Have you experienced this too?

I went along for many years visiting strip clubs occasionally, maybe 4-6 times a year when traveling on business. Then one day I found a place full of girls who I liked and I started going there once a week. That was about 12 years ago and was triggered by a mid-life crisis, including lonliness and depression, which I've described here before. Just wondering if any of you have experienced a similar change in strip-club habits, and if so when and what triggered it.
Fairly similar. I would say my visits were a bit more frequent in the beginning, but when I met a certain woman at one club, that club became an always weekly club and often two or three times a week. When I was out of town, I would visit lots of clubs and always used TUSCL as a guide. At one point, as I recall, I was in the top five reviewers.
However, about 6 months after my wife passed in 2004, I was still experiencing depression, lonliness, and grief. I found SCs to help, especially in the lonliness area. I would also use SCs as a sexual outlet, only because I didn't want to get emotionally attached to another woman, and I still feel that way today. Don't get me wrong, I date women, but emtionally keep them afar.
This is probably how I got to No. 1 on the TUSCL charts. I started REALLY enjoying the SCs and playfulness of young, middle-aged HOT dancers and felt safe from the emotional attachment. I'm adDICKed and probably will be so until I become <bug bait>! LOL
BTW, I absolutely have no quams about any other TUSCLer exceeding my TUSCL stats. Have at it! LOL
Then in the late 90's, I "discovered" Tampa and all what it had to offer. Since I thought no club could match the Tampa experience, I just limited myself to flying down to Tampa 3 or 4 times per year. But in 2001, I returned to school to work on my graduate degree (part-time) and was so busy, I never set foot in a club until graduating in the summer of 2006. But for past 18 months, I tried to make up for lost time - I have hit various clubs at least every other weekend. Gotta slow down sometime! Why I have been clubbing so much? I guess a little depression is part of it - I expected a new, better paying job when I got my Master's, but it never happened. Oh well....live goes on.
A special thanks to FONDL for opening this topic up and thanks to everyone who posted a thread. One of the more interesting discussion topics. Keep 'er UP & get 'er DONE!
casualguy: I have to agree with you 100 percent on that statement. I probably wouldn't go to my favorite club if my ATF wasn't there. There are a few hot girls, but the ordinary ones out-number the pretty ones. I often think to myself - has the quality of the girls really declined, or I have just become too accustomed to a room full of pretty, naked girls? It seems like the quality has indeed declined, but I can't say for sure.
What I still don't get is the big egos of that these 6 or lower girls often have. Lets assume certain guys go for these type girls, fine OK, however there simply is no shortage of these type women in the world. I believe dancers should (at some level) be some variation of a showgirl, not necessarily Vegas level of course, but just have some plausbility they could be a Showgirl, and that generally includes 8 level and up, and some 7's often times. I would love to know how many applicants a typical clubs gets - apparently not many these days.
I started going to clubs 20 or so years ago, only a few times year when I traveled. Then, about 10 years ago, my marriage started on a slow trajectory downward. My father in-law got chronically ill and steadily declined, he died, and then my wife's sister died after a one-year battle with cancer. My wife withdrew and 5 years of cajoling could not get her out of her funk. I was lonely and craving female companionship. My clubbing went way up, but I also started looking for more socializing and at least the vestiges of relationships with dancers. I became a staunch regular at a small club, and for several years just hung out there. I met a few girls, went OTC a bit, and learned a lot about the human condition. I reawakened my interest in music, and in helping other people (something I think I might do in retirement).
All that, combined with way more business travel (my peak year, on the road 120 days), sunk my marriage, and my divorce is imminent. In the meantime, I met a girl, settled in with her and I'm definitely not lonely. I still go to clubs, sometimes with her. But I think now it's just for the cheap sexual thrills, which is about where I started 20 years ago.
The more things change...
On the other hand, America has undeniably gotten fatter, so I can't see clubs isolated from that trend.
BTW, couldn't you have just filed yourself for divorce based on depression, despondancy, suicidal tendancies...... something like a medical discharge fromthe service, but medical annulment? Might not have been such a thing back then.
When I was depressed I tried a lot of different things to get out of it, but 2 things really helped - meeting my ATF and going to the gym everyday. Thank God I still have both of them. And I haven't had any significant depression in 10+ years.
"I met a pretty Funny Girl/ dancing in tall shoes/ she smiled a smile and said hello/ and chased away my blues." Truer words were never spoken.
What is the song reference?
I fall into Group 2 - married, but needing more. I wouldn't call my marriage an unhappy one, but definitely it lacks the sparks and passion, and feels more like a friendship most of the time. I truly miss those feelings that one gets when they are in love (or is it lust?)... you know... the excited feelings of anticipating seeing someone that you are seriously attracted to... Well, that's how it started with me. First, it was "affairs"... co-workers that caught my eye. Girls/women that I'd go out with that'd fill some of those voids. Problems arose, though... mostly over guilt (most girls couldn't get past my marriage and/or theirs)... and there was also the inherent danger of sneaking around in my own town...
That's when I stumbled upon Hip Hugger, in Kokomo. There, I found that you could "play" with any girl that caught your eye. Emboldened by my "success" with seeing women outside of my marriage, the next "logical" step was to attempt to develop "relationships" with girls in the club, and of course from there, was the goal to spend time with them OTC.
I held out, thinking it was possible to find a date with possibilities. After dating thirty women who all lied to me-after I asked them on the first date not to_ I sought the advice of a friend who gave me some sage advice:"The only difference between a wife and a whore is that the wife is a cleaner high class whore. Think about how much you spend on each one-emotionally and financially, then decide if it's worth it."
Since then, I've only gone to strip joints 3-4 times a year-to get laid. I save up money, knowing that what I have will allow me to pick the gal I want, then get laid. In Houston, most strippers will do the deed, most but not all. The trick is to find the right one who meets my needs (Just because some looks challenged crack whore will do it is not enough).
Still, I haven't found my nirvana. What I haven't done, and really would like to, is screw some really tiny asian chick.
This group usually thrives on attention and ego boosting. Most of us are looking for extras if available. Most of us will OTC with a FAV dancer or ATF. Most of us can afford to visit SCs more often than most. Most of us can manage our money once inside a SC. Most of us have learned not to chance DUI charges. Most of us are not on any type of illegal drugs and enjoy a "natural" high. Most of us want to die with a HOT dancer between our legs!!! :-) LOL
I also think there's a 4th category that's pretty common - younger-to-middle-aged single guys who are lonely because they are misfits and have no social skills. Lots of them in strip clubs. And maybe a few here too. And I don't mean any disrespect to anyone here by saying that, we all have our problems.
More than 25 years later, I still am going. The only difference is, I mainly only want to see my ATF. Sometimes I will go to other clubs, but I am finding that less and less attractive anymore. If you read my reviews, I give plenty of clubs low scores -- maybe it's me, not the club.
Anyway, I'm rambling here.....I guess I'm a PL for life.
My advice to you guys who are fat and old - hit the gym. That's what I did when I was fat and old, now I'm fit and young. The biggest benefit is mental. And if you don't believe it, read the book "Younger Next Year." I'm 68 and I feel sigificantly younger than I did a dozen years ago.
I think the more we break it down, the more categories we get. Now Bones, he has got to be in his own category (OCD for sure, but not the usual hand washing obsession).
And we nead a thread just for Dudester (see his post above) so we can offer all kinds of theories for what the hell is going on there! No disrespect, I'm just having a little fun tonight.