
Comments by DougS (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    RootMan: I didn't misinterpret what you said. I responded more along the lines of monopolizing a large block of time, only because that is my usual MO. I don't make it to the club that often and when I do, I tend to spend a lot of time there. However, like you said, if I were to make a short visit, I also would expect to have "bumping" rights and be able to "cut in", so to speak, as soon as she gets to a breaking point with whomever she may be with at the time. Your statement about not wanting "to be the last guy to take them to VIP" is also a strong thought in my mind. I don't want to be thinking that others have taken her back before me... If I want to lick her nipple, I don't want to wonder if someone else had just done that... I don't want some sweaty-ass MF getting his smells (and whatever) on my girl before I touch her.. All of those reasons, are why I tend to hookup with my girl as soon as she gets to work... and want to keep her in my company exclusively, until I leave.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    Chandler: No, there was no money involved in monopolization of said dancer. I merely told her on the phone that I didn't want to share her, to which her response was "sure, we can hang out" ... (and reminded her on stage). No mention of money was made.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is your ATF a sex industry slave?
    Driver01: I'd respond to that, but this damned ball and chain attached to my leg is making it difficult! [grin]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    Rootman: Interestingly, the last time that I was ITC, I had made it clear to my near-ATF (actually, she is getting very close to taking over the ownership of the ATF title) that I did NOT want to share her while I was in the club. It caused a minor problem. However minor it was, I can see where under different circumstance, things could get out of hand. Here's what happened... I'd pre-arranged to meet her at the club, and I'd seen her arrive and head directly to the dressing room. When she first came out onto the floor, she was called immediately to the stage. I approached her stage side, and we exchanged hugs and said our "HIs". I whispered into her ear, reminding her that I wanted her all to myself. I think she kind'a liked that. She's VERY popular at the club, and usually there is a long line of guys waiting for her, so I was almost surprised that she gave into the idea so easily. Anyhow, I saw on the other side of the stage that another guy had pulled up a chair, obviously in order to get her attention. She left me and danced her way over to the other guy. They hugged and she whispered something into his ear, and I was sitting there a little pissed to be honest. She then came back over to me and whispered into MY ear that the other guy wanted to get some dances from her, but she told him that she was spoken for by me. I had to smile with that statement. I could see the other guy looking our way with a bit of a disgruntled look on his face. I just HAD to rub his nose in it by giving her a quick kiss on the lips, then looked back at him and smiled. His face turned red; I knew he was steaming. The other guy stood up, and then he motioned for my dancer to come back over to him. She looked at him and shook her head "no". He threw his hands up in the air, in a show of disgust, walked over to the bar and threw his napkin at the bartender, saying something to him, but there was no way we could hear what it was, then he stormed out. I can see where some guy might take it further and make a scene or maybe try to start a fight... or maybe even just wait for me in the parking lot.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fore play, the whole enchilada or none of the above?
    You can add my name to the "play it by ear" crowd. I don't have any expectations, I also go with the flow. As I tell a dancer that I want to OTC with, when she asks me what I expect from her.... I am happy with just spending time with a beautiful girl. Whatever happens in addition to that is a bonus.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fore play, the whole enchilada or none of the above?
    ShadowCat: Happy belated Birthday! From the sounds, you had a great one (and well deserved one)!
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    17 years ago
    Wedgewood Inn
    WonderGrrl: Uhhh... I can spank you for it later? Sweet! I'll hold you to it (and I'm not going to tell you what "it" is [wink])
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible Bad News for fans of BBF
    Unfortunately, it will take some time before the true results of this price increase are felt by BBF mgmt. By that time, chances are, they may blame the decrease of profits on something else. Just like someone above state, their income MAY increase at the start, but it will be short lived. Previously, when at BBF, I RARELY bought a couch dance. If a dancer caught my eye (or something else [wink]) while she was on stage, or while giving me a dollar dance, I would take her back to the VIP. I ALWAYS have been a good tipper for VIP service at BBF. Even though it was really just $40/30 min, I always viewed it as $50/30 to make calculations easier, and to compensate her for an enjoyable time. When it came time to tip her, I ALWAYS added even more money - on top of the $10 per 30 min that I'd already mentally included. If I'd spent a marathon session (multiple 30 min sessions) in VIP with her, which is usually the case, I would throw in another $50-$100 depending on how many hours we were back there. Incidentally, today is THE day that the new rules go into effect. It will be interesting to see how things go. I talked to one of my BBF girls this morning and she is worried about it. In fact, she typically works the night shift, but today, she plans to do a mid-shift (4pm-12-ish), and will be reporting back to me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Do many dancers do the same style lap dance each time?
    I think ALL dancers "do the same style lap dance each time". The question is, how extensive is their repertoire? I think the reason that many say a new dancer does the same thing over and over is that her repertoire is limited, and thus she has few options. That's where an experienced dancer has the advantage, she may have so many moves that it will take her 5 or 10 songs before you are starting to see repetition. I don't mind repetition, especially when she's doing something that I enjoy. Chandler: Unless a dancer is not turning me on, I cannot imagine ending a LD session after only one or two dances. If I'm enjoying myself and especially if she seems to be getting into it, too, I just can't get enough. Maybe it's just my lack of will power...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Chitown: Yeah, no doubt that was what it was being used for. Of course, when looking at the couple from where the sound was coming, there was nothing visible...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible Bad News for fans of BBF
    Just received confirmation that the couch dances are going up, too... Dances will now be $20, instead of $10. I guess all of this means I will be changing my loyalties back to HH.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's Song Selections
    The length of songs is usually not a concern to me at all, when I'm in my fav club. I usually just go for the VIP dance, which is 30 min, and even at that, I tend to get much more than 30 min for my money, making a great deal an even better one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    My first audition and they way girls danced
    I don't care if she's a sway-er or a dancer... it doesn't matter to me. Being physically attracted to her is the main thing. After that, eye contact is high on the list. If she throws in some flirting and friendly contact (a nice hug is usually enough), I'm probably going to ask her for a dance. At one of the clubs that I've spent a lot of time visiting, the majority of the girls do not dance. Instead, the dancers there refer to it as Stripper Strutting; basically they sway a bit, then strut their stuff over to the other side of the stage, sway a bit - and repeat. However, my prev-ATF is probably THE best pole dancer that I've ever seen... she had some amazing tricks that she performed, some of which would have me catching my breath thinking that surely she will take a terrible tumble from the top of the pole one day. She was beautiful, though, and pole dancer or not, she'd have been the dancer of choice for me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who do you trust?
    CasualGuy: I think your last post may be your most profound posting that I've read! Yeah... kind'a makes me think and wonder... In my REAL life, other than one close friend (who's also a co-worker), I don't have anyone to talk to about my life as a clubber. Hence, my TUSCL buddies/pen pals have filled a void. I have shared some rather intimate details with several of them, and I'm not sure why I feel compelled to do so. I like to think that it's all about bragging, but I guess there surely is that element to it. I believe it's mostly to "get it off my chest"... Maybe to get acceptance or confirmation that I'm not some perverted nut case (err, no pun intended), especially when fellow TUSCLers are experiencing and feeling the same things. As you stated, I don't feel the same compulsion to talk about what my wife and I do.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    Rootman: Take it from a guy with some experience in this area... DUDE, the red flags are waving! I believe you are on the cusp of getting in deeper than you intended. I never have set out to form a relationship with a dancer, but it's hard to avoid. Once your mindset changes from getting dances from whomever looks hot at the moment, to repeating with the same girl over and over again "because she gives you all you need and makes you feel special", things in the club will never be the same. Let me tell you, it's not a mental choice that you make, either... it just happens. It can be the most excellent thing while things are going well, but it can also send you into a downward spiral when things are not so great and soon you WILL need to "get over" her - sooner or later. You are already showing signs that you've become attached to her with your jealous feelings. Join the club! There's a song by Nickelback called The Next Contestant - when you get a chance, take a listen. I've told both my ATF and a potential future ATF about how this song makes me think of them, and they both think it's "cute" that I feel that way. Here's a link to the lyric of the song (copy and paste the link into your browser) -> http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/nickelback/nextcontestant.html I hate the thought of my ATF dancing for others. Because of this, I've made it pretty clear to her; so much so that when I'm in the club, she will not go near other guys, except if she has to serve her time on stage. Even that is minimized by working out deals with the DJ to have her removed from the rotation. It's also one of the reasons that our time together is nearly exclusively OTC and has been since a year ago December. With my ATF, I'm starting to see some signs that our relationship may be beginning that downward spiral, as most relationships eventually do. Fortunately for me, that potential future ATF is in the wings and scoring big points as she's climbing my charts. If it comes to pass, she will go a very long way in helping through a VERY difficult time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Spinoff from : A question for you married guys
    Ditto... the only thing that I ever caught from any dancer was a cold, too. I knew she had a cold when we were together, and she even told me we shouldn't kiss, but I was not going to let a little thing like a cold get in the way of some enjoyable saliva swapping! I even told her that I wouldn't mind "hosting her germs", to which she giggled and proceeded to begin one of many long DFK sessions that day. Sure enough, a bad cold followed, but it was worth it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Topless Secret"--any good?
    I've not read any of the "How To"s out there. I HAVE been pretty lucky, during the last decade, but I don't know what to attribute it to. I guess, as most have pointed out above, the best advice is to treat them well, gain their trust, become friends and then let things run their course. Once at the threshhold, having talked a dancer into OTCing, I remain trustworthy. For instance, if I've shown her that I can be trusted and proved that I won't take advantage of her, once the time comes and we are along OTC, I will not force the issue. If she just wants to go out to eat, or watch TV, or play cards, I am fine with that... no pressure. I guess another key point is to be upfront with what your expectations are, and also get an idea of what HER expectations are. Trust is key. For a girl to meet a "strange guy" OTC, she HAS to feel comfortable and be relatively certain that she will be safe with him. I've told this story before, but I think it deserves repeating. Even after spending quite some time together ITC, and talking on the phone with each other, she still didn't trust me 100%. The first time that my ATF met me OTC, she later told me that she left a letter on her car seat, along with my business card. In the letter, she said that she was with [my name], who is from [my city]. She listed my kids names, a description of me, what kind of vehicle I drove, etc. All of which, would have been plenty to nail my ass, should something have happened to her. Trust must travel in the opposite direction, too. I always worry that an OTC friend could turn on me and accuse me of kidnapping, rape, etc. She could also be setting me up so that she (and a boyfriend/husband) could ambush me and take my money, car, etc. There's also the possibility that I could be in line for blackmail, too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who do you trust?
    I also have a list of TUSCLers that I share a lot of the intimate details with. I consider them friends, even though I've not met many of them. I trust them with details that could be very incriminating to me and to the girls, to which I've discussed. (several of you have even seen pics of "my girls", which to me is a huge show of confidence)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for you married guys
    I guess I'm just a slut, even though I AM married. I really don't have any limits. Admittedly, I have not yet had unprotected FS, though in the heat of the moment, I probably wouldn't say no. I have had BBBJs several times, and each time I DO worry to a degree that I was exposed to something. I usually have condoms handy, should she want me to don a raincoat before she puts it in her mouth, but only a few have asked for that. DFKing is also a risk, but I've never hesitated to get into that with a hottie. DATY... well, short of using a dental dam, which would pretty much ruin the moment, there's no way to practice it safely. I've DATYed many times. Afterwards, I am paranoid with every little itch and twitch I feel in and around my mouth for weeks afterward, but still, when it's offered, I usually just dig in. Being married, catching something is not the worst part about it... the worst would be breaking the news to the Mrs. I hope to never have to do that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Full House
    Shadowcat: Oh yeah... I've got several videos of the Milton twins, too... I have enjoyed watching them many times. JayADay: Damn, I need to make a road trip to that club! I took a quick look at those pics, and am even MORE convinced that a visit is in order! I've only done one FFM dance session. It was pretty hot, but it was a bit crowded. Actually, watching them play with each other and DFKing each other, along with some dirty talk was worth it. I've also been with a dancer while waiting in line for the couch area while a GF of hers walked over and the two of them made out in front of me while groping each other... VERY nice! In real life, I nearly experienced the ultimate. I was dating one-half of a set of twins, while my cuz was dating the other. He'd somehow pissed his half off, and so I found myself alone with the twins in my dad's van one night. We all started making out, and a little petting between me and my GF ensued, however when I tried to bring her twin into it, things came to a crashing halt.. oops, that did NOT go over well... it took a lot of cajoling to repair the damages.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Stripper Had To Spit
    I've never had a BBBJ ITC, or ANY BJ ITC, for that matter - damn, I live a sheltered life. However, I've OTCed with several dancers that have given me that treat. All except two, have been spitters. One of the two swallowers took it a step further by making a real show of it, to my delight. She showed me the load in her mouth, opening wide to let me see it puddled on her tongue, followed by a theatrical swallow and then another view of her opened mouth to show me that it was allll gone, saying "yummy!". I've heard that drinking pineapple juice aids in making your jizz taste better, so I have a glass every now and then - not sure if it helps. The last girl that allowed the CIM, had went to the sink to spit. Feeling a bit guilty, I said "oh, so the pineapple juice really doesn't help?". She giggled and said, "no, it was fine... just quite salty... got any mouthwash?" Her asking for mouthwash, was refreshing and it was foremost in my mind when she came back to the bed and gave me a big DFK. Not that that would have been a problem. Miss Theatrical mentioned above, also gave me a DFK immediately after. When she leaned in to give me the kiss, I definitely was a little apprehensive, but like the sentiment expressed above, if I want HER to receive it into her mouth, I shouldn't worry about tasting it myself. Incidentally, I didn't notice any taste when she plunged her tongue into my mouth... thankfully. Wondergrl: I haven't heard the term "snowblowing"... I HAVE heard the term "snowballing", which is where two girls (usually) take turns spitting a guys load into the other girls mouth, then receiving, etc. Watching two hot girls do that is pretty damned sexy.
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    17 years ago
    The Stripper Had To Spit
    Wondergrl: I like your attitude! Isn't it close to an insult when a girl spits out a load? At least the last time that I was with a spitter she took the whole load, then gave me a big smile (as well as she could with her mouthful) before excusing herself to the bathroom.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messages...
    Founder: SUPERB feature. As always, thanks for your continued efforts and improvements to THE best strip club site on the 'net.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just a Question...
    TessieV: I have OTCed with quite a few dancers. I've also hired escorts on several occasions. Between the two, I prefer the dancers. Why? FONDL mentioned two reasons, both of which I agree with. Additionally, let me add a few more reasons. Safety... I've seen enough "reality" shows and news reports where guys expect an escort to show up at his hotel, only to find out that he's become the star of a sting operation. I cannot risk that. Time... In my experiences with escorts, you pay for an hour... if she happens to bring about an orgasm sooner than that, she is typically done at that point, unless you negotiate for additionally climaxes. When I OTC with dancers, I will spend MANY hours with them. Usually, we will spend 7-8 hours (a normal shift that she would be working at a club, basically) at a time. We will go to lunch/dinner, chat, listen to music, and yes, with some, there will be sex, but not necessarily with all of them. Would I pay for "LDs that are more intimate", but with the knowledge that there will not be sex? Sure... and I have done so. I would gladly pay a dancer, what I would pay her in the club, just to give me private dances... it makes sense... it's quieter so you can talk... no annoying DJ... no waitress... no $$$ for drinks. On the other hand, SHE doesn't have to work her ass off... she doesn't have to tip-out... it's a win-win situation. This sort of arrangement has progressed a few times into a "relatiionship", and/or sexual relations. On the other hand, I've arranged OTC with dancers, where we BOTH know what will happen (sex), and in some cases it's been free... in other cases, I've paid money. For her TIME, though...not for the sex, because she could be earning money working at the club, otherwise.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    So what, precisely, is the script?
    I think the determining factor on how I approach a dancer is how I want her to feel about me. If I feel a chemistry at the onset, I will approach her more cautiously, and take it slow. I will not ask upfront what is allowed. When it comes to the dance, I will pretty much sit on my hands, and not take any liberties or make any attempts to get "grabby" with her. Usually, the dancer, when she is comfortable with me, or frustrated with my lack of aggression, will take my hands and lead them where she wants them. I've had GREAT success with that method, and it has led to several "relationships". This is my USUAL approach. If I see the dancer as someone I don't see a future in, or perhaps and dancer at a club that I don't expect to return to anytime soon, I will asking her what she will allow, and if she doesn't explicitly mention something of interest to me, I will bluntly ask her if I can do [such and such].