
Should I ask for higher mileage and if so how?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:21 AM
There is this one young dancer at a club I visit that always gives me a high mileage dance. She doesn't mind dry humping and fondling me when I am stage side to tip her. She doesn't mind me feeling & sucking on her breast and fondling by package through the pants. I am wondering next time should I ask her to reach inside my pants and jerk me off or would I be crossing the line? or better yet should I ask her for an OTC session? She has only danced for me a total of 3times but we seemed to have good chemistry when we first met.


  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Be completely honest with her. You know she well be the same with you. :)
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Yes! Dancers appreciate it when a customer has the balls to be direct. Be tactful, but also forthcoming about what you want. Whatever you do do not be like that emotional wet blanket (who shall remain nameless) and still be paying her 10 years after she stops dancing. Women do not respect men who are pussies.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Come on man let it go
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Oh yeah for your question....Just ask it couldnt hurt and besides she already seems inot it.
  • DougS
    16 years ago
    Ditto to the above... Be honest with her. Most dancers will ask what you like, etc... take that as an open invitation to tell her exactly what you would like. Of if she doesn't ask you, just blurt out your desires.. maybe prefacing it with, "I'd like to be honest with you..." The thing to keep in mind, she's dancing FOR you... she is already being fairly intimate with you. She knows you are a guy and she knows what guys like and want. It's not going to come as any shock to her. I'm sure she's heard it all, already! Good luck!
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I never ask for it. If I fell the time is right and she is up for it, I just go for it. I have never been slapped or chewed out or asked to leave. I have had my hand pushed aside and been told that "I was being bad". I have a 90% sucess rate. My motto "nothing ventured.Nothing gained".
  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    What Shadowcat said, with emphasis on the fact that you don't ask, just do. In the words of Little Alex of "A Clockwork Orange": "Then it occurred to me: 'Thinking is for the gloopy ones. A leader must act."
  • ShotDisc
    16 years ago
    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission most of the time.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    LOL I love that shotdisc I say that all the time HEE HEE
  • TessieV
    16 years ago
    Whatever happened to personal boundaries? ASK
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    ShotDisc: When you fucked the pregnant dancer in Nashville did you ask for permission first and then ask for foregiveness?
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
  • Jpac73
    16 years ago
    Thanks for the replies, I will see what's up with her on my next visit.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    It's tricky: Some girls love the direct approach, others want some indirection to add to the anticipation/intrigue (the female mind can be very non-male that way). You have to get a feeling for which type you are dealing with (talk to her) and then take it from there.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    I guess I didn't add enough sarcasm in my post.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I was just thinking, is this question like asking a police officer if it's ok to go 60 mph in a 55 mph zone? I guess it all depends on who you ask and how strict the enforcement is. You could do an analysis on the risk to reward ratio. Kind of like doing a risk versus reward for attempting strip club manuevers instead of buying stocks. What's the worse that can happen, you get grabbed, smacked up, and kicked around by the bouncers, then tossed out the door and told never to come back? I guess something even worse could be getting a fatal sexual disease but I didn't think anyone was talking about going that far. hmmm, I wonder if a dancer could spread herpes by rubbing up against you during a dance? I'm not that familiar with the disease or other diseases you could get.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Well, it is generally OK to go 60 mph in a 55 zones. One of the last times that I got pulled over for doing 67 in a 55 zone, the cop said, "Try and keep it closer to the speed limit next time." Yea, closer, sure, I'll get right on that... Actually I stick pretty close to the speed limit (within 10 mph of it anyways) now that I have 7 pts on my licence...doh! Just make sure you don't ask a cop for high mileage... ;)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    CG: I don't think there are any (known) fatal STDs these days. HIV was pretty bad, but there are good medicines now, and the life expectancy is now just a few years lower for HIV+ than HIV-. Hep C is probably nearly as bad, but so hard to transmit (heterosexually) that even if you fucked every stripper in the country if would just barely be worth testing for. As for Herpes-2 she would have to come in contact with your genitals or some area around them with some infected area of her body (no outbreak required, since the virus sometimes just hangs out on the skin). A normal lap dance would be zero risk. Herpes-1, can be spread through kissing, but almost everyone already has that... HPV is one to worry about: Like HSV not a big respecter of condoms. Almost everyone has some strain. The good news is that there are now vaccines (for younger women) against certain strains of HPV, and, supposedly this year, a moderately effective one against HSV. Maybe they should start passing laws or do employment screening requiring all strippers to get these shots?
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    Ask with a sense of humor. If you've developed a playful rapport with a stripper, you can feel free to ask practically anything without freaking her out. And she can let you know with humor when you've gone too far without casting a pall on things.
  • jimmyblong
    16 years ago
    I once had a regular atf that took care of me with one way contact. I never tried for 2 way. One day she asked if I wanted to do a double dance with one of her friends. The three of us hit the LD room and started. The 2nd girl initiated the 2 way contact with my ATF and i joined in for what became 3 way contact. Since the line was crossed the regular 1 on 1 dances with my ATF now include 2 way contact. Who knew, not me, I didn't try or ask, it just happened. Dances are much better for both of us now.
    16 years ago
    "Whatever happened to personal boundaries?" Tessie, I've often wondered that myself in a strip club when some dancer was trying to conn me out of my money by telling me a bunch of lies. Seems to me that respect is a 2-way street - you have to show it to earn it.
  • rootman
    16 years ago
    I agree with the don't ask just do approach if you're just going after some touchy feely stuff. If you want extras, many girls won't offer to strangers out of fear of LE or club 'spy types' so you need to tell them what you're interested in. Hey, how surpised will she be when you tell her you want to get off? And you won't be surprised either way if she agrees or not since some will and some won't. You'll only be an asshole if you keep after one who really said no.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    In Houston, girls are always worried that any guy they go to a booth with is the fuzz. I let them know I'm not by going directly for the pussy-usually during the second dance, if she's done a goood job. First, I'll rub her clit through the panties. If she doesn't push my hand away, I'll slip it inside the panties/thong. No cop would ever do that. By then, she's figured out you want pussy and the negotiations begin.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Actually you know what Dudsters idea isnt that bad.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    I'll remember that wondergrl. ;)
  • TessieV
    16 years ago
    FONDL- You are exactly right. Respect IS a two-way street. But having said that, not every single dancer you have/will come in contact has not tried to rip you off. Believe it or not, there ARE some really good people out there who just happen to be dancers. My point is you should ALWAYS ask. Never take for granted that it is okay to grab someone else. You wouldn't dare walk up to a woman on the street and molest her...and NO..I don't care that she's already halfway (or even completely) naked on your lap. For some of us, our expectation really IS to dance for you, and NOT to have 100 different guys a night with their hands/mouths all over us. Strip clubs are supposed to = fantasy. If a girl wants to take it farther, great. But give her that option.
  • bornloser
    16 years ago
    What has worked for me was saying something like "Damn, you are making my cock so hard" or to get a HJ I pulled up my shirt and I said something like " I am so glad I have a small waist"-they definately got the hint. If she hasnt been stick shifting you just take her hand and put it on your cock.
  • Hopefully this isn't too wild of an idea, but why don't you just whip it out?
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