Red-headed Strippers!

avatar for sofaking87
What's the deal with strippers avoiding red hair?

Every time I hit up a SC, I always scan for the ginger broad who is going to drain my wallet, and my... well take care of business, lol! however, I rarely see them. As a matter of fact I recall seeing only on in all of 2013, and that was at the Hilltop north of Montreal.

I know ginger jokes are hilarious, but that's just directed at dudes. I suspect that red hair is very labour intensive to maintain, and is beyond the abilities for most ladies to keep up.

What do you think?


last comment
Funny, I was thinking the same thing on Monday. Where's the reds? And for the natural reds out there: please don't shave bare!
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Well they aren't a very high % of the population to begin with. One of my CFs is a red-head, as was one a couple years back. They are somewhat rare but not impossible to find. And always worth it, IME.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
I always look for them. My favorite, as I don't find Blondes attractive.
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
I totally agree, there are guys who don't mind red-heads, and then there are those who jizz from an air dance from a ginger babe! It's a no brainer that there should be at least one red for every club!
There are very few natural redheads to start with if you exclude the ones with orange hair, but in the Northeast we do see more of them than ion other places because of the racial makeup here. Not going to get a lot of redheads without a huge Irish population.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Most of the redheads changed their hair color when they saw alturds redhead avatar
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Reading his profile sealed the deal with never going red again
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
lol oh crazyjoe. You're so crazy
3 bad things about red heads:

1. They are bad tempered--or at least that's the stereotype
2. They are Irish--more stereotypes
3. They creep us out…

My high school sweetheart was a red head. My first OTC with a stripper was a red head. Red heads have freckles. I currently don't have any in my stable.
avatar for looneylarry
11 years ago
Don't forget that there is evidence that redheads have a lower threshold for pain (and probably pleasure) than the rest of the population. So they might be more irritable but also more sensual. So you have to take the good with the bad. And if they are disproportionately Irish, they may be a bit more hot-headed than the rest of the population. Stereotype? Maybe, but a history of having to fight and scratch out a livelihood, a history of being disproportionately working class, maybe some alcohol abuse. Or maybe all they have in common with their hardscrabble immigrant ancestors is their last name.
As a surgeon, I can also tell you they bleed like crazy. We call it the "redheaded ooze".
Also, they have "horse snatch" LOL
avatar for looneylarry
11 years ago
Whoa, there, cowboy. What's "horse snatch"? Do their snatches smell like horse? Come to think of it, I haven't had the opportunity to smell real horse snatch.
As others have said; they’re in the minority – and if a woman is going to dye her hair; the most popular color seems to be blond.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
11 years ago
I don't know what anyone's talking about, because I see roughly the same number of redheads as I always have. One of my regular clubs has 2 different redheads. One of them, naturally, calls herself Ginger.
Fuck yeah redheads! Three long term relationships with redheads. Including marriage.

I loves me the nekkid redheads!!!! I stay clear of actual extras as I'm in a LTR. I just like to look and get lappers. But with a hot redhead I'm tempted as shit!
And freckles on pale skin...can't beat that shit. Bur seriously redhead chicks...don't go fully bare. Keep some fire bush. Landing strip...groov-EE. Trimmed...that be coo-el. Hitler long as you ain't a Hitler fan I'm down with it. Total full on '70 bush? Maybe a bit o' trimming is warranted. But don't go bare girls. FIRE BUSH RULES!!!!
avatar for joker44
In the wind
11 years ago
Not often attracted to real gingers but there have been notable exceptions....long ago a ginger civie, mmmmh. Back to topic---

Don't like the artificial ginger-orange variety.

Ah, but a woman with natural dark red highlights [mahogany] drives me crazy everytime. Come to think of it haven't seen many of them recently.
avatar for joker44
In the wind
11 years ago
It's late, I'm tired so pulling a sharkhunter :-P...

and I love the mahoganies with matching carpets even more.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
Bushes rule!

NOT the Family. LOL
avatar for rl27
11 years ago
I don't think I have seen more than two dozen redhead dancers in the 20+ years I have gone to clubs, and never more than two at any club during a given time.

Three of my top favorites over the years have been redheads. All gave exceptional dances, and two had some of the softest natural breasts and knew how to use them.

Some of the best times I have had during out of town visits have happened with a redhead.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Urban Legend-Gingers have no soul.

Urban Fact-Gingers grow a freckle for every soul they steal.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Mary Jane.
Don't go to a club today. Just watch this and masturbate. This should settle all debates who is the best.…
Slick, was that a Gilligan's Island reference? If it was, the red headed movie star was appropriately named Ginger, while Mary Ann (def the hotter of the two IMO) was a brunette.

Has old age been stealing your mind? :-D
Excuse me Slick! That should have been a Moto reference. Guess old age is hitting me too!
Motor, thanks for sharing the Gilligan's Island video. It made me want a lap dance from Mrs Howell.
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
Any time I see a red head, real of fake at a SC, I'll be sure to mention it in my review.
avatar for 10inches
11 years ago
love me some fire bush !! first piece of tail (high school) was with hot red head cheerleader. liked to spend time with my face buried in her red patch licking that split. also, she had a great set of naturals with light pink areola and grape size nips. spent a lot of time my junior year getting fucked and sucked by her.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I think I ignore redheads. Maybe that's why I haven't noticed certain people until recently. I do like pretty blonde girls.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
Go Red Heads! You're mine.
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
Dandy Dan, which clubs has the two redheads?
There's a couple of redheads working local clubs. They are always busy.
I don't think I've ever gotten a dance from a redhead, just not my thing.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
I have seen more dancers with pink hair than natural redheads. Clubbing in the hood probably isn't gonna help those numbers much.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
@sclvr5005 funny you mention redheads and the hood in one post. What I noticed is women in the hood, hoodrats and/or rachet girls who generally have redhead (dyed/weave/wig) and the occasional blue hair (which is usually only reserved for the club) are freakier than most. When I say that I mean, with the right preference of men, they will get real grindy, touchy feely. They'll let the man, get real handsy, get drunk easier, give up the goods easier and do a LOT more in the bed that most other women wouldn't do with just any ol' man if at all. Overall, unnatural redhead women are super freaky in bed.

Get you're unnatural woman while you can, they'll do ANYTHING while supplies last.
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
Personal opinion only:

Real appearing red hair coloring is difficult and the orange or pink result of most home attempts does not appeal to most strippers. So few brunette or blond dancers will dye their hair red. Further reducing the small minority of red headed dancers is the fact the many real red haired dancers will dye their hair blond or light brown and use a rub-on tanner to darken their complexion and cover freckles.

Why red heads think their freckles and red hair is less attractive is beyond my understanding. I have met several dancers who were natural redheads and changed color to be "more attractive." When I tell them I think natural red hair and freckles are hot, hot, hot - they do not believe me.

Trying to understand ANY woman is impossible. Trying to understand red haired strippers is an exercise guaranteed to drive a mortal man insane.
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