Lets talk about two faced pricks.

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Date Sent: 08/07/13 10:19 PM
To : shadowcat
From : juicebox69


juice off camera


Dude I hope you know off stage i still love you I just like to perform......i watch.to much WWE .....your a kool dude to me......love jaydawg


last comment
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Is the problem with juice, Bull, or is it with your SSRIs, Bull?
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Looks like I touched a nerve.....sippycup wins agsin !... ***Boooom !***
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...juice is nothing more than a poser! Sippycup gets ousted again!! **BANG**
avatar for Joker420
12 years ago
Yea juice this ain't kool.....you need to sign off or something like that
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Curious Bull. You seemed especially down after you found out that stripper who told you she loved you wasn't for real. Couple of questions -

- with all psychological insights you fancy yourself as having, how come you didn't see that one coming?
- did the doctor up the dosage of the anti-depressants you have admitted to taking to help get you through it?
- if so did it work? Did you lose your self if humor as a byproduct?
avatar for Joker420
12 years ago
Dougster stop BEing a bully its just not cool man
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Ok, joker, no prob. Will stop right away. Thanks for pointing that out.
avatar for Joker420
12 years ago
I mean come on dougster its obvious you have a little Dick problem
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Nope, I'm right at the national average.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Even if I did though, won't you say the problem with depression that Bulkwinkle had admitted to needing medication for is something much worse? Just wondering. :-)
avatar for Joker420
12 years ago
Yea national average for faggots !
avatar for juiicebox69
12 years ago
Shadow your over 70 when the fuck ar you going to grow up ?
avatar for Joker420
12 years ago
***Grand Slam***
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
@joker: no, for Jews!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
What's that Joker? You just git back from breakfast at Denny's? Good for you!
avatar for Joker420
12 years ago
Yep...a little clubbing and some Denny's...let me pounder ???...your upset of my life style
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
Does anybody else see the irony here...juicebox telling Shadowcat to grow up LOL...SMH...well off to bed as I will be enjoying my vacay!
avatar for LordxBetty
12 years ago
Go put yourself in A home and listen to more PL Music you Old weak minded piece of Dust!!!! You can Block me but you wont block that dick for going in your mouth...MMMMMMMNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Meheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! MAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! Betty...............mmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnn
avatar for LordxBetty
12 years ago
I'm going to rape your mother Bullwinkle Meheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! Mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
avatar for LordxBetty
12 years ago
I'm going to Rape your mother, your sister, AND your grandmother Camby!!!!!!! Enjoy your Vacay Cause I'll Be Enjoying your Family!!!!!!! MMMMMMMNNNNNN Meheeeeeeeehhhh HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Juice! I think you gotta little bro glow for ole Shadowcat.What gives dude?
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
Thanks Shadow for posting this, I've been wanting to get something off my chest.

Juice used to be a LITTLE funny, but he quickly got annoying with his spamming/trolling, his look at me antics, all his different aliases (there are 3 different Juice aliases in this thread alone lol), his massive ego (Juice Crew). It seems like Juice wants everything in the world to revolve around him.

Juice went from one of the most loved TUSCL members to one of the most hated members, and he has no one to blame for that but himself. He starts trolling one of his idols Rickdugan for no apparent reason, WTF? He trolls Shadowcat hard for a couple of weeks, then he sends Shadowcat a message saying that he loves him? That is two faced indeed.

Motörhead keeps telling us Juice is not a troll and that he's "funny". Sorry motor, no one is laughing any more.

avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
I have to agree with ranukam above. motor might just be trying to keep things cool.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@shadowcat: What the hell were you expecting? :)
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
Once again, the ignore feature is a great part of TUSCL.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
The only way to remove the cancer here is to surgically cut them out using your "ignore" knife.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
"Sorry motor, no one is laughing any more"

Ranukam - I do agree. Juice has gone psycho.

I'm not defending him, but in his PM to shadow, he makes it clear it's all an act. Having said that, even I think he needs to ratchet it down a few notches.
avatar for dallas702
12 years ago
I too, have resorted to the "ignore" button, but that also has drawbacks. The "conversation" on several threads gets disjointed and even the discussion title page is occasionally "blue." I do not want a "moderated" TUSCL but I do wish a few twits would find some other site to harass.

I currently have about 9 or 10 on "ignore" and that has removed over half of the posts. Looking through here before I signed in, I realized that I can quite comfortably enjoy this site without the spammers, the rule masters and the accusers - including the two faced prick referenced by SC.
avatar for Dacandyman
12 years ago
i agree with motorhead. juice says some funny stuff but he shoul dial it back a noth or two. the big thing that i think he should do is show respct to ppl who dont wanna join in the silly stuff. shadowcat has never joined in on the stupid stff so out of respect u shouldny shove it in his face

i think it is differen for guys who join the silly threads just to complain an criticize others. ive got shit from some foks just cause im sloppy and dont use perfect grammar. im just jokin. cant u tell its a joke when i say i put a doggy cone on my dick?? i rly do like candy an prolly eat to much so that is the truth. an i am perma horney so thats true. but dont be silly that i actualy had the doggy cone or stupid stuff like that. the worst guy for this says he is away an hopeful he will come back in a good mood an not give ppl shit all the time.

out of respect i wouldnt put stupid jokes in to a sereous thread. that would rly help juice
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
A lot of people need something to complain about so they make shit up
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
" he makes it clear it's all an act"

This is my take also. I've had a good number of PM exchanges with him. ALL were perfectly normal and reasonable and NOT CRAZY. His public persona is all an ACT!
avatar for jabthehut
12 years ago
So I get this PM from our local vampire ^^^ saying that I am the pathetic one after I commented a while back that he was pathetic (as opposed to being someone to hate.)
The kicker is that I go to reply to this pathetic piece of crap and find that HE HAS BLOCKED ME FROM SENDING HIM PMs! How pathetic is that?
Lets see if he PMs me again.
avatar for jabthehut
12 years ago
That was quick. Seven minutes for his reply. "Insults are insults no matter how they are worded," he says. I'm not afraid of him but he is obviously afraid of me. That or he is just very stupid 'cause I'm goining to reply to him in the open discussions. Why would anyone who is sane send a private message without a way to reply PRIVATELY? If he does it again then he will prove his insanity. Everyone knows the dafinition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
BTW, sorry for hijacking the thread but this is the only path that is left to me. One more PM from him and my comment will be the last here.
avatar for jabthehut
12 years ago
On the topic, alutard is just a one face prick.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
jabthehut - Where have you been? Alucard has being doing this to numerous members for months. Best course. Don't feed the trolls.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
I remember when the intellectual quality of TUSCL was way higher than it is today. Now at least 50% of the threads are devoted to flame wars between the trolls. The only thing that remains to keep it above the level of Stripclublist.com is that the club reviews are still pretty much on topic. In SCL the flame wars are written on the club pages. But still, if Founder, or a designated moderator could clean up all the garbage on the forum pages this site could return to its former greatness.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
3LeggedHomo: "I remember when the intellectual quality of TUSCL was way higher than it is today"

When was this supposed period? This board has always attracted plenty of flames for as long as I can recall. I would say the intellectual quality is as high as ever (in large part due to yours truly, needless to say. :-) ) I don't see high level of flames and high level "intellectual quality" as mutually exclusive.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
I just noticed that with appropriate blocking in place, at one point this thread has 13 blue names between respectable contributions.
avatar for BagBoyJames
12 years ago
All I need is a few words directed at me. I'm a very sad and pathetic 62 year old
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
Another name for the list!
avatar for juicebox666
12 years ago
Juice will destroy you all !
avatar for juiicebox69
12 years ago
Dont mess wit me !
avatar for juiicebox69
12 years ago
Yuall too face !
avatar for juiicebox69
12 years ago
My bro zip be along soon we own tuscl !
avatar for Bonesbrother
12 years ago
Two faced? Don't you mean 20 faced. The coke head nigger can't get his "crew" to back him up any more. So he has to invent new characters to answer himself.

Yes Zipman36, this is the new face of TUSCL. Enjoy it.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Bonesmuggler! You a little pissed that you gotta work the nightshift?
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
BonedBrother: " The coke head nigger can't get his 'crew' to back him up any more. "

You are a complete idiot, BonedBrother. Juice is not a "coke headed nigger". He is a meth-headed Jew.

avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
"You are a complete idiot, BonedBrother. Juice is not a "coke headed nigger". He is a meth-headed Jew"

I thought he was a North Carolina, redneck hillbilly amped up on Mountain Dew and Sweet Tea
avatar for Dracula
12 years ago
Lol nice guys
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