I'm not much on costumes EXCEPT...during NCAA tourney time in March, a real cute dancer got on stage in a cheerleader's outfit. She looked better than many legit cheerleaders I've observed. She made my all-wood team.
'Taint what you wear it's the way that you wear it. I like some fantasy outfits when they're done well. Cop, nurse and schoolgirl are such cliches, they usually misfire. A stripper has to have just the right look and attitude to pull them off (excuse the pun). I like it better when girls mix different looks in original, individual ways (which, granted, can also misfire horribly). A hint of sluttiness in an outfit is a good bet, as long as it's not overdone.
Usually the outfit comes off once a lap dance gets going, and all girls pare down to the great equalizer, their thong. The outfit works mainly for drawing attention and for the seduction. A plain bikini is a reliable default outfit, but it would be pretty boring if every stripper wore one all the time.
The one thing I have never seen in a strip club and always wanted to was for a girl to get up on stage in normal casual street clothes and take them off. Actually I did see that once at an amateur night. And when the girl was done dancing she walked back to the bar and rejoined her friends and went back to drinking. Without ever putting anything back on. It was hilarious. I don't think she was the soberest person in the place.
I agree about the street clothes, FONDL. I think it would be a great idea for a special night to have every stripper in the club come to work and just throw their duffel bags in their lockers and work in street clothes. It would be fun to have to guess which ones are strippers and which are female customers just hanging out.
One fantasy outfit I'd like to see is a white, virginal wedding dress, complete with veil. I'm sure it's been done, but I've never seen it. I'd love to slip my hands underneath all that lace. The only drawback would be having to hear "Like A Virgin" over and over all night long.
Preference: slinky outfit which showcases the woman's body (presuming of course I prefer her body type; if not, then she should wear a box). Cottony / satiny / silky materials which (mostly) "cling" and "drape" I prefer. Whenever there's a lot of construction -- extra frills of lace; dangling six-foot tassels; a bodice or bone-ribbed corset; big darts and pleats which hold their shape by means of the stiffness of fabric rather than by body parts that are plumping up the fabric from underneath -- then I just think, "What is she hiding? Why can't she wear a smooth, REVEALING outfit? She must have certain unattractive parts."
When all else fails, I guess a bikini (or women's underclothes in the bikini mode) serves the same purpose for me.
For my girlfriends, when considering lingerie or sleepwear, I've always preferred that they wear a "clingy" or "ribbed" or otherwise mildly stretchy top which basically contours every inch of their upper body. And had an upper body that looked good to me when contoured that way, of course.
Interesting split between those who view costumes as carrying symbolic associations, and those who view them only as functional body coverings devoid of any emblematic meaning. Actually, only Book Guy is in the latter camp so far in this thread, but I've seen others post similar opinions around here recently.
I've always been a fan of the non-stripper clothes looking costumes on the right girl. There was one dancer who used to dance in an only slightly risque version of a buisness suit. If you didn't know she was a dancer you wouldn't be quite sure she just wasn't another customer till she got onstage. She was always a hit. Other than that I also like some of the costumes, as mentioned, if done right and with the right sense of humor. If you look 14 PLEASE don't put your hair in pigtails and wear a schoolgirl getup. I want to feel like a perv in a good way, not in a 15-20 with good behavior way.
My first ATF and really the only ATF I ever had was a classy dresser. Cocktail dress and the right stuff to go with it. She is the only dancer that could pull that off. Other than me, Shekitout, Pop. and ShotDisc are the only other posters on here that know where I am coming from. One exception was the time she wore the NASCAR outfit. NASCAR sucks but she certainly got our interest.
Other than that, I prefer short dresses. The girl next door look. One piece that covers her boobs and stops about 6 inches above her knees. Easy to get out of and back into. Some of these costumes just take too much time.
I agree that a street clothes night would be great. I once told a dancer that the club should let them wear tennis shoes, so that they would look more like the girl next door. She responded with " I don't want to look like the girl next door!" OK...
I have a nurse fetish, so if I see a dancer in a nurses outfit, I know I'm probably gonna drop some serious coin on her that night. Fortunately (for my bank account) I have only encountered this scenario once.
I like short red miniskirts. Other than just looking sexy on many girls, I think it may remind me of a cheerleader or two I knew in Highschool who would wear those seductive outfits in class when everyone else had a much tighter dress code.
I once saw a girl in a "soccer" outfit. It was cute, kind of. Brightly colored collared jersey, tight-tight shorts, long socks, sneakers. She carried a little soccer ball on stage and rolled it about. It wasn't sexy at all. That's probably because it was Man United instead of Arsenal ...
Two of my old faves used to wear white low-cut floor-length gowns. That's probably my all-time favorite stripper outfit. But I always preferred to see the gowns laying on the floor rather than on the girls.
I agree NASCAR sucks. And this is from someone who lives in the center of the f'ing sport.
I have to agree with a previous post about the absolute sexiness of seeing a female customer get up and get on stage in her street clothes. I have witnessed this once. Early 1990's near Palm Beach FL, about 130am. Was sitting with a couple of co-workers at the stage. club was dead. two dancers, 7 customers including us four until the MGR threw out the three rednecks who were bitching that we were spending too much money on the girls. Three customers come in. 2 women and a guy. Semi hot girl is pretty wasted and basically dances in her seat to every song. during a dancer break the DJ convinces her to get up on stage. She is dressed in a button down denim shirt, tight jeans and cowboy boots. One of my co-workers, with more money than sense, starts throwing cash on the stage trying to get her to strip. the shirt comes off. finally the bra comes off. it is more than obvious that she just had a boob job and wanted to show off the new toys. This wasn't enough for my friend. he threw a $50 on the stage and asked her to take her jeans off. As soon as she touched the front of her jeans, her friend, the ugl girl shot like a rocket from her chair and dragged the girl on stage back to her seat. Even with the fresh scars, she was hot because she was a regular girl in normal clothes.
Yuck. Your description makes it clear to me, that you and I have opposite priorities, ShotDisc. I'm interested in women whose bodies and looks mean that they merit stripper status, regardless of whether they're in street clothes or stripper clothes. Some of my worst experiences at strip clubs have been, when ugly female customers fail to understand that their bloated bellies and floopy-floppy sagging tits aren't a welcome sight to most of the customers.
FONDL: I only saw this once years ago, circa 1982 at a club in Indianapolis. I doubt if you would see it today, but I thought it was soooo sexy....I still have wet dreams about it.
Just like you describe it, a dancer got up on stage wearing her street clothes: blue jeans, a plain T-shirt and tennis shoes. Song #1, she just walked around on stage in her street clothes. Song #2, she took off her T-shirt, revealing a plain white bra. Song #3, she removed her jeans and just walked around in her plain white bra and panties -- and it wasn't until the very end of the song that she took off her bra.
She wasn't "stripper hot." Just an attractive, ordinary girl. But 25 years later, it is still one of my most memorable strip club performances. I guess it was sexy because it was different -- other than the norm.
We all love women or else we wouldnt be spending so much time on this board. We all love the tease of the dance and the outfit and how its removed is a huge part of that. After a few hours in a club with a dozen or so thong clad girls walking around its the fully clothed girl walking through the club that turns everybodies head. We've seen every other thong covereed ass in the place and now we want to see what we can't. I get tired of the typical dancer costumes and would prefer they strip out of everyday clothes every now and then to mix it up. Bikinis are boring as are all the other cliched costumes.
Actually, I personally DON'T "love women." I love the hotness of hot women. But in general, I don't necessarily like or dislike women, men, or humans. Some are good, some bad, etc.
Speaking of costumes that look best laying on the floor I want to mention a pet peeve when it comes to costumes and strippers. I hate it when a girl pulls up the skirt, pulls down the tube top, or the bikini top to the side, and then considers herself naked. I like to see a girl wearing nothing but heels and a smile, naked head to toe, uninterupted by clothes shoved aside to expose the proper parts. That's just lazy. Like all rules there are exceptions for things like stockings and garters, but in general a costume should be easy to get all the way out of while onstage.
Yeah, I don't like the "still on but in the wrong place" nakedness, either. It seems the girls don't value the male INTEREST in the female body; just the LETTER of the law about nudity. Silly.
Speaking of costumes we like and dislike....there are two outfits I have noticed a lot lately and really hate:
(1) What's with the two tassels (for lack of a better word) that hang down the side from either hip? Not an attractive look, especially on girls with a less than skinny butt.
(2) What I hate even more -- and I am not sure how to describe it -- is the strip of cloth that spirals around the length of one leg, sort of like a barber pole. Ugh!
David, I've found both of those really annoying, too. The standard bikini is the most boring outfit a stripper can wear.....except for all the lame gimmicks that are added on for the sake of being different.
Street clothes or Bikinis. On Holidays the costumes are nice. Too oftern I see an attractive woman walk in by the time she gets done fixing herself up she's a mess. A young girl with perfect skin and she piles on the makeup. Relaxed friendly looking hair hidden with a rug err wig. Gowns that make you afraid to ask for or accept a dance because you can't see what you're buying. The girl next door look is ideal. Rarely pulled off is the street walker look--usually overdone on the tough side. But, hey when it is done right the street walker look is very nice.
My ATF used to dance in a chain (around her waist) and tall shoes. I always thought that was a pretty cool outfit, although I could have done without with the shoes. Dancing is definately a situation where less is more.
YES! I also hate those things laced around girls legs, and arms. I have bypassed getting dances from girls wearing these. When I'm getting a dance and want to caress her legs, I do NOT want to feel that lace / ribbon crap! I don't know who came up with that idea, but it's totally unsexy.
The last time I saw my prev ATF, it was at her current club (a dive in Indy), and every last girl there had laces around at least one, if not two extremities. Even my prev ATF had a leg laced! I asked her WTF is up with those, and her reply was that they like them because it makes them feel sexy. (uhh... whatever)
My, ATF once wore a "corset" type thing. It was a pain it the ass for her, however. Difficult to get off during her dance, but it sure was fun for me to help put it back on afterwards.
I've seen a dancer wearing just her street clothes and still dancing onstage at the end of the night...it was cool. I never thought watching a girl wash the mirrors onstage with just a thong on would be a turn-on...until I saw it! I guess I understand now how all those naughty house-cleaning companies are making money. :)
I like the naughty schoolgirl or cheerleader look, but only on younger dancers with slim bodies. Bikinis are cool, if they are of a different design. Booty shorts are actually very nice too. I've rarely seen a stripper that could really pull off a costumey type outfit well...Halloween or no Halloween.
last commentWow- I'm never buying another bikini again to wear in the club. Yikes!
I'm not much on costumes EXCEPT...during NCAA tourney time in March, a real cute dancer got on stage in a cheerleader's outfit. She looked better than many legit cheerleaders I've observed. She made my all-wood team.
Oversized mens dress shirt, or a super tight white "wifebeater" tank top with a thong. that is all you need
I like the costumes, especially the fetish or bondage type stuff. Evening gowns can be cool too for a change of pace.
'Taint what you wear it's the way that you wear it. I like some fantasy outfits when they're done well. Cop, nurse and schoolgirl are such cliches, they usually misfire. A stripper has to have just the right look and attitude to pull them off (excuse the pun). I like it better when girls mix different looks in original, individual ways (which, granted, can also misfire horribly). A hint of sluttiness in an outfit is a good bet, as long as it's not overdone.
Usually the outfit comes off once a lap dance gets going, and all girls pare down to the great equalizer, their thong. The outfit works mainly for drawing attention and for the seduction. A plain bikini is a reliable default outfit, but it would be pretty boring if every stripper wore one all the time.
The one thing I have never seen in a strip club and always wanted to was for a girl to get up on stage in normal casual street clothes and take them off. Actually I did see that once at an amateur night. And when the girl was done dancing she walked back to the bar and rejoined her friends and went back to drinking. Without ever putting anything back on. It was hilarious. I don't think she was the soberest person in the place.
I agree about the street clothes, FONDL. I think it would be a great idea for a special night to have every stripper in the club come to work and just throw their duffel bags in their lockers and work in street clothes. It would be fun to have to guess which ones are strippers and which are female customers just hanging out.
One fantasy outfit I'd like to see is a white, virginal wedding dress, complete with veil. I'm sure it's been done, but I've never seen it. I'd love to slip my hands underneath all that lace. The only drawback would be having to hear "Like A Virgin" over and over all night long.
Preference: slinky outfit which showcases the woman's body (presuming of course I prefer her body type; if not, then she should wear a box). Cottony / satiny / silky materials which (mostly) "cling" and "drape" I prefer. Whenever there's a lot of construction -- extra frills of lace; dangling six-foot tassels; a bodice or bone-ribbed corset; big darts and pleats which hold their shape by means of the stiffness of fabric rather than by body parts that are plumping up the fabric from underneath -- then I just think, "What is she hiding? Why can't she wear a smooth, REVEALING outfit? She must have certain unattractive parts."
When all else fails, I guess a bikini (or women's underclothes in the bikini mode) serves the same purpose for me.
For my girlfriends, when considering lingerie or sleepwear, I've always preferred that they wear a "clingy" or "ribbed" or otherwise mildly stretchy top which basically contours every inch of their upper body. And had an upper body that looked good to me when contoured that way, of course.
Interesting split between those who view costumes as carrying symbolic associations, and those who view them only as functional body coverings devoid of any emblematic meaning. Actually, only Book Guy is in the latter camp so far in this thread, but I've seen others post similar opinions around here recently.
I've always been a fan of the non-stripper clothes looking costumes on the right girl. There was one dancer who used to dance in an only slightly risque version of a buisness suit. If you didn't know she was a dancer you wouldn't be quite sure she just wasn't another customer till she got onstage. She was always a hit. Other than that I also like some of the costumes, as mentioned, if done right and with the right sense of humor. If you look 14 PLEASE don't put your hair in pigtails and wear a schoolgirl getup. I want to feel like a perv in a good way, not in a 15-20 with good behavior way.
P.S. That is a joke.
I hear that 15 will get you 20!
My first ATF and really the only ATF I ever had was a classy dresser. Cocktail dress and the right stuff to go with it. She is the only dancer that could pull that off. Other than me, Shekitout, Pop. and ShotDisc are the only other posters on here that know where I am coming from. One exception was the time she wore the NASCAR outfit. NASCAR sucks but she certainly got our interest.
Other than that, I prefer short dresses. The girl next door look. One piece that covers her boobs and stops about 6 inches above her knees. Easy to get out of and back into. Some of these costumes just take too much time.
I agree that a street clothes night would be great. I once told a dancer that the club should let them wear tennis shoes, so that they would look more like the girl next door. She responded with " I don't want to look like the girl next door!" OK...
I have a nurse fetish, so if I see a dancer in a nurses outfit, I know I'm probably gonna drop some serious coin on her that night. Fortunately (for my bank account) I have only encountered this scenario once.
I like short red miniskirts. Other than just looking sexy on many girls, I think it may remind me of a cheerleader or two I knew in Highschool who would wear those seductive outfits in class when everyone else had a much tighter dress code.
I once saw a girl in a "soccer" outfit. It was cute, kind of. Brightly colored collared jersey, tight-tight shorts, long socks, sneakers. She carried a little soccer ball on stage and rolled it about. It wasn't sexy at all. That's probably because it was Man United instead of Arsenal ...
Yeah, NASCAR does indeed SUCK ...
Two of my old faves used to wear white low-cut floor-length gowns. That's probably my all-time favorite stripper outfit. But I always preferred to see the gowns laying on the floor rather than on the girls.
I agree NASCAR sucks. And this is from someone who lives in the center of the f'ing sport.
I have to agree with a previous post about the absolute sexiness of seeing a female customer get up and get on stage in her street clothes. I have witnessed this once. Early 1990's near Palm Beach FL, about 130am. Was sitting with a couple of co-workers at the stage. club was dead. two dancers, 7 customers including us four until the MGR threw out the three rednecks who were bitching that we were spending too much money on the girls. Three customers come in. 2 women and a guy. Semi hot girl is pretty wasted and basically dances in her seat to every song. during a dancer break the DJ convinces her to get up on stage. She is dressed in a button down denim shirt, tight jeans and cowboy boots. One of my co-workers, with more money than sense, starts throwing cash on the stage trying to get her to strip. the shirt comes off. finally the bra comes off. it is more than obvious that she just had a boob job and wanted to show off the new toys. This wasn't enough for my friend. he threw a $50 on the stage and asked her to take her jeans off. As soon as she touched the front of her jeans, her friend, the ugl girl shot like a rocket from her chair and dragged the girl on stage back to her seat. Even with the fresh scars, she was hot because she was a regular girl in normal clothes.
Yuck. Your description makes it clear to me, that you and I have opposite priorities, ShotDisc. I'm interested in women whose bodies and looks mean that they merit stripper status, regardless of whether they're in street clothes or stripper clothes. Some of my worst experiences at strip clubs have been, when ugly female customers fail to understand that their bloated bellies and floopy-floppy sagging tits aren't a welcome sight to most of the customers.
FONDL: I only saw this once years ago, circa 1982 at a club in Indianapolis. I doubt if you would see it today, but I thought it was soooo sexy....I still have wet dreams about it.
Just like you describe it, a dancer got up on stage wearing her street clothes: blue jeans, a plain T-shirt and tennis shoes. Song #1, she just walked around on stage in her street clothes. Song #2, she took off her T-shirt, revealing a plain white bra. Song #3, she removed her jeans and just walked around in her plain white bra and panties -- and it wasn't until the very end of the song that she took off her bra.
She wasn't "stripper hot." Just an attractive, ordinary girl. But 25 years later, it is still one of my most memorable strip club performances. I guess it was sexy because it was different -- other than the norm.
Bikinis with the top pulled to the side fires me up. Miniskirts a close second.
BRAVO chandler! Well stated.
BRAVO FONDL! I believe it's every mans dream to see a beautiful woman slowly strip off every piece of clothing that would be worn on the street.
As far as the SLUTTY thing goes, keep that in private... i.e., LDs in the VIP area..... make the coin baby!
Book Guy. My apologies I misspoke in the last line of my previous post. I meant to say the situation was hot, not the girl.
We all love women or else we wouldnt be spending so much time on this board. We all love the tease of the dance and the outfit and how its removed is a huge part of that. After a few hours in a club with a dozen or so thong clad girls walking around its the fully clothed girl walking through the club that turns everybodies head. We've seen every other thong covereed ass in the place and now we want to see what we can't. I get tired of the typical dancer costumes and would prefer they strip out of everyday clothes every now and then to mix it up. Bikinis are boring as are all the other cliched costumes.
Actually, I personally DON'T "love women." I love the hotness of hot women. But in general, I don't necessarily like or dislike women, men, or humans. Some are good, some bad, etc.
Speaking of costumes that look best laying on the floor I want to mention a pet peeve when it comes to costumes and strippers. I hate it when a girl pulls up the skirt, pulls down the tube top, or the bikini top to the side, and then considers herself naked. I like to see a girl wearing nothing but heels and a smile, naked head to toe, uninterupted by clothes shoved aside to expose the proper parts. That's just lazy. Like all rules there are exceptions for things like stockings and garters, but in general a costume should be easy to get all the way out of while onstage.
Yeah, I don't like the "still on but in the wrong place" nakedness, either. It seems the girls don't value the male INTEREST in the female body; just the LETTER of the law about nudity. Silly.
Speaking of costumes we like and dislike....there are two outfits I have noticed a lot lately and really hate:
(1) What's with the two tassels (for lack of a better word) that hang down the side from either hip? Not an attractive look, especially on girls with a less than skinny butt.
(2) What I hate even more -- and I am not sure how to describe it -- is the strip of cloth that spirals around the length of one leg, sort of like a barber pole. Ugh!
David, I've found both of those really annoying, too. The standard bikini is the most boring outfit a stripper can wear.....except for all the lame gimmicks that are added on for the sake of being different.
Street clothes or Bikinis. On Holidays the costumes are nice. Too oftern I see an attractive woman walk in by the time she gets done fixing herself up she's a mess. A young girl with perfect skin and she piles on the makeup. Relaxed friendly looking hair hidden with a rug err wig. Gowns that make you afraid to ask for or accept a dance because you can't see what you're buying. The girl next door look is ideal. Rarely pulled off is the street walker look--usually overdone on the tough side. But, hey when it is done right the street walker look is very nice.
My ATF used to dance in a chain (around her waist) and tall shoes. I always thought that was a pretty cool outfit, although I could have done without with the shoes. Dancing is definately a situation where less is more.
My personal pet peeve is the lighted shoes. Someone else once asked "Why would a stripper want to draw attention to her feet?"
Mmmm, feeeeet ... :)
YES! I also hate those things laced around girls legs, and arms. I have bypassed getting dances from girls wearing these. When I'm getting a dance and want to caress her legs, I do NOT want to feel that lace / ribbon crap! I don't know who came up with that idea, but it's totally unsexy.
The last time I saw my prev ATF, it was at her current club (a dive in Indy), and every last girl there had laces around at least one, if not two extremities. Even my prev ATF had a leg laced! I asked her WTF is up with those, and her reply was that they like them because it makes them feel sexy. (uhh... whatever)
I like the idea of normal attire.
My, ATF once wore a "corset" type thing. It was a pain it the ass for her, however. Difficult to get off during her dance, but it sure was fun for me to help put it back on afterwards.
Costumes ----- for Halloween
Bikinis ----- for swimming
Slutty Outfits ----- to get my interest
I've seen a dancer wearing just her street clothes and still dancing onstage at the end of the night...it was cool. I never thought watching a girl wash the mirrors onstage with just a thong on would be a turn-on...until I saw it! I guess I understand now how all those naughty house-cleaning companies are making money. :)
I like the naughty schoolgirl or cheerleader look, but only on younger dancers with slim bodies. Bikinis are cool, if they are of a different design. Booty shorts are actually very nice too. I've rarely seen a stripper that could really pull off a costumey type outfit well...Halloween or no Halloween.