
Pick up Regular women at bars?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 6:12 PM
I started a thread a couple of days ago about going to strip clubs while on a limited budget and got some good advice. Thanks, guys. I wanted to follow up with one more little thread. I went to a regular bar last night, had a few drinks, and looked for regular women who might be wanting to hang out later and perhaps have a good time. This seemed like an excellent idea at the time. I'd perhaps be able to find a desperate woman who was also lonely. Plus, it'd be free! Well, it only took a few hours for me to realize that this was a bad idea. Bar women are fickle, often out with their friends, and very hard to pick up. In the end, it's just too much work. When you're used to getting immediate intimate attention from strippers, the bar scene is just, well, disappointing and boring. Anyway, just thinking. Carry on.


  • Swiss
    11 years ago
    I agree with this guy
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Since I NEVER consume alcohol, there is NO reason to be in a regular bar &/or to try to pick up a civilian.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    If they weigh less than 200 I can pick them & their chair up at the bar.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I shit a little
  • umissedaspot
    11 years ago
    "The bitches in this club are stuck up, man. Let's go to a titty bar."
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    If I were a 21-year-old who looked like Taylor Lautner, I would pick up beautiful women at regular bars. Strip clubs are the best alternative I have.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @alutard: wasn't aware there was a rule saying you had to drink alcoholic beverages in a regular bar. What part of the country was that in?
  • IanSmith
    11 years ago
    Go after the fat ones. They will always pay the bar tab.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Depends, are you 22 or were you born in 1922?
  • rattdog
    11 years ago
    guys-u should already by now know this: most women who go in groups to bars don't go there to hook up. they go so they can goof on other people.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Best way to meet civilian chicks is to find an activity that y'all have in common.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I thought that at first myself, but in the end, I didn't pick up that many ladies over time. I did have a fuck buddy relationship with this one older lady I picked up at a bar (she went down as my only anal experience), but that just fizzled out over time, probably because she was married. The ultimate problem with bars is that if they are in groups, it's usually girls night out and they aren't trying to get picked up by guys, for the most part. And if they are alone, they are probably crazy and/or old.
  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    Think about it. If there is a group of 5 or 6 girls out, do you really think that one of them wants to be picked off and taken home by some random dude? They will be hen-pecked mercilessly by the rest of their girlfriends. I don't think that there are many groups that go out with the express purpose to have each of them separately pursue a possible hook-up. I would believe that two women might go out--maybe divorcees-and have a mutual pact that if one of them gets picked up that the other will check in with them by text or something. That sounds more plausible. But if you unwittingly bump into the 5-year reunion of 8 Tri-Delts in the bar, you have about a snowball's chance of walking away with any one of them. All you are is entertainment for a cackling bunch.
  • dallas702
    11 years ago
    The comment about chicks in groups are spot on! If you want a few minutes convo and a little laughter, it doesn't hurt to try and hit on all of them at once. My gag is sliding up next to one and saying, "Hi, there. Come here often? What's your sign?" Then, before I get slapped, move on to the next in the group and repeating. I actually get giggles most of the time. OTOH I don't spend a lot of time in civi bars, but I have noticed when there often large numbers of women either alone or with just one friend as Looneylarry mentioned. In those cases, a guy does not have to be 22 and built like an Olympic swimmer to get the interest of a woman on the prowl. Most women have standards for a guy's appearance/style/age that are totally incomprehensible to most men (especially me).
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    If your are looking for regular chicks at a bar be leary of the ones drinking vodka and prune juice. :)
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Personally, I have found they have lost the ability to be courted. I don't know if it is the shit on TV (just review how men are portrayed on shows), if expectations have gotten ridiculously high (they all deserve Fabio), etc. Then when you do get married, there is a 50% chance ya will get divorced. (At least these days, the courts are slamming the guy as much.) And women complain there are no men out there. (Yes, I do recognize the irony of putting this on a strip club list, but it is what it is.)
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    No. "Regular" women generally want more than I'm prepared to give in the way of affection, exclusivity or commitment.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Most of guys want immediate satisfaction. The chances of finding a woman that we find attractive; will find us attractive; and be willing to give us what we want (need IMO) when we want it are usually very slim – even for a good or semi-good looking dude. I recall a study done by a FSU professor in the 90s where he got an attractive young female coed to go up to young college guys at bars and proposition them for sex (free not P4P); most dudes said yes and the few that said no gave reasons like having a gf. They then got a young good looking guy to go up to young women/coeds at bars and proposition them for sex; I don’t recall the dude getting a single yes and actually getting some pretty nasty NOs.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    So far nobody has mentioned the ratio of men to women in bars. And most of those other guys have the same ideas. :) I succeeded once in ten years of trying and wound up marrying the bitch.
  • bluemonday
    11 years ago
    once you go so far in strip clubbing, you just cant go back to normal bars for pick ups... i know i have gone far enough (and thank gawd for that !!)
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    I'm with the poster who said common activities. Problem is, what are common activities between men and women?
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    If you just go to try to play arcade games or whatever and meet girls who are alone or who hit on you, your odds are better. However I'm not sure who these crazy girls or drunk girls are who start talking to me. One crazy girl in a regular bar I believe came up to me from a group. The next thing I know she's right next to me insisting I must be married. I keep saying no I'm not. She thought I would have been in the club a lot more if I wasn't. After a minute or two I start thinking she's acting like a dancer that doesn't want to take no for an answer. I lied. I told her I was married. Then she says I knew it and left me alone. I probably could have picked up tips from one guy I knew. He had about one to three new girlfriends every week and he said that was slow because we lived in such a small town. I'm not really interested in quantity though.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    In one pick up bar, I did run into a CF dancer who spotted me as soon as she walked in. She sat down beside me and started talking. Before she left she asked if I would be stopping by her "strip" club that night. I said yes and she said see you later and left. I think I had asked her where some regular bars were at being somewhat new to the area. It might not have been too much of a coincidence she showed up. I liked playing the arcade games after drinking beer. If I found a similar place with rock music, I might start visiting regular bars again. Regular bars do seem really boring if you aren't doing anything.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Of course if you get desperate, and hook up with a woman who isn't regular, remember to slip some Metamucil in her drink when she isn't looking.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Maybe there really should be a higher age limit on the strip clubs. Better helps young guys to get into the habit of conversation and getting comfortable with picking up girls. Won't get lazy and expect girls coming to you (unless your me). Glad I sc sparsely these days.
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