
Ever had a girl's titties squirt on you

Avatar for Tiredtraveler
TiredtravelerSolo PL

A few years ago I got a lap dance from a woman who had great natural breasts with big nipples. What I did not know was that she had had a child 4 months before and it was her first night back to work and her milk had not dried up yet. Her dances were quite sensual and she was getting into it doing some serious up the short leg stick shifting. The next thing I knew she grinds her crotch on my hand and her nipple started flowing milk all over my shirt. It would have been hot if there would have been any privacy. Used to date a girl that was breast feeding and she would do the same thing and would cum when you played with her nipples. What is the strangest thing a girl spontaneously done with y'all when she gets off?


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Avatar for gawker

I had a dancer "express" her milk onto herself one time to show me she was still lactating.

Avatar for mayberrywell

I suckled the lactating tits of a stripper , and tasted the sweet mothers milk !

Avatar for SlickSpic

Not from a dancer but from a couple of civilians.

Avatar for gatorfan

No but a stripper once threw up on me.

Avatar for Clackport

It happened to me once with a dancer.

Avatar for dallas702

Not a dancer but at a wedding reception I got a tight hug from the bride's sister who had a baby a few weeks before. When she stepped back, the front of her beige dress was dark stained over both breasts. I thought I was being discrete when I took out a hankie and nodded toward her breasts. She looked instead at the dark stains on my gray suit coat. After she gasped, turned very red faced and ran off, I noticed my coat (probably the last person in the room to see it).

Avatar for crazyjoe

I had a dancer squirt me

Avatar for sharkhunter

After a lap dance was over with, I once had a lactating dancer decide to shoot me with her milk. I dodged her by holding my hands up to deflect her milk. She was squirting with both tits one at a time. She made a mess all over the lap dance area right there. I was wearing shorts so I had an easy cleanup. I was deflecting her milk back at her. I thought she was going to give it up but she must have fired about 20 or more shots off. She missed hitting me in the face every time. I really did not want milk in my face.

I don't know why she thought that was funny. I wasn't upset about it. I wasn't thrilled about it either though. She gave me a couple of nice lap dances. Nice tits too. I did not suck on her nipples. I saw milk running down her bikini top before the lap dance started. One of her breasts was pressed against me while she was sitting and talking to me and that must have triggered her milk to be released earlier.

Avatar for SlickSpic

@Sharkhunter-She seems fun to me.

@Gator-I've had civilians throw up on me. Mostly back in high school and college.

Avatar for PredragDr

Aren't you more likely to get a STD from breast milk than BBFS?

Avatar for Alucard

Never. Had sex with a pregnant dancers two times. [Different Dancers - someone else's babies]

Avatar for rickdugan

I had a dancer squirt some in my mouth. It answered a question I had always wondered, which is whether girls with bolt-ons could breast feed. :)

Avatar for Dolfan

There's a girl at a local club here who's still got milk. She's got a number of customers that come in explicitly for it.

I'm not into it at all, but she's fairly hot.

Avatar for rl27

Several times, most of the times I wasn't that surprised because I knew the dancer was pregnant. One of the times I was surprised, it was the first time I ever saw the dancer and you couldn't tell she had just had a baby about 3 months before. This club wasn't much in lapdances, so it was basically just the dancer standing in front of me posing. All of a sudden she just squeezes her tits and sprays me, then says "OOPS." I laughed, but then she did that two more times, with a lot more spraying.

The second time was during a lap dance. The dancer was leaning back on me and I was playing with her tits for a while. She starts asking me to squeeze her tits, harder and harder. Then asks me rub her nipples soon and starts moaning like she was having an orgasm. Shortly after I start feeling some wetness on my hand and notice that her tits were leaking quite a bit.

Avatar for Corvus

I have a current fav who has great nipples and is still lactating. Very unique experience for me. But she has not squirted at or on me.

Avatar for someguy323

I would have loved to sucked on some lactating tits, but then I would be scared of getting some kind of disease from her.

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