

I know we've had this topic of discussion before, but I had an experience on 12/17 that I thought was noteworthy and wanted to mention.

Previously, I said costumes did nothing for me, however, while waiting to spend time with a new dancer friend of mine at the club, a dancer came out of the dressing room that really caught my eye. In fact, that is a terrible understatement. I'm pretty sure she had the entire audience watching her as she started making her rounds on the floor. Why? Well, she had on THE sexiest costume that I've ever seen. She was wearing something that looked like a sort of naval officer uniform. She had the cap on, along with a very skimpy blue dress jacket that showed a LOT of skin, complete with military patches and shoulder epaulets. She had a blue g-string, covered only by a very wide belt (5" wide, maybe). She had white fishnet stockings on, and probably the sexiest part was white her elbow length gloves.

I gave her a 10 rating because of how hot she looked. I was nearly drooling over the sight of her, and asked her back for $1 dances three different times. I also told her that if my dancer friend failed to show, I wanted to spend the rest of the night with her, to which she agreed. I was almost disappointed when my dancer showed up (ALMOST).

When I got a chance to talk to my dancer friend, even SHE commented on how smokin' hot that costume was. In fact, the next day I visited Priscilla's (a local lingerie/costume shop) looking for a similar costume with plans to buy it for my dancer friend. No such luck, though, as there were no costumes like it.

Now, the surprising part; The "10" dancer had the body type that I prefer as well as the perfect hair and a cute face, but if she were not wearing that costume, she would probably have been a 7 in my mind; MAYbe an 8 at the most.

The next time I'm at that club and Miss "10" prances out of the dressing room sporting that costume, I don't care WHO I'm waiting for - I'm going to take her to VIP in a heartbeat.


  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    just a suggestion but those military costumes are usually for sale at fetishwear sites PM me if you want a list of sites.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Some of you, shekitout or pop, may remember the first review that I did on our favorite club. Some 6 years ago. The whole review was about the lady in the black dress. It was love at first sight but I had to wait awhile before I got to meet her. I stayed way past my leave time but it was worth it. She knew that I did TUSCL reviews and said that it was Ok for me to mention her name. Well I didn't. The following month I was back and as soon as she saw me we hooked up for the rest of the night. She told me that that my review was the talk of the club. That she didn't know that I would be so graphic and was glad that I had not mentioned her name but she was flattered that I found her so beautiful. Costume? NO. Just her classy way of dressing. "When she stepped out of that black dress, she was a 10 in any mans book."
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat- So a dancer doesnt need those neon spadex costumes? Cause honestly I feel sex in this red silk dress from china and I didnt think I could wear it on stage. Customers wouldnt mind?
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I think costumes matter a lot if a girl picks one that flatters what she has going for her and covers up what (if anything) she doesn't have going for her. My favorite ATF would have looked good in a burlap bag though, and I told her that all the time... :)
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    wondergirl5: My ATF went to the Philipines with her mother due to a death in the family. She brought back one of those tight fitting dresses that covered her from head to toe. It was green and showed off every curve of her body. Remember that one shekitout? Talk about fucking hot but she had the body to go with it. The good witch of the south had on a great witch costume for Holloween and she really looked cute but nothing will ever replace the class dressing that my ATF wore. The first time we went out to lunch, she came dressed to kill. I was embarrassed about the way I was dressed. She said that "that was the way she was brought up." Imagine a classy stripper!!!
    17 years ago
    Two different favorites of mine (not my ATF) regularly dressed the same - a long low-cut white filmy loose-fitting gown. Both girls were drop-dead gorgeous and very graceful and feminine with beautiful long hair, and I used to love to see them slip out of that gown in the LD room with just a pair of skimpy panties underneath. It's the only stripper costume I've ever found sexy although some baby-doll nighties aren't bad (I like white.) Other than that I prefer dancers to wear as little as possible. Someday I'd love to see a girl come out barefoot in jeans and T-shirt (no bra) and take them off. That would be better than any costume for me.
  • Philip A. Stein
    17 years ago
    "Someday I'd love to see a girl come out barefoot in jeans and T-shirt (no bra) and take them off. That would be better than any costume for me."

    I saw that last Monday night. One of the dancers had changed and was leaving for the night. SHe ended stay until close then she ended up on stage as the last dancer. She had on a white bra that glowed under the black lights. And her g-string nearly came off with her tight tight jeans.

    I liked it a lot but she's a favorite of mine so I was going to like it a lot regardless.

  • jimmyblong
    17 years ago
    Essentially the girls are in sales and selling a fantasy product. Anything that adds to that fantasy is going to be a plus. In a competitive market its the dancers who can set their 'product' apart from their competition. If the girls all dressed the same it wouldn't feed into the whole variety os the spice of life thing that we justify our trips to clubs with. Someone once said if man didn't need variety than they'd only need to buy one issue of Playboy!
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    Costumes are way overrated! The hottest dancers are the ones that look best in normal clothes, whether it be a smoking evening gown, a see thru catsuit, a wifebeater tank top, bikini or jeans and a t-shirt. Military outfits, naughty nurses, cowgirls and all the other cliche' costumes are just a waste of time in my opinion. Fantasy is in the eye of the beholder. I have more fantasies about the girl next door than I do costumed dancers.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I pretty much agree with ShotDisc. The most potent fantasy is that a stripper enjoys squirming on your lap. Gimmicky costumes take the "selling a fantasy" mission way too literally. However, as I always say when this subject comes up, 'tain't what you wear, it's the way that you wear it. With the right look and attitude, some girls can make any costume work, no matter how simple or how outlandish.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Yea, a girl stripping out of street clothes is cool to see. I once saw a girl dance in socks and an outfit that she used to use to work out, and it was really hot. Just a t-shirt and some panties...maybe a typical, tight, multi-colored, stereotypical stripper outfit...or just a nice, small bathing suit are always nice to see IMO.

    I would really try out the schoolgirl look though wondergrl...killer... ;)
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    The thing with the school girl look is EVERY girl did that there. LOL Heck Im handy with a sewing machine Ill just make my own costumes.
    How do you guys feel about corsets?
    17 years ago
    Wondergirl, keep in mind when asking questions here that we are not typical customers. You pretty much have to try different things and see what works best for you in any specific club. Go with what you're most comfortable with and your comfort level will make you more positive and self confident, both of which make you more desirable. There's no one look that's right for everyone.
  • Philip A. Stein
    17 years ago
    With your boobs, I'd feel aroused! How hard is it to get a corset off?
    17 years ago
    Jay, how come you know so much about her boobs? Is she cheating on me?
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    LOL FONDOL!!!!!!!!!!
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    Btw NOONE has played with my boobs and the girls are getting offended.LOL
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    One of my dancer friends looks great in a corset...her big tits just spill right out the top of it...yum! :) None of the girls at the club have played with yer boobs you mean?
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    I always feel hot in corsets. So I asume that will project on stage.

    misterguy-hee hee no comment
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    OK then, have any guys gotten to play with your boobs yet?
    17 years ago
    MisterGuy, I think she's referring to her boobs when she says "the girls ..." She was wearing a low-cut top when she got her lap dance so who knows what happened then. I was too busy playing with my own dancer to spend time watching. Boob fondling is standard practice in that particualr club.
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    hee hee
  • Philip A. Stein
    17 years ago
    Fondl, of course she's cheating on you. I am impossible to resist.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Going from plain old street clothes to completely nude is a turn-on, plus dancers wearing very short skirts with no underwear!
    17 years ago
    I can remember years ago guy used to joke that the best costume was 2 Bandaids and a cork. Can't say that I've ever actually seen that though.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I've seen the two Band-Aids part...it wasn't pretty IMO...
    17 years ago
    There is one other costume, although I'm not sure that's the right name for it, that I like - a girl in a men's white dress shirt and nothing else. Don't think I've ever seen that in a club but I'd like to.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    That's the Holly Golightly outfit ...
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    Thats what they meant by "put a cork in it"!

  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Now THAT is sexy FONDL! I've probably seen that costume in movies, but not real life. Where have I been hiding?

    Another FAV of mine is the 'cheerleader' outfit, something similar to Dallas Cowboys.
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    Careful Uncle Bones! You may start a argument about what team the cheerleader costume should be. LOL
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Well, now that we're down to 2 teams...I'll pick the NE Patriots, but I'm biased.
  • Raincoat
    17 years ago
    I'm with JayADay in liking the street clothes thing. That must be a large part of why amateur nights are so popular and I like them less when they make the amateurs where stripper outfits. I always get a charge out of watching dancers walk in or out in their street clothes.

    Dolly's used to have a dancer in a nun's uniform. I'm sure some of us sick bastards even liked that. Cheerleaders and school uniforms are good but overdone. I appreciate the dancer that makes an effort to be creative for our entertainment though.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    One scary thing about street clothes, though: some of the ugliest fattest waggliest dancers can look quite hot in tight jeans, a push-up bra, a well tailored shirt, and some high-heeled boots. Most misleading!
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Tight jeans are great...especially with a nice, round booty. There's a girl at Planet Rock in VT that looks awesome in those..."Storm" I think is her name...good LDs too.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Oh yeah... gotta love those tight jeans. Years ago, I was waiting for my very first ATF to come out of the dressing room, early on in our "relationship". She'd said that I could wait for her so that I could see what she looks like in "civies". I damn-near fell out of my chair when I saw her come out. To this day, I think those were the most memorable tight jeans I've ever seen. HOLY SHIT! It was at that very second that I KNEW I was going to have to spend a WHOLE lot more time (and money?) with her.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Sometimes dancers do look a lot different in real/more light though. You can see their eyes better, whether they have too much makeup on, etc.. One of my former ATFs was so small that she wore mostly teen-sized clothing...even that sometimes was too big for her...gotta love that... :)
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