You ever decide just to stay home and save your money?

avatar for casualguy

I did tonight. Didn't get as much sleep as normal either. Gas prices keep going up along with all the other bills. Maybe I'll play a pc game, haven't done that in a long time. I figure the clubs and the numbers of dancers will be low this weekend anyway because it's in between pay periods when crowds and numbers of dancers are usually down anyway. Plus it's hot enough to fry an egg outside before it even hits the ground.


last comment
avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Maybe if the majority of Americans stay home for a day, the oil speculators will notice an even bigger increase in supply of oil and gasoline and start speculating about how low will oil go. Actually I do believe the economy (especially the US economy followed by others later), most stock markets around the world and the price of oil will be taking a tumble during the next 2 or 3 months before a rally starts back and stays here for a while. Not just a 2 month temporary rally that resumes back to a bear run south.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

In case you're a strong bull in this market, you've probably already heard about the subprime problem, if not then where have you been? Anyway up next will come the Alt-A crisis. People with better credit scores and supposedly able to pay their bills are defaulting on home loans at the same rate that subprime started at. Alt-A will dwarf subprime. This problem will drag on for years especially if legislation drags it out longer.

Then we have 2 candidates. One wants to raise taxes on all US corporations so that will either cause them to raise prices of their goods we buy or cause them to move overseas and the few people still working in manufacturing here may lose their job.

Or the other candidate, he wants to supposedly keep taxes lower but wants to go environmental on us and make us pay for higher costs that way. I believe there is a secret hidden agenda to artificially drive up oil and gas prices to make us go to alternative fuels. Either that or they could raise margin requirements on oil speculators and start regulating the unregulated markets to drive gas prices back south. Take back some of the Enron slack that got passed into law back in the Enron hay days. In case you didn't know, Enron managed to get a law passed that helped out with their energy trading back when they were so successful at manipulating markets. It's still in effect. For just a few dollars for a whole barrel of oil, speculators can drive up prices like crazy. Just talk about increasing margin requirements seems to have sent prices temporarily south. I guess they thought that was going nowhere and reversed course.

avatar for imnumnutz
16 yrs ago

yeah, i'm home watching NASCAR right now. Not so much an issue of saving money, rather it's my low expectations of finding anything worth looking at in Central Ohio clubs. Computer porn is free, though...

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Many Americans stayed home during the recent Memorial Day weekend that had planned on traveling. Some Americans do budget their money apparently. Either that or their credit cards are maxed out and they still want money to buy food and keep a roof over their head. Most people posting on this site probably have enough discretionary income set aside for their favorite hobby though. However the economy is really starting to eat into that money for me. Well I'm not sure on that yet. It might have something to do with me spending more money on investment services. It's worth it to me to spend a couple hundred on a service if it saves me or makes me a couple of thousand in my retirement savings accounts. I just temporarily lose out on that bit of extra spending.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

I wonder how many dancers call in to see how crowded a club is before they go to work? If they have a choice that is. I know of one dancer that has been going to work around 2 or 3 AM. The club is pretty much dead around 5 AM and it can take some dancers a whole hour to get ready after they arrive at a club. I'm not sure what they do in their dressing rooms that takes so long. Lol, another possible topic: what do dancers do in their dressing rooms that takes so long? Practice lesbian sex or something? Just kidding.

avatar for shadowcat
16 yrs ago

Yes I do all of the time. Unless one of my buddies is in town and wants to sample an Atlanta air dance club. Then I go to share the company with a friend. Otherwise, I just save it for my monthly trips to my favorite club.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Actually I used to know of about 3 dancers that would go in to work about 1 to 2 AM. I know because I kept arriving about the same time they did. Twice I got stuck in a traffic jam on the interstate and ended up in a conversation with one of those dancers. One dancer spotted me after I got out of my car and started talking to me. I thought about "I wonder if she wants to do a car seat dance?" Nah, everyone in the nearby cars would be watching too intently. Then we'd be stuck if anyone called the police. Oh well, it was a thought.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Well I guess it's time to go to war. PC war games that is. Hopefully I won't stumble upon any launch codes. Just kidding. I once thought about creating my own pc games. Then some good ones started coming out in droves and I forgot about it. Last night I was thinking there really is no good black market profiteering pc game where you could play a game and make good money playing black markets just like they do in real life. I was thinking the black market for trading Venezuelian money to dollars is going strong thanks to the policies of Chavez and super high inflation there. He's ruining their economy. Then we have super low cigarette taxes here in the US in some states and terrorist groups are getting their funding by buying low and selling high using cigarettes. No telling how many other black markets are thriving. Throw in bribes, kickbacks, and you could have a real fun pc game. I just don't know if someone would try to ban the game though.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Just in case you think you can't make a difference, you can. I used to play one online game a lot, Axis and Allies. I knew of all the game bugs. I sent a detailed email explaining many of the worst bugs and less than a year later, a patch came out fixing almost all of those problems. They still play it online. I knew it so well it was more like playing chess. Really fun if you played for hours and managed to outplay a very skilled player from somewhere else around the world. I could fantasize that I was playing against a top strategist in the military and wouldn't know who I was playing against. Ok, I'm going to stop rambling on.

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

All the time...I've cut back on my strip club excursions over the last 6 months or so due the cruddy economic conditions & high gas prices. It's not like I've stopped going out though. I actually went out on Memorial Day weekend, and it was pretty slow at most of the places that I went to. The roads weren't crowded either.

Where did you play A & A online c-guy? The only sites I've seen for that require you to download a bunch of stuff.

avatar for minnow
16 yrs ago

I've done that a few times, though the motivation has been time as well as $$$. The time spent clubbing can be time spent cleaning out old junk, getting house/condo prepped for potential sale, etc.

avatar for SuperDude
16 yrs ago

As the economy worsens in Detroit, dancer whining is on the steep increase. It takes the fun out of going and I would just as soon save the money. Quality is gone, so why spend the money.

avatar for Polarman
16 yrs ago

Instead of going to a club, sometimes go out with friends to a regular bar and meet women. This would probably cost less and result in meeting a girl that may go home with you and have real sex. It does not have to be a permanent relationship, but who knows ? Get out of the fantasy that are strip clubs and occasionally get into real women that want to have fun and are not involved in the occupation of seeing how much money they can squeeze out of you.

avatar for DandyDan
16 yrs ago

I was going to go out this weekend, but I forgot I had my car insurance bill to pay this month, which ate up most of whatever money I spend at the club. If I had gone to my favorite club, there was no guarantee it would have been open as that town is subject to a flood warning due to all the rain we've had around here. Besides, the weather here has been crazy lately. It seems like every day is a tornado watch. I ended up watching a movie on DVD earlier tonight, which I don't normally do, although I probably should considering about half my DVD collection is still unopened.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

I used to play online at a microsoft site. It's been a few years and I just tried to find it. I couldn't. Used to be at the zone part of It might take a while to find out where all the diehard fans went to.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Part of the reason I didn't go out tonight was because I thought I might be tired. It's 3:45AM and I lost track of the time like I often do on my pc. I saved money and gas for next time. Guess I wasn't as tired as I originally thought.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Things I read about from the doom and gloomers on other sites. We're all going to die, everythings going downhill, there's no way out. Ok, maybe it's not all that bad. One guy said he had US state department people visiting his friend who had 100 percent accuracy in his visions. Claims a magnitude 9.5 Earthquake off the coast of China will create a 150 meter high tsunami to hit the east coast of China and do it this June this month. Someone else claims he heard some drunk generals claim we will be bombing Iran in July. Then I read other disaster reports. Same ol same ol for conspiracy web sites. Next month he'll claim his friend is only 90 percent accurate (after he misses that one above). Disasters just get moved out farther and farther each month. Eventually someone gets it right and claims they were psychic because they predicted it before it happened. I'm laughing, they are funny.

avatar for njscfan
16 yrs ago

Wow, this is a really depressing thread. Is this what life is like for aging single guys on a Saturday night -- internet porn, computer games and going out to strip clubs, while you are feeling the squeeze of hard economic times? This is why I have always maintained a wife and family -- it requires extra work, to be sure, but I have a real life, not a faux life spent on the fantasy of a strip club or a computer screen. Poll after poll after poll shows married men are happier than single men, and this is why. Between friends, family and work, spending a Saturday night on line or at a strip club would be inconceivable to me -- and really lonely. My heart goes out to the single guys on this site.

avatar for Dudester
16 yrs ago

Last night I was "feeling the urge", but earlier in the day I had plunked down some change for my main hobby as I had sent off money to buy a 36 Chevy pickup for restoration.

I'm up for a promotion at work-increase of pay by one thirds. If I get the promotion I'll go see my ATF again, as a celebration.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

It could be worse. My older brother is married and would rather be single. As far as being online, I used to do that all the time for fun. In fact I used to play Axis and Allies the board game with friends before there was any computer game. We stayed up all night long on Saturday night yelling at each other. Great times.

Some people are good around other people. I tend to like some time away from all the people and crowds. I am very happy not to be married after seeing all the bad marriages out there. If you're happy being married, good for you, many are not and wish they were single. I haven't had a married girl hit on me in a while but I haven't been getting out to the regular bars in a while either.

avatar for Golfer3166
16 yrs ago

I generally don't go to clubs much except when I'm traveling so the gas I use to get from my hotel to the club isn't a big deal. The money isn't either although I do have a limit that I plan on spending and very rarely exceed it (there are exceptions lol) but I think the main problem is that if you go and you plan on spending say $200, you tend to spend it anyway, even if the dancers and the milage is low just in hopes of finding the fun girl. I've done that before in several clubs. Sometimes you just need to have your drink and tip at the stage and realize that the quality just isn't there. I do know that some of the better dancers do call in and see what the crowd is like before they go so on a slow night that can happen.

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

"Thanks for playing on MSN Games. As of January 31, 2006 the following games are no longer available on the MSN Games website: -Axis and Allies"

Oh well...

avatar for Barkingowl
16 yrs ago

I've been doing just that for the past month & its boring. I'll probably be heading over to the club sometime this week.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Thanks for posting that info MisterGuy. It's been 2 or 3 years since I played online and didn't realize they dropped support for it. I'm wondering where all the gamers went to since I don't believe they would stop playing just because of Microsoft.

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

Not that anyone else will care, but I just bought the 1998 PC release of A & A for real cheap (less than 10 bucks), and it's very buggy...keeps crashing...oh well...

avatar for njscfan
16 yrs ago

Fascinating. I've always told my teenage son that he is playing these stupid computer games with aging single guys who have too much time on their hands. I guess I was right. Are you guys slightly mortified that you are playing computer games with 14 year old boys?

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

Dude, seriously, you can quit the "I'm better than the rest of you guys" and/or the "I'm a Dr. Phil wannabe" vibe that you've been carrying on & on about on here for quite some time. I don't play games with

avatar for njscfan
16 yrs ago

A good sign someone is about to say something idiotic is when they begin their post with the word "dude." I barely know who "Dr. Phil" is, so I can assure you I have no desire to be like Dr. Phil. And, yes, MisterGuy, if you are playing internet computer games, then you are playing them with little boys.

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

What a surprise...more "I'm better than the rest of you guys" nonsense from you. You sound EXACTLY like Dr. Phil, who's an idiot & not even a real medical doctor BTW, and, no, I don't play internet computer games. It is possible to occasionally play a game on a PC (the game in question here I think I've played once or twice...I think I've gotten my 7 bucks worth of entertainment from it) without being on the Internet. But, you probably wouldn't know that, would you Mr. Know-it-all??

avatar for FONDL
16 yrs ago

I rarely go to clubs at all anymore but it has nothing to do with the economy, I just lost interest. I don't enjoy it as much as I used to so it doesn't seem worth the money anymore. I think in my case a major factor is that the only time that I've ever gone clubbing on a regular basis was about 10-12 years ago when I was going through a period of major depression, and clubbing seemed to help. Now that I'm no longer depressed, most clubs seem depressing to me. So I spend my money elsewhere instead, like going to a nice restaurant or getting a massage (the legitimate kind.)

avatar for lopaw
16 yrs ago

Lately,I've found myself going to SC's more than usual, and that's gotta stop. I'm bouncing back & forth between two very different types of clubs, and found that I'm spending twice as much as I should (DUH!). I gotta start cutting back. Tomorrow. Yeah.....tomorrow. Or maybe the day after....

avatar for Officer
16 yrs ago

yes, with gas at $4 a gallon I can't afford to go to the strip clubs any more

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