Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
My gas price is around $3.77 but changing daily. I figure with an average gas mileage of 23 mpg, and 14 miles total round trip to work, I'm spending almost $2.50 a day in gas just to get back and forth to work. That's without going out to lunch or driving around town. I guess that's only around $50 a month so that extra driving I do must really add up. I think I spent over $41 to fill up my tank last week and I gas up every week. Let's see from around $2 a gallon to $4, that's 4 x 20 to 4 x 41 roughly or an increase of 80 to 164 a month, that's around an extra $1,000 a year I'm paying now.
I've heard about other people having it a lot worse. How much more are you paying? I guess if the average fuel efficiency was 15 mpg with an average of 15,000 miles per year at $2 a gallon you paid $2,000 a year in gas, now you're paying around $4,000 a year.
This doesn't include the cost for more expensive food. No wonder why the economy is in trouble.
I've heard about other people having it a lot worse. How much more are you paying? I guess if the average fuel efficiency was 15 mpg with an average of 15,000 miles per year at $2 a gallon you paid $2,000 a year in gas, now you're paying around $4,000 a year.
This doesn't include the cost for more expensive food. No wonder why the economy is in trouble.
After doing some searching that's not really a true statement I believe anymore. Apparently it depends on how aerodynamic your care or vehicle is. Someone claimed that their prius only saved 3 to 4 mpg doing 50 mph than they got at 75 mph. I haven't noticed that much of a change (the 5 percent difference per every 5 mph over 55) myself either. My car is more aerodynamic and is not a big SUV.
Here's an article on using aluminum, water, and gallium to make competitively priced hydrogen. Competitive with fossil fuels that is.…
lots of interesting articles in their archives here…
Just highlight, press control+C to copy, then paste into your browser address with control+ V and then you should have it.
*Supposedly* it is a myth that premium is better. A Toyota I owned did indeed require premium and I learned an expensive lesson going cheap.
I hope gas goes to $10 and most of you people quit driving. Then I'll be able to get around with less traffic problems. Ok I'm not really hoping that...
Note how the ultra-long link screws with the page formatting. :(
Thought you'd want to know ...
Otherwise ... I'm spending all my strip-clubbing money
on gas. Har har.
Columbus area prices are in 3.85 to 3.95 range.
It's been over 50 bucks a pop to fill-up my tank all the way, so I've gone back to filling up at half a tank, which is what I usually do in the winter. Shop can usually easily find cheaper gas that's upwards of a quarter/gallon cheaper. Keep your tires inflated properly as well.
And you might also keep in mind that we've artificially restricted our own production of oil and gasoline (as well as electricity with which oil competes) by placing severe environmental limits on where oil companies are allowed to drill and where they can build new refineries. We complain that the Saudis restrict their output but we've done exactly the same thing. That may be good environmental but there's a huge cost associated with it, and we're now paying that cost. Something to think about when next you're filling your tank.
I'm not sure if the price of gas has even gone up despite all the government BS that should make it much more expensive in real terms.
Perhaps non-stop printing of money is the real reason for the seemingly high price of gas. Pricing gas in other physical commodities should give a better idea if the currency is the problem or whether there are true shortages.
If you were using silver as money or probably most other commodities, then the price most likely hasn't gone up. With paper money, well even if it was a $200 a gallon that doesn't necessarily mean there is any scarcity of oil. :)
There is only a few years worth of oil under the ground of the USA, and even ANWR has only about 1.5 years worth of oil in it & it would take DECADES to get all that oil out of the ground up there. Why would the oil industry want to build more refineries? That would just allow more of their commodity to go to market and lower the price! The days of drilling our way out of an energy crisis are looong gone...wake up...
Comparing the price of a gallon of gasoline to the cost of a 1-2 ton if that means anything. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain pulling the levers of your life, he's meaningless...sure, sure...
the argument has been out there for sometime that ANWR would provide only enough oil for 6 months, or 1.5 years, or whatever. That would be true ONLY IF THE U.S. WERE CUT OFF FROM ALL OTHER SOURCES OF OIL, BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Under any realistic circumstance, there is oil enough in ANWR to assist in meeting our energy needs for decades. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates there are between 6 and 16 billion barrels of recoverable reserves in ANWR. We've extracted over 15 billion barrels from Alaska's North Slope over the past 3 decades, much more than was originally thought to be there.
Is ANWR the sole answer to our energy problems? Of course not! There is no single answer. The problem is with those who say, "My way is the only're way won't work!" We see that everyday in Congress, and that's way nothing of consequence is getting done. The compromise is to try to do as much as we can on ALL fronts: Production from exisiting energy sources, development of as many alternatives as possible, and increased conservation. Meanwhile, beware the zealots and know-it-alls.
The cost of artifically restricting the domestic supply of oil has been huge, and the public should be made aware of that. Maybe that money could be better spent elsewhere, like finding a cure for cancer or providing health care for everyone. IMO that's a choice the public should be allowed to make, whith all the facts in hand. Let the public rather than the courts choose what it wants. And make all the facts available without bias. I believe in democracy - let the majority decide. That's my agenda.
The point about ANWR is why drill for that small amount of oil over the course of many decades (they isn't even any infrastructure up there to get the oil out) when we could be focusing our efforts as a nation on conservation (increasing CAFE standards alone could apparently end our dependance on Mid-East oil) and alternative energy sources that aren't finite. I think those that want to drill, drill, drill in ANWR & other places are just wanting to put more money into the hands of the oil industry, period. I really don't care a whole lot about killing caribou or whatever up there either BTW.
Peak Oil is real, and it's not going to go away by wishing it away. Oil production worldwide is almost maxed out right now.
The world’s “proven†oil reserves are expected to last a maximum less than 50 more years...that’s, of course, assuming that you believe the past suspicious official estimates of oil reserves from OPEC countries like the UAE, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.
What have *you* done to conserve clubber?? I'll be waiting to hear the silence from your end...we already all know that you're just an old
You are not even worth the energy to type a response. How's that for conservation? Take care, my green friend!
I've been a long time doubter of solar power, but I think the game may be changing for a whole new way of life. Many many years a top government official had predicted that his grandchildren wouldn't even comprehend being charged for power. That power would be plentiful, free, and clean. I always admired that man's vision and was surprised that it didn't become a reality and perhaps it never will. My bet is that not only isn't there an energy crisis, but that energy in the fairly near future will be plentiful, free, and clean.
On the downside and it seems like there is always a downside: Prisons should be a truly booming business because with free energy there won't be much of a cost constraint to warehousing people non-stop.