
So what's the real purpose of "making it rain" on a dancer??

Avatar for Jpac73

I was thinking what are some of the reasons that guys will Rain or shower a dancer with a alot of money? Some may just want to make it look like they have alot of money but I think for some it is apart of their "Game"(Technique used to get with women). I have seen a few guys drop a bunch of money on a dancer, but they never spend any more money on that particular dancer after she is offstage. When the dancer comes around after she is offstage this is when they try to get in "Mack Mode" and see if they can get her digits so they can hook up later. Using this method the dancer can't say he is a cheap skate wasting her time and not spending.

So is it a show of power?, or is it apart of their little scheme to try and hookup with the dancer?


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Avatar for FONDL

The only guy I've ever seen do it was in love with the girl. But he didn't actually do the rain thing, he just stood at the stage handing her one dollar bill after another the whole time she danced. And he did it every shift she worked for about 6 months. I think it was as much to establish his claim on her, to make sure everyone else knew she was his, as anything else. I felt sorry for the guy, he was in way over his head. She was nice enough but she was a real seasoned pro and took him to the cleaners. But I'm thankful to her, she's the reason I hooked up with my ATF.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Usually I think it's a show-off, mostly for the benefit of other males observing. I've seen it happen maybe six times. Five times, the person showering a girl with $1s was a large, ghetto-bling African-American male with "attitude problems" who had a "crew" of weaker-looking men who got all excited about the display. The sixth time it was another dancer on break who took the $20s of the girl on stage, went to the bar and had them broken into $1s, and then returned them to her by means of showering. I'm sure she added a few $1s of her own in there. Later the two dancers left making out and arm in arm.

Avatar for casualguy

I'm not impressed by it but it does provide some good tip money to the dancers. I've seen it several times. I even saw the guy who did it go back and sit down, the dancer picked up the money, then she came over to me with an almost empty stage and then took my one dollar tip and put on her normal show for me. I don't try to compete or interfere with a guy trying to dump his money on a dancer. I figure it's either for show, or he wants to blow a small wad of cash, or he justs wants attention and look like a big spender. Tipping a girl a 20 dollar bill would be the same amount as a big shower of ones without all the hoopla.

Avatar for Pete22z

I saw a guy do it the other night. It impressed no one. First of all the guy was doing it with singles (wow...ten dollars!). Secondly, he just didn't look the part. There simply wasn't enough crackers for all that cheese. Although it was a really slow night and I did appreciate the chuckle.

Avatar for Clubber

Only saw it once. I am quite sure the guy was an NBA player. Likely did it because he could!

Avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy

Twice. I don't think it's an act of power. In fact, both times I've seen it it came off as a submission -- "my God, you're so goddamn I have to give you 1 ... no, 2 ... alright, you win! Take all of my money!"

Avatar for chitownlawyer

I've posted on this topic before, from a different angle. I wondered if it wasn't humiliating to the dancer...I guess I was importing my "WASP"-y ethos that matters concerning money are best handled discreetly. I asked some dancers about it, and to my surprise, found that most of them liked it, if only because of the amount of money involved (even if it's just $20, it's better than the usual $1-5 stage tip.) One dancer said that she liked it because it called attention to her as a valuable commodity, and usually got more men up to the stage (on the theory that other men want what one man wants). Two dancers did not like it--because they did not like dancing for young black men, and the dancers associated the "money shower" practice with that demographic.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Funny thing is, it's probably only $10. I regularly account for $10 to $20 as "discretionary" or "slush fund" money. For example, if there's a hot girl and I want a dance from her, I'm probably about as likely to get two dances at $20 each, as I am to get two dances at $30 each. That works out to a $20 difference over the course of the evening, per girl, a difference which (evidently) I consider negligible enough to essentially abandon from my decision-making routine. Therefore, to "shower" or "sprinkle" $20 worth of $1s over a dancer on stage should be, for me, negligible. Yet I never have done it, nor would I consider it a fun or worthwhile thing to do. I don't OBJECT to it being done; I merely feel neutral about it for myself.

Avatar for FONDL

I wonder if it's a regional thing? I've almost never seen it. Or is it something that's done mostly in GCs, which I've never spent much time in.

Avatar for DougS

It's a stupid practice, and only shows that the showerer is trying to draw attention to himself. I don't think it earns any "brownie" points for him with the dancer, either, in fact I think it has the opposite affect.

Personally, if I'm going to "shower" money onto a girl on stage, I will just stuff the bill, then wait for her to come back over and stuff another, etc. That way, I get more contact with her and it's not obnoxious. I've done this a few times, usually just 5-7 stuffs on a stage performance, but it usually makes the dancer smile.

Now, if it's a dancer that I don't really know yet and SERIOUSLY want to, or if it's one of my faves and I just want her to know I'm enjoying her, I will tuck a single $20... sort of a bulk "shower".

Avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy

OK, YMMV. At least you shouldn't wad up your dollar bill into a ball and throw it at a stripper, which I saw a guy passing by the stage at the Deja Vu in Minneapolis do several years ago.

Avatar for JerseyDan

I live in Northern NJ and there are alot of club here where white men make it rain. One club in particular I would go to this customer would shower a girl with $100 - $200 singles everytime she was on stage. It got to be comical. She was out of shape and not so attrative but definitly got a sucker sugar daddy who she told to do this. In that case it was pathetic. At the same club alot of Turkish men go there and I think it in their culture to throw money on women dancing. I saw this once in a Middle Eastern restarurant/lounge in New York. Anyway they also shower girls who sit with them. When they do it it's to show off because they have some of the hottest girls in the club sitting with them from the time they come in to the time they leave. I never shower girls even though they ask. I think it is a pathetic show. I'll buy VIP and dances but a shower to me is a pathetic show.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

I do fold bills sometimes. I make paper airplanes and fly them to girls (from no more than three feet, or so) just for the fun of it. And I know how to make a butterfly, a little short-sleeved shirt with a collar, and a bow tie. I learned them off the internet. You can look these up by Googling "dollar bill origami" or something similar. That little trick, plus smoking a tobacco smoking pipe, mean they're more likely to rememberme.

Avatar for FONDL

Someyoungguy, there's a club in Philly (Show-n-Tell) where wadding up the bill and throwing it at the dancer is the only way you can tip the girls while they're on stage and everyone does it. They make a contest out of it to see who can hit the kitty. It's actually kinda funny.

I used to always fold a dollar or two lengthwise and insert it wherever it was supposed to go (every club is different.) I think it's a waste to give more than a dollar or two when the girl is onstage, because she may not notice or may forget who it was from. I'd rather save the money for an extra dance.

Avatar for shadowcat

There are a couple that I would like to give a golden shower to.

Seriously, I read a review for Hamilton Strip, in Hamilton, Ontario. Apparently stage tipping is illegal. Does anyone know if this is true of all Canadian clubs or is this just a local or Provincial law.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Shadowcat: in my experience I have seen a LOT of stage tipping in Ontario clubs. I wouldn't recommend Hamilton for strip clubbing (or for anything else, really), especially since it's within such an easy trip of both Toronto's western suburbs and Niagara Falls (Ontario). In a car it's less than an hour north-east to Mississauga and Etobicoke; or south by south-east to NF, on a major interstate ("The QEW") the whole way.

If the Hamilton club review says stage-tipping (more likely, contact between dancer and patron) is illegal, I'd guess that this was because of a Hamilton regulation which applied strictly to that city. It's certainly not standard practice for Niagara Falls, Ontario, to limit contact.

Avatar for lopaw

They do the "showers" alot at my fave club. On many occasions the dancers themselves will use their own $$$ and discreetly give it to one of their regulars to shower them with it. That way the girls gets the attention, and her regular looks like a big man. A win-win for both.

Avatar for casualguy

It sounds like it could be fun making a dollar bill into a paper airplane and throwing it at a dancer on stage. However I can only think of one club where there is enough room to do that and even there, the dancers usually aren't that far away from me if I sit at the stage.

Avatar for FONDL

Casualguy, the club I referred to has a rope about 5 feet from the stage that you have to stand behind. No one sits at the stage, or anywhere else for that matter unless they brought in a cooler, which many guys do. It's that kinda place. It's like a cocktail party where everyone stands around talking to the girls until they're ready to head off to a private room to play.

Avatar for jimmyblong

I once saw a guy standing at a stage raining dollar bills onto the stage. Me and my friends were all sitting in seats around the same stage. This guy seemed to try to encourage us to do the same...egging us on to throw our dollar bills up onto the stage like we were bidding on the girl. One of my buddy's starting doing this trying no to let this guy show us up. We found out later that the dude was the dancers boyfriend and was basically just recycling her tip money so it looked good and roped in suckers like my friend. I dont ever feel the need to impress other dudes at a SC.

Avatar for apesht45

It is a vulgar, low class move if you ask me. I would never be caught dead doing that.

Not too long ago I went to a club I went with my wife and another lady friend of ours. (Both of them way into strippers!) We had a fantastic evening at a semi-local establishment with 4 very lovely dancers. They made quite a bit of $$$ just on lap dances and stage tips, but when we were wrapping things up at the end of the night I made sure to fold a few big bills for each of them. As we all hugged goodbye I handed each their extra tip and thanked them for making the evening extra special.

A little class goes a long way, though we were very well treated regulars before; this has paid off in spades. You should get treated half as well as we do now.

Shower money? Fuck no. - Have a little dignity, treat others with the same, and your strip club visits will get better and better!

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

"Have a little dignity." Something I'd like to say to just about every one of the world's new "ghetto culture" practitioners, regardless of his race.

Avatar for chandler

The only person whose objection means anything is the dancer receiving it. If she doesn't have a problem with it, neither do I.

Avatar for apesht45

Well because Chandler pronounces something "OK" then it must be.

Avatar for LilMama

It makes us feel good. It makes us happy. We try our best to make you happy....JEEZE people.

I know that one man showering can bother another. But, if it makes the customer feel good and the girl feel good...isn't that a win-win?

Thanks Chandler, I agree.

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