
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life

This isn't a strip club question per se, but since the Board has been a bit slow lately, I thought I would toss this question out: Does anyone go to Hooters?

Myself -- never been there......have no desire to go there.....just don't see the point of it all -- but since I admit I have never been there, perhaps I need some enlightenment. I just don't see any reason to visit. It's sort of like what's all the fuss about the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. There are better options.


last comment
avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

Jumping back to Hooters, I remember eating at one Hooters in Columbia a couple of months ago or so and my waitress seemed to be doing a hoola hoop dance for me. She asked if I wanted to try but I enjoyed watching her do it much better. That was so much better than getting a bite to eat at Burger King.

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

I did manage to get my name put on Mars just by being a member of the Planetary Society. You'll need an electron microscope to read it but there was a chip JPL included with the first rover mission. I don't know though, I wonder if the first sand storm to come along wiped out the data.

Jumping back to my aerospace classes, I remember on one of first days in class, someone from NASA was there and hoping we would come up with a better solution for their work gloves they use in space. It was interesting hearing how some of the first astronauts tried applying torque to bolts in space and instead of the bolt turning, they started spinning around the bolt.

avatar for minnow
17 yrs ago

SC; I'll shoot 1 to your budweiser add.(listed tuscl, have 2 others, not sure abt. reliability).

avatar for Shekitout
17 yrs ago

As Shadowcat mentioned 2 Hooters waitresses that worked at the Hooters formerly located on Broad River Road in Columbia, SC worked at my favorite club, Platinum Plus in Columbia. I believe one of them got fired from Hooters for what exactly I don't know. She was cute as hell and went to work at PP. I believe she talked another Hooters girl into quitting to come to work at PP. Like Shadowcat said, they were kinda like a team: you didn't see one without the other one. The other girl was very cute too but had more meat on her bones. I recall 2 other Hooters girls who worked at PP. One told me that she loved being naked & that's why she quit Hooters to work at PP. The other Hooters gal worked as a waitress only at PP. I remember her wearing her Hooters outfit Halloween nite at the club. I cannot remember the tag team duo wearing their outfits at the club. It was fascinating to me to get dances from them and seeing them naked & being able to feel those tits which I had only looked at at Hooters. The more meatier girl was more shy than the smaller one. The smaller one would face away from you and move her ass so fast you would think she got pants burns on her butt! I got a double dance from them only once as you couldn't devote enough attention to both at the same time. I remember they both went to CA where one of them was from. The more voluptuous dancer stayed while the smaller one came back. I believe she got a regular job as I saw her at the club one nite in street clothes. I go to Hooters every Wed nite for trivia sometimes the waitress is hot, sometimes she's not. We lucked up and got the local swimsuit contest winner one nite. I agree with most posters the food is overpriced but the scenery is nice. The curly fries are great when they're hot! Our trivia team has won a Wing Party several times: all the wings & soft drinks you want for 11 people. We will start off with 10 wings each, order 20 more each and what you can't eat they allow you to take home. The current trivia hostess is a hot cutie. Doesn't look old enough to drink liquor but when a couple of my trivia reammates offered to buy her a drink after trivia was over, she jumped at the chance. The waitresses on duty are not allowed to do that even when their shift is over. The previous trivia hostess was even better to look at because she loved to wear tops that looked like she was going to come out of at any moment! I do miss her!!

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

AN, for the sake of the project I was working on, we were given 3 choices of projects to work on for an assignment. I picked the Mars Flyer Project and we were mainly working on the aerospace equations for it. I believe we were told to use a surface pressure on Mars equivalent to 100,000 feet here on Earth. I don't remember what the surface area was. I worked on this project when I was only a freshman or sophomore so it was an early course in Aerospace engineering. We only focused on the aerospace equations.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

minnow: There is a URL for Hootersair.com but when you click on it, it takes you to the Hooters Home page and no mention of an air line.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

minnow: I lost your email address. Email me. I have lots to tell you.

avatar for minnow
17 yrs ago

Wow, this thread has really exp(anded)(ounded), so I'll make several responses. Firstly, "Hooters Air" didn't completely go out of business because they really weren't completely in business. Hooters Air flights were actually operated by Pace Airlines, which is still in business & does sports team charters. //Chitown, etal- I don't kid myself that Hooters is the epitome of fine cuisine, or the ultimate tease. But, given choice between Hooters or Dennys or a couple of hotel rest. (overpriced, uninspiring menu) which would you choose. Actually, for eats I often want something quick, but with better quality than fast foods. For that, I try to go to buffet places during offpeak hrs (outside 5-7pm). Hooters doesn't exactly have fast service, so quick is often the operative word. Then, there are lunch buffets @ certain select stripclubs, but thats another topic....

avatar for pop
17 yrs ago

SC, that Hooters moved a few miles to I-26 and Harbison.

avatar for AbbieNormal
17 yrs ago

CG, a mars plane sounds like a lot more than an aerodynamics problem. Surface pressure on Mars is about equal to 60,000 feet on Earth. I can't remember the scale height, but I know it is a hell of a lot steeper than earth. The weight constraints and wingspan to get enough lift at that equivilent height, then there is the fact that gravity is about 1/3, and escape velocity about 1/2. Plus, how do you get propulsion? A propellor at 60,000 feet? What are you pushing against? Solar powered? Other than a mechanical propulsion (propellor) what else is there that can be solar powered? Then you have to factor in that Mars gets less solar power! But then that's why I don't do aerodynamical engineering....


avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 yrs ago

I followed all of that except for the part where you said "but it was fascinating stuff." That part I just don't get ...

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

You guys are lucky I changed majors. In my spare time, I might have started a new toy hobby designing model airplanes that can really shoot down other model airplanes in dogfights and with explosive charges. Would have made a great show and still would I believe if anybody else had the money and time to run with it. You could just call it aerial robotic annihilation. When I heard somebody's model airplane flying around, I kept wanting a plane that would be able to shoot it down.

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

One nice thing about solving so many aerospace equations was that it was usually pretty easy to determine if you made a mistake early on in your calculations. I remember I had written about 6 pages of equations for certain characteristics of an airplane designed to fly on Mars using solar power. For those not familiar, the equations fed into each other so that one error early on got compounded. When I came up with the final speed of the Martian flyer, I laughed and knew I made a mistake early on. I converted the speed I had and determined if my calculations were correct, my Martian flyer had a top speed equal to about 40 percent light speed. I thought that was funny. Then I had to correct the mistake.

avatar for AbbieNormal
17 yrs ago

Several things I learned from bartending;

Salty nuts, popcorn, pretzels, given for free, people drink more.

Spicy food, people drink more.

Drink specials (cutting the profit on a drink from 300% to 100%), people drink more.

Loud music so its hard to talk, people drink more.

Happy hour, free food or food discounts, people drink more.

Friday night, people drink more.

Do we see a trend?

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

One of the more interesting things about aerospace engineering that I noticed was that most of the formulas were based on observations. There wasn't too much theory. Someone made observations, then a formula was determined. More observations were made and the formulas were refined.

I could probably come up with a formula. Let's see. Observe customers eating very hot wings. Formula: Very Hot Wings + Customer = Customer + Drink.

avatar for AbbieNormal
17 yrs ago

OK, I have to one-up all you guys with your Bernoulli Boxes. In my field we've been using high speed tape drives up until less than a decade ago, because the hard drives didn't have the capacity or speed necessary. One of the big problems we faced was the wear on the tape heads and the tape. If the tape was durable enough, it was like running a belt sander over the tape heads, too flimsy, the tape breaks. Additional problems were the friction and static would also essentially make the sysdtem into a big Van de Graaff generator. Not a good thing for electronic components or magnetic tapes. The problem was solbed by, you guessed it, aerodynamics. The tape heads were designed to hold the tape down, but not too tight, by some very smart people at MIT in one summer. Of gourse now we just use a box of hard drives in a RAID configuration, but it was fascinating stuff.

Aside from that I hated fluid mechanics. Knowing the equations and the principle is one thing, being able to apply them to complex engineering problems is quite another.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

Pop, the Hooters on Broad River Rd has been closed for some time and is now Rocking Roosters. Food is wore than Hooters. Which one are you refering to?

FONDL: Your knowledge of lift also surprises me. I guess that the intellegence of the members on this board far exceeds those of the dancers that we seek. Do opposites attract?

avatar for pop
17 yrs ago

The tech talk has me lost but after reading most of this thread I went to the local Hooters for lunch. They now serve liquor with a full bar. I asked and was told they had the full bar since last fall. It's been pretty common for the Hooters girls to also try dancing at the plus in Columbia. There's nothing wrong with the place but the food is not good enough for me to be a regular.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

Chandler: Yep, the Bernoulli Box was a drive with removeable cartridges. I don't think they ever caught on too much 'cause they were on the expensive side. The cartridges, if I remember correctly, were of the size that made storage an issue... Then came ZIP drives, which were faster, cheaper, smaller... way cool! Now you have "thumb drives" that you can just plug into your USB port that'll store as much, or more as any ZIP drive could... smaller, faster, cheaper. It's truly amazing how much and how fast technology has changed. I can still remember my first computer (Radio Shack Model III). It had a cassette drive for storing info. I was SOOO excited when I finally got a floppy drive that could write on floppies holding 360k - yes "k", not "mb"! I was REALLY moving up in the world when I got my first hard drive, which had more space than I'd EVER need... 10mb.

avatar for chandler
17 yrs ago

Weren't Bernoulli drives only the removable cartridge hard drives that preceded Syquest drives? I remember the name but never tried them, because they were said to have a high failure rate. I don't recall the name Bernoulli being associated with fixed hard drives.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

KCQuestor: That goes back some years... yes, I remember the Bernoulli Box drives, too. Your mentioning of the cusion of air upon which the drive heads float, brings back a memory. Way back in the day, when I worked for a place that had a "main frame" computer, we had several disk drives. These were behemoths that stood about four feet high, and had "disk packs" that were removable, each containing several platters of disks. If I remember right, these disk platters held a whopping 18gb. Anyhow, we had problems with one of the units, and had our local Burroughs tech out to fix it. After working on it for several hours, he reconnected it. When the moment of truth came, and the unit was powered up, there was the most god-awful screeching noise. He quickly turned it back off, and as he stood there red-faced, he realized what happened. He'd connected the wiring backwards, ergo when it was powered on, it spun the disk platters backwards. Instead of creating a cushion of air for the drive heads to float on, it sucked the platters together and the drive heads gouged into the platters. We were down for 3 or 4 days, while a new drive was ordered (free of charge).

avatar for kcquestor
17 yrs ago

It is also one of the principles that allows hard drives to work. The read head literally floats on a cushion of air. I still remember when hard drives were referred to as "Bernoulli drives."

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

DougS and Shadowcat, I always thought it was the extra weight of the flight attentants' fake tits that was the problem with that airline. And just for your information, I fully understand the Bernoulli effect and how it results in decreased air pressure and therefore lift as the air rushes over the curved tops of the wings. Not Hooters' wings, the plane's wings. But did you also know that the Bernoulli effect is also a main principle in creating the sound in some types of musical instruments? That Bernoulli was quite a guy. I think of all this every time I fly (which isn't often) and hope that someone doesn't prove him wrong while I'm in the air.

avatar for motorhead
17 yrs ago

Hooter's Airlines used to fly out of the Gary, Indiana airport near Chicago. A Chicagoland stripper that I have had quite a few dances with claims she was a former flight attendant for Hooter's Air. She started dancing when the airline went bust.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

Doug: I am surprised that you understand the principiles of lift. Very few people do. I suppose that the blue cheese dressing increases drag.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

What happened to Hooters Air Lines? Started back in March 2003 with service from Atlanta to Myrtle Beach SC. I guess that hot wings can't fly.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

It has to do with the one of the principles of flight, called the Bernoulli Effect. The problem was the amount of sauce on the wings. It disturbed the flow of air over the wings, and thus greatly decreased the amount of lift.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

Incidentally, I know a lot of you don't understand the attraction, but I spent another entertaining lunch today at one of my fave places - Hooters. I'm tellin' 'ya... there is so much eye candy there!

There are only two drawbacks... 1) the price - it's a tad more expensive than the normal lunch fare, and 2) the girls aren't available to give lap dances!

avatar for kcquestor
17 yrs ago

They have good bar food, beer, and pretty girls in skimpy costumes. What's not to get? I don't go to Hooters very often, but I do hang out at the Hooters Casino in Las Vegas every once in a while.

avatar for founder
17 yrs ago

Nobody goes to Hooters for wings - Chris Rock

I actually like Hooters. The waitresses are hot. They are usually really friendly, and you can get burgers and beer. Heaven on earth as far as I'm concerned.

avatar for Clubber
17 yrs ago

Isn't it a place that deals in owls?

avatar for ArtCollege
17 yrs ago

Hooters has the best service. Period. I've been to five star restaurants, but Hooters has them all beat. A blind guy would agree with the sparking, friendly, even bubbly service. And in addition, the waitresses are hot. Food is so so.

Did you hear about the girl who went to Hooters to apply for a job? They handed her a T-shirt and said, "Please fill this out."

avatar for chandler
17 yrs ago

I'm like David. Never been to one. Never seen the point. If I want good food, I go to a restaurant that features food, not gimmicks (or chicken wings). If I want beer and burgers, I go to a local bar with some character, not a chain. If I want to ogle, why go half way when I can do it full strength at a strip club? Plus, the name and the owl logo are childish.

avatar for luckyone
17 yrs ago

Used to drop by my nearest Hooters a couple of times a month. I genuinely enjoy the chicken wings but not much else on the menu. Similar to a strip club in that some of the girls have "regulars" who must tip exceptionally well and get a lot of attention.
Generally, I haven't found most of the girls to be much more attractive than what you would find at a good sports bar but there is the occasional girl who will knock your socks off.

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

I think the hamburgers at Hooters are great. I usually get something with it and drinking a beer while being entertained by pretty girls in shorts is a plus. I could save a few bucks and grab something at Wendy's but if I'm not in a hurry, I enjoy eating at Hooters and sometimes interacting with one of the Hooters girls.

If you ask why I go, the number reason is to eat. They serve good food. It's true I could eat cheaper somewhere else but that's not the only reason I enjoy eating there. I usually get great service. I remember I was entertained by my waitress doing a hula hoop dance not too long ago. It was early and the place was almost empty. However I was hungry and I chose to eat at Hooters over say Burger King or Wendy's. It was much more entertaining.

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

Burger King and Wendy's don't serve beer either and don't have waitresses in short shorts. If you're not in a hurry, it's nice but a bit more expensive.

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

I'm not sure why more people in other parts of the country don't think of Hooters as a restaurant or bar/restaurant but that's the way I picture it. Great food with great service. A bit pricy compared to a fast food restaurant but the view and service and food is usually a lot better. At least it is where I live at here in the Carolinas. I think their hamburgers are better than at the fast food restaurants. However I wouldn't mind if they made their fries a bit thicker. Actually I have a new favorite restaurant but it's not a national chain. It's more like an Italian restaurant. I like their pizza and fresh thick crispy fries. Too bad Hooters doesn't serve thicker fries. I think that could be improved.

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

Maybe I'll email Hooters and tell them they should keep some of their same food such as the hamburgers but add if they can the great pizza and fries offered at my local restaurant. Actually if they just copied the fantastic fries like the local restaurant makes, I would visit Hooters a lot more often. I usually only end up visiting 2 to 4 times a year. I've been going to a local Italian style restaurant about every week but it's a local restaurant.

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

Ok, unfortunately I'm hungry now. I did email Hooters. Hey I do try even if I'm not sure if it will amount to anything or not. I have had some luck in the past offering suggestions to large companies unless it was just coincidence. Anyway if you're not interested in the food at Hooters, you could try to decide who you want to be your waitress. Just look at this list and pick a girl. http://www.hooterscalendar.com/gallery_4.cfm?yr=2006&bp=506&si=1 I just sit down and hope I picked a good spot since the waitresses seem to serve (in my area) tables based upon where the table is at.

avatar for Pete22z
17 yrs ago

For those of you that think Hooters is a silly idea, then yeah, you probably shouldn't go. It's kind of like "strip club lite", where you want to see cute chicks without having to deal with bouncers, constant tipping, police raids, etc. However, not all Hooters are created equal. If you're fortunate enough to live in the Atlanta area, you can usually see some pretty good talent. If you live in a smaller town, it can be very Denny-ish. When I used to go regularly, I was fortunate enough to have a regular Hooters girl who was hot and great to talk to. I always tipped her very well, but nowhere near the expense involved with visiting a favorite dancer.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 yrs ago

One thing that amazes me is just how high on themselves Hooters girls can get. It's almost like they're thinking, "I am so hot that, even though I get paid to strip, I don't even have to get naked." In the cities I've been to, most of the Hooters girls (and waitresses at similar copy-cat joints) have been fairly cute in the face, but disasters in the rest of the line-up. I would hope they weren't stripping.

avatar for DandyDan
17 yrs ago

It's alright, but the food isn't that great and some of the girls, at least at my local Hooters, don't really look like what Hooters' girls should be. You gotta wonder if someone nailed them once for not hiring enough overweight waitresses.

avatar for driver01
17 yrs ago

Book Guy-- you seem to have the "damn-dest" bad luck with women, strippers and now Hooter's girls...I know this is a crazy thought but is it possible that maybe the problem is not them???

avatar for kcquestor
17 yrs ago

I actually think guys who visit strip clubs are the best equipped to have a good time at hooters and not get burned. I know lots of guys who truly believe that the cute friendly waitress is flirting with them because she likes them. And not just at Hooters. This happens at bars and other restaurants. A strip club patron knows that they are just shilling for tips. I always think of the "South Park" spoof with the little girls working at Raisins. Poor Butters honestly believes that Porsche is his girlfriend.

Great topic!

I go every so often. Many times I go to Hooters before hitting a strip club, actually. There seems to have been a gradual decline in talent for several years. Some of you guys may be able to corroborate this observation: This decline started around the time they were forced to wear spandex pantyhose and t-shirts that covered their bellies. Man, back when I was just out of college, I tried to go to Hooters as much as possible because I was guaranteed to see hot babes showin' off their tight midriffs and belly piercings!

The greatest misconception with Hooters girls is that they don't work hard. In fact, they bust their ass getting beers and clearing tables. What they also do is flirt with the guys while eating. Unfortunately, they don't flirt with me. It's probably because I usually come alone and therefore they think I'm either creepy or a loser. Seeing as how I'm mentally "shaking the bottle" before hitting the titty bars, they may very well be right on both counts.

There are two local knockoff chains that you may want to try: Show-Me's in St. Louis and Bone Daddys in Dallas. I heard that Show-Me's is a dirtier version of Hooters, but the one time I was there I saw no belly button. However, the one time I was at a Bone Daddys (a BBQ joint), belly buttons and tattoos on the small of the backs of the waitresses were all I saw and wanted to see. Until the Dallas Health Board starts having a problem with that, go there. (The ribs, by the way, are OK.)

Sadly, I might change my routine. I shouldn't spend the money on the "ogling premium" at Hooters, and I'm certain they recently raised their prices. A 10-piece wings and Corona now costs me $16, and that's outrageous for at best mediocre food, even with a waitstaff that beats most of the rosters of clubs in the Twin Cities.

avatar for minnow
17 yrs ago

I've gone- why not?? Beer, wings, hot waitresses(at least 2 former have been POM).

avatar for Yoda
17 yrs ago

Why does there have to be a "point". OK, if you insist, It's a restaurant with decent reasonably priced food and pretty waitresses. It's just simple marketing and it seems to work. I wouldn't go out of my way to find one the way I would a strip club but it's not a bad way to spend an hour if you are hungry. I visited the Hooters in San Antonio while working there last month and it was packed every night. Interestingly there were a lot of families there. I saw quite a few couples and even kids having their pictures taken with the Hooters girls. I do think the talent pool at Hooters is definitely better in cities where there are no strip clubs....make of that what you will.....

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

Absolutely! I've been a regular since the grand opening .. I think three years ago. The week of the grand opening, they had 9 of the 12 girls from the calendar - YOWZA!

I like the food, though it's not spetacular. We go for the ambiance.

Incidentally, I recently received a free Hooters t-shirt (birthday club) and gave it to my ATF yesterday. She liked it, though she claims that she can't fill it out.

avatar for chandler
17 yrs ago

Different strokes. Except for strip clubs, I'm not too crazy about any bar that draws mostly guys, sports bars, etc. I'd rather flirt with chick customers than waitresses. Does Hooters have a bar or is it just a restaurant?

Even if the food is good, it doesn't sound like the type I'd care for. I've had Buffalo wings a few times when it was the only option, never by choice. I used to like cheeseburgers, but I can't remember the last time I had one. Too fattening. And avoiding fried foods of all kinds is not difficult for me.

avatar for jimmyblong
17 yrs ago

The food here isn't great but its better than McDonalds. More money though but better. Woman are flirty and good eye candy but have heard every line in the book and aren't about to go home with you or grab you under the table so stop dreaming about it. The best day to go to Hooters (and btw the only day I go now) is halloween. The girls dress in all different kind of slutty costumes from witches, nurses, pit crew, etc. The tend to leave off the pantyhose and in some cases their bras so it becomes a way way better experience. Get their early for lunch as it gets crowded really quick. If your waitress has really hard poppin nipples, who cares if the food is any good.

avatar for Jpac73
17 yrs ago

I love Hooter's buffalo wings. Give me a pitcher of beer, some hotwings and a freindly hot waitress and all is good. It's not as good a stripclub but it can be fun if the waitress is freindly and likes to talk but if you get one that only comes to take your order, leaves and only comes back to bring you your food, then it can be boring. Here is a tip, sit at the bar!! To me this is the best place to flirt with the waitress and watch some sprots on the tube.

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 yrs ago

I can't believe this topic became so popular! Good choice David120.

Anyway, I have been to Hooter's..... good food, etc., hot looking BUSTY waitresses, with fine bodies! And no cover charge too! Imagine that??

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 yrs ago

Driver01-- naw, if you'd ever been to the Hooter's in Jackson Mississippi on a weekday afternoon you'd be saying the same thing, "Thank goodness these girls are almost fully clothed! Can someone get a few trench-coats?"


About once every two weeks I used to get 20 wings, naked plain all drums, and then bring them home and douse them with Kraft Blue Cheese dressing straight from the bottle. Combined with spinach salad: Zero carb dinner.

avatar for driver01
17 yrs ago

Book Guy-- Ahh...Jackson, MS. Nuff said...

Perhaps a change of venue is in order.

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

Here's another good reason to visit Hooters. It's supper time say around 6 or 7 PM. You want to eat and then visit strip clubs later because the ones in your area are either still closed or pretty empty. You can go visit Hooters, eat your food, drink a beer, watch the Hooter's girls in their shorts, sometimes even flirt with them, or even watch a sporting event on one of their tv screens they usually have throughout their restaurant. I've known nights where the place was crowded with people watching the local football or basketball game.

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

I remember I once had a favorite dancer who supposedly also had a major men's magazine come and take pictures of her as well. Anyway she was very nice looking from head to toe. She only worked as a dancer for a few years. She quit the one club, but then I spotted her at another club for a week or two. Then I decided to eat at Hooters one night and I lucked out because she was my waitress. Kept running into her. She didn't work at Hooters for too long. She looked good in her Hooters outfit as well. I ran into her again a year later doing bartending. She told me she was studying to become a veterinarian.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

I have only been to 2 Hooters. The first time was in Jonesboro Ga. I had just finished up some hectic xmas shopping at the mall and wanted a drink. I was disappointed that they only served beer. I had a bottle and left.

The last time was about a year and a 1/2 ago. At the Hooters on Broad River road in Columbia SC. I went in for lunch. I am not a big fan of wings so I ordered a burger and a sweet tea. I was not impressed with the food. I know of many places where I can get a better one. This Hooters is now closed and has been reopened under a new name. Rockin Rooster. Took my former ATF and her sister here for lunch one day. The food was a lot worse than when it was a hooters.

At both restaraunts there were some very nice looking waitresses but there was an equall amount that had no business wearing those tight uniforms.

A while back we had two Hooter girls dancing at my favorite club. They were also still working a the Hooters that is now closed. They always worked on stage as a team. Wearing their Hooters uniforms. I am going to email shekitout about this topic because he knows a lot more about tese 2 dancers than I do.

A Hooters girl who strips on the side? That's every man's fantasy! Several years ago at On the Border in Franklin, Wisc. I got a lapdance from a huge-titted blonde (Barbara?) dressed in a Hooters uniform. She didn't work at Hooters, but a friend who did gave her her uniform. She was bursting from that top. I made her pull up her shirt right in front of me.

avatar for chitownlawyer
17 yrs ago

As I get older, I am less interested in the tease. (I suppose that explains my recent and forthcoming trips to TJ.) I agree with the member above who said that he if wants to ogle women, he'll go to a strip club, where he can ogle them when they are in a nude state.

Last year, a new Hooters opened in a north suburban St. Louis town. However, before the restaurant opened, there was a huge hue and cry from the local citizens against issuing them the necessary liquor license, business permits, etc. By the size of the outcry, you would have thought that this was a Bunny Ranch bordello. My experience is that Hooters is suggestive and, at most, "naughty", sort of like Goldie Hawn dancing in her bikini on "Laugh-In". (I remember that from my very early childhood. In fact, I think I was in my crib when I watched it, if not in utero.) I didn't--and don't--understand the outrage that the prospective (and eventual) opening of the business generated.

The food is mediocre. I'd go to Appleflea's or TGIF for better quality food at the same price points.

avatar for AbbieNormal
17 yrs ago

I've never been to a Hooters, but I'm all for places where it's OK to be a guy and look. Yes strip clubs are better for that, in that looking (or groping) is what you're there for, but I like it when someone goes against the grain and does something very simple to demonstrate a universal truth, guys like beer, spicy food, and scantily clad women.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

One thing that Hooters is great for - especially if you are in a group of guys, is warming up before hitting the strip clubs. It's fun to take in the eye candy at Hooter, all the while knowing that in an hour or so, you will be doing MUCH more than just looking at equally hot girls.

BTW, I just got back from lunch ... went to Hooters.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

One thing that Hooters is great for - especially if you are in a group of guys, is warming up before hitting the strip clubs. It's fun to take in the eye candy at Hooter, all the while knowing that in an hour or so, you will be doing MUCH more than just looking at equally hot girls.

BTW, I just got back from lunch ... went to Hooters.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 yrs ago

Someyoungguy: in the Tampa / Clearwater / St. Pete area, Hooters girls and strip-club dancers come from the same group of people, and the two professions (and escorting) tend to overlap. If that's really your big fantasy (!!), then I suggest you read up on some of the local boards. The "first" Hooters was in Clearwater (I think) and there are tons of knock-off Hooters-style restaurants, like T-Backs (the girls wear thong bikinis while serving) and Ker's Wing House (same look, same uniforms, same food, different owner). Many of the girls who do poorly at waitressing move into strip-club-dancing, or vice versa, as their life circumstances change. And if you're lucky, you can figure out who is a "player" outside the club / bar, go examine her while chowing on some wings, and decide whether or not to partake of further services.

avatar for chandler
17 yrs ago

A warm-up before hitting a strip club? That's another one I'd file under "don't see the point of it". Being a guy is enough to get me ready from the moment I enter the club.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

Chandler: I didn't say I needed any additional stimulus "to get ready" before hitting a strip club. I said it was a fun way to start the evening. I'd much prefer going to Hooters to see scantily clad, flirtatous waitresses on my way to a SC visit, rather than the local steakhouse where I will most likely get an unattractive female - or worse yet, a waiter walking lightly in his loafers.

avatar for chandler
17 yrs ago

Just kidding, Doug. But seriously, I almost prefer the contrast of an un-sexy experience before hitting a club. After about two hours in a club, I can get kind of bored with being in that frame of mind, so any warm-up beforehand might shorten my enjoyment too much. But maybe that's just me.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

Chandler: That's just you! I never bore of being in that frame of mind! Heck, last Thurs., between OTCing with my ATF, and visiting BBF (see review, and also recent email), I spent 13 hours being entertained; not a bad day!

avatar for chandler
17 yrs ago

Doug: With all due respect, maybe that's you. 13 hours?? BTW, I just replied to you email.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

Chandler: What can I say? I just can't get enough of a good thing.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

I used to have an apartment that was half a block from a Hooters, it was the closest place to eat. It was OK but I'd never accuse them of having good food - about the only thing edible I could find was the fish sandwich. I especially remember how uncomfortable the seating was. But the girls were attractive and friendly and there weren't any strip clubs nearby.

I once stopped in at the Hooters in Clemson, SC. All I can say is that I went to college in the wrong town. Why are southern girls so much better looking than anywhere else?

My #2 ATF went to work at the Hooters in downtown Jacksonville when she quit dancing. So there's definately some crossover. I once gave my ATF a Hooters shirt and she used to dance in it, which was kinda fun. I'm sure that fulfilled a few fantasies.

avatar for pop
17 yrs ago

If Burger King and Hooters merged, you could have the hooters your way.

avatar for kcquestor
17 yrs ago

Hooters phone service: "Reach out and touch someone" Hooters coffee: "Good to the last drop" Hooters coffee: "The ebst part of waking up is Hooters in your cup." Hooters chicken: "Finger lickin' good" Hooters shoes: "Just do her" Hooters paper towels: "The quicker picker upper" Hooters electricity: "We bring good things to life" Hooters watches: "Take a licking and keep on ticking" Hooters toilet paper: "Please don't squeeze the Hooters" Hooters corn flakes: "Taste them again, for the first time" Hooters candy: "Hooters melt in your mouth, not in your hand" Hooters pork: "The other white meat"

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