
Comments by DougS (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question, would you be more likely to get a dance if it was less expensive?
    I am very picky with the dancers I choose to get dances from. I HAVE to be into her, or I am not going to plunk down green for her, not matter what deal she may be offering. There was only one dancer I made an exception with, and to this day she is probably the least appealing dancer I've ever gotten a dance from. She was probably a 6 in my book, but I'd been sitting in the club, getting more and more worked up while waiting for one particular dancer, who was giving mega mileage in the corner - I couldn't wait for some of THAT! Then this dancer comes up from behind me, out of visual range (no idea what she looked like). She hit alll the right buttons, starting with a nibble, then lick of my ear (that always gets me going). Leaning further over me, she reached down and gave The Associate a few stokes through the pants... then she moans into my ear, "mmmmm... baby, I think we need to go to the wall (the private area) and play with THIS (she emphasized what THIS was by giving it a nice squeeze), until you scream...." I was sold, even before I saw her - and it was a good thing, otherwise, I'd have turned her down in a heartbeat. We got to the wall, and she immediately got on her knees and alternated nibbling through my pants, rubbing my crotch with her hand, and stroking up and down with her breasts... Perfect "dance moves" for the mood I was in. It took five songs (a prettier dancer would've finished me sooner than that, with HER techniques!). She asked for $30 (normally it's $10/dance, plus tip). I rewarded her with $60, which in light of how much she made me enjoy the dances, I thought it was a bargain.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Oh yeah... gotta love those tight jeans. Years ago, I was waiting for my very first ATF to come out of the dressing room, early on in our "relationship". She'd said that I could wait for her so that I could see what she looks like in "civies". I damn-near fell out of my chair when I saw her come out. To this day, I think those were the most memorable tight jeans I've ever seen. HOLY SHIT! It was at that very second that I KNEW I was going to have to spend a WHOLE lot more time (and money?) with her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for Dancers - If you were owner, how would you set lap dance prices?
    Maybe the GPS body piercings that was suggested in another recent thread could be color coded to signify the price of dances... kind'a like poker chip denominations...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible scenario, dancer needs a place to stay, would you let her stay with you
    Being that I am married, I don't think I could help out. I'm fairly certain the wife would frown upon that. In fact, she'd be frowning while slamming that pan over my head.. I have offered up my hotel room on a few ocassions, to help out dancer friends. (ie too drunk to drive, or needing protection) Not the brightest move, even though things always turned out okay. AND, I got something very worthwile out of the deal (most of the time [wink]).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Rating Dancers in addition to Clubs
    I shy away from mentioning names, as well. We've had that discussion before.. and for several reasons, the majority agreed that in most cases, it was better to leave the names out of the reviews.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What happened to them??
    I'm pretty sure that DougS is still pretty active in the discussion threads...hopefully he's not on TOO many ignore lists, even though he's been known to ramble-on quite a lot.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    High Mileage in Chicagoland
    I've only heard about it, but Club O, in Harvey, Il, is supposed to be good... As for the towel, I don't think it indicates the amount of mileage. The towel is there to control the exchange of bodily fluids...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    High Mileage in Chicagoland
    Industrial Strip in Hammond (IN).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Regulars in Love
    IrishContractor: You say that you are not pursuing her, but it certainly sounds like you are interested in her. You said you asked her out via email, but she never answered... however you flat-out asked her for sex and she gave it to you in the club (ITC). I think you ought to ask her out again, only in person and get her reaction. I'm betting that she will go out with you. Does it mean there's relationship potential? Who knows! I DO think you have potential to getting to know her better and I think it's safe to assume that if she agrees to OTC (meet outside the club), you will REALLY enjoy yourself... Is she trying to keep you as a customer? Of course! Was she just horny that day? Probably... but have you repeated the sex? Still getting extras? Maybe she's just horny every day. Yes, maybe she just wants to have leisure sex... (which may or may not cost you money). Does she like you? Yes, but most likely not as a "boy friend". Embarrassed in front of co-workers. I highly doubt that! I think a lot more girls "date" customers than you can imagine. (of course "date" doesn't necessarily mean in a romantic sense) Cautious? Of course!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Do you wanna dance ?": The ultimate answer...
    ShadowCat: Actually, that's a pretty good comeback. I like it so much, I just might use it if/when I'm next in a club. If you deliver it right, you don't risk getting slapped, and who knows, you might get the answer that you're looking for!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Should I ask for higher mileage and if so how?
    Ditto to the above... Be honest with her. Most dancers will ask what you like, etc... take that as an open invitation to tell her exactly what you would like. Of if she doesn't ask you, just blurt out your desires.. maybe prefacing it with, "I'd like to be honest with you..." The thing to keep in mind, she's dancing FOR you... she is already being fairly intimate with you. She knows you are a guy and she knows what guys like and want. It's not going to come as any shock to her. I'm sure she's heard it all, already! Good luck!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you believe in ATFs?
    Short answer: yes Long answer: Yes... I've had many favorites, regulars and several ATFs over the years. I have one ATF (the current one) that stands out amongst all of them - the rest are not even close. No, I didn't go looking for her. In fact, I was surprised at the speed in which she infiltrated my mind. She became a quasi-girlfriend... to me, it was a deeper connection. To her? Well, it has been a roller coaster. I DO (and I really don't think it was just wishful thinking) believe that at least for a time there, she felt as deeply as I did. Currently, I know she doesn't feel the same way. Even still, if I had to pick one person with whom to be stranded on the proverbial desert island, I would choose her. She was never a substitute for a girlfriend... it wasn't that I can't find someone outside of the world of SCs. I'm married, and have been for a long time, to an attractive (though older) woman.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Regulars in Love
    Yeah, and what a trap it is. The bait incredibly tempting. Even experienced clubbers can fall victim. I did. I thought she was THE one, for a while. Even now, I'm not totally convinced otherwise, even with signs telling me otherwise. With the help of another dancer, I'm slowly climbing out of the trap. Let me tell you, the walls tend to be VERY slippery. I just talked to Miss ATF today, and the bait is still alluring.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    When did you know?
    Well, maybe I've actually been using two terms interchangeably, when in actuality, I shouldn't have. Maybe I need to separate the term in my mind. Maybe I need to think of it as an ATF and a current Fav. This makes more sense. I have Miss ATF, who still holds a spot in my heart (yeah, just label me RIL). In a heartbeat, I would pick her to choose my time with - and maybe more. However, I also have a current Fav. With things waning between Miss ATF and I, due to the turmoil that her life is in currently (according to her), my Current Fav (CFav) has stepped in and filled a void. When a date opened up in my schedule allowing for an OTC, I opted to arrange a meeting with my CFav, not my ATF. Although my CFav has a knack for being able to turn me on to such a high level that very few have, she does NOT have a lot of the traits and qualities that Miss ATF possesses; qualities that put separates Miss ATF from ALL of the other dancers that I've been with.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Figured out where you're going to spend an extra 800 cash yet?
    BobbyL: Or maybe you could spend it on hookers' cracks?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    When did you know?
    I'll spare the details (I've related the details of this event several times in these discussion threads, and I don't want to inflict the "rolling of eyes" on y'all again). It was The Kiss that gave her the ATF crown. Truly, it was THE hottest kiss I'd ever had - before then, or since. We BOTH had chapped lips after that night in the club. All indications are, however, that Miss ATF may be losing that distinction. After 16 months of being the ONLY dancer that I wanted to spend time with, she is falling from grace. Several factors have influenced those feelings, but ultimately it was the declining frequency of her comminications with me. When she wasn't calling as frequently as she once did, I started thinking more about hitting the club again. The last three times that I OTCed with Miss ATF, I also hit the club either the night before or the night of spending the day with her. On each of those occasions, I found a dancer to my liking and also hooked up with HER OTC (once with the girl that taught me what "freaky head" was (discussed in a previous thread), and twice with a dancer that is probably going to steal the title away from Miss ATF).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Got a chuckle out of this review....
    David120: I'm also from "up north" and drive the 3-ish hours to Indy just to hit the clubs (and or OTC), without a second's hesitation. I saw that "hike" reference and well, and wondered why he'd think that was a long drive. I always stay at a NE Indy hotel, and it's under a 20 min drive on I-465... it's quick and easy. I can drive it in my sleep (and have). Not only did that same reviewer visit HH (a 45 min drive from NE Indy), he also visited some ESL clubs, so I don't know what he was thinking... I might have to PM him and ask.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Conversations with Wondergirl
    I also see that the majority of Asian girls are unshaved... not a great look, 'cause they are usually VERY bushy..damn, at least trim the thing! MisterGuy: Are you sure that you didn't mean "I've only seen balled ones so far", and not "bald"?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you experienced this too?
    Strip club patrons seem to be split into two distinct groups, for the most part. Group 1, made up of young guys partying, with little money to spend on getting dances, but with hopes of "scoring" with a stripper. Group 2, is the married guys that are looking to fill whatever void they have in their marriage. Of course there are other smaller groups, such as the older single guys, divorced/widowed guys. (Oh, and not to forget the females out there, too, they are a pretty small group, from what I've witnessed, however) I fall into Group 2 - married, but needing more. I wouldn't call my marriage an unhappy one, but definitely it lacks the sparks and passion, and feels more like a friendship most of the time. I truly miss those feelings that one gets when they are in love (or is it lust?)... you know... the excited feelings of anticipating seeing someone that you are seriously attracted to... Well, that's how it started with me. First, it was "affairs"... co-workers that caught my eye. Girls/women that I'd go out with that'd fill some of those voids. Problems arose, though... mostly over guilt (most girls couldn't get past my marriage and/or theirs)... and there was also the inherent danger of sneaking around in my own town... That's when I stumbled upon Hip Hugger, in Kokomo. There, I found that you could "play" with any girl that caught your eye. Emboldened by my "success" with seeing women outside of my marriage, the next "logical" step was to attempt to develop "relationships" with girls in the club, and of course from there, was the goal to spend time with them OTC.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    You told your MOTHER?!
    The mother, as it turns out, is three months YOUNGER than me (46). I have NO idea what her mother looks like, but I do know that according to daughter (29), both her parents are "pot heads". No thanks... I'll stick with the daughter, no matter what the mother looks like...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    Chandler: I didn't out bid the other guy, and the dancer had no idea that I might be a big spender. What she DID know is that we planned to OTC later in the week, but for all she knew we were going to chill together to get reacquainted. Reflecting upon what I typed, I guess you could say that I was "crowing about dashing another guy's hopes", and that I considered it satisfying to see. I s'pose the reason that I feel that way is that I have been on the other side, more times than not. I've seen the doofus sitting there with a hot dancer on his lap all night; a dancer that won't give me the time of day (err.. night). I've sat there wondering why is she sitting there with that loser, when she could be with me? So, when the shoe is on the other foot for a change, yeah, it IS a bit satisfying.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Jealous Dancers?
    HarryDave: I'm just an average looking guy... I believe I've only experienced this on three occasions; 1) While waiting for my THEN ATF (now known as prev-prev-ATF), I saw a new girl that I wanted to sample and while getting a dance with the new girl, prev-prev-ATF came out of the dressing room and saw us. She glared at me like I've never been glared at before, and stormed back into the dressing room. The new girl didn't know that I was waiting for someone else and she was in a tizzy and a bit pissed at ME because I didn't tell her?! Well, she went back to the dressing room and talked to prev-prev-ATF (who I'm told was crying), and "patched things up" for me. The new girl refused to spend time with me after that. 2) This one might've been just SS, but when Miss ATF and I first started spending time together, it was during a business trip of mine. We spent time ITC on Sun and Tues nights, then she asked if I could come in on Wed night. I'd already had plans to meet up with a fellow TUSCLer (Chitown), and told her that I'd be there that night. I told her that I didn't want to see her dancing for others, and she said she didn't want to see me getting dances from anyone else and decided that she'd rather not come in because of that. (yeah, after typing that, it DOES smack of some SS, or maybe SSS) 3) When the maybe future ATF and I were planning our first OTC hookup, she was still a bit apprehensive about it. In an attempt to show her that I could be trusted, I, being the honest guy that I am, told her that I was also seeing another girl from the same club OTC. When I began telling her about that "relationship", it made so much sense and I just knew it would set her mind at east. Maybe I'd had a bit too much to drink and my logic wasn't quite in tact - I don't know. What I DO know is the look on maybe future ATF was utter shock, mixed with a big dose of PISSED and maybe a little hurt. She was speechless. When she finally broke the silence, she said "you sent me a letter with all sorts of compliments and made me feel like I was special to you, and then you tell me that I'm like your SECOND choice?!!" It was damned near a deal breaker, and it took some quick talking and assurances from me to get things back on track, but that ugly moment eventually passed. The few times that Miss ATF has come up in conversation, it's not very well received. THAT was a SERIOUS dumbass attack, if ever there was one!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Curiously strong
    HarryDave: Exactly, and well said! I enjoy a BBBJ more than actual vaginal or anal sex. There's something to be said for being able to lay back and enjoy the sensations. I especially like to watch her giving me that pleasure.. And also, as you stated, it's a turn on that she's making that "gesture of sacrifice and service", especially when it culminates with CIM! There's an implication that she is there to make you happy and satified.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Curiously strong
    WonderGrrl: I've never experienced the "bjs and such" ITC. OTC, there has been nothing "creative" like you listed. Although receiving the "freaky head" or "road head", was VERY entertaining, and a first for me. Personally, I don't know if I'd like the ice thing... might have to suggest that one, but really, I enjoy the basic BJ sooo much that there doesn't need to be any creativity. If it got any better, I don't know if I could handle it! [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    Chandler: I didn't say "no dances, tips, etc."... I just said no money was mentioned. Ergo, no money was promised. I DID ultimately spend several hours in VIP with her, and gave her a reasonable amount for same, however when she was turning the other guy away, she didn't know that would take place..