The bare look

I was reading some of the posts on Chitown's topic "Favorite porn stars". I don't know many of those names so I google-searched a few. Seemed like Nikki Dail's name was mentioned several times so she was one of the first one's I (g)oogled. I noticed that, in the photos I saw, she had pretty much a full beaver. I like that. Seems like in most of the porn I see these days the babes are shaved (or waxed) clean. (I admit that the only porn I see these days is on the internet and it's usualy "amatuer" porn. I don't rent or go to theaters.) What's wrong with pubic hair? Some of the European girls have plenty of it. I don't care for hairy legs and armpits but I like a little bush in the crotch. What do you guys think? Am I an old fogey?
last commentYes, you are an old fogey. So, at 44, am I. I get the impression that there is a line of demarcation for people born somewhere around 1970. Those born before are furry; those born later are bald. Mrs. Chitown, a physician, told me once that she was shocked how much of a universal practice shaving is among her patients from the mid-30s and under. Christy Canyon, who is about my age, made pornos with the most bodacious bush that her Italian-Armenian genes could work up, and nobody gave it a second thought during the 1980s. God knows I spent a lot of time finding my way through the bushes of Jewish girls after SDT and DPE dances at Major Big Ten University in the early and mid 80s. Like a lot of social trends, I think that shaving started with gay men, then women picked it up, and now even straight guys shave, or at least trim. I've had a couple of OTC girls ask me, somewhat incredulously on seeing Little Chitown in his natural habitat, if I never shave. (I don't, nor do I intend to).
Three weeks ago, in a hotel room above the Adelita Bar in Tijuana, a 19 year old fully shaven chica gave me a lecture on the health benefits of being shaven--although my 43 year old physician wife has never adopted the practice, paradoxically.
By the way, I've never been bothered by hairy armpits. On the right girl, they actually bring back happy memories of my late childhood and teen years during the 1970s. I want the legs to be smooth, just because I don't want them to be prickly when they wrapped around my legs or expanding middle.
I like neat but hairy armpits, too. It looks "animal" and therefore somehow sexual.
I don't think there are health benefits to shaving the pubes, necessarily. The hairs are there for a reason -- whatever bacteria or pests they might harbor, could be a detriment to hairiness; but likewise, an absence of hair might enable certain other infections or problems in a different manner.
I like LOOKING at bare women. It's a visual thing -- more eye access. The older "vintage" porn (1970s or 80s VCR tapes now available on the 'net) is mildly less exciting to me partly because the hairy pussies just make it hard to see what's going on.
But fucking them, the hair is a different and very positive thing. As long as it isn't so much of a thatch that it gets in the way, or somehow clogs up the opening -- which can happen if it curls the wrong way -- then it's again "animalistic" and therefore sexy, to me.
I'll speak up for the youngsters here. I prefer a shaven pussy. Why? I'm not sure. I prefer small, petite, young looking women. Maybe I prefer my women shaved because it makes them look younger, maybe I like it because that's "the look" for my generation. I don't know.
By the way, the current theory among evolutionary biologists (who sometimes sounds as though they're making stuff up as they going along) for pubic hair is that it protects the flesh on the nether regions from the rigors of heavy physical contact during sex.
I'm one of the oldsters here @ 59 and I vote for full wax. I hate getting hair in my teeth!
I guess I am on the dividing line (born in 1972) and I really don't care either way. My ATF was one of the hairiest ladies I've ever seen and I thought it looked right on her. My current fave is entirely shaven and I think it looks right on her. But then again, she's young. The day I see a young girl with pubes gone wild may be a long time coming. I honestly wouldn't mind a girl who grew hair all over, as it would be the most primal experience ever.
I'll weigh-in here... mid 40's, and I prefer shaved, or at least trimmed, for both me, and my ladies.
I like to keep a small heart-shaped patch on the top, leading down to the treasure box. But as for the lips, they have to be bare. If I cover them you won't be able to see how fat my secrets are. Besides, it's important to show off your coochie-control.
I prefer unshaved or maybe neatly trimmed. But I have a question for you younger guys - do non-stripper women ever go bald? I had the impression that shaving completely was a stripper or other sex worker thing. I know a stripper who quit and the first thing she did was stop shaving. Is that typical?
If you've seen the "Sex and the City" episode when the girls visit LA, you'll know that they all treat themselves to a "brazilian wax." Hence, I conclude, it is considered at least mainstream, if not de-rigeur, that young urban professional women do some kind of grooming, perhaps even total.
IMHO it should be all or nothing. landing strips, or specially shaped patches are silly. As for shaved or not shaved, Sometimes you have to take a walk thru the woods to get to the picnic. Its all about the destination, not the trip.
Dancing or not, I have and will stay shaven...
Although the younger tykes will probably think I am an old fogey (born 1959), I have to contribute my two cents worth. I agree with ShotDisc that the "patches" (hearts, e.g.) are silly. Although I find neatly trimmed or the so-called "landing strips" to be extremely sexy, my brain was imprinted with late 1970's and early 1980's Playboy and Penthouse photos, so I am not at all turned off by a full bush.
Book Guy mentions it's a "visual thing." How true. Somehow the hair makes the pussy visually more inviting. What is exciting about the "bare look"? It's just folds of skin.
Receiving dances or not, I have and ALWAYS will stay shaven...
I like the "bare" look better than the "bear" look.
If given the choice I would prefer shaved, but sometimes you have to go with what is presented.
I like my dancers & partners to be shaven. It's very EMBARASSING when I go to the dentist and he starts pulling pubic hairs from between my teeth!!!!!!!!!!!
Bones, when the dentist recomends flossing I think he means something else. It isn't nearly as fun.
Ok I guess Im the old guy exception (mid-50s) because I prefer clean shaven. My wife, slighly younger than me has been shaven for several years and she isnt and has never been part of the industry. In fact, she has little to no interest in sex. Her reason-comfort, and her female doc recommended it. I also like the trimmed/landing strip look if the girl must keep some pubic hair. Maybe I like the bare look because it was so unusual the first time I saw it.