
Comments by DougS (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Scrunchers: Pro or Con
    Minnow: In my experiences, I've always assumed that when a dancer asks me to scruch down, it's so that I'm closer to a prone position in order to make my package easier to grind on. It's always seemed to make it more enjoyable for both her and myself. I also think it's "code talk" for an invitation to adjust yourself to enhance the grindage.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One of us got busted by his wife...
    I currently have the phone numbers of four dancers on my phone... My ATF (of course), plus my prev ATF, prev-prev ATF amd prev-prev-prev ATF. Even though there's no chance that I will call either prev-prev or prev-prev-prev, for some reason I just can't bring myself to deleting them. I still may contact my prev ATF, because we were on good terms the last time I saw her, and well, should something happen between miss ATF and I, I may need to revert to plan B. As for the danger of having those numbers on my phone... They are all listed with a company name, rather than their real name. These company names are all names that my wife has heard me mention, so if she she's them show up on my caller ID, recent call list of contact list, there's no suspicion raised. HappyLap: As for Chitown, we should be graced by his presence in the near future. Aparently his membership expired and he also refuses to post bogus reviews just to retain or reinstate his membership.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One of us got busted by his wife...
    As for being careful and getting caught, etc. I just found out about a website that allows people to find where you are located using your phone's GPS capabilities. You just type in a phone number and the website locates where it is. VERY scary. My alibis cannot stand up to this!! http://www.sat-gps-locate.com/english/index.html
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One of us got busted by his wife...
    Fondl: I don't know where you got your info about Chitown, but I don't think he's the one to whom IGU referred. I'm in email contact with CT and I think he'd have mentioned something like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    question for founder...
    I like being able to go back and see older posts. I think it's a great feature!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BI or not?
    Lowpaw: Maybe she's a little bi curious and just doesn't want to admit to it. When girls give you a dance, do they usually just play with the "girls", or do they actually venture to that special moist spot? Do you let them venture inside your panties, or do they try? Sorry.. I know, way too personal, but I'm still enjoying the thoughts that are running in my mind...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Are you addicted
    Chandler: Exactly. That's why I added the phrase "foreseeable future". At this point in time, I can't imagine things falling apart with my ATF, but a LOT could happen that would most definitely put an end to it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Are you addicted
    I KNOW that I am addicted and I KNOW that there are most definitely some VERY negative potential results to my addiction... some of which I already experience. But I also KNOW that there is no way that I am wanting to break the addiction. I completely enjoy clubbing and also reading/writing/talking about it. I HAVE given up going to clubs - well, technically anyways - since I only do OTCs now, and for the foreseable future. [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio Senate Bill 16
    EvilCyn: I'll definitely go to STOPTHEHOUSE.COM. These things really make me angry. Why do the "do gooders" and the politicians always seem to target strip clubs and prostitution? I've mentioned in the past that the local politicians and "community groups" have ran the strip clubs out of my area - South Bend. South Bend used to be a VERY good place for strip clubs, until THEY got their grubby hands on it. Now, there are just two clubs (actually one, because the two clubs are owned by the same person and they share the same building). They say that strip clubs and prostitution bring crime to the area. Well, I think South Bend has proved that is false. With strip clubs all but eliminated, the crime rate is soaring. Just yesterday, we had two policemen shot (one killed, one critical)... that happening on the one year anniversary of the killing of the last policeman killed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Search Feature
    cool! thanks!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    To share strip club/stripper information or not?
    I've always promoted my favorite clubs... I like to know that I visit clubs that are routinely in the top 40, if not top 10. There are several reasons why I am very careful about mentioning dancers that I like, in particular my ATF. I realize that I could mention names and perhaps increase their business a little. However, I would really be disappointed if I visited a club and a favorite was too busy to spend time with me. For that reason, plus the fact that I when I'm missing being with my ATF, I don't want to help OTHER guys spend time with her, I will never mention her name on TUSCL again...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Most erotic experience ?
    I've had some very erotic experiences inside and outside strip clubs... One experience comes to mind, though, because it was fairly recent and very erotic... My first kiss (DFK) with my ATF - probably THE hottest kiss I've ever had in my life.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Yet another reason that I would much rather meet my ATF OTC, rather than ITC...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Are you addicted
    You bet I am addicted, and I totally agree with Chandler. I'd LIKE to say it's a hobby, but it IS an addiction. It can easily become a destructive addiction, just like alcohol and drugs. It's the addiction that keeps me visting this website off and on all day... it's like getting a "fix". Clubbing is an addiction that I do not want to stop... guess that proves how addicted I am, right? I used to risk a lot by visiting clubs, and now it's OTCing... My life as I know it would be totally gone if my wife found out about my years of clubbing - especially the OTCing, but still I continue to do it. Dangerous? Yes! Destructive? Definitely! Fun? Absolutely! Crazy? Yeah, I guess so...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    An Attraction to the Darkside
    BookGuy / AbbieNormal: So, because I grew up a Monty Python fan, and cam recite several skits (didn't memorize on purpose), I'm a dork and a nerd?! I fart in your general direction. Now go away before I taunt you a second time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Male Ego
    Interesting topic and discussion. I'm not sure into which category I fall. On the one hand, my ego could be construed as being fragile, because I would take it fairly personally, if the girl I was with would rather circulate the floor, rather than spending time with me. On the other hand, I have a big ego, because I feel like I am THE best catch at the club, and any dancer that doesn't want to spend time with me is missing out. I guess if I were forced to choose, I'd be more inclined to say that I had a big ego. Especially over the last 3-4 years. That ego has been buoyed by the run of success I've been experiencing. It's been over the last 4-ish years that I started having the guts to ask girls to spend time with me OTC. Since then, I've NEVER been flat-out turned down. The few times that I've been met with reluctance (only two girls), has been just a matter of comfort, as it turns out. In both cases, the girls were just not sure that they would be safe with the likes of me. After succumbing to my charms, both apprensive girls became long-term OTC partners, and are now known as my prev-ATF and ATF. When I enter a club, I have the "strut" feeling inside, thinking that it has just become "their lucky day" for the girls working at that time. The reality of the matter is, as I'm sure someone will point out, with out have some green in the wallet, I would have little or no success. On the street, I would not have the guts to approach a lot of those girls. My courage is growing though. I've become much more flirtatous (and suggestive) with women.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When does stripper shit turn turn into bonifide conversation between friends?
    BookGuy: Maybe you need to attend the local AA meetings, or maybe the local Sexaholic's Annonymous meetings. At least you know the women there "want it". Seriously, my single friends always tell me that grocery stores and university libraries are great places to meet hot women. At the grocery, you can find the single girls that are not in a serious relationship by checking out her ring finger, and then noting what's in her cart... no ring, groceries that appear to be "food for one", should be a green light to approach... she's probably lonely and receptive to new acquaintances... She might also be thinking about how she needs someone 'cause she doesn't like eating alone...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Asian Massage Parlors
    Fondl: I've never done a MP. I HAVE had a few great massages at the Chiropractor's office, but nothing close to sexual...not even a cute nurse. And yes, it is enjoyable, but that's not the type of enjoyment I am looking for. It HAS to be sexual... even if actual sex or extras isn't a possibility, it at least needs to be hot...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    TUSCL North Meeting Redux
    Cool... let me toss out a date... How about May 24th. I have that penciled in already. That's Memorial Day weekend, and should be hopping with THE race coming up. Also, it's the night before Carburetion Day. I plan to meet up with some friends on the 24th, and visit my ATF ITC for a few hours. (planning OTC for the next day)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format Comments, Complaints and Bugs
    Founder: I light of Chandler's excellent success using his "negotiating tactic", we still have the "more..." link on the reviewers page, only displaying the first three lines of each of their reviews. Any chance that you could increase the number of lines shown for each review to say 40-50 lines? Seriously, if you'd rather not display the whole reviews, if you could increase that number to the point where it's not a necessity to click on the "more..." link for every review, in order to read them? It really does get cumbersome when you have to click on "more...", wait for the review to display, then click to close the window.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Geniuses are Just Like Us
    Genius? If he were a genius, he'd be getting dances from the girls, instead of drawing them!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    An Attraction to the Darkside
    Chandler: Then you should like SNL in Indy where our "mutual friend" dances. Can't get much seedier than that place.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Asian Massage Parlors
    Fondl: Uhhh... First, it's not safe to assume that she will be "less attractive". Second, if I'm paying $60 for a non-sexual massage, I'm pretty sure that I'd be laying there thinking that I should be spending $60 for several sexual lap dances... To me, a $60 non-sexual massage would be more frustrating than relaxing.