
More erotic adventures of shadowcat. Proceed with caution.

Atlanta suburb
Friday, May 18, 2007 4:16 PM
May 15th. I check into my hotel at 12:30 P.M. As I am climbing the stairs to my 3rd floor room, I spot a girl that I think I know. When I get to the top , I am sure of it. I know that she is the dancer that I got full service from 2 years ago for $150 in this same hotel. She runs up to me and asks "Can you give me $10 so I can get a taxi home?". I continued down to my room and she followed me in. I said "I know you". She replied "from where". I said the strip club and we did a full service here a long time ago. ( 2 years) She asked me how much I paid. I replied $150. She looked like hell but I knew that if she took a bath a cleaned herself up, she would look much better. She was staying at the hotel but on the opposite side. The side where the weekly or monthly guests stay. Now she change her tone. Can you give me $20? If we can get together today, tonight or tomorrow, I will subtract the $20 from the $150. She really wasn't turning me on but I said maybe tonight but not before 8:00 P.M. I want to spend that time at the club. She left. I shaved and showered and got ready for the club. Then the phone rang. It was her. "Can you give me a ride before you go to the club. It's only 10 minutes away" I'm basically a nice guy so I say OK. 10 minutes turns into 20 but on the way there she is fondling Mr. Happy. We finally reach the destination.A run down trailor park and a bumpy dirt road to get to it. I thought that I was only going to drop her off but then she askes for another $20 and repeats that she will subtract that from the $150 if we get together. I give her the $20. She is gone less than 5 minutes. As I am driving her back to the hotel on I-26 west, she pulls my dick out of my pants and starts sucking on it. I had to stop her. Did not want to be premature with my favorite strip club left to go. I dropped her at the hotel and headed for the club. As soon as I walked in, a stripper favorite that I had not seen in 6 or 7 months hollars out my name and runs up to embrace me. The last time I saw her we did full service in my hotel room for $100. She told me then that she had a tumor on her ovary and was going to have surgery to remove it, soon and would be well by my next visit. Bull shit. She was not there next month and the other dancers told me that she was pregnant. Not married. And that she was going to give the baby up for adoption. Even had another stripper that wanted it. I said "I should be mad at you for lying to me". "What do you mean". I said is it a boy or a girl? "It's a boy, 2 months old now. just couldn't tell anyone. I was going to give it up for adoption but after seeing him, I just couldn't do it." So where are you living? In such and such a place in a tralior park in a tripple wide with 4 bedrooms. Is that possible? I don't know much about trailers but thought that double wide was as big as they come. We did some good lap dances but I had to stop at petting the kitty. She was having her first period after delivery and it was longer than she expected (5 days and counting). Her boobs were not filled with milk. She said that her boobs were too small for breast feeding. So she didn't. Yeah. she is really small. To make up for it, she twice took my dick into her mouth. She left about 3:30 P.M. to take care of her baby. I continued partying with the other dancers. Some favorites and some new ones to me. Mileage was extremely high with my favorites and promising with the new dancers. I left the club at 8: 00 or so and on the way back to my hotel, all I could think of was, the first two dancers I came accross today both went down on me. Back at my hotel room the phone rings about 8:40. It was her, The first dancer. She asks "Are you alown. Do you want me to come over?" "What the hell, come on down". She showed up less than 5 minutes later. Looking much cleaner but acting totallly stoned.I had taken her to her dealer that afternoon and didn't know it. I offered her a drink. She accepted but then asked if she could smoke. I said "sure I am" But what she ment was cocaine. First time in my life that I ever had it in my car or been around anyone using it. I just wanted to fuck her and get rid of her. Get rid of her more than fuck her. But she found cocaine " bugs" in my room. She spent 30 minutes checking my base boards for these little criters and found none and want4ed to know why my room was cleaner than hers. While she was on the search, I was doing my exploring. Had my hands up her blouse and down her pants. But it didn't seem to excite her at all. Finally we went down to my truck to get my cd boom box to listen to some good music while we fucked. As we were going down the stairs we met another dancer at the club. It was only her second night(remember this) info). I got 2 more dAYS


  • Jpac73
    17 years ago
    Well Shadowcat congratulations on hooking up with a crackhead. I knew something had to be wrong with her when she asked you for $10 and supposedly didn't even know who you were. What person would come up to a complete stranger and ask something like that and not even try to be more sympathetic(sp). You took a big chance on going to jail taking that girl to see her dealer. The cops could have been on the stake out of her dealers house. Don't take strippers or people you don't know some where, especially if you are from out of town. A few weeks ago there was a write up in my local newspaper about a girl in town whom danced at a club in Dothan ALabama(a nearby city). Apparently she had convinced a customer to give her a ride home. However, she wasn't going home. She and two guys she knew robbed the customer of his money after he pulled up at a place she said was her house. Luckily the neighbors called the cops and the 3 were arrested. The point of my story is that something like that could have very well happened to you. Think with your big head not your little one.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I guess he did use the big head when he said a girl popped it out and started sucking but he stopped her. I'm not usually that good at stopping girls at that point. I even remember a couple of girls I was with kept telling me "if it comes out, you gotta use it" Those girls were the ones making it come out though. If I know or suspect a girl or anyone has drugs on them, I definitely would not want to give them a ride. You could get your car confiscated for that. I missed all the Texas chainsaw massacre movies but I heard there are some dangers to picking up hitchhikers. Neither person knows anything about the other. I'm thinking the driver could be psycho not just the hitchhiker.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    On the occasions that I have done OTC, I have told the stripper, "No junk", nothing stronger than legally available adult beverages. I don't indulge myself, and don't want to be the subject of a drug bust. I don't think that LE gets very excited about the random commercial hotel hookup between two adults, but drugs really attract their interest.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I don't do drugs either. I'm bad enough about alcohol, tobacco, porn, and prostitution, I don't need yet ANOTHER vice ...
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, Just the possibility that she was taking you somewhere to be robbed or worse should have given you reason to tell her to fuck off. You did a dangerous and stupid thing. Even though we do not see eye to eye on a great many things I would hate to find out that something bad happened to you. Be more careful in the future. There is plenty of safe pay for play if you choose to go that route. Stay away from the crackheads and the tweakers.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I know that once a girl has taken me (my member) in her mouth, there is NO way that I am stopping her! I can see Shadow thinking with that "other head" and driving out to a trailer park in the boonies... I could see myself doing that, 'cause I'm too nice of a guy, too. And yes, it would be VERY stupid to do, since she could pull a knife or a gun out of her purse and nothing good could come of that. Thankfully, things worked out okay. My prev ATF used to smoke weed, sometimes when we were together. I can remember stuffing a towel under the door so that passersby couldn't smell the aroma, just in case. Using hindsight, that was very stupid to allow her to have the weed when I was around... in my car... in my hotel room... I guess I was lucky nothing ever happened. Come to think of it, when we first started OTCing, she wasn't even 21, and I always had liquor in the room. I could'a found myself in serious doo, had I been caught somehow. Fortunately, current Miss ATF doesn't do drugs, and she's recently quit drinking, so I have a few less worries when I'm with her.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I agree that it's a lot easier to find fault from our detached p.o.v. than the heat of the moment. And I appreciate the way Shadowcat tells it all without making excuses or apologies. A cracking yarn, I say!
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I can't blame shadowcat for what he did. I remember my very first road trip to Texas and Oklahoma in spring 2006. After leaving a SC in OK city, I picked up a prostitue walking the street and got a BBBJ for $60 in my car. - Now that was stupid of me, as it could have been a STING OPERATION, as we see on COPS. But, it wasn't. Adding more stupidity.... I drove to a drug house so she could purchase some drugs with the money. It's amazing what a man, especially an old man like me, will go through when we're really really horny!!! But, since I lucked out one time in my life without going to jail, I won't do it again!!!
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