
Comments by DougS (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Costumes, Slutty Outfits or just Bikinis?
    David120: YES! I also hate those things laced around girls legs, and arms. I have bypassed getting dances from girls wearing these. When I'm getting a dance and want to caress her legs, I do NOT want to feel that lace / ribbon crap! I don't know who came up with that idea, but it's totally unsexy. The last time I saw my prev ATF, it was at her current club (a dive in Indy), and every last girl there had laces around at least one, if not two extremities. Even my prev ATF had a leg laced! I asked her WTF is up with those, and her reply was that they like them because it makes them feel sexy. (uhh... whatever)
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    17 years ago
    Favorite porno stars
    BookGuy: I don't think there's any trickery involved. I've seen her squirting in many videos, though that one seemed to be a much larger, stream that projected further. That particular video, if I'm not mistaken, is a clip from a much longer video, which was basically a training film on how to make your woman squirt. (from the looks, it's a successful technique)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Favorite porno stars
    Lotsoffun201: I have mixed feelings about Cytheria. She's pretty much my type, but I'm not sure about the squirting. I like it in some ways 'cause it's not every day that you see a hot chick squirting, especially to that extent. She's obviously not faking her O's. On the other hand, I'm not sure I want to get sprayed with her juices... dribbled on, rubbed all over, but not necessarily drenched, you know? Her she is in "action"... -> http://video.stripclublist.com/video/scl42945v
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    17 years ago
    Stripper as therapist
    Stripper as Therpist? Nahhh... I prefer Stripper as The Rapist... I don't mind strippers sexually assaulting me in the least!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I think I'd start getting paranoid of my girl of choice was talking about all of the "OTHER" losers in the club. I'd start thinking that when she was with one of those "others", that >>I<< would be one of those losers she was talking about. Another reason that I like the OTC choice. There's no chance she's saying those things about me, since there's no one else to tell. (yeah, there's a chance that I become one of those losers when she's not OTC with me, but at least I don't see it happening)
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    17 years ago
    The bare look
    I'll weigh-in here... mid 40's, and I prefer shaved, or at least trimmed, for both me, and my ladies.
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    17 years ago
    Favorite porno stars
    Keri Sable, Taylor Rain, Crystal Ray, Krystal Steal, Jenna Haze Imnumnutz: Soft core? Why bother with that?! To me, softcore is frustrating. Personally, I want to penetration, and also the money shots.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Hot female customer ruins my night
    99Intrepid: You pointed out something that I had intended to point out, as I was reading this thread - what was it, two hours ago? (geesh, a definite long winded thread, for sure) Anyhow, I'd read a similar quote to the quote that you posted, a few years ago on a bathroom stall. It's THE most profound that I've ever read in the bathroom... It said "no matter how beautiful she is, somewhere there is a guy that is sick of her shit" I'm sure it's absolutely true, and knowing that helps ME deal with my jealousies when I see a hot girl with a guy that looks like he doesn't deserve her.
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    17 years ago
    Too many trips to the bathroom
    Jpac73: I concur with the majority here. See a doctor - that amount of urination is NOT normal. I rarely need to urinate. In the club, even though I am drinking, I usually can spend 6-9 hours in the club and AT MOST visit the bathroom once, usually it's NO visits.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat. Proceed with caution.
    I know that once a girl has taken me (my member) in her mouth, there is NO way that I am stopping her! I can see Shadow thinking with that "other head" and driving out to a trailer park in the boonies... I could see myself doing that, 'cause I'm too nice of a guy, too. And yes, it would be VERY stupid to do, since she could pull a knife or a gun out of her purse and nothing good could come of that. Thankfully, things worked out okay. My prev ATF used to smoke weed, sometimes when we were together. I can remember stuffing a towel under the door so that passersby couldn't smell the aroma, just in case. Using hindsight, that was very stupid to allow her to have the weed when I was around... in my car... in my hotel room... I guess I was lucky nothing ever happened. Come to think of it, when we first started OTCing, she wasn't even 21, and I always had liquor in the room. I could'a found myself in serious doo, had I been caught somehow. Fortunately, current Miss ATF doesn't do drugs, and she's recently quit drinking, so I have a few less worries when I'm with her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Iowa
    So, what time is it?
    So far, I've had to revert to making a note on my desk that has the date/time stamp of the last discussion thread that I've read. This seems to be working out SLIGHTLY better than using my previous method of opening and reading the last few posts to determine if I've read it before or not.
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    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The other strippers in the club: Do they matter?
    Like Yoda said.. if I'm going to a new club, or a club where I have no favorites, I want every girls to be hot and my type. If I'm with my ATF, for instance, it doesn't matter who is there, or what is going on; we are in our own little world. There could be a room full of 10's, all muff diving and I wouldn't notice.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Strip voyeurism...
    I try not to watch too much of what is going on around me. I especially make sure that I'm not obvious about it. There have been a few times when I've been left to myself while in the VIP (potty runs, etc.). Talk about feeling uncomfortable! First you feel like a loser sitting there by yourself, then you dont know where to look. (another very good reason to go OTC and stay there) As for being watched while at a club. For me, my level of annoyance reflects my level of feelings towards the girl that I'm with. If I don't really know her, it's a kick to be getting some good dances while being watched enviously. However, the more I like her, the more I dislike being spied upon. When it comes to my ATFs, I consider it an invasion of our privacy, and I will start with giving dirty looks, progressing to making comments loud enough to be heard, until I outright start telling them that they'd damn well better divert their eyes.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Legal Problems for BBF in Indy
    BookGuy: True that! I learned a few years ago, that in the long run, I have a much better time while being sober. I can function normally, not make an ass of myself, present a semi-attractive side of me to the girls AND remember what happened.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Incidentally, I know a lot of you don't understand the attraction, but I spent another entertaining lunch today at one of my fave places - Hooters. I'm tellin' 'ya... there is so much eye candy there! There are only two drawbacks... 1) the price - it's a tad more expensive than the normal lunch fare, and 2) the girls aren't available to give lap dances!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Ginger or Maryann?
    Mary Ann, for sure. Ginger never did much for me. Maybe it was the stiff, hairsprayed hair that turned me off, while Mary Ann had the nice hair in pony tail look. Jimmyblong: Good question, and a much harder choice ... I think I'd opt for Laurie Partridge, but before I made my decision, I'd have to see their bodies... I think Marsha might win that one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?
    With all of the talk about spelling and grammar, I just have a few thoughts to add. I always try very hard to be careful with my grammar and spelling. I consider myself to be a very good speller, which I attribute to the amount of reading that I do. I usually can spot those errors easily. It doesn't bother me, but my mind does catch them. Interestingly, I regularly email with a few people that are teachers (one is a TUSCL regular - but non-poster, and the other is a dancer in her spare time). They BOTH have atrocious spelling "skills". One of my son's teachers (5th grade) also is a very poor speller. It amazes me that someone with that disability could have become a teacher. Even though it is a bit annoying to see those errors (and I know I inadvertantly make those same errors, so I'm not saying I'm any better than anyone else), I see no need to attack someone for their spelling skills - or lack thereof. Let's just overlook them, and keep this board free of personal attacks, and concentrate on what this board is supposed provide for us; lively discussion about strip clubs, hot women and sex!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    So what's the real purpose of "making it rain" on a dancer??
    It's a stupid practice, and only shows that the showerer is trying to draw attention to himself. I don't think it earns any "brownie" points for him with the dancer, either, in fact I think it has the opposite affect. Personally, if I'm going to "shower" money onto a girl on stage, I will just stuff the bill, then wait for her to come back over and stuff another, etc. That way, I get more contact with her and it's not obnoxious. I've done this a few times, usually just 5-7 stuffs on a stage performance, but it usually makes the dancer smile. Now, if it's a dancer that I don't really know yet and SERIOUSLY want to, or if it's one of my faves and I just want her to know I'm enjoying her, I will tuck a single $20... sort of a bulk "shower".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Format, Comments, Complaints, Bugs (revisited)
    Founder: thank you, thank you, thank you... you don't know how much that fix streamlined my TUSCL experience. MUCH appreciation... sorry for the nagging!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are you bothered by tattoos?
    Shadowcat: You hit on two of my favorites... Jenna Haze, Kerri Sable (Kerri is always near the top of my list). Add to those, Crystal Ray, Krystal Steel, Taylor Rain... Not to switch gears here, but in recent threads we talked about addiction... I would guess that most of us here are also "addicted" to porn - I am. I sometimes think that my addiction to clubbing is a result or manifestation of my addiction to porn... Hey wait... does that make me a sex addict? [grin]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are you bothered by tattoos?
    ShotDisc: Yep... I know who she is, and she WAS one of my favorites. I was in shock when she was on the Howard Stern show, talking about (and showing) her extensive inking. I was repulsed and disappointed. I believe on the show, she said or hinted something to the effect that part of the reason she did it was to get away from the porn industry. Knowing that she'd be in much less demand with her hideousness, that she wouldn't be doing as many movies. Why, you will ask, didn't she just say "no more movies"? I think it had to do with the fact that she was "addicted" to doing them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat...
    Bookguy: Normally, I would feel the same way about such a "silly, distracting trick", but that was only a small fraction of her repertoire. She was a real cutie with a fun personality, and ginormous 3rd party aftermarket add-ons.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One of us got busted by his wife...
    Fondl/Igiveup: You don't have to tell ME about the ability to post on the discussion board with an expired membership. I did it several times before finally taking the plunge and becoming a lifetime member. I think Chitown also realizes it. I'm thinking that he was just staying away because he couldn't post/read reviews. Either way, now that I see he's posted a review, I suspect we will be seeing him around here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are you bothered by tattoos?
    I don't like the tats, either. Why? I think "slut" when I see tats on a girl. Not that there's something bad about a girl being a slut, but my fantasies are better when I'm thinking she's more of a wholesome, down-home type girl that's just so horny she will do things like stripping, for instance. I think a tat on a tit is about the most un-sexy thing there is, besides the "sleeve" tats. My ATF has just one tat, which is fairly small and never bothered me too much. I'm probably in the "older gents" section here, too, weighing in at 46.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat...
    CasualGuy: Your experience with the dancer that orally played with your belt reminded me of a "trick" that a dancer at HH in Kokomo used to do that always got me going... She would undo my belt, then unzip my fly. She'd take the non-buckle end of my belt and thread it inside my pants and out the fly. The sexy part was that she pretended that the end of the belt was my dick and was look into my eyes as she licked it and took it into her mouth. Visually, it was VERY hot... too bad she never did that with the real thing instead of the belt... she obviously had some talents that I would've loved to have experienced.