
Why are you bothered by tattoos?

Wednesday, May 2, 2007 10:55 PM
From reading posts and reviews here it seems that there exists a contingent of predominantly older gents who appear to hate tattoos. Anyone care to explain why?


  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    Very simple. Why would you permanently add something to your body that you would never consider hanging temporarily on the wall of your house. My father made it thru 4 yrs in the navy and came home without a tattoo, that is good enough for me.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    I've never said i "hate" them, but have said i do not care for them. My ATF had a number of them, and I talked her out of getting some others. That said, the reason, I consider them self-mutilation, and that, I do not care for in any form.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I think a tasteful tattoo -- a single abstract arm-band; or a butterfly or abstract winged creature not bigger than about two inches across at the base of the spine above the butt; or a cute cartoon character on the ankle -- is fun and cool. I think that a girl who seeks out the "style" of "I want to look like a biker chik who has a lot of tattoos" is unattractive because of the style choice, not because of the "blemish" on her skin. And I'm 41. Does that put me in the survey of "older gents" or not?
    17 years ago
    I'm the oldest guy here and they don't bother me as long as they aren't overdone, eg. I don't much care for a girl (or guy) to be covered with them but a few tasteful ones are fine with me. Seems like practically every girl you see nowadays has one on her lower back. Same with belly button rings.
  • happylap
    17 years ago
    I just don't find them attractive. I'm 55.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    Let me put it this way- an ABSENCE of tatoos would not bother me, nor make me think that a particular dancer isn't sexy, cool, or anything else complimentary for not having tatoo.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    If I wanted Popeye, I'd go to a gay club. I'm 65.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Like others, I don't HATE tattoos, like happlap, I don't find them attractive and I'm 60 years old. It's usually the younger kids getting the tattoos, and they probably wish they hadn't after growing up. It's a FAD, like muttenchops, long hippy hair, single/double earrings on boys, etc. Ya' wanna get a tattoo? Go ahead! Won't cost me.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    TheHappyLapper, Problem is, unlike "muttenchops, long hippy hair, single/double earrings on boys, etc." tattoos are difficult if not impossible to completely reverse.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I know one stripper that is so ashamed of the tatoo over her left breast that she buys a special cream to cover it up whenever she is working. Take it from me the stuff does not taste good.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I don't think tattoos are bad, but the one that ladies have in the small of their back just disturbs me, because they all have that one. Why a tattoo there? Do they put it there just to have one, but in a spot they don't have to look at?
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    I wonder how Grandmas Tiffany, Courtney, and Alexis will explain to their grandkids the faded, saggy tattoos they got when they were strippers. If I am not mistaken, the tattoo on the small of the back is called an "Ass Hat". Nothing is worse than a tattoo on an otherwise perfect boob. I will choose a non-tattooed dancer even if she is a notch or two below everytime.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    >I wonder how Grandmas Tiffany, Courtney, and Alexis will explain to their grandkids the faded, saggy tattoos they got when they were strippers.< They won't need to explain, because most grandmas of their generation will have them. That will be the norm for women of their age, not the tattoo-less skin of old women of today. Besides, when their old skin is gets all saggy, how much worse is an old tattoo really going to make it? At least it will remind them of when they were young and hot. The whole point of tattoos is that they *are* permanent. They're a way to celebrate being young and not giving a fuck about the superficial warnings of old farts. I don't really notice them on strippers most of the time. When I do notice them in a weird place or really big, I don't care for them. The ones I don't mind I wouldn't exactly call tasteful. Aren't tattoos all about bad taste? The ones that try to be tasteful, or detailed and artistic, aspire to the level of 70s van art. A tattoo should look like something you recklessly had done when you were drunk.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    I'll take the un-inked saggy skin any day. How can you not notice some of these "masterpieces"? IMHO Most tattoos look like the drug induced black light posters they sell at Spencer's Gifts. And why don't blacks use white ink for their tattoos.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    >How can you not notice some of these "masterpieces"?< What I mean is that I don't pay much attention unless tattoos are conspicuous in their placement or size. Or vividness. I see them on so many strippers that afterwards, I'll often forget whether a girl had them or not. I guess I've become good at tuning them out.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I don't like the tats, either. Why? I think "slut" when I see tats on a girl. Not that there's something bad about a girl being a slut, but my fantasies are better when I'm thinking she's more of a wholesome, down-home type girl that's just so horny she will do things like stripping, for instance. I think a tat on a tit is about the most un-sexy thing there is, besides the "sleeve" tats. My ATF has just one tat, which is fairly small and never bothered me too much. I'm probably in the "older gents" section here, too, weighing in at 46.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I don't "think slut" when I see a tattoo. But if I did, I think I might like tattoos more! :)
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    Put me down for not liking tatoos either. Why would a lovely young girl want to deface an otherwise flawless body? However, I have come to accept them as long as they are not too much. Nothing is more hideous than a girl with a tat that covers her entire tit, or back, or arm, or whatever. I won't have dances with them, no matter how hot they are otherwise. A small heart or butterfly is OK if discreet. But the barbed wire on the bicep? Don't like it period...guys or gals. And at 48 please don't call me an older gent -- not for two more years!
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    These answers are awesome, keep them coming. I am shocked at some of the attitudes. Namely that it is mutilation or a defacement of the body. I see it as an adornment. Sure there are some tattoos or styles that I do not particularly care for but still, to knock an entire genre of art because you do not find all of it pleasing is kind of shortsighted and sad. Even better is Igiveup's equation of tattoos with homosexuality. IGU just for your information they have nothing to do with each other. The biggest problem I see here is AGE! Some of you are so worried about being percived as old. I'm 38 but identify with a younger crowd. Lighten up. Mu life is good at 38, i suspect it will be at 48 and 58 too. Much older than that forget it! J/K
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    One thing I should say, tattoos don't bother me, but specific tattoos do. I mentioned the one in the small of the back, mostly because they all have that one. Another one is when they write in Chinese. Do they even know what its saying? I think tattoos are supposed to say something, but don't ask me what.
    17 years ago
    Apesht, I'm a lot older than you and they don't bother me much on strippers. In fact I kind of think of them as part of the stripper costume. To me they're neither a plus nor a minus, they're just there. Just like piercings and 7-inch heels.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    ape, I said nothing about my attitude, just my opinion of them. By definition, mutilation is "to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts". Disfigure is, "to mar the appearance or beauty of; deform; deface." And self, "a person or thing", ergo, self-mutilation. I am not worried about my age, which I can not control other than permanently stopping the aging cycle. Each of us have our own opinions, which was the gist of your original post.
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    Clubber, I suppose your definition of mutilation is a matter of perception. What in the tattoo process is permanantly damaged? If the person is happy with the tattoo then the result seems positive to me. The injury comes from breaking the skin. It will heal just as any cosmetic procedure would. Perfection is also a matter of perception. What may appear as a defacement to you may be an adornment to the wearer. I was unaware that your opinion on things has more weight than the person with the tattoo. I'm not saying you have to like them, just that it is rude to comment on someone else's tastes in body art.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    ape, Not my definitions, I just took them out of the dictionary. And once again, since your reading ability seems to be "permanently damaged", what I typed is MY OPINON, and not that others follow it. Also, "someone" started the topic by stating "From reading posts and reviews here it seems that there exists a contingent of predominantly older gents who appear to hate tattoos. Anyone care to explain why?" Yes, I AM older at 58. And I said I do not "hate" them, rather "I do not care for them, then lo and behold explained why as was ask to do by "someone. Now "someone" is trying to argue my opinion? Perhaps a candidate for the RL file!
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Well, Jared Diamond ("Guns Germs and Steel" and other long-view history works) might suggest, that the prevalence of tribal body art and of tattooing is a response to over-crowding. To further distinguish yourself from the anonymous crowd, to identify with a given segment of that crowd, to have CHOICE in your visual appearance in such a manner that you can pretty much guarantee that strangers would turn out to be highly unlikely to resemble you. Overcrowding, he'd say, or outside population pressures of some other kind.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    It's all a matter of perception. If my neighbor decides to paint his house like a pinball machine, he can call it adornment and say it "makes him feel better about himself" or some such happy talk, while I might consider it defacement and say the sight of it from my own front yard makes me want to vomit. Fortunately, there are codes that keep anybody on my street from doing that. There aren't any codes to prevent a stripper from inking her body any way she chooses, but there's nothing forcing her to work in a field that invites comment on her appearance, either.
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    BookGuy - I just always asumed that body modification as more of a rite of passage or a way of marking life's more important events. But your overcrowding theory is very interesting. Chandler, Get over yourself! This thread targeted no one in particular but rather addressed what I percieved as a trend. Believe it or not your age does not make you the most important person on the planet. Nor the most intelligent. I can see from your last post that you would indeed enjoy the position of deciding what is and isn't acceptable for the rest of us. Don't worry you are in good company. Just ask Adolph.
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    Sorry made a mistake. I confused two replys and addressed the wrong person. Chandler I apologise. I meant to direct the first part of that comment at Clubber. The part about wanting to be a dictator, that was for you Chandler.
  • jimmyblong
    17 years ago
    The tattoos on the lower back are also called "whore-mats".
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Apesht: If you can't keep your insults sorted out properly, you may be making them too carelessly. Do you have a point to make about comments, because I see my name in your posts but I can't tell what to respond to.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Yeah, fuck you. No, not you, YOU. You fucking fuck.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    As a not so old 46, I would like to offer a great example of how tattoos can alter perception. I am going to assume that many of you are familiar with the porn actress Janine Lindemulder. She was one of the most gorgeous babes in porn. Until she went off the deep end with tattoos. She went from bicep, to back of neck, all the way to sleeve and back. IMHO it was like someone shitting on a Picasso painting.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    ShotDisc: Yep... I know who she is, and she WAS one of my favorites. I was in shock when she was on the Howard Stern show, talking about (and showing) her extensive inking. I was repulsed and disappointed. I believe on the show, she said or hinted something to the effect that part of the reason she did it was to get away from the porn industry. Knowing that she'd be in much less demand with her hideousness, that she wouldn't be doing as many movies. Why, you will ask, didn't she just say "no more movies"? I think it had to do with the fact that she was "addicted" to doing them.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I'm getting horny. Are there any movies of Janine post-tattooing? Damn now THAT would turn me on I'm gonna go get some hankies now ... No, seriously, Janine had a "problem" with her relationship to porn from the get-go. She only did scenes with her actual real-life partner/husband, or with women, for example (IIRC), etc. I think maybe she was just a "cut above" most of the crack-addicted type who get going in the quick-cash-for-too-much-gash track, and wanted to control her own propensity to slip into that track.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    Janine L was a truly gorgeous babe. Her tatoo evolution is perhaps a reflection of general tatoo evolution. When she was Penthouse Pet of Month(Dec.1987, I think), I saw no visible tatoos. During Blondage dance duo yrs (mainly much of 90's, I saw 2 different performances), she had a small tatoo around the small of her back. Then comes Club layout, post Blondage. Later not a turn on for me. For those interested in movies pornstars have made, go to [view link]. In search section, scroll to Performer, then type desired name.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    OK. I had never heard of Janine untill her named was mention on this thread. I like porn. So today I downloaded 4 of her porn movies. 3 were prior to the tatoos and 1 was with. Sorry, you can have her. Along with Jenna Jamison and Vivid Video. I like em young and petite like Jenna Haze or Carrie Sable(sp)
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat: You hit on two of my favorites... Jenna Haze, Kerri Sable (Kerri is always near the top of my list). Add to those, Crystal Ray, Krystal Steel, Taylor Rain... Not to switch gears here, but in recent threads we talked about addiction... I would guess that most of us here are also "addicted" to porn - I am. I sometimes think that my addiction to clubbing is a result or manifestation of my addiction to porn... Hey wait... does that make me a sex addict? [grin]
    17 years ago
    Just wondering, is there any correlation between disliking tatoos and disliking fake boobs? Are people tatoo-haters because they like all natural, or is it something else? Personally I like all natural but as I said before a small tatoo or so doesn't bother me.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    I never thought about it before, but maybe there is a correlation. I too dislike tatoos and also dislike implants. For no particular reason -- over the past year I have replaced much of porn viewing with strip club visits. I have given up one addiction for another. I used to be just an every now and then SC guest, now I am truly addicted. I guess I am not a multi-tasker.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    FONDL, I prefer the all natural, well, except for body hair!
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I like (some modest) tattoos but dislike fake boobs. And I prefer girls shaved "down there" completely, or leaving just a landing strip only, that might adorn the mound but doesn't interfere with the lips. So, I find some forms of physical adornment and manipulation appealing, and other forms unappealing.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    I find them un-esthetic. I think they break up the lines of a woman's body by drawing focus to some usually poor and poorly done ornamentation. They are for most part a turnoff. Am I "bothered" by them? No more than I'm bothered by a poor choice of costume. I'd rather not see them, but in most cases I can overlook them if they aren't excessive. Girls with a lot of tatoos are just not appealing to me..
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    I am no fan of fake tits. Some boob jobs are better than others but overall I prefer natural. I see no correlation between fake tits and tattoos. I like most but not all tattoos that I have seen on women at the clubs. Every now and then you do see one that is frightening, but thats life. Do you find every single woman you see attractive?
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