
Legal Problems for BBF in Indy

My ATF reported last week that there had been an incident at BBF. A patron had too much to drink, then upon leaving, ran a stop sign less than a mile from the club, hitting a pickup truck and killing that driver.

Miss ATF said that BBF was cooperating with the local officials and that all closed circuit monitoring equipment had been confiscated for investigation.

Since the incident, which happened May 4th, business has dropped WAY down, and everyone is on their best behavior. (interesting side note, without video monitoring, mileage could soar) My ATF is uneasy about the whole situation, because she doesn't feel as safe giving dances without the monitors. Also. rumors that BBF could lose their liquor license are circulating.

Here's the article which appeared in the Indy Star... http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/ar…


  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Worst thing about this story is the death of the innocent bystander. There's all sorts of other negative repercussions -- cutbacks on service and higher scrutiny at Brad's Brass Flamingo; potential spread-over effect that might impact other strip clubs negatively (even though plenty of non-strip-clubs also over-serve their alcohol); and the young lawyer probably being disbarred (whether or not convicted) because of his "unethical behavior" by (a) drinking and (b) attending a strip club, never mind (c) vehicular intoxicated homicide.

    Just goes to show, more fun can be had when sober. Drinking is all about hiding from something, but for me, when there are bare titties in the room, it makes so much more sense to hide as little of me as possible!

  • DougS
    17 years ago
    BookGuy: True that! I learned a few years ago, that in the long run, I have a much better time while being sober. I can function normally, not make an ass of myself, present a semi-attractive side of me to the girls AND remember what happened.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Yah, but for me, I need JUUUUST a little bit of a "buzz" of some sort to take off my inhibitions. Usually it's alcohol, but I've found that a rather stout burley tobacco in a chimney-sized smoking pipe and a long walk-about in the French Quarter will zone me out about right, too. That or a shot of Jaeger ...
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