
One of us got busted by his wife...

Atlanta suburb
Sunday, April 29, 2007 6:12 PM
Be carefull you married guys that want to keep it that way. He left a trail. Phone numbers on his telephone bill, text messages that he had stored on his cell phone. All kinds of things that he couldn't explain to her. His tail is between his legs now.


    17 years ago
    I wondered what haappened to Chitown. Actually I had a similar problem which contributed to my current long absense from clubbing - my most recent fave called my cel and the phone was answered by someone other than myself ... It was a bit of a sticky wicket there for awhile. But one must keep a stiff upper lip. Cheerio.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Simple to fix... Keep your phone to yourself! Been working for me for years!
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    They could watch Mr and Mrs Smith and take lessons.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Fondl: I don't know where you got your info about Chitown, but I don't think he's the one to whom IGU referred. I'm in email contact with CT and I think he'd have mentioned something like that.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    As for being careful and getting caught, etc. I just found out about a website that allows people to find where you are located using your phone's GPS capabilities. You just type in a phone number and the website locates where it is. VERY scary. My alibis cannot stand up to this!! [view link]
    17 years ago
    DougS, I was joking about Chitown in view of my earlier observtion wondering what ever happened to him. And Clubber, that's always been my strategy too, except that I go careless one time. And once is all it takes.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Pre-paid cell phone. Use the rechargeable cards from Walgreens, or go on-line to recharge up the account. The handset never gets into the hands of any human other than yourself, and there is no paper trail, no bill, nothing but an online account (if you want it; you don't even have to have that!) and minutes that you pre-buy to use up as you choose. Costs a bit more, but worth it! Don't leave home without it!
  • IDleStripper
    17 years ago
    I'll tell you who it was, Shekitout. Let's just say a little bird told his "room mate" what to look for and where.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Just to confirm, It was not chitown...
  • happylap
    17 years ago
    So where is Chitown? Seems he hasn't posted here for a long time.
  • happylap
    17 years ago
    Doug S: You got me on that one. I should have known better. hl
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    GPS phones that I know about can have that "feature" turned off. Although, I've heard that if it is, LE can still get a location.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I probably need to figure out a better place to keep dancers phone numbers. I don't want to write them in my phone book. I have nosy visitors from time to time. I currently have at least 2 or 3 phone numbers somewhere in a stack of papers. I knew where things were before I did my taxes. I guess having a visitor help clean up and find pics of you with naked girls would be worse though. I could see it now. Who is this? Who are these two girls? and this girl?, and this girl?
    17 years ago
    That prepaid phone thingy is way too much planning ahead for me. If I ever get back into clubbing I'm going to solve the problem by never giving or getting phone numbers. It's not worth it.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Then how do you organize an OTC outing?
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    BG: The best way to organize an OTC expierence, assumiming that you are looking for full service is spontancious. Don't try to set it up ahead of time with emails or cell phone calls. Most of the time they are just bleeding you for the next visit. Even with current information, I have been burned waiting for a stripper to show up at my hotel room. But this is the better choice... Phone numbers: I have a lot of them and I never call them with the acception of my 2 ATF's. I tried to sell them on here but got no takers. Most serious phone numbers that I have been given (2)Where those of family members. I was supposed to meet one in Richmod Va. She gave me her parents tel number. I talked to her father but he did not know where she was. The other is from a current favorite. She wrote her name and cell phone number on a napkin. below it she wrote another name and cell phone number. It was her husbands. I am willing to bet that this has not happened to anyone else. Her explanation "if you are ever in Columbia SC and need help, call me. If you cannot reach me , call him. He knows who you are". But does he know what she does for me in the private dance room? More HJ's that any other dancer there. If I ever get into that kind of trouble I will call my cousin "Vinny'
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Agreed, the phone numbers are usually spurious. I got a business card once from a girl named "Platunim" [sic] who wanted me to call her for a "hotte time with a houtte girl" [also sic] and, guess what!??, gee what a surprise!, the number didn't work!
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I currently have the phone numbers of four dancers on my phone... My ATF (of course), plus my prev ATF, prev-prev ATF amd prev-prev-prev ATF. Even though there's no chance that I will call either prev-prev or prev-prev-prev, for some reason I just can't bring myself to deleting them. I still may contact my prev ATF, because we were on good terms the last time I saw her, and well, should something happen between miss ATF and I, I may need to revert to plan B. As for the danger of having those numbers on my phone... They are all listed with a company name, rather than their real name. These company names are all names that my wife has heard me mention, so if she she's them show up on my caller ID, recent call list of contact list, there's no suspicion raised. HappyLap: As for Chitown, we should be graced by his presence in the near future. Aparently his membership expired and he also refuses to post bogus reviews just to retain or reinstate his membership.
    17 years ago
    DougS, one doesn't have to have a current membership on TUSCL to post on the discussion board. If you did I'd have been gone long ago. Maybe he doesn't know that.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    DougS, even if your membership has expired, you can still post on the discussion board as long as you have a registered nick name.
  • 99Intrepid
    17 years ago
    Using your personal cell phone leaves an audit trail. Period. I would ONLY call someone from the office and usually from another phone other than my own. Let's face it - exchanging cell phone numbers with any woman other than your wife (or relatives) leaves you WIDE open for disaster. A little common sense goes a long way.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Fondl/Igiveup: You don't have to tell ME about the ability to post on the discussion board with an expired membership. I did it several times before finally taking the plunge and becoming a lifetime member. I think Chitown also realizes it. I'm thinking that he was just staying away because he couldn't post/read reviews. Either way, now that I see he's posted a review, I suspect we will be seeing him around here.
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