that speed would really hurt especially if it was a big fat hard bug.)

Maybe the dancers that meet someone and talk the guy into going off some place alone with them and giving him a BJ for free when he's a total stranger are crazier. hmmm, do you like crazy dancers? I think I'm going to be safe and avoid all crazy dancers. If I don't, then may a major earthquake strike in tehran. (seems like a safe place to talk about a disaster)

Do you ever feel like there is evil about, like when all the lights in your house glow red when you get home (only happened one time) or all the lights when going to a strip club for the evening turn green before you get there, (I think my record was 13 to 26 but I don't remember clearly anymore). Seems strange sometime when you start thinking about these things and the song "Highway to Hell" comes on the radio. I remember one night a really strange song came on the radio but I only heard it once in my lifetime. Something about burning in hellfire. I think the local college was hell bent on playing that stuff back then. The christian rock they played would be a major improvement over any of the church music I hear nowadays in church. Actual church music sounds like someone is dying a lot of the time in my opinion. I take that back, country music sounds like someone is dying. Church music sounds like they already died and it's the funeral. Very depressing. I prefer Highway to Hell music or rock. I'm amazed at how many dancers seem to like the same kind of rock as I do. It is popular though. Ok so I felt like posting something different or ranting tonight. You can post about crazy dancers if you want or types of music or whatever.


  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Yes, a major earthquake in Tehran would be nice. I would love that. If all us TUSCLers prayed real hard together it might happen. OK, everybody, synchronize your watches ....

    Come to think of it, I guess I would rather have the free BJ from a Hot-Ass-Stripper. Especially if she does it real soft-and-gentle-like.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    I was at St. James once when I met this perfect ten-she was stunning-she was also 6'6" in heels. A little ways into the conversation she told me she was saving up to fly to Amsterdam to enter a pot smoking contest.

    So, now I'm thinking-a perfect ten who's going to be fun in the private room. We go upstairs, and she didn't try very hard. None of the basics that many Houston dancers provide, like nipple sucking and great grindage. She didn't go anywhere near my package and didn't let me go anywhere near hers.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Dime a dozen. Strippers are crazy because (a) they're female, and in "super duper feminine" mode when working and (b) they're borderline illegal so they aren't likely "winners" in any walk of life. Closer instead to "losers". Likely, for most of us boring white middle class office workers, the only time we actually interact with people who are part of the "sub class" in America is when we go to strip clubs. Mildly crazy (call it, "poorly socialized") people work as bar-backs, drug-dealers, car-hops, waitresses at scary late-night diners. They show up a lot on the radar at the courthouse. They hardly ever show up at all on the radar at the regular middle class professional office.

    So, for me, one of the few times in my life when I have to cope with people who "just don't get the concept" of functioning in normal everyday society, is when I go to a strip club. They have other survival skills, but "fitting in" to the boring "da man" world is not one of them.

    Not that I especially VALUE that "da man" society. I'm part of it, there's no denying, and it has advantages. But I like to try to think outside of its box as often as possible. Visiting with strippers helps remind me of its preconceptions, and of the advantages they might have over it in some contexts. But, all of this isn't to say, they aren't also borderline crazy.

    Strippers: crazy a lot, or only as likely crazy as the whole human population? I don't know the answer.

    Strippers: crazy and haywire a lot more often than typical white middle class office workers, or only as often? Much more often.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    Consider the upscale club. Strippers are made up of:

    40% College students-she's working her way through college. She may or may not be seduced by the dark side. If she is, she's considering stripping/escort work as a career. Considering the risks, this is not a sane thing to do.

    40% Single Mothers-she hooked up with the bad boy in high school, he knocked her up, and left her with a mountain of debt. She's skating close to the edge and it doesn't take much for her to go over the edge.

    20% Career Stripper-Most of these considered other careers before they found fun in sleeping in, and renting out an organ-the payment for which entitles her to a life where the boss doesn't mess with her schedule, doesn't test her urine, or make her work overtime.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    The crazy dancers are a dime a dozen. As the token blue collar guy on this board, I get to work with an ex-stripper, and she has told me many stories about stripping and strippers, always with a tone of "that's crazy" or "that's disgusting" or something similar. She even admits it was crazy to do so for the time she did it. There are times I go to a club and see the stuff she was talking about, to say nothing about all the illegal substances consumed behind closed doors and after hours.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    ... "renting out an organ" ... yargh ... :P
  • imnumnutz
    16 years ago
    My ATF, who I believe to be a good person with a good heart, has told me some of the crazy stuff she's done. I guess there's a difference between being crazy and acting crazy.
  • David9999
    16 years ago
    The TATS including numbers, size, position and precise nature, or absence of TATS generally is a good indicator - pretty much a direct correlation in many cases. However that said, there are many (otherwise) quite sane normal girls who dance, especially some of the foreign dancers who have little options in regards to work in the USA
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Aside from the REALLY NICELY DONE "Iron Maiden" "classy" tattoos, which sometimes appear on extremely intelligent self-motivated "counter culture" people who don't have typical over-tatted-brain problems ....

    aside from them ....

    I gotta agree, more tattoos = more brain damage.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    "Iron Maiden" tats?? I would think less of a girl that had Eddie tattooed on her, and I like Maiden...lol... :) Their latest cover art is pretty cool though.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I think I'll joke about something safer. If I don't stay away from crazy dancers, then may the sun grow dim for a few days and the Earth get cold if I don't. There that phrase sounds a lot safer to say. I don't like joking about something that happened half a continent away even if I was joking before anything happened. No harm intended.

    On the other hand if there is more than just a coincidence between actual events and my jokes, all of you are in big trouble already because you're nothing more than a simulation I dreamed up and I'm living in a virtual reality world. Either that or I really am crazy and am currently stuck in a virtual reality world where I created all of you and they are just waiting and hoping for me to wake up one day into the real world. I probably shouldn't joke like this. I can just imagine a big dust cloud dimming the sun now for a few days and a big rumour getting started that this is nothing but a simulation and one day the guy dreaming it all is going to wake up and end the game. In case you didn't notice, I have a good imagination. Is it even possible to stay away from crazy dancers in a strip club? Probably not.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    By the way, I like dancers who are not ordinary so the more crazy dancers there are, the better for me. I think most of society is insane especially politicians. I prefer a little bit crazy a lot better. They are the sane people living in an insane world.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I think the politicians are only equally as insane as the rest of us. Their problem is, that part of their job entails acting like they aren't insane, so they have to be hypocritical about it. I think (in general terms) this is why one large portion of America loved Bill Clinton -- he basically ADMITTED by his demeanor, that he was as horny and disorganized about it as the rest of us; rather than acting like Bob Dole or George Bush (the first) and by marrying such grandmothers thereby outwardly pretending he never fucked anyone.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Meanwhile I seem to be getting more and more calls from politicians or people running for office. Today I had another message on my home answering machine from someone running for one of the local offices saying I was invited to something. I'm wondering if they think I'm related to one of the more visible politicians because my last name is the same. I don't know. Maybe I should write down cell phone numbers etc. that some politicians are giving me. That might prove useful one day instead of just ignoring them. I have to admit, I don't ever remember any candidate for a local office making door to door visits in my neighborhood asking for your vote.
    I'd rather elect an ordinary guy who understands how it is for all the ordinary people rather than some elite rich guy who doesn't have a clue. I think the elitists don't care if their new law or bill is going to fuck up your life.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    The other politicians I worry about are those who seem to be on their own religious mission. In my opinion they should practice their religion themselves, not try to run for office and impose their religious views on me and everyone else. For instance if you think lap dances are immoral, fine, don't got to strip clubs. Don't run for office and try to get a bill passed banning it to impose your religious views on me. Have they ever played a card game or used dice in a game (at least here in South Carolina?)? If they are trying to impose religious views on me, just think, they already violated the religious views from someone ages ago. At least most of those old laws are not enforced. I think many would be pissed if the police broke into their homes and arrested them because they were playing a game of cards.
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