
Comments by DougS (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Going Commando or Not
    Jester: Such as?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loner or extrovert?
    I normally am alone with clubbing. Long ago, I'd received advice that if you want to hookup with a dancer, your chances of success improve with being alone. On the other hand, I HAVE clubbed with friends, and since all but a very few are not mongering in the manner in which I club, it's usually a downer. There's nothing more annoying than hitting it off with a dancer and having your friend getting restless and saying he's ready to leave. Also, I tend to be less "mongersome" (I made that word up!) when others are around that might not understand the degree of my depravity. I have clubbed with fellow mongers (mostly fellow TUSCLers) and that always has proved to fun, even adding to the experience in that it's great to share stories and see how the others "operate". I'm always ready to learn! The downside to that is, I'm usually not one that wants to share my favorites (I know...I'm bad and stingy.. and I'm probably breaking the code of conduct to TUSCLites). At some point in the not-so-distant-future, I AM very much hoping to attend a TUSCL convention... maybe even the SC Sexpedition in SC. Of course given my statements about me lacking the social skills of sharing my favorites, I can't expect Shadowcat, Bones, Sheikitout, etc. to share... and if they did, I might be feeling so guilty as being unable to enjoy... uhh.. no, I'm pretty sure I could still enjoy! From descriptions, I think I even have a "favorite" that I want to meet... I'm still wanting to host a convention for the Northern chapter...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Going Commando or Not
    BookGuy: I've never experienced the infamous "zipper catch" (ouch is right, I still cringe when I watch the zipper scene at the beginning of There's Something About Mary). I'm still relatively new at Commando-ing, though, so maybe I'm due for a rude awakening.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Going Commando or Not
    Go Commando! Most definitely increases the sensations that you (and she) will feel. On the downside, you are more likely to be sporting a wetspot after your session with the dancer(s) of your choice. (and I'm not just talking about nutting... at least in my case, even the pre-cum/lubrication generated can produce a rather noticeable area of wetness) So again... the advice from me is... Go Commando - and maybe untuck your shirt to cover up any spillage in the village.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Survey: When a Dancer Gives You Her Phone Number, She Means...
    As Shadowcat pointed out, there are exceptions. We also know that the dancers are all different and you really can't make generalizations, without knowing the circumstances. However, with that said, it's fairly safe to assume that the usual reason that a dancer gives you her number - especially if YOU asked for her number - is to keep you as a continued customer. Also, keep in mind, even though she has given you a number, it might not be HER number, or it might not even be a real number... maybe just a number to shut you up. Until you've called her at that number, or she has called YOU from that number, you just never know. I have received many numbers, and it's usually given in the spirit that the number will be used in order to make arrangements - whether it be used to make sure she is working when you will be in the club, or to arrange OTCs, etc. Even though I've been given many numbers, I don't think ANY of the girls - even the ones that I had a "relationship" with ever said "call me whenever you want to talk to me." As LotsOfFun pointed out, be careful when giving them YOUR number, or when calling them with a potential they can see your number via caller ID. This is especially true if you have a spouse or SO... make sure that the dancer will be discreet when calling you. If there is ANY cause for concern, make sure you either don't give your number out and block your number from being displayed on HER phone. Remember, it's very easy to block... just dial "*67" (you can remember it by thinking NS... "Not Shown") before the number you dial, and your number will be blocked.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer choice: sit idle at the bar or discount dance prices
    In my favorite club where they recently DOUBLED the price for VIP, I fully expect there to be some price discounting by some dancers. My question is... actually, this is probably a question for the dancers on this board... If dancer A discounts the VIP price - let's say she decides to charge her customers $70/30 min, instead of $100/30 min, doesn't that piss off dancers B, C and D? Surely it would, in my thinking. Of course in order to compete, dancers B, C and D will now have to lower THEIR price, OR provide a whole lot more contact than dancer A. The competition that is generated is good for the customers, but the drama generated may be problematic.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loner or extrovert?
    I'm an only child, so I grew up being somewhat of a loner... well, loner is not the best word, however definitely SHY. There was a time when I had a hard time talking to a beautiful girl. Clubbing, I believe, has changed me in that respect. Although I am still shy in some scenarios (public speaking for instance), a lot of people would be surprised to learn that I am shy. Being with a pretty girl - especially on an OTC "date", now has the OPPOSITE effect on me. Suddenly, I am Mr. Gregarious; joking with waiters / flirting with waitresses, walking into the room with a feeling that I'm "The Man"... (which is usually underscored by the envious looks that I get from other guys)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Take the pledge
    Damn! I think by reading this thread, and posting on it, I have already violated my pledge!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Valentine Day Gifts
    Still debating on what I will do for Valentines... got two possible gift recipients. However, both are in a bit of a tumultuous period in their lives right now... in one case it's partly because of me.. in the other case, I suspect all of the "coaching" that I have done over the last year or so, telling her how much more she deserves, etc., may have contributed to HER current situation, as well. There is unfortunately, no chance of seeing either of them before the 14th. So.. Miss ATF... I MIGHT send her something... a card, at least.. MAYBE flowers, but that smacks of PL and/or RIL, right? As for C-Fav (current favorite), I don't think anything... before we OTCed the first time, she made it clear that it was to remain nothing more than friends, albeit "with benefits". With Valentines day a romantic holiday, it's not in my best interest to observe it with her...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Suggestions for Tampa?
    scarlet`s on ybor strip!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Take the pledge
    When last I "talked" to Founder, I think a lightbulb went off, and he realized some of the problem with the date/time stamp was the fact that the web server and database server are on two different servers, in two different time zones. Being a long-time, programmer, I understand some of what he is up against on this. It isn't a simple solution. ShadowCat: I may be misunderstanding your post, but it sounds like you are not seeing the last post at the top. If that is the case, click on the "Last Reply" column heading (also a link). That will sort your discussion topics with the most topic containing the most recent posts at the top. FONDL: It WOULD probably make reading the discussion posts slightly easier, if the most recent posts were at the top of a topic, however, it also causes additional programming on Founder's part, and it would also slow the display time WAY down. BobbyL: I'm sure we can overlook a mention of Byzantine history once in a while... as long as it's sexual in nature! [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Take the pledge
    Sign me up! Here lately, partly due to the recent influx of non-Clubbing banter, I've become MUCH more selective on what topics I even look at. I've cut my "discussion browsing" time WAY down. I'm still struggling with (and have been for MONTHS) on determining which thread I've read the latest entries on, and which I haven't. That damned date/time stamp issue. Aarrggh. I even asked Founder to add the current date/time stamp at the top of the page, which helps a little. (am I just slow, or what?!)
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    17 years ago
    NEWBIE's First Trip
    RugIsInSD: You took care of your Little Darling? ahhh... I call MINE Mr Happy... and/or The Associate... [sorry... couldn't resist that one)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OTCing... The Future Of Clubbing?
    FONDL: I think there are more like THREE types of OTC. The two that you mentioned (OTC for sex, and OTC for socializing), plus the grey area in between. I OTC for that area in between... I want to "socialize" in a GFE sort of way, combined HOPEFULLY with play of a sexual nature (preferably FS, but varying degrees will do nicely, in some cases).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible scenario, dancer needs a place to stay, would you let her stay with you
    Oh yeah... Naughty America has provided vast amounts of entertainment, a lot of which I've seen... (My Sister's Hot Friend, Naughty Bookworms, Naughty Office, Diary of a Nanny, Fast Times University, Housewife One on One)... interesting viewing material, for sure...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Does mileage increase the more you get to know a stripper?
    I've never been asked to prepay for anything.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OTCing... The Future Of Clubbing?
    My EXPECTATION.... For the usual OTC, I don't really EXPECT anything. I of course have some hopes, but nothing expected. I'm honest with the girls, when they ask what I expect. I tell them, that I enjoy spending time with them and want to spend more time. I tell them I don't expect anything, but I am also open for "anything", and if something happens, it would just be a "bonus". On the other hand, there are times when I'm in a club, and things just "click" and we BOTH know we will be OTCing and we BOTH know what we will be doing... those are fun times, but usually not repeated. I prefer the GFE, and that is USUALLY the case. Other than a certain dancer in Dallas, I've never been given a price. (she was worth it, I'm tellin' 'ya) I've paid anywhere from $0 to $1,0000 for overnighters - a common amount is more between $200 and $500 for 8-ish hours. Again, it's been what >>I<< felt I should give them... usually to offset the money they are losing by not working. Personally, I think that's asking a lot of a dancer that is working hard to earn a living, and then take them away from their job.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible scenario, dancer needs a place to stay, would you let her stay with you
    BookGuy: Hmmm... sounds a lot like a series of porn videos... Have you ever heard of the Mike's Apartment series? It's probably all "put on", but nonetheless, fairly hot. A hot girl, or a hot girl and her BF (or GF) need an apartment. Usually, they are foreign and probably don't have a job or money. "Mike" offers to let them stay for a week, if they will perform a sex act. Usually, it's a couple, and he has them fuck for the camera, instructing them to do what he wants to see them do. Sometimes, it's just the girl, and he has her do him... I need to buy an apartment build...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OTCing... The Future Of Clubbing?
    hmmm... not that the trend you are talking about is a BAD thing! [wink] (I just don't want to see/hear MY girls OTCing with others... color me selfish.. (not to mention, wanting to keep them "clean" for me)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lots of new people here
    What is this? A meeting of SCA (Strip Club Anonymous)?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to OTC
    Rootman: First, you can meet anywhere. A lot depends on familiarity of the area. I've found that the first meeting is easier if you meet at a landmark near the club. For instance a gas station nearby, making sure that you both are certain of the location. Then, she can follow you to where ever - you wouldn't want to leave one of the vehicles at the gas station). Of course, if there's a nearby restaurant, that works well, too. I've used the same hotel (Courtyard Marriott) 90%+, which is plenty nice and clean. After a few times, my OTC partners know where it is, and will just meet me there, calling ahead to find out which side of the hotel to park. I HAVE done the Motel6 thing - ONCE, and never again. Smelly, not real clean... I would never again, take a girl to anything like that. Fortunately, I get a gov discount on the room at Marriott, so one night, with taxes included, is about $111.. not too shabby. I also have Marriott Rewards, and earn points. I currently have enough points built up for FIVE free nights. Of COURSE you can check in with cash, and I doubt that any eyebrows will be raised. If eyebrows are raised, who cares? There's a clerk at my usual "love shack", that is VERY cute. I visit often enough that she recognizes me, and having seen me with several different, young girls, I'm sure she knows what is going on. She's actually become flirtatious.. I think she wants some, too! (hmmm...) My suggestion, though, is to get a "secret" (alibi = business card) charge card. I use a Marriott Visa, which earns me Rewards points every time I use it (triple for Marriott expenses). As for the amount... yep, unless you have worked something out with her, I think if you gave her about what you think she'd make if she were at the club for that amount of time, it would be VERY reasonable. That's a delicate topic, though... it's not like you can ask her, "is $X enough?" That might offend her, getting a reply like "is that what you think I'm worth?!" After several OTCs, most have told me that I don't need to give them "that much". In fact, my C-Fav (current favorite, but NOT Miss ATF), has told me that she didn't want anything. Pressure... you are thinking too much. It's supposed to be fun and enjoyable... don't put pressure on yourself. I DO want to make sure that SHE has a good time, too. MisterGuy: My preference is a total GFE, and typically, we spend the whole day (or night) together; usually 7-9 hrs, though there have been several encounters that have been uhh... completed, much quicker than that (a few, just in a car).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How old is too old /
    I prefer the younger dancers. I can get "more mature" - and probably more attractive at home, so why bother going to a club. I'm a mid-forties guy, and I have NEVER felt creepy about spending time with and getting dances from young girls. USUALLY they are young enough to be my daughter. My ATF JUST turned 25, meaning I was "legal" before she was even born. There HAVE been bigger age difference, as well. Nope... not an inkling of "creepy". How old is too old? I'd say she will know, once she no longer is making money. Everyone has different likes and dislikes, and just like there are guys that like a "heavier" girl, there are those that prefer the older woman. (they just better not get pissed off when I turn them down, because there's no way in hell I'm paying for their dances)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OK it's your turn
    FONDL: Sorry, I haven't read all of your chapters, yet, but in chats with you in the past, and reading your posts, etc., I have a pretty good idea of your situation and how you arrived at your current status. As MisterGuy hinted at, and I know I will get some "feedback" with this statement, but I believe an ATF - for that matter, include favs - relationships ARE the same as having a regular female friend. True, there is USUALLY not LOVE involved, but how many friendships do you have where there IS love involved? Also true that there can be platonic, and / or romantic feelings, just as there are in other "real" relationships. Typically, no matter what the level of "love" there is in an ATF /fav relationship, there is LUST involved. In my experiences, I believe it's been a mutual lust... even if it isn't does it matter? Should one be afraid of allowing one's feelings to consider a dancer an ATF? Why not? You just have to be VERY careful. It's NOT a given that things will end poorly. Most likely it WILL end, though.. just like any other relationship one would have in the "real" world. Thinking back on my relationships (specifically of the dancer variety), I don't feel that any of them have ended poorly. I have a LOT of fond memories, and I have no regrets. You have to assume that as convincing as she might be, it's extremely likely that her "feelings" for you are not as sincere as you think - or hope.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    dancer reviews online
    WonderGrrrl: Yeah... put another tally in the "don't worry about it" column. I think most readers are savvy enough to read between the lines when there is a negative review about someone. Also, a tally mark goes into the "he's a dumbass jerk" column. He made it rain with $20 singles... whoa, what a big spender and high roller (err... he MIGHT have been high, I s'pose). No dancer should put up with shit like an uninvited slap on the ass, especially when that hurt. (of course, in a different scenario, this could be quite enjoyable for BOTH parties, if there was some chemistry between the two - chemistry obviously lacking in this instance)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Does mileage increase the more you get to know a stripper?
    In my experience, mileage absolutely increases the more you get to know a stripper. Of course there are times when the first session with a dancer will be astonishing. Most dancers will add a little bit each time, to keep you interested, and dangle that carrot in front of the patron, keeping him (or her) coming back for more. Trust, along with familiarity is another element.. Dancers have told me many times, that when they know they can "trust" me, they feel freer to let things progress a little more, than if they had to worry about where your hands were and where they were going, etc. My prev-ATF, before we started OTCing, had made several compromises for me, and she claimed ONLY me, such as wearing only one g-string (at HH, the norm was 2 g-strings, to keep things covered), and that proved to be a very nice concession...