Possible scenario, dancer needs a place to stay, would you let her stay with you

avatar for casualguy
Just thinking, what if a dancer fell on hard times and needed a place to stay? Would you let her stay with you? I guess I would be reluctant unless I thought I knew her pretty well already and/or I planned to be home and she was just visiting for a night or two. I wouldn't want a dancer to move in with me. Not unless we were already like boyfriend/girlfriend. What do you think?


last comment
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Don't think I'd invite a stranger into my home under those circumstances. Could bite you on the ass.
avatar for mr.munchie
17 years ago
Make sure the decisions are being made by the big head after the little head is asleep. And whatever yo do don't give her a key no matter what! In some states that's called community property.
avatar for harrydave
17 years ago
What happens when you take in a stray cat and feed it?
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
If she was a fave and I knew her well and really liked her, I'd probably try to help her out. But that's the only situation where I would.
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
Count the silver.

The rumor I have heard behind the persecution of Treasures in Houston about six months ago is that a local judge picked up a dancer there and took him to her home. The next day, while the judge was persumably occupied at the courthouse, the dancer returned to his house with several of her thug boyfriends and cleaned the place out. The hard times that Treasures underwent thereafter were supposedly retaliation. (Pussy lawyerly disclaimer: I don't know if any of the above is accurate).

I have also read that the dancer/escort Bianca Trump was busted for the same type of thing....returning to a trick's house to rob it.

Stuff to think about. For most guys, their residence is their only foolproof sanctuary. I would think a long time about exposing that sanctuary to someone who inhabits or frequents a world as sketchy as strip clubs (a clasas that includes, now that I think about it, your Humble Correspondent...).
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Either you'll get robbed or she'll grow dependent on you and she'll never move out and you'll come home and she'll be tranced out on heroin...
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
That sounds more like the plot to "Risky Business" to me.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
out of a couple of hundred dancers that I have known personally, only 2 would have qualified. They were my only ATF's and have both quit the business.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
Being that I am married, I don't think I could help out. I'm fairly certain the wife would frown upon that. In fact, she'd be frowning while slamming that pan over my head..

I have offered up my hotel room on a few ocassions, to help out dancer friends. (ie too drunk to drive, or needing protection) Not the brightest move, even though things always turned out okay.

AND, I got something very worthwile out of the deal (most of the time [wink]).
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
I once had a girl friend of my sons living in my home. She was abused by her family and was to stay with us a short time. One day, after work, a friend and I stopped in a regular club for us, and guess who was dancing?
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I doubt I would, because I would think the law of unintended consequences would kick in at some point, only it would kick in with a vengeance.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Pretty much what I thought. Was just trying to think of some different topics the other day. It generally seems like a bad idea to let an unknown possibly not honest person into your home. I remember a story where someone I knew of had some "friends" or so he thought. It turned out one of his "friends" slipped back into his house at night and took a number of things from him. The police actually caught the guy. It's best to know your friends a bit better than that and not to place too much trust in anyone you just met or only know from clubs.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I once owned a building that had three and a half apartments. It worked like this: it was a three-unit apartment building, a former two-storey home in which each of the floors was a unit. The basement had an entry from the back of the driveway, in from the back yard; the first and second floor units were both entered from the main porch in the front. And out the back of the second floor unit was a fire escape that led to the back bedroom of the top unit. Neat trick was, that this back bedroom led (moving forward in the house) to the kitchen and bathroom, which then led to the entry way where the stairs from below opoened, which then led to the front bedroom. So, someone intelligent had put in (illegal) lockable doors at all the thresholds, such that the back bedroom of the top unit became it's own "half apartment." Separate entryway, but no access to the kitchen and bathroom unless you opened your private door, and no access to the main front exit unless you went "through" the other half of the apartment. Three units, but the top one was "split."

I would let a dancer stay in the split half of a unit like that. She'd have her own bedroom and access to a bathroom and kitchen, but would have to "bring in" all her stuff when she took a shower. Then I'd demand tri-weekly blowjobs as well as rent.

And evict her if she brought drugs or asshole boyfriends into the building.
avatar for ozymandias
17 years ago
Never in a million years.

Always remember the adage about whores: you don't pay a whore for sex, you pay her to *leave afterwards*.

Part of the luxury of strippers is you can just get up and leave when you're tired of her! Not if she's sitting in your living room (with no makeup, wearing sweats, her hair piled up on her head and secured with a big claw-like clamp, smoking a cigarette while watching "Jerry Springer" and simultaneously arguing with her "friend" Damon on the cell phone that you last series of lapdances paid for) though!

avatar for DougS
17 years ago
BookGuy: Hmmm... sounds a lot like a series of porn videos... Have you ever heard of the Mike's Apartment series? It's probably all "put on", but nonetheless, fairly hot. A hot girl, or a hot girl and her BF (or GF) need an apartment. Usually, they are foreign and probably don't have a job or money. "Mike" offers to let them stay for a week, if they will perform a sex act. Usually, it's a couple, and he has them fuck for the camera, instructing them to do what he wants to see them do. Sometimes, it's just the girl, and he has her do him...

I need to buy an apartment build...
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
DougS: I have a couple of Mike's episodes on my hard drive. Search for videos made by "Naughty America". Lots to choose from.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
Oh yeah... Naughty America has provided vast amounts of entertainment, a lot of which I've seen... (My Sister's Hot Friend, Naughty Bookworms, Naughty Office, Diary of a Nanny, Fast Times University, Housewife One on One)... interesting viewing material, for sure...
avatar for bornloser
17 years ago
Had a few tell me this. Turned them down for staying at my house since I cannot trust them when I am not around. Offered to get them a hotel room instead-of course they had to have some sort of sex with me-only a couple took me up on the offer. The more you get to know these girls means you will hear endless sad little stories.I have had more than a few strippers in my house for sex OTC but drove them all home.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
Let's see, of all the contractors I have done business with, exactly zero of them have been house guests. Strippers, in the strict economical terms, are nothing more than short term service vendor.
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