
Comments by dallas702 (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Tijuana- any words of wisdom from tuscl's elder statemen?
    Sir Errant, just a word about alternatives. If you are on the east coast you may be able to find great airfares to the Dominican Republic. The DR does permit prostitution and local attitudes are much more relaxed than the US, or even Mexico. Try Souza for a party scene in the strip clubs with take out literally on the menu! It is even common to find willing and beautiful young women on the beaches who are willing and able to make your hottest dreams come true. And the prices are unbelievably low. I'm not trying to sell you on the DR, just offering an alternative to TJ. There are others. If you haven't visited Montreal you haven't enjoyed the pleasures of the "off island" clubs. They really do redefine high mileage. Try TJ then try the DR and let us know what you think.
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    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Tijuana- any words of wisdom from tuscl's elder statemen?
    Parts of Tijuana can be deadly even for locals, and suicide for Gringos, so if you go - keep your head out of the cockpit and maintain situational awareness. First, I recommend you get a motel in the San Diego area (on the US side of the border) and commute for your visits to Adelita's and HK. If you drive or rent a car in San Diego, park at the border, walk across and get a cab at the cab stand just past the Mexican border station. It is possible to get a bus from several places in SD to the border and back, so there are alternatives to rental cars and cabs on the US side. Make very sure the Tijuana cabbie is taking you to HK/Adelita's. Take into Mexico only your passport/NEXUS and enough cash for your evening's entertainment (plus a stash - maybe in your shoe - for a cab back to the border). I also recommend you photocopy your passport and keep the copy in a plastic bag, maybe also in your shoe - just in case you get pick-pocketed or rolled. Learn enough Spanish to be polite and ask simple directions. It may keep you out of trouble. Also, it really does help if you can understand some of what your dream girl (of the moment) is saying to you. Read the Adelita's/HK reviews and websites, learn what you can about the system, take your time when you first arrive in each place. Wander around a little in the clubs and watch what is going on. Don't over indulge, remember you have to be able to get back! And especially important, don't do dope while over there. Drugs are available in Tijuana and often inexpensive, but enforcement sometime focuses on non-locals and Mexican jails are not a good follow up to an evening at HK. Keep your big head functioning and your little head covered and Tijuana can be a blast.
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    11 years ago
    Stealing Reviews
    I guess my reviews are just not up to the standards of most plagiarists. I do hope you flagged the review and noted for Founder's attention that the member is a thief.
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    11 years ago
    My First Sexting With A Stripper
    Not to put a damper on your fun, but you do realize that the NSA now has the entire transcript of your convo with Joy? And, although the NSA won't even admit they spy on us in the US, they DO share all that data with authorities in Canada! (something about NAFTA, the DEW line or blackmail = not sure what.)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pick up Regular women at bars?
    The comment about chicks in groups are spot on! If you want a few minutes convo and a little laughter, it doesn't hurt to try and hit on all of them at once. My gag is sliding up next to one and saying, "Hi, there. Come here often? What's your sign?" Then, before I get slapped, move on to the next in the group and repeating. I actually get giggles most of the time. OTOH I don't spend a lot of time in civi bars, but I have noticed when there often large numbers of women either alone or with just one friend as Looneylarry mentioned. In those cases, a guy does not have to be 22 and built like an Olympic swimmer to get the interest of a woman on the prowl. Most women have standards for a guy's appearance/style/age that are totally incomprehensible to most men (especially me).
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    11 years ago
    Million muslim march on D.C. on 9/11
    I wonder how much money this AMPAC group has forwarded to Hamas through the Muslim Brotherhood? I am getting really tired of demands that non-muslims be "tolerant" of Islam because it is a "good" religion and the terrorists do not represent "good" Muslins. I read their book (OK, I read an English translation of the Koran). Then I reviewed the history of the followers of Muhammad. Then I studied the five subgroups (3 were destroyed by other Islamic groups and most followers murdered). Then I looked at the current belief structure of the two surviving major groups. Finally, I looked to see what the religious leadership of the Muslim world was doing to combat or eradicate Islamic terrorism. Bottom line - - - Islam is a cult (actually two competing cults) based on the concept of conquering other groups and offering survivors a choice between death and conversion. Not one living Muslin religious leader has ever made any tangible effort to stop terrorists. The current version of Islamic teaching is that the world MUST become Muslim, governed by Muslims and everybody must convert! Not my style!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    "The Bridge"
    Moto, I was there a few years ago and baseball was everywhere. Those kids learn to bunt before they can walk and by first grade can turn a screaming grounder into a double play. I am sure any ten year old there can teach hitting better than most college coaches here!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    "The Bridge"
    I haven't seen the show (caught about 10 minutes of the pilot so I at least understand your background statement). I am certain the Hollywood dogooder writers made the Mexican brothel seem brutal, offensive and degrading. That is TV, not necessarily real. First, don't apply US concepts of ethics and morality to Mexican culture as the writers certainly do. Young women in Mexico don't think about sex like you do and they don't care much what you think. Attitudes about prostitution in Mexico, and most other Latin American countries, are very different from the US attitude. I am sure that trafficking of prostitutes does happen in Mexico and if there are any competent cops left alive in Mexico they will go after the traffickers as soon as they are finished with the drug gangs. But most of the women in border strip clubs and brothels choose to be there. For them it is good money for doing something they like (even if sometimes the guys they do "it" with are unappealing). They can make your money go much further than you do and the tiny price you pay is great pay to them. They only thing they find "degrading" about getting paid to have sex with you is your misplaced pity. If you don't want to enjoy the talents of the women of Mexico, try instead the Dominican Republic. Most of the clubs in the DR charge a small fee for you to "take out" the dancer of your dreams, but otherwise the costs are about the same. And if you would rather just night club in the DR, you can still find many beautiful young women who are not afraid to tell you that $60 will buy all the sex you can handle (or between $100 and $150 for all night - and they will cook breakfast for you in the morning). Or try Brazil, Costa Rica, Columbia, Panama, Chile, Argentina . . . Very Different Attitudes!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ever had a girl's titties squirt on you
    Not a dancer but at a wedding reception I got a tight hug from the bride's sister who had a baby a few weeks before. When she stepped back, the front of her beige dress was dark stained over both breasts. I thought I was being discrete when I took out a hankie and nodded toward her breasts. She looked instead at the dark stains on my gray suit coat. After she gasped, turned very red faced and ran off, I noticed my coat (probably the last person in the room to see it).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Iceland Strippers Will Sing to You
    Maybe not sing, but I won't complain if they hum!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Stripper Air
    Years ago (decades really), back when I actually did work for a living, I also flew on Fridays evenings. I flew only about 7 of 8 Friday evenings a year sometimes changing planes with the wait between flights, but I also noticed the same trend. The hottest of the young ladies seemed to be going to beach or casino destinations. Though not statistically valid, my survey (mostly gently hitting them up hoping for, at least, in flight conversation) revealed that many of these young beauties were traveling to work. A few had weekend jobs as real casino employees or nightclub waitresses but most were either lined up to dance (maybe not as strippers - GoGo clubs in Vegas and Miami were still popular then with bikini dancers in cages) or provide more provocative personal professional services. Many of the latter were very upfront about their occupation.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lets talk about two faced pricks.
    I too, have resorted to the "ignore" button, but that also has drawbacks. The "conversation" on several threads gets disjointed and even the discussion title page is occasionally "blue." I do not want a "moderated" TUSCL but I do wish a few twits would find some other site to harass. I currently have about 9 or 10 on "ignore" and that has removed over half of the posts. Looking through here before I signed in, I realized that I can quite comfortably enjoy this site without the spammers, the rule masters and the accusers - including the two faced prick referenced by SC.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dancers sucking their own tits
    Why does a dog lick his balls? Because he can. I think that may also apply to some dancers. It only turns me on if she shares.
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    11 years ago
    OT:Aging and Hair Color That Ain't Gray
    Slick, I experienced a little of the same thing. My hair, all over my head, turned darker except the whiskers on my chin which turned red. That was only temporary, a few years later it all started getting gray shot. Now I shave because my beard is all white. But that's not the worst. All kinds of weird things happen as the years go by. My underarm hair is now kinda' orange and my crotch hair is all gray. I am beginning to get werewolf ears and the skin under my eyes has turned dark. My knees creak, ankles pop, hips lock and fingers stiffen up when I am still for too long. I would tell you about the rest, but I can't remember right now and I've got to go take my pills. What were we talking about?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Enough About Race
    Slick, my dad was an old school racist. You know the kind, used the "N" word in a very derogatory sense (when referring to blacks behaving badly). I also heard people referred to as "Wetback," "Polock," "Mic," and "Dago." You should have head the racist language spouted when he and his friends sat around drinking beer. Course, I didn't know it was racist language at the time. His friends were black, Hispanic, Polish, Irish, Italian, Native American, Hawaiian and muts like us (mostly German/Welsh/Irish - but a lot of other genes mixed in). They all used the same language. I grew up in Texas in the 50s and 60s when everybody was supposed to segregated and racially judgmental. That wasn't true everywhere and certainly not around my home. Dad picked friends based on standards that had nothing to do with skin, but a lot to do with character. Dad did not change his language when politically correct came in vogue. Come to think of it, those friends of his didn't change their language either! (Except the Hawaiian - he moved back to Honolulu and opened a bar, had to learn "civil" language.) I learned the hard way (by insulting politically correct people) that the language I grew up with wasn't acceptable anymore. Eventually I learned that Polish jokes, African jokes, Injun jokes, were not allowed anymore (even though I learned them from Polish, Black and Native American joke tellers. That's too bad, attorney jokes and politician jokes just don't have the same belly laugh potential. I miss the days when people (of any stripe) were not so thin skinned. I don't miss the segregation, the bad behavior of too many folk, the obscene laws or the way some of my friends (friends mostly with darker skin but some with big noses and a Star of David around their necks) were treated by people on the street and even cops. Your dad probably saw some of the same shit and perhaps he remembers when it was OK to call blacks of any age "boy." I don't know how many times my friend Estaban was called "Pedro" or worse, but that was better than what I called him, "Dickwad." I saw him last year for the first time in a decade and when we hugged I whispered "Dickwad" in his ear - he may still be laughing! All in all, people of all shades are treated more equally now than at any other time in my life. It is not perfect, but that will never happen. It is getting better. I just wish a few loudmouths on all sides of the "racism" issue would either grow some brain cells or just shut up. Lecture over, I'll shut up now!
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    11 years ago
    Ban Sunglasses
    After dropping $200 sunglasses in the ocean, leaving nearly as expensive sun shades at various locations and managing to break expensive "unbreakable" lenses, I tried a new tactic. Dollar Store. I buy a half dozen pairs of aviator style UV coated sunglasses for a few bucks and stash then in the glovebox. A broken pair is a small loss. Drop a pair in the water, pull another out - no hassle! Scratched, bent, broken - no big deal. I still lose 'em, leave 'em, drop 'em and brake 'em, but now I don't mind so much.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You know that you have been spending too much time in a club when....
    The owner comes by to ask if you would mind locking up.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    On the original question: Maybe middle aged men who successfully connect with hot young women are caught between the middle aged women who resent the competition and young studs who cannot understand why she wants the old guy instead of his crude humor and hard muscles. It doesn't matter how we old guys make the connection. The old women resent us when our smile and flowers get the attention of a 22 y/o, just as much as they resent us when we pay cash. The young men are just as confused seeing old guys walking the beach with a hot blond as they are watching us get the chicks in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Brother, can you spare a dime?
    Democrats and Unions! Rules, laws and control. Detroit was built by innovative, enterprising people who put their money down, took chances and - win or lose - kept working. Then the unions wormed their way into the political scene. Democrats made deals with union leaders to gain control over the city and union leaders sold out their unions to share in that power. Like a cancer the unions and the democrats ate everything that was good about Detroit. But up to the very end, the democrats and the unions kept making rules and laws and pretended they were actually in control.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Is This A Bit Racist?
    Since when did TUSCL become politically correct? More than that, I have it on good authority that "creepy ass cracker" is not racist so "black piece of crap" is probably only a descriptive phrase. As for "fucking gringo," well, I resemble that remark!
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    11 years ago
    Your source is biased and inaccurate. In the Anderson case, the woman walked out of an argument, went to her car, got a handgun she was NOT licensed to carry, went BACK to the argument and started shooting. No one was hit, but that was likely because she was not trained in firearms use. She was convicted after the jury deliberated only a few minutes - for the jury members this case was clear cut and there was no doubt she was guilty. In the Zimmerman case, the FL "Stand Your Ground" law was NOT a factor. Zimmerman chose a trial defense of "self defense" without attempting to use (nor ever referring to) Stand Your Ground. A bunch of uninformed gun-ban dodos (including several network talking heads) have made a big deal about Stand Your Ground but it was never a factor in the Zimmerman trial.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Clubs keep the lights turned down low to make it more romantic. :)
    I do remember staggering a bit in The Clubhouse (Dallas) when I walked in about 1PM and couldn't see anything but the main stagelights. A helpful hand grabbed mine and led my fingers to a very moist pussy, then said, "Is that what you were trying to find?" It was a good visit, I didn't mind the dark that time.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Help me find clubs with...
    I DO know of just such a club. It is a pub in Cobh, County Cork, Ireland right on the waterfront overlooking Cork Harbour. I am not certain that, in every case, the drapes match but I can speak for at least one with all the qualities you seek. Since I saw so few nude, I cannot assert true breast size nor "carpet" for all. But the Cork Waterside Pub was full of young, pleasant women who otherwise meet your criteria. As an additional encouragement, it seems that many of these young lasses are quite enamored of older American men. These are not working girls or strippers, but they do behave very provocatively and do not disappoint!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: Not Guilty!
    Jumping in on a very long thread that clearly reflects the diverse backgrounds of TUSCL members. Travon Martin (TM) is dead. George Zimmerman (GZ) shot him. Both had valid, legal reasons to be where they were. Those are about the only facts everyone can agree upon. Since the State of Florida was unable to prove that GZ did not act in self defense, he is not guilty of a crime. Like it, or not, that, too, is now a fact. "STAND YOUR GROUND" WAS NOT USED IN THIS CASE: I read some misinformation in the comments above, and want to clear up a few things. First, the Florida "Stand your Ground" law was NOT a factor in this case. That law specifies a different procedure before a judge and GZ chose instead a jury trial. However, Stand Your Ground does include some affirmative protections in civil court that GZ may use to prevent TM's family from successfully suing. DOJ DID HELP ORGANIZE "TRAVON" RALLIES LAST YEAR Part of the reason this death is a big deal and over 500 murders in Chicago are not is the national attention caused by the big crowds in Sanford protesting last year. It turns out, that the Federal Government helped make those crowds big and found the media to cover it. (see: www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/ look for recent press releases) Between March 25 and April 12 last year DOJ people were sent to Sanford to in their words, "deployed to Sanford, FL, to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain." TRIAL TRANSCRIPTS SHOW PROSECUTORS DID NOT DISPUTE ASSERTION THAT GZ WAS RETURNING TO CAR AFTER RECOMMENDATION BY DISPATCHER. A portion of the GZ self defense claim is that after hearing from a dispatcher, "We don't need you to do that." ("that" being follow the suspect) GZ actually began to return to his pick-up. The prosecutors never disputed that assertion. In fact, they ended up accepting that TM and GZ encountered each other while GZ was moving in the direction of his vehicle in their positioning of the two during closing remarks.