Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?

avatar for shadowcat
I have always been under the impression that size did not matter. But recently one of my favorite dancers had a baby and not wanting to get a mouthfull of mothers milk, I asked her if she was still nursing. She said no. That her tits were too small to breast feed. That they couldn't hold enough milk. I believe that she did not breast feed. I can tell by the way they look and feel. The nipples stay pink and soft if they haven't and get dark and hard if they have. I know that some women do not want to breast feed for many reasons but this is the first case that I have heard of, where she couldn't. Anybody got any insight into this. Evilcyn?


last comment
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Right, AN. As though misspelled words alone prove that the other party's opinion must be worthless. Of course, half the time when one poster blasts another for his mistakes, their post has a couple of glaring blunders, too. Always good for a chuckle.
avatar for AbbieNormal
18 years ago
Shadowcat, I was just joking with you. Obviously I am a worse offender than you when it comes to excessive punctuation. I didn't mean to hit a sensitive spot, after all I thought I was poking more fun at my habit of putting too many commas in my overly long sentances and posts.

Chandler, I always thought the grammar argument was the lame fall back for someone who couldn't think of a pithy reply. It's about one step above chasllenging someone to a fight.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Making a big deal of spelling and grammar errors in online discussions is generally considered bad manners. It inhibits an easy flow that's somewhere between conversation and correspondence. I try to check my posts enough to keep the typos from being distracting, but I know plenty of typos and mangled sentences slip through. Anyway, I thought the comments in this thread were mostly kidding. Nothing to take offense over.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
With all of the talk about spelling and grammar, I just have a few thoughts to add. I always try very hard to be careful with my grammar and spelling. I consider myself to be a very good speller, which I attribute to the amount of reading that I do. I usually can spot those errors easily. It doesn't bother me, but my mind does catch them.

Interestingly, I regularly email with a few people that are teachers (one is a TUSCL regular - but non-poster, and the other is a dancer in her spare time). They BOTH have atrocious spelling "skills". One of my son's teachers (5th grade) also is a very poor speller. It amazes me that someone with that disability could have become a teacher.

Even though it is a bit annoying to see those errors (and I know I inadvertantly make those same errors, so I'm not saying I'm any better than anyone else), I see no need to attack someone for their spelling skills - or lack thereof. Let's just overlook them, and keep this board free of personal attacks, and concentrate on what this board is supposed provide for us; lively discussion about strip clubs, hot women and sex!
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
I do know that women who breast-feed eventually get saggier tits than women who don't. Well, "saggy" isn't the right word -- more like, "deflated." The skin is still there but it's all just limp. Yuck. I have not heard about the idea that the nipples get "hard" though I would think this would be mediated largely by genetics. I know many Latin women are endowed with wider, browner aureolae than are women who are not Latin, for example. I would prefer that all the breasts I ever ogle would be non-breast-feeders.

I think it's untrue that small-breasted women can't breast-feed. I believe this may be a myth perpetrated by people who wish to avoid breast-feeding in order to maintain perky, youthful-looking breasts. Maybe it's gotten misunderstood over time, or taken for true. Breast-feeding is difficult for some mothers, especially first timers, simply because it's a strange cognitive skill (so they tell me) of both trying to make the baby do something, while also relaxing and not trying to make anything happen.

On a related note, I find nursing women to be extremely unpleasant to think about. I know some guys are turned ON by the idea of a woman who has milk to offer, or even by the idea of a pregnant woman. (Her tits do get all bloated and pendulous-looking, I guess ...) I'm just not interested. I want her to be in "tip top" shape with perky NON-LACTATING tits, thank you. But that's just me. There's a market for EVERYTHING out there ...
avatar for trickystick
18 years ago
Whether or not a woman can nurse depends on the individual, not necessarily on the size of the titties. Some chicks with small breasts may have a more difficult time with milk supply, for obvious reasons. However breast size itself is not a direct indicator of whether or not nursing is possible.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I remember a few months ago, I saw a nice looking dancer on stage. I tipped her and then she went next to a guy sitting nearby. All of a sudden she squeezed her breasts and suddenly breast milk came squirting out on the guys face. He just smiled so he wasn't upset about it. I couldn't even tell that she just had a kid recently.

I have always wondered if it's really safe to breast feed for the kid if a girl has breast implants. I guess it would be if nothing has ever leaked but that makes me wonder how often breast implants leak and even if the chance is small what could happen to the kid?
avatar for Clubber
18 years ago
As an expert on female breasts, I can state that the only thing that matters, is that they show them to us for play!!
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Women with very small breasts can breast feed without any problems. My wife is a runner, with extremely low body fat (and very small breasts) and she breast fed both of our kids. Never an issue.

CasualGuy: With the scare a few years back over the use of silicone gel-filled implants, I think most 3rd-party, afermarket add-ons are saline filled these days. Of course saline is very harmless, and nothing to worry about, should it leak. Either way, if leaked, I don't think there's any chance that it will be expelled through the nipple of a nursing mother. (I'm not a doctor - although I play doctor once in a while during role playing - so I could be wrong)
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I thought I read somewhere the old style silicone filled implants were being allowed back on the market. Maybe I just heard or read that they would be allowed back.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
CasualGuy: Yes, silicone implants have gained approval again. I believe it was fairly recently.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
Newer better silicone -- maybe they'll feel and look realistic this time?
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I read the silicone did feel more real. I'm still wondering what that does to the human body if or when it ever leaks. I've heard horror stories of what has happened to some girls so I'm wondering if the big companies got the FDA to brush aside concerns just for some more big bucks. Just call this United States of Corporations.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
Depends on the implant, the skill of the surgeon, etc. Some implants are so lifelike the girls get away with never telling a customer that they're "fake." Other implants (silicone OR saline) are so unrealistic that nobody ever even bothers to ask ...
avatar for fxxychick
18 years ago
OMG!! It's obvious you are all men and very ill-informed. The size of the breast does not matter when it comes to breastfeeding. The female mammory glands begin producing milk while you are pregnant. After giving birth, engorgement happens which is the breast begin to swell to make room for milk to feed the infant. If a chick told you her breast were too small, it was because she didnt want to breast feed...point blank. And breastfeeding does not make your breast saggy. I breastfed my son, who is now 5 yrs old, and it didnt make my breast saggy. If anything it made them larger, not too sure if that was a result of feeding or the weight gain of pregnancy. Either way every woman is different after giving birth. I know some whose breast became larger and some whose became smaller, however, none a direct result from breastfeeding. If that were the case my mom would have terrible boobs because she breastfed all six of us, yes six kids. She will be 50 in July
and her's are perkier than some 20 yr olds', not to mention she doesnt look a day over 35, without ever having any nips and tucks.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
Can a woman, with no grasp of grammar, insult a whole group strangers? :) I'm delighted to know, that once I am pregnant ("while you are pregnant") a random female's "mammory" glands will being producing milk somewhere. I look forward to getting pregnant some day. The wonders of science ... wonder if they could do something about that apostrophe-S?

avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I believe any woman could breastfeed. However I won't trust free internet messages for determining extreme cases of finding out something. I haven't read any medical information if a woman with very small A size breasts might have not enough milk to satisfy a hungry baby. I could imagine in that exteme case, a doctor might recommend some extra milk from another source if a woman still wanted to breastfeed. However I'm not a doctor and am guessing here. I might be as good a guesser as a few doctors if they got their degrees from some nonexistent medical university.

Well just to show the level of male concern on this topic, I thought someone just wanted some female input from a couple of female posters here, it took me about 4 seconds to do an internet search and read "most females can produce enough milk for their babies". It would have to be an extreme case. However the word most means that some woman do not have enough milk. I am wondering what that small percentage is though. I don't know who may know that information. The percentage of woman who actually breastfeed in the first place is around 62 percent I read from someone else's post. I wasn't even really that interested in this topic.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Can a Guy, with no grasp of the royal you or the difference between spelling and grammar...
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
The question has been answered. You cannot breast feed a baby that has been taken away from you by the state. See the dark side of strippers topic.
avatar for fxxychick
18 years ago
#1 I did intend to insult anyone, I was merely adding to the topic. #2 fuck you and your smug attempt to bash me. I have read plenty of yoor comments and all of them do not contain perfect grammar and/or spelling. Nor do you ever make any valid points. You just sit around on this website waiting to citique someone. I appreciate those who understand or understood my point of view. So again, fuck you. Goodbye!!

Thank you for being kind. Obviously you get it.
avatar for fxxychick
18 years ago
Bookguy by the way I've noticed you have reviews from NOLA. I am in town right now, and I dare you to say it to my face. You can find me @ the Royal Senesta Hotel on Bourbon St. Or maybe I will run into you in the clubs tonight before I leave town. :)
avatar for fxxychick
18 years ago
On previous msg, it should read: I did not intend to insult anyone. Ooops, thought I correct that before "english teacher" Bookguy had something else smug to say.
avatar for AbbieNormal
18 years ago
The most disturbing aspect of this post is that Shadowcat is starting to use excessive commas, as evidenced in the title, and as I do. Heaven help me if that is my only influence on this board.

As a PS most of the breast is ornamental, at least in the larger ones, that whole anthropology thing again.

Please, make, me, stop... I, sound, like Kirk.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
An: Stop and think about it. When was the last time you actually posted anything on here relative to a strip club expierence or a stripper. Notice no commas.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Yeah, those commas in the question threw me, too. Had me wondering if very small tits were assumed to be an attribute of all women. Like if you asked, "Can a giraffe, with very long legs, do the limbo?"

Wouldn't it be off-topic to post about strip clubs in this thread?
avatar for AbbieNormal
18 years ago
Shadowcat, two reviews about a week ago. In here I don't talk about specific experiences, that's your territory. I'm not that interested in comparing what I got to touch with other guys. I'm more interested in the whole stripclub sub-culture what others think about our hobby and how it fits into their lives (or doesn't).
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
AN; Yes you did two reviews. Sorry they were so long that I didn't read them. I promised to be a more kinder, gentler shadowcat but when someone attacks me on here for bad grammer or spelling. I have a tendancy to strike back. Sorry. I some times wonder at have far I have gotten in life. My spelling and grammer suck and I do not have a college degree but yet I make 6 figures a year. After 40 years with the same company.
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