
Comments by dallas702 (page 26)

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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    18K Robbery Led to Phoenix Officer, Civilian Shot
    crsm27, OK - I didn't get that from your original post - my fault! Yes, I am sure that does occasionally happen. I don't really connect private sales between individuals to gun shows, it can happen anywhere, anytime. And I do NOT think any federal law is going to stop it. A federal law requiring that all firearms transactions must go through a FFL will first create an even more comprehensive list of gun owners to raid if ever a Bloomberg like nut actually gets in power. And it will make criminals out of ordinary people who decide to trade their old .22 for a hotshot fishing reel. I am not in favor of any federal gun laws - going all the way back to the FDR era automatic weapons restrictions. If there is a way to misuse power and authority, someone, sometime, in the federal government will manage to do it. If there is a way to waste money, someone in the federal government will manage to make a rule that requires the waste. The federal government is a model of inefficiency and mismanagement. When allowed to mismanage gun rights and Second Amendment protections they have so far demonstrated that talent.
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    11 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    OT: Because guns are *bad*!
    Even after Bloomingidiot's aggressive attacks on the US Constitution, and the massive police state he created, the numbers of illegal weapons on NYC streets far outnumbers the cops. And this in a city that makes it a felony for otherwise law abiding citizens to protect themselves. Note that his Gestapo tactics did show results, murders in NYC last year were only in the hundreds compared to a decade ago when it was in the thousands. Don't worry though, the new mayor will create so many new disasters, no will notice the police state!
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    18K Robbery Led to Phoenix Officer, Civilian Shot
    crsm27, you are entirely off base. Any FFL (your "licensed dealer") who ever - at any time - sells a weapon without a background check to someone without a FFL or an approved, current weapons permit (only in some states) not only loses their license, they are subject to criminal prosecution. That applies to gun shows! The stories about gun show sales without background checks are fabrications intended to create public outcry for more gun restrictions. People who buy guns at shows - and walk out with them - have a Federal Firearms License, or a dealer at the show did a background check just for the show, or they hold a Weapons Permit (sometimes known as Concealed Carry) that allows them to purchase. Each case requires a background check! Before you slam gun shows, go visit one and try to buy a gun without a background check.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    New York Times: Houston and Its Strip Clubs Call a Truce
    Esta, that's easy. The NYT has to fill pages with stories and picking on Houston means they can avoid publishing stories about Obamacare failures or what will happen under your new mayor. Remember your "leading" city paper has been 'left of Lenin' since the late '60s. Now they get what they have been pushing for and they are afraid (and should be)!
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    11 years ago
    GMD, I do so hope you are wrong. I cannot imagine any "good" results from ACA since my reading (yes, I did read the entire thing) indicated that the law is about 1.>forcing insurance companies to offer only a very limited spread of coverage, 2.>forcing states to dramatically increase the number of people on Medicaid, 3.>forcing everyone with a paycheck to buy bad coverage, 4.>taxing everyone with a paycheck about a dozen different ways, 5.>forcing most independent general practice doctors out of business, 6.>taxing medical suppliers, 7.>providing billions in earmarks for every democrat who voted for the ACA. Fully implemented, the ACA might cause the US government to follow Detroit into bankruptcy. I cannot imagine a Democrat elected to the White House in 2016 without her (or him) endorsing and supporting ACA. That scares me!
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Snowed In
    "...go out and but..." should be, "go out and buy". And I don't even have an excuse!
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Snowed In
    Get a snow rat! Really, go out and but some beat up heavy old clunker for a few hundred bucks. Make sure the engine is sound and the heater works. Put studded tires (or at least, snow tires) on the drive wheels, throw a blanket, water bottles, chains and 100 feet of heavy tow rope in the trunk. Fill the tank with ethanol free gas and add some moisture shedding additive. Then go forth club, in any weather!
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Robin Roberts "comes out"
    First of all, IronFox22, I correctly used the word, "deviant" to describe homosexual practices. Note that "deviant" means specifically; 'deviating from the norm, esp. from an accepted standard.' (Webster's II, New Riverside Edition). Since, to the best of my knowledge and understanding, heterosexual relations are still the norm and remain an accepted standard, to identify homosexual behaviors as deviant is accurate, Further, correctly identifying a practice as deviant is in no way being intolerant, unsophisticated, close-minded, or judgmental. Significantly, using the word, "deviant" in this instance, does not in any way reveal my position on homosexuality Second, I specifically asked that the word, "gay" (which means; merry, or bright and lively, or inclined to social pleasures <ibid>) not be used to describe homosexuals, It is an abuse of the English language and was originally intended to be limiting or demeaning when applied to homosexual men. Even in its current misuse, gay is often considered inappropriate when applied to females. Again, I made no judgment upon homosexuals nor did I reveal any hint of my position in the request. Finally, I did clearly assert that I have no objection to people who choose to deviate from the norm. That unreservedly does state my position. To be overtly and completely clear, I have never experimented with, nor felt inclined to participate in, any homosexual form of deviant sex, and therefore I can make no rational judgment on homosexuals. Additionally, assuming you are referring to the most common religious practices on this continent, the God indicated is the creator God and would necessarily be in excess of 13.4 Billion years old, not simply 2,000 years. And, in that case, I would not object to "salvation" should that God show up in person. That God might have some issues with my life to date, but I am willing to make any reasonable adjustments suggested. Life is good (unless Lopaw DOES snatch the hottest chick in your club, and I believe her when she says she would!) Words are power (even when they are misused) Happy New Year (and may all your lappers be great.) Smile dude! ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Robin Roberts "comes out"
    Could we PLEASE stop calling homosexuals, "gay." Though I am sure some homosexuals are, "bright and lively" or "inclined to social pleasures," that is not the same as homosexual. Further, Robin Roberts is not from the Aegean island of Lesvos (Lesbos) and is not a Lesbian. She has, though misusing the English language, announced she is a practicing homosexual. I dislike it when people, who practice deviant sex, misuse words to minimize or disguise their affinities. I have no objection to people who choose to deviate from the norm in their sexual practices (the contextual definition of deviant!). I am not judging others on their lifestyle choices. My only objection to female homosexuals is that I fear they will snag the hottest strippers in the club. I do dislike having my language options limited and communication impaired because a group of people misappropriated a word.
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    11 years ago
    Looks like Duck Dynasty folks won
    Degol's implied comparison between modern left leaning "progressive" liberals (Gawd, ain't that a mouthful just to avoid saying "socialist") and the (then self described - far left) National Worker's Party in 1930's Germany (also known by it's German language initials "NAZI") is spot on. The NAZI followers insistently claimed they were "for" everybody and depended heavily on a national press that almost exclusively reported the NAZI angle. The press was then opposed to the "right wing" crown government and the subsequent elected Bismark government which was also considered "right wing". The NAZI or "workers party" won a major victory when Bismark brought into his coalition government a NAZI leader named Adolph Hitler. I see too many parallels between 1930s Germany and this country now. The situation is not the same, the outcome is not likely going to be as bad for us, but there are groups (like GLAAD) within the far left of the Democratic Party who believe (like NAZIs) they represent the ONLY voice that should be heard, With the cooperation of Media-Matters, and most major press/media outlets, the progressive message is broadcast as the "right" and sometimes "only" opinion. Prior posters are correct, the Duck Dynasty debacle was never about "Freedom of Speech." In the sense that the US Constitution in fact prevents the government from interfering with commerce rather than forcing business to allow or disallow certain speech, government actually protects the actions of A&E rather than the opinions of Phil Robertson. But this heavily reported dispute between a cable TV network and a star of its most popular show does demonstrate the power and influence of free speech in the marketplace. A progressive group, part of the coalition of progressives/liberals currently running the government, tried to exercise its power to silence and punish someone speaking a view they do not approve. They initially succeeded when A&E "suspended" Phil Robertson. But then the issue blew up in their face (both GLAAD and A&E). A&E did the about face to try and save the network after the internet provided a medium for opposition voices to disprove the widespread media/press claims that GLAAD was right and everybody supported them. I am looking forward to discovering whether this tiny tempest creates another opposition coalition that will help non progressives retake power in 2014. It will be fun to watch.
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    11 years ago
    Cops and Clubs
    Over a year ago I was pulled over two blocks from Treasures, Houston by a local cop who said he was watching the club entrance. He asserted that he stopped me because he observed me weaving and changing lanes without signaling. That part was true - I was trying to get to the Interstate and had to change lanes on an unfamiliar road. After a brief discussion that included me asserting (truthfully, this time) that I did not have any alcoholic drinks and the officer verifying that I was legally carrying a concealed weapon (I also showed him my lock up for the weapon where I stored it while in the club) the officer relaxed. Some cops are bothered by armed citizens, this one was not. This cop claimed the the City of Houston was fighting a court battle against Treasures over local dress code, zoning and alleged prostitution. He was (informally) asked to keep an eye out for drunk driving that may be connected to the strip club. He also asserted that patrol units do often watch for drunks leaving popular bars and clubs, but strip clubs are seldom targeted. He stated that they usually leave SCs alone simply because they can take many more drunks off the road in the same time frame by targeting a popular pick-up bar or regular dance club. My opinion is the Houston cop described the situation honestly and the same conditions apply in most of the USA. Many more drunks drive out of regular bars than strip club parking lots. When cops are looking for DUI (DWI) busts they will be much more likely to watch regular bars and clubs. When they are asked to harass a particular strip club due to local politics, they will make DUI checks as the easiest way to pass a message or create a claim of "problems" caused by the club.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Are strippers complaining about how bad it is in clubs now just putting me on?
    The answers to your question are many and varied. And mostly true, or not, depending on the dancer. Nationwide, spending in strip clubs is purported to be down - but there are no accurate numbers to support that assertion. The number of strip clubs closing over the past 6 years, compared to clubs opening/reopening is roughly the same ratio as the prior decade. Some publicly traded strip club companies are actually showing stable or even improving bottom lines while others are struggling. Local variations tend to make any national trend completely irrelevant. Zoning, code enforcement, local laws and local election campaigns all have an impact on clubs. Local economic condition also impact clubs - and sometimes that impact is NOT directly comparable to the local market trend. (Some clubs have claimed an increase in traffic and spending at the same time local conditions grow significantly worse.) Even in the same club, some strippers "see" traffic slow down and her income decrease while others (even on the same shift) experience growing income and more business. That phenomenon do not necessarily mean either is lying or deluded. I know this may come as a shock to some readers here, but - some strippers occasionally make knowingly false statements. Some dancers think that if they can convince you of their financial need (or convince you that their need means a willingness to do more or charge less) then you will more willingly give them more of your money. Some simply exaggerate, while others are too drunk or drugged out to actually know whether they are making money or not. In short: Yes, they are lying. Yes, they are telling the truth. They are sincere. They are scamming you. Make the best deal, for the most mileage, because this may be you last chance to get some from this starving stripper. Take her home with you and marry her, because she is a prize worth more than riches. Bail and go find a better club.
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    11 years ago
    Dudes lying on TUSCL
    On the other side of the same issue; I find that the animosity of this site allows me to tell the truth.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Bad ass times
    In 1959 or '60 I received a chemistry set for a Christmas present. It was somewhat limited but did include many basic chemicals, flasks, mixing tools, beakers and instructions. Over the next few years I checked out books from school and public libraries, added tools, chemicals and compounds and eventually learned to make several sophisticated (for a pre-teen) compounds. My black powder worked great but "smokeless" gunpowder was beyond my skill level - until I learned how to make nitro! Testing homemade dynamite in the back yard resulted in Mom terminating my experiments for several months (plus I had to fill in a rather large hole). Eventually, girls became much more interesting than carbon compounds and acids. I think my little brother eventually disposed of my leftover stash of explosives (by making unguided, terminally explosive rockets.)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Christmas In The Bush
    It got downright cold here in parts of Florida as well. I shivered in my short sleeve shirt as I left the Inner Room (Coco Beach) after dark on the 23rd and even had to turn off the AC in my car. The 24th was even worse, requiring long sleeves for outdoor activities after dark. Christmas day dawned so bitterly cold that I had to eat breakfast indoors. Smug remarks aside: May your socks stay warm and dry, may your heat stay on, may your work produce joy and profit and may the new year bring warm dances, hot ladies and joy filled evenings.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    This May Explain a Lot
    A discussion I recently had in a SC (somewhat edited). Stripper #1 (S1); I sometimes feel like I need a drink just to work here. Stripper #2 (S2); I always have a few just so the guys don't look so bad. Me; So I look bad? S1; Oh, silly. We just want to play with you! S2; And use your bod for our fun. Me; Does that mean you've already had enough to drink that - I - look good? S2; Not yet, but with a little help we'll get there. (I bought another round of drinks) S2; Now you really do look good! Me; You know that's messed up? S1; Don't worry, she's always messed up.
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    11 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Scary Democrats
    Slick, those are really creepy possibilities. Perhaps, instead of Fuck, marry, kill, we could simply place them all in padded rooms in a mental hospital.
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    11 years ago
    Dancers wearing Christmas themed outfits
    In Visions (NOLA) last week I saw one dancer wearing a "bikini" top consisting of two bright red, very small, stockings covering her nipples and held in place by string. Her G-string was also bright red and she had attached a sprig of holly to the front.
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    11 years ago
    Red-headed Strippers!
    Personal opinion only: Real appearing red hair coloring is difficult and the orange or pink result of most home attempts does not appeal to most strippers. So few brunette or blond dancers will dye their hair red. Further reducing the small minority of red headed dancers is the fact the many real red haired dancers will dye their hair blond or light brown and use a rub-on tanner to darken their complexion and cover freckles. Why red heads think their freckles and red hair is less attractive is beyond my understanding. I have met several dancers who were natural redheads and changed color to be "more attractive." When I tell them I think natural red hair and freckles are hot, hot, hot - they do not believe me. Trying to understand ANY woman is impossible. Trying to understand red haired strippers is an exercise guaranteed to drive a mortal man insane.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers fishing for compliments
    The only blue haired ladies I know are in their 80s. Why would a 20something dancer want artificially colored old lady hair?
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Providence suspends strip club's license
    Why did popo make the arrests? Were the ladies charging too much?
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    11 years ago
    Big Brother
    Farmerart, I agree with you - adding one provision - in a world full of cheap, high image quality, digital security cameras nothing is truly secure anymore. A store security camera saw you use the payphone. The camera on a lightpole recorded you mailing that envelope. Your face (and your conversation with the cashier) is forever retained by the cash register camera where you paid cash. And facial recognition software is getting very good. I prefer cash transactions. I often turn off my non-smart phone and I have disabled the GPS. But I know that there is no way to live among people and be "off the grid." Big Brother is watching. On the other hand, Big Brother may be watching - but if the US roll-out of Obamacare is any example, Big Brother is fumbling and incompetent! And I do believe, at least the US federal, big government is incapable of getting anything right. I am more at risk from the Feds raiding my house because some dufus screwed up the address of a drug dealer in another state than I am from any intentional act by my government!
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    11 years ago
    OT:Blue Eyed Soul
    Elvis. Really, Elvis Presley, When he wasn't inventing hip wiggling Rock and Roll or chasing skirts, guns and another high, Elvis was a really good natural voice. His long time back up group, the Jordanairs, cut many Gospel albums on their own. What most people don't know is that Elvis sang with (not as lead) the group on many of those songs. The Memphis dude also knew how to sing the Blues (Memphis style, of course). I knew one of the Jordanairs when I lived in Nashville in the '70s and he let me listen to some private recordings (reel to reel) of the gang (Including Elvis) singing Blues, Gospel and Delta Soul. One of the soul numbers included Elvis (clearly his voice, but without the twang) adding his own verses - and WOW - that dude could do soul! I didn't really like Elvis music back then (still don't care much for his Rock&Roll or Pop stuff) but I do know he could sing and sometimes he sang with his soul!
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More from Floriduh.
    Danny Jay don't do no meth and 'shine ne'er made him pushy afore. He noes better than to mix oxy 'n strippers. I figgur' it must a been the toxins in the local gators. Dany Jay, he eats lots o dem' gator tails, mostly fried, but sometimes like dem Japese does, all raw an wrapped up in weeds 'n moss. He went onced to a Suki rest-rant an was thinkin it were a neat idear. Shore, it were dem toxins, Danny Jay just ain't never been pushy afore!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dancers: Sad Stories and Taking Advantage of Customers
    Everything a stripper says is totally true. They share their stories with you because they find you very attractive and want to develop an honest and meaningful relationship with you. It will very much help your developing relationship with her if you step up and provide the critically needed resources to help her put this isolated crisis behind her so she can concentrate on making you blissfully happy.