
Comments by DougS (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Road trip through Ky
    EvilCyn: My recommendations for fun clubs were based on you visiting as a dancer. It's true what Chandler said, if you would be visiting as a customer, girl-girl action at HH is definitely frowned up by mgmt. However, BBF in Indy is still a great place to go as dancer or customer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Vocab question
    BookGuy; I almost laughed out loud on that one! I would imagine that type of GFE is very easily found, but not what I'm looking for! ClevelandTom: Pretty much what Kcquestor said. To me, in order for a dancer to provide the GFE, she has to do the following; -> she, at least SEEMS to enjoy your company -> She makes you feel like you are more than just a customer -> she is always glad to see you -> she isn't all about the money (doesn't count dances, or errors on the conservative side) -> her dances are usually more sensual than just pounding / grinding -> plenty of eye contact -> good conversation, about personal stuff (at the right time) -> she remembers stuff about you, between visits -> she remembers what you like, and how you like it -> plenty of DFKing (never enough) Interestingly, while typing this, one item that doesn't appear on the list is high mileage. I suppose that when you add high mileage to the list, it changes things... it's either no longer a GFE (it's something much dirtier) or you've taken things to the next level and it's more like a relationship.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?
    Women with very small breasts can breast feed without any problems. My wife is a runner, with extremely low body fat (and very small breasts) and she breast fed both of our kids. Never an issue. CasualGuy: With the scare a few years back over the use of silicone gel-filled implants, I think most 3rd-party, afermarket add-ons are saline filled these days. Of course saline is very harmless, and nothing to worry about, should it leak. Either way, if leaked, I don't think there's any chance that it will be expelled through the nipple of a nursing mother. (I'm not a doctor - although I play doctor once in a while during role playing - so I could be wrong)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Non strip club related
    CasualGuy: I still recommend against it, but heck, if you are still intrigued, what would it hurt to sign up for a month. It'd be about the price of a lap dance or two (depending on the club), and maybe you COULD get lucky. As long as it's not a minimum investment (1 yr membership, or the like), you don't have much to lose. If you are looking for a relationship, you've got to have a better chance with the internet dating service than trying to hookup up with dancers and the local SC. You could most likely trust girls from the dating service more than strippers, too. You could even report back here and let us know how it went! (just playing the devils advocate)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Road trip through Ky
    EvilCyn: I will be down in Indy this Thurs (OTC during the day, but have the evening free).. if you are going to be around, let me know. I would love to meet you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Road trip through Ky
    EvilCyn: Don't know anything about the KY clubs, but highly recommend that you continue further north at hit BBF in Indy, and/or HH in Kokomo!
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    17 years ago
    Non strip club related
    Casualguy: I've never used any of thse sites, but from the sounds of what you are telling me, I see S-C-A-M written all over it. My guess is someone is sending those emails to you in order to picque your interest enough to joing the membership - afterall, without that membership you cannot see the pics very well, and you can't respond to the emails. My guess is, if you join, you will not receive any more emails, and you won't get a response from the ones that have already sent to you. I advise against it, tempting as it may sound.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you get a crack whore off of your ass?
    Shadowcat: From what you've said, and what I've experienced (not with her, but with other dancers of similar ilk), I'd say she will be very persistant and most likely not easily disuaded. Taking up residence in another hotel for this visit MIGHT do the trick, but I'm guessing you'll still be in the same boat the next time you visit, so you are only prolonging your agony. I believe the best approach would to use the same hotel and hope you don't bump into her. If you do, I'd tell her that you don't have the time to spend with her... you're just too busy. Don't answer the door if she knocks... don't answer the phone... If you think she might be the type to do something destructive to your vehicle, you might consider renting a car for this trip. Another angle that just came to mind. You stated that you know the hotel manager very well. Does he have any idea how "well" you know her? You could have him be on the watch out for trouble with her and/or the vehicle, unless metioniong the situation to him is not acceptable - depends on how well he knows you and what you are up to, etc. You could always mention to the mgr what she is doing (hooking)... maybe he will kick her ass out of the place and you won't have to worry about running into her again. [wink] Good luck!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fatties have no business dancing in clubs... heck, this thread has no business being on the discussion board... the mere mention of the word is a buzzkiller... no fatties allowed!
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    17 years ago
    New Strip Club Cities Links
    that's Indy, not Inday...
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    17 years ago
    New Strip Club Cities Links
    Only thing I could think of was that IS was included with the Chicago clubs and skewed the ranking somehow. Otherwise, surely Dallas or Tampa would be #1... (or Inday [wink])
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The bad girls. Lindsay, Brittany or Paris. Your choice?
    Based upon how they look at the moment, I'd have to go with Paris. She IS thin, but I like thin... and she has nice hair (y'all know my weaknesses there). If you re-worded the question so that we were basing it on how they looked in their prime, I'd no doubt pick Britney (the one from about 3 years ago). She was smmmmokin' back then - now, sadly, post-hair shaving (of the bad kind, and extra weight... no thanks! Lindsay never did anything for me... at all. Shadowcat: I enjoyed watching the flick A Night In Paris (or whatever the name was). But, I have to say, she didn't appear to be terribly talented. From the looks of it, I've had MUCH better blowjobs, from hotter girls than that. Chitown: You know I'm into Jennifer Love Hewitt, too... but here lately, I've seen her in several movies, and I don't know if you've paid attention, or noticed but she's packin' a lot of shtuff in that trunk. In fact, the last two flicks that I've seen her in, I noticed that she appeared to be intentionally covering up her lower half. Once I noticed that, it was way obvious... wearing a lot of "wraps" around her waist... placing a throw pillow on her legs when sitting on a couch... being shown behind a desk in a lot of shots... I still would no doubt jump at the chance, but she's not as hot as she was in her "Party of Five" days. DandyDan: Yep, it's true, celebrities suck... that's why we all want celebrity girls (for their sucking talents).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ramblings of Pirates of TUSCL ?
    Aye, is true... not all treasure is gold and silver... some is pink. Arrrrrr.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    are you honest with your ATF?
    Imnumnutz: Good luck, guy. I know you said you don't really want things to develop into something serious, but reading between the lines, I think you wouldn't mind that at all. I DO know where you are coming from (I'm in a similar situation with my ATF). Even though I think chances are really slim that things will progress much more than they have already (and if they did, it would be a serious problem), I STILL would like to see it happen.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the most unusual ...
    Bones: I did try a few times to thrust forward a few inches "accidentally", thinking that I might get lucky and experience a brief visit between her lips, but she was quick and probably expecting such a tactic. Geesh, for the tip I promised her, you'd think she'd gladly at least lick the "tip".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the most unusual ...
    Chandler: True, it's not your typical strip club, but since it IS listed on TUSCL, I figured it was fair game to be mentioned.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    are you honest with your ATF?
    Chandler: I didn't take it as accusatory at all. I also don't think Miss ATF expects me to be honest with her, but I believe she appreciates the fact that I am. Also, I think she can overlook the fact that I'm deceiving my wife by giving her false alibis for my whereabouts because Miss ATF is obviously doing the same in order to meet me for our OTC rendezvous.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    are you honest with your ATF?
    Chandler: Yeah, it's a conundrum. How can I expect Miss ATF to believe a single thing that I say, when she knows I am lying to my wife (and have done so, in her presence)? Furthermore, why would Miss ATF ever trust a guy not to run around on her, when she knows he is already running around on someone else? I don't present a very good track record, do I? I suppose it's just like me accepting everything that she tells me, even though I know that dancers have a high level of expertise in the art of deception. I guess it comes down to believing what you want to believe.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the most unusual ...
    I'd have to say Ladies En Confidente in Denver. It's the only place like it, to which I've ever been. I don't think I'd ever go back, unless I was going as a couple. LEC's website sounded like a brothel, so I HAD to check it out. It's buried in an industrial park, set back between several warehouses (yes, in another message thread, you all know what I thought when I saw the "warehouse" signs). I had to "ring in" to have someone open the door, and once inside I was told to sit down on a couch. After about 10 minutes, all of the girls that were working at that time were paraded out past me, and I was to select the girl of my choice. (it was seeming more and more like a brothel, and I anticipated some heavy action) Unfortunately, out of the girls available (four of them), there was only one that was marginally attractive to me, but by that time, my standards were lowering in proportion to the lenghtening of a certain tool in my possession. I opted for a 30 min session with my girl, during which she stripped completely and gave me some very up close and personal looks at the goods. However, as it turned out, looks was all that I got. No touching in either direction - 'cept I was allowed to touch her ass, back and legs... She begged me to take off my pants and let her see it. Thinking there was still a chance of getting inside one of her orifices, I obliged. I thought surely, once she got a look at what I was working with, that she'd help me relieve some tension, but no. It was strictly a self-service place, and even offering tips made no difference. I wasn't about to jack-off, and started stowing the disappointed Mr. Happy when she told me how hot she gets watching guys masterbate. Who am I to deny a girl of life's simple pleasures? She assisted me by kneeling between my legs, and while looking into my eyes, she made moaning sounds as she stuck her tongue out to within an inch of my member. Definitely a hot sight, and the tension eventually oozed out, but disappointment was the overall feeling for the visit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    are you honest with your ATF?
    Yes, I've been pretty straight with my ATF. In fact, probably TOO honest. The way I see it, if I expect honesty from her, I have to be honest with her. There are, however, a few semi-truths, and a few things that I haven't mentioned, but have implied, all of which I will correct, as we continue to get closer. I actually dropped a rather large bombshell on her during our last OTC. During my business trip back in Sept, when we first got acquainted, we tried to plan out when we'd both be in the club later that week. She'd thrown out a night, and I told her that I'd already "had plans with a friend". (the plans were actually a scheduled OTC with my prev ATF) She pressed me who that "friend was", and whether it was a girl... I lied and told her "no". Months later, during our last OTC, for no other reason but to show her that I was being honest with her, I 'fessed up and told her that that night I'd actually had plans to meet another stripper OTC. When she asked "what exactly did you two do together?", I described my usual OTC experience with my prev ATF. She was visibly shaken by that little revelation, but we talked through it, and within a few minutes, all was okay (as far as I know). Imnumnutz: I would tell her the truth. If you intend to cultivate your "relationship" with this dancer, I'd simply tell her, like I told MY ATF. Start out by saying something like "Hey [insert name], there is something that I wasn't totally truthful about, with you, and it's really bothering me...." and just plunge ahead. Seriously, your white lie isn't that big of a deal, and I'm sure she will not hate you for it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    TV Sitcom Fantasy MILF
    Someyoungguy: And how about the very hot spokesmodel in the Mercury commercials... I LOVE that!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messaging?
    Most definitely! Count me as a "Y" for the vote, and also recommend the blocking feature per Driver01. (actually, I would imagine that you could use the "ignore list" for blocking. I occasionally email with fellow TUSCLers, and it's always kind of a pain to ask for someone's email that is unpublished. This would be a great feature. The chat room would be cool, too, but Bones, I would NOT be for the cam capabilities... with the exception of EvilCyn and Lopaw, there's no one here that I'd be interested in seeing... [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Return of Bones
    Bones: yep, nice to see your name on the posts again. Glad to hear that your dad is doing well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I think I need a new hobby!
    David120: I think you, just like most of us around here, have a dirty mind. It always makes me laugh at myself when I see an sign advertising "Warehouse"... funny how my mind transposes a letter here and adds a letter there... Of course, for a split second, I'm slowing down, just in case it says what I THINK it says...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper image
    In all of my OTCing experience, I've never had a stripper show up looking like a stripper. In fact, it almost seems like they go out of their way to look un-stripper-ish (I just made that up, in case you are wondering [grin]). My prev-ATF would always wear baggy sweatshirts and loose fitting jeans, but she still looked hot (mostly because she had the most beautiful long hair). There was one time, however, that she went out in public looking every bit like a hooker. We were OTCing at my hotel, and decided to go to the pool and hot tub area. She, of course, didn't have a suit with her, so she wore one of her stripper outfits - small, black tube-top-like type and black thong, plus her 6" heels. I put a towel around her shoulders on the way to the pool; I didn't want everyone getting a free peek of her. When we got to the pool area, we discovered that there were no ashtrays (this was prior to Marriott's going smoke-free). So, I think partly to "get my goat", 'cause she knew I was a little uptight with the way she looked, she decided to walk out to the front desk and ask for an ashtray, wearing just the heels and stripper outfit. Upon her return, she laughingly told me that the desk clerk couldn't even talk when he saw her, and his hand was badly shaking when he handed her the ashtray. I'm SURE he thought she was a hooker - I know that I would've.