Got a chuckle out of this review....

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Many reviews are pretty boring - same old thing.....lots of attractive dancers, blah, blah, blah. But a recent review for Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis made me chuckle just a little. The reviewer stated he enjoyed the club and he'd be there more often but that "it was hike from the NE side of Indy to the SE side". What? Did he literally hike there? What are we talking....maybe 20-25 minutes to drive? I guess he is spoiled living in the big city. I know I'm not the only one here on TUSCL that routinely drives 2-3 hours, or more, to visit their favorite clubs. And I can't tell you the number of Delta FF miles I have racked up flying to Tampa just to enjoy the Mons and other clubs. Apparently, distance is all relative.
last commentI used to drive about an hour each way (longer when it was anywhere near rush hour) to see my ATF and I did it weekly for 5 years years.
LOL! The reviewer used a rather poor choice of verbs (to hike) in my opinion. Evidently he appeared to have had to walk to the club, which in this case would be some distance.
Distance is not relative to me or most of use that use vehicular modes of transportation. Christ, I'm beginning to sound like Book Guy (no pun intended BG). I haven't YET flown (not with my wings at least) strictly to visit SCs, but I sure have 'driven' to quite a few of them, mostly east of the Mississippi. Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas have been the only three states west of the river that I have visited for road trips.
Would riding a skateboard be better than hiking?
Seriously, you guys have never heard "hike" as slang for a long distance? Anyway, David, I think he's more typical of strip club goers than we are. Many customers just go to whatever club is closest to them and would never consider driving much out of their way to find something better. No more than one would go out of town to shop at a better grocery. Of course, this site is meant for people more like us who are looking for something better, so the Indy guy's comment does seem pretty silly in a review. But at least it shows where his priorities lie.
I do realize I am probably not the typical strip club customer. I view it as a special occasion, not just some place to stop by after work for a beer. By no means do I want to insult hardworking tradeworkers, but I could never stop in at a club wearing a work uniform with my name on it - something that is pretty common at places like the Hip Hugger in Kokomo. Not that there is anything wrong with that - get a cheap beer and a $10 dance before heading home to the wife, but for me, when I go clubbing, I get cleaned up and spend several hours a 2 hour drive is no big deal.
A long time ago I came to the conclusion that I am different from many guys that go to strip clubs (and probably more like the guys who post here). Many guys won't get cleaned up, or drive 2 hours, or spend more than $100, or develop an affection for a particular girl (ATF), or anything like that. I think there are all types of guys in strip clubs. Here are some common types I have observed:
Crud, is there any room for a regular guy in a strip club? Or by definition, are you not regular if you go there? What percent of guys go to strip clubs more than a couple times a year?
Looking at that specific reviewer, he made his way to the Hip Hugger, which is much more than a hike from NE Indy than Brad's, so I don't know if he knows what he's talking about. Maybe he's in denial about how much he likes the strip club scene.
David120: I'm also from "up north" and drive the 3-ish hours to Indy just to hit the clubs (and or OTC), without a second's hesitation. I saw that "hike" reference and well, and wondered why he'd think that was a long drive. I always stay at a NE Indy hotel, and it's under a 20 min drive on I-465... it's quick and easy. I can drive it in my sleep (and have). Not only did that same reviewer visit HH (a 45 min drive from NE Indy), he also visited some ESL clubs, so I don't know what he was thinking... I might have to PM him and ask.