
Stripper Air

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Monday, August 12, 2013 5:00 AM
I travel a great deal, with many of my return flights happening on Thursday and Friday evenings. I cannot help but notice that, on late evening end of week flights out of places like NYC, there seem to be a lot of single young women traveling alone. They are usually in casual clothes, so these are not girls coming from the office. Most of them are quite attractive, which makes for some nice eye candy for this weary road hound. I wonder how many of these girls work in adult entertainment. I'm guessing that the % is surprisingly high.


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    When I worked at LAX we used to see that all the time on flights to LAS on Friday nights. Many of them school teachers. We referred to them as weekend warriors. :)
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    The Friday flights out of Burbank are known as the Stripper Express.
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    Shadow, do you think LAS is the most popular place for girls to go to for the weekend SC work?
  • dallas702
    11 years ago
    Years ago (decades really), back when I actually did work for a living, I also flew on Fridays evenings. I flew only about 7 of 8 Friday evenings a year sometimes changing planes with the wait between flights, but I also noticed the same trend. The hottest of the young ladies seemed to be going to beach or casino destinations. Though not statistically valid, my survey (mostly gently hitting them up hoping for, at least, in flight conversation) revealed that many of these young beauties were traveling to work. A few had weekend jobs as real casino employees or nightclub waitresses but most were either lined up to dance (maybe not as strippers - GoGo clubs in Vegas and Miami were still popular then with bikini dancers in cages) or provide more provocative personal professional services. Many of the latter were very upfront about their occupation.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    londonguy _ would have to guess, yes.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Hey, RickyBoy. Suggestion for you. Since your "The System" about how to pay hookers who work in strip clubs was such a wild success, why not write a Part II? How to pay them for sex when you first meet them at the airport?
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    More than once flying into Vegas from Cali or elsewhere I've been tempted to ask one, or more, of my seatmates "where you working tonight?".
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    But don't go making it rain or some air marshalls might pound you into the floor.
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    Escorts fly.
  • caliman20
    11 years ago
    Of course some or many are working girls. Strippers or escorting. That is what Vegas offers, and if you talk to any stripper in LA many have or still do go to Vegas. Every last one of them has told me that they make the best money in Vegas hands down. But they get tired of living out there and wanted So Cal. Ever been to sapphire or SR in Vegas packed and all guys are throwing money away recklessly. The girls love it for and that is why they go.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Don't forget Hooter's Air. :)
  • Joker420
    11 years ago
    Hey, RickyBoy. Suggestion for you. Since your "The System" about how to pay hookers who work in strip clubs was such a wild success, why not write a Part II? How to pay them for sex when you first meet them at the airport? LOL ! Hey rickboy maybee you can take a poll on stripperweb and get some ghost righters for this new book of yours cuz we all know you can't realy read or right homz
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