Porn stars as featured performers...

Atlanta suburb
Pop just posted that a previous favorite porn star will be doing shows next month at my favorite club. I would really like to see her in person but I can't make those dates. When Jenna Haze first came on the porn scene, I thought that she was a refreshing new face. A next door girl type. Then she had to get nastier to keep up with the competition. "Hi, my name is Bobby and today I am going to get my ass fucked". I am not into that. Not even watching. Of the 250 or so porn movies on my hard drive, none of them has any ass fucking. I have seen her do everything else. Now she has resorted to strip club appearances.
What can she do on stage that the regular dancers cannot?
last commentThe half dozen times I've been to a club with a featured porn star, it's been a HUGE letdown. The porn star fears vice is there and she doesn't want the expense or trouble involved in an arrest (besides, a local reporter would be able to out her real name-"Guage-whose real name is___"), so she puts on a really tame show. She might do a lapdance or two, but it's strictly one way contact.
I worked at a hotel across the street from a club that had featured performers, and if the girls gave private performances-it sure wasn't at the hotel. Most of the time, the porn star stayed with her husband, boyfriend, or bodyguard.
I've had some very nice OTCs with features - they basically get bored on the circuit, just surrounded by their roadies and manager, and often are up for some kind of fun. Sometimes I've paid, sometimes not.
Basically I couldn't care less about 95% of features (actually most of them are pretty rough, and I can't stand fake tits which excludes 95% of them from my viewport) but I've seen a few cool ones, and I'll tip nicely on stage, then when they finish doing the photo ops afterwards I'll approach and chat them up. Almost all of them are cordial, desperate for some interesting convo, and in many cases up for at least a bite to eat. From there, it's a matter of either charm or money...
I'm kicking myself for missing Katsumi at the PP a week or two ago - total slut, I'm sure that would have been a nice OTC :(
Other than a photo op, if your ego needs it, there is no reason to worry about overrated, expensive, ageing and boring feature performers.
"What can she do on stage that the regular dancers cannot?"
Well, for starters she will get an appearance fee upwards of 5k. Secondly, she'll probably get more patrons to clap. Apparently clapping is important to some here so if you want to hear some good old fashioned clapping to go with the dancing, feature porn stars are a good way to go.
porn star features are way overrated! this is their last stop before complete obscurity.
i have written about this particular soft-core porn queen before: Linn Thomas, the first woman to be both a Playboy playmate and Penthouse Pet. Linn to my knowledge, never did hardcore b-g, although she did do some pretty serious softcore g-g with Victoria Zdrok in an M. Ninn video, "Temptation." She toured for about 4 years, and I saw her numerous times. I can say unequivcally that Linn was among the 2 or 3 nicest, sweetest women I have met in my entire life. She was smart (had a college degree) could talk about a variety of subjects and wasn't afraid to laugh at herself. She would lapdance for me all nite after she was through on stage and she was always appreciative, never acted entitled.
Linn apparently left the biz altogether around 18 months ago, I'm pretty certain she was persuing a graduate degree at some school in the New York area. She didn't drink, didn't do drugs or gamble her earnings away, so I guess she left the biz with a lot of bucks. I still fanatsize about running into her somewhere down the road...She is the gold standard for feature dancers as far as I am concerned.
The only "thrill" is seeing in the flesh what was previously only available on screen. Other than that, they have been underwhelming from my point of view. They dance too fast, put too much emphasis on outfits and acrbotics, and pitch promo stuff to the point of annoyance (not to mention that their appearance seems to give license to obnoxious DJs to rise to new levels of stupidity as they try to act as both MCs and shills. All that on top of the cautious attitude mentioned previously, and they add up to a bad imvestment. Put any regular dancer in those feature shoes (absent the notoriety and we'd be criticizing her performance and downrating the club. Would I/do I still go? Only if it's day shift and I could do it on the job (which means hardly ever). Otherwise, I wouldn't want to give up down time for them.
Only saw one porn star show at a stripclub and it was many years ago. At the time I remember her dance to have been considerably bolder than the standard stage show offered at this club. My sole experience seems to be the exception as most of you indicate that the pornstar show is much more conservative than the regular fare. One interesting side note to my experience. On the day before I went to see her(name escapes me) she and her bodyguard came into the mall where I was working and he boght her some stuff from me while she was having her nails done. He invited me and my friend to the show on him and got us a nice table up front.
snowtime: not to be disrespectable but why would you want a table up front? My favorite club does not have a guy seating you. You just find a place and park it. I always sit in the back. Less noise and I get to see which dancers are leaving or just coming in. My buddies always know where to find me as do my favorite strippers.
Shadowcat: No disrespect taken. I usually sit in the back or stand by the bar at your favorite club. This was a large club in Greenville,SC (got closed down many years ago) and since the feature act's bodyguard had arranged to get us in free I think he told the doorman to give us the VIP treatment. I told my friend I did not particularly wan to sit up front but did not want to be rude to the guy who set it up. As it turned out we had a great vantage point to view a rather lewd show with lots of other customers paying $5 tips to get up and close with the porn star. This club was by no means elegant, being located in an abandoned grocery store, but it held a lot of people. I actually despise the fancy clubs having been once to the Cheetah and never to the infamous Gold Club in our fair, but strip club poor, city.
snowtime, can you name the club in Greenville that closed? I'm curious. It wasn't Diamonds was it? I don't know what that building may have been used for before if it was used for anything else.
I like looking at feature entertainers if they look good and are nice to me. I don't want them spilling liquids on me or accidently splashing liquids all over the crowd where I'm sitting at. I don't want to be part of any show if she decides to rip your clothing or shirt off either.
So what does the feature entertainer appearing at PP look like? I'm curious now. Is her pic on the web site of the club? I'm not that familiar with the names or faces of many of the porn star feature entertainers unless they have been featured in strip clubs for a long time.
Casualguy: Yes, it was Diamonds. I had forgotten the name and I only went that one time. Also went to a place called Godiva's that was fun years ago but went downhill and I haven't been back in a long time. Will try PP in Greenville on my next trip there.
There are some pics here,
Just like with many things in porn the "Porn Star Feature" is a dying breed. There was a time when Jenna Jamisson and her ilk could get 50,000 for an appearance at a strip club. Those days are long gone. Too many wanna-be "porn stars" who actually only have a few internet credits are trying to tour as "features" and it has diluted whatever credibility it once had. My ATF was a fairly popular porn star in the late 90's but when she got out of the movies she went back to work as a house dancer and never toured as a feature. Ten years later she is still making good money, has a normal life outside of dancing and has never had to be saddled with the "dried up porn star" label.
a 'friend' of mine went to see Teri Weigel in Charlotte,NC a few years ago and arranged one of her You Be The Star sessions where he go 30minutes with her in a hotel room, 'directing' his own video of her. Basically he got a chance to grope his favorite Playboy bunny and got jerked off by her. Cost $2,000.00 The next night he and I went to see her perform at the SC she was at and she acted like she didn't even know him! Matter of fact I paid $25 to take a picture with her just to rub it in to him. He response was, well, she did jerk me off. I said for 2 grand you should have been able to fuck her in ass and wipe your dick on her hair!!! Rip OFF!!!
Rip off, or realizing a life-long fantasy? Some folks just want that ONE MEMORY ... :D
I recall an occasion when Summer Something (can't remember her name) came through Toronto and did one or two clubs. Word got out pretty quickly, that if you went to see her at such-and-so a club it would be nothing but a stage set, but if you went to see her at such-and-so other club then she would be doing private lappers after midnight for $500 for ten minutes / three songs. And basically the $500 deal included the blowjob, as far as the report went. I think she had goons with her and picked and chose the few dudes who got the blowjobs -- maybe six across the whole night, from midnight to 2 am? I dunno, I wasn't party to it, but I recall the internet lighting up with reports of it. Roughly 1996-ish?
I was up in Ankorage, AK about 5 or 6 years ago and a porn star called Stacy Staxx was appearing. She was avertised at 66SSS up top. It was at Cheetah's I think. She didn't disappoint, she was about 5' 2" and probably had a 24 inch waist, she could take a folded dollar off both your ears at one time with her boobs. She also had a trick where she took a fresh banana and swallowed it whole, then pushed it out and twirled the part you could see with her tongue. She signed pictures with you for $5 and would do a lap dance for 2 for $50 (normal fee was $10 at the time there. She had a bodyguard but not for the private dances. I got the impression that she definitely was looking for OTC action but I was with a couple of others and didn't check into it. She was the only featured performer that I have seen that was worth seeing, the rest were pretty lame.
Golfer: What the fuck is a 66888 up top. I have been to Anchorage a few times. Stayed at the Capt Cook. Is that the size of a mooses utter?
snowtime, thanks for the answer
pop, thanks for the link. That answered my question.
I haven't gone to a strip club just for the feature in a long time. Now I did go to one club I hadn't visited in 2 or 3 years just because I thought it might not be dead that night a feature was visiting. The dancers thought I was there just to see the feature but I really wanted to know what the club and dancers looked like when it wasn't dead.