
Comments by dallas702 (page 25)

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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dinner first or sex first?
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    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    A female president
    Pundits in the country love to talk politics waaaaaaaaay before US elections. That way, they generate viewer/reader responses to boost their claims for bigger paychecks without actually having to address real issues. It does not mean there is any actual support, or opposition, to any potential candidate. Hillary is an unlikely Democratic selection for 2016 because she has many, many negative points with voters. A lot of voters think she is great, but just as many will bring up Whitewater, Travelgate, Hillarycare, Libya and "What does it matter," plus her connections with Obama. US political parties do not want to put forward candidates with built in controversy. If she somehow does become the Democrat candidate, the party must then overcome both her own negatives and the growing opposition to Obama. That may become impossible if the current president is involved in any more negative issues. What happens between now and summer 2016 will really determine whether Democrats will risk putting Hillary up as candidate. Whether a democrat or a republican is elected is 2016, I just don't see much impact from D.C. on strip clubbing. The real issues will come down to local politics. In the run-up to 2016 local and state elections, wherever the contests are close, the incumbent candidate WILL make things difficult for strip clubs (because they are easy targets and opposition to crackdowns seldom speak up) and depending on what traction strip club crackdowns get in the press, the problems may continue through 2017. In general, in the US, the easy "sex is no big deal" culture is so prevalent among 18 to 30 YO girls that stripping and extras will be readily available in most markets unless the economy dramatically improves. That improvement is unlikely. So, whoever is the next president, strip clubs should remain a good value for mongers, PLs, and extras hounds well into 20-20.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Grossest thing that you have ever seen on stage.
    OKC, OK club around '98 or '99, I stepped up to the stage to tip a cute dancer and stayed a few minutes when she finished her dance and immediately pounced on my lap. The next (only slightly overweight) dancer came across the stage, knelt in front of us and spun around to show her ass. Just as the dancer pushed her butt within inches of our faces - she farted - a greasy, particle drooling, smelly fart. I don't think she did it on purpose, she really did seem mortified, and left the stage for a restroom, crying. But Uuuugggggggggggggggggggggg was that awful. The little dancer in my lap covered her mouth and ran for the back - she didn't return. I was trying to avoid puking and checking myself for shit spray. The DJ saw it happen and that asshole was laughing so hard he couldn't even set up the next song. I had nightmares about that hairy asshole burying me in butt grease!
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    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    And they're off! 25 Cheetahs Strippers sue the SDPD
    I hope the lawsuit from this "raid" will force SDPD to back off, and maybe even set president that a SWAT raid is not a license check and that police cannot raid a strip club to check permits unless they are also normally sending SWAT teams out to raid dry cleaners to check permits.
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    11 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Presence of Big Girls Dancing outside City Center Clubs
    Trixxi, if you are size 8-10 and 5'2" that is NOT excessive. And if those are your pictures on your profile then you appear to me to be perfectly padded and pleasantly shaped. I would enjoy you on my lap any day. OTOH, I have also seen, in a few clubs, a tendency to allow fat girls to dance. Fat girls are NOT my thing. If a chick has rolls of fat, or deep creases because she is obese, I really do NOT want to see that. But that is me. I know a few fat girls at a black club I visit once in a while who make a killing from young black dudes. They sit with me between VIPs just to take a break. They are fun to talk to and are not offended that I won't buy dances from them. One of them even procures skinny young, high mileage, chicks for me and laughs that I am paying three times as much per pound for my fun as her customers do! To each their own.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Rick's Cabaret To Bring Mega Adult Club To Chicago Market With Acquisition Of Cl
    I visited "O" several times in the past (between '98 and 2007) and was underimpressed each time. First the location. Difficult to get to, even though it is very near I295 and I90. The parking lot is behind a run down (and when I was there last time - closed) motel. Access was poor. Rick's may be willing to spend the money to improve visibility and access, but it will cost! The club also suffered from "local law disease." The Chicago area is a wasteland for strip clubs because local laws are heavily enforced for months before every election and whenever a politician needs a distraction. Harvey, IL (very close to Chicago's Southside) is subject to that kind of enforcement. Other clubs in the area also suffer the same legal constraints (Skybox and King of Diamonds). The unique exception to this limitation is Arnie's Idle Hour and the reason is that Arnie's is a black club and the politicians will not risk losing votes for raiding a black club. And finally, other posters are very right, Harvey is a crime ridden cesspool. The community is little better than the nearby, battle torn Chicago Southside neighborhoods where 600 to 1,000 gang shootouts a year are the norm. The area looks trashed, because it is. Businesses leave Harvey as fast as they can pack. Ricks may not have bought into a winner. That said, I hope that Rick's CAN make a success out of the run down "O". Considering that "O" was one of the brighter stars among businesses in Harvey, anything Ricks can do would likely improve the neighborhood. Hell, a landfill with attached radioactive waste dump would be an improvement for Harvey!
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    11 years ago
    Political Candidates part 2: Strip Clubs - NO; Sugar Daddy - YES!
    I think Mr. Jolly had more going for him than a hot young thing this election. The DNC and Ms. Sink outspent Jolly by more than 4 to 1 and made the "good" side of Obamacare a major issue in the campaign. It blew up in their faces. It is possible that in November, any Repub could get his picture taken in a strip club - with an underage dancer - and still get elected. I exaggerate, but the progressive/liberal movement is looking very iffy for November.
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    11 years ago
    When we discover why we go to strip clubs
    Drinking to excess is a problem. Drinking, regularly, in small amounts, is considered my most health professionals to be good for you. But there IS another "drinking problem" that may be a factor in your experience. Psychological dependency may also play a role. If you have subliminally connected drinking and getting aroused by strippers, the missing drinks may be messing with your "game". That is not the same as addiction to the booze, but it can mess with your head. When you next try out a fav club, order some fake beer or a "virgin" drink and see if that helps. Otherwise you may be a candidate for AA.
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    11 years ago
    I need a little help in Florida
    Prior posters are very correct that Tampa clubs are your best bet for hor dancers and better mileage (read the reviews). If you just want very good contact dances at a great price, set your GPS for the Inner Room in Coco Beach (east coast). The Inner Room has little privacy, lappers are done slightly on elevated benches along the east walls in plain view. But the dances are just $10, many of the ladies allow surprisingly liberal contact, stick shifting in common and take out is available.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Unexpected car inspection awaited me in parking lot of strip club
    I have found that an EOD sticker on each of my rear side windows reduces close inspections (Explosive Ordinance Disposal spelled out with "STAY BACK" in red). I do not do EOD but a friend retired from the Navy and kept a big stack of perimeter cards from his last duty.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit help
    Absolutely, get out of Detroit city. Out west are a number of clubs, including the ones Bellman mentioned, that will fit the bill. I can vouch for Bogart's - you should be able to make $300 go a very long way there. Flight Club usually has hotter chicks but you might not get what you want for $300. At the Henry VIII(s) you certainly can get what you want for LESS than $300, but you might not want to spend money on what you find there (though sometimes there are real treasures in VIII south). At Bogart's, I have been able to negotiate very specifically before going to the (tiny) VIP. Good luck, good hunting.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I would start with B) and if she had personality and game then my hands could enjoy the #10 body in braille. Besides, it is usually pretty dark in the VIP or lap dance areas.
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Any pointers on how to find extras?
    My first suggestion would be try an open casting call. In the alternative, you might try a local talent agent. ;)
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    11 years ago
    'Inappropriate' SC Music
    Some screwball DJ once played "A Little Night Music" by Mozart (Orchestra, violins, classical - long). I was getting a lapdance at the time and the dancer laughed and tried to grind in time with the music. She failed and got very distracted trying harder to keep in time. It was not as fun as it might have been! I love classical, I adore good lap dances. The two do not often go together.
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    11 years ago
    A Retirement Announcement From Toronto Sweetie
    My condolences, Art. While Sweetie may continue to be available, the experience is likely to change. I am saddened by your loss. I wish her well and I hope that you find solace inside the next dozen strippers.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    North vs. South
    A native Texan, I lived in Neus Jersey for several years. While in Jersey, I traveled extensively through the Mid-Atlantic and New England. My experience is exactly the opposite of the OP's. Dancers in the North East were, in my experience, more often bitchier and much more willing to discuss their personal issues/problems/deadbeat families and SOs. I also found that many more of the strippers in the greater New York area were ROBs. Very often I would encounter northern strippers who were very snarky about other dancers . And the New Your/New Jersey women particularly, were extremely foul mouthed. Many seemed to believe that shaving coochie, legs and pits about once a month was enough (it wasn't!). Not every dancer was a loser personality. Some of the hottest and nicest women I've ever met were in clubs up there. My softened, slower, southern accent seemed to be very popular with dancers and I often received compliments on my manners and kindness, sometimes from the bitchy, foul mouthed dancers. I know part of it was cultural, but much of the complaining, bitching and language was distracting. While my experience is over a decade in the past, it was also contemporaneous with trips to clubs in the Southeast and Southwest. From Miami and the Keys, through NOLA, Texas and Oklahoma I find bitchiness and meanness to be less common and smiles to seem more real. Hell, even the mid-west is much better than the Mid-Atlantic. Mileage may suck in the midwest (except ESL) but at least they are nice an honest about it. And my limited experience on the left coast indicated a better environment than New York.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Have You Done Mardi Gras ?
    Papi, Mardi Gras (and the many parade/parties in the nights leading up to the Tuesday night before Lent) are something to experience - at least once before you die. The parades (there are several) are more than uninhibited street parties, but I lack the skill to really describe what exactly they are. The drinking and party action in the French Quarter is something not really found anywhere else. It is best if you go with friends, so (hopefully) one of you can still be able to tell a cabbie what hotel to drop you at when the sun comes up the next morning (after coffee and pastries). The French Quarter SCs are never great, whether you are seeking beauty, a good grind or extras, they are more seedy and less classy. Most of them are overpriced, understaffed and tourist focused all year. That is especially true in the weeks before Lent. If you are looking for extras or take out, they can be had, but clubs away from the NOLA downtown/French Quarter area better choices (like Visions). OTOH - the Bourbon Street strip clubs are a drunken party on parade nights. Almost anything can happen (including you getting rolled) and most nights almost everything does happen. GO! PARTY! DRINK! Celebrate. Kiss the ladies. Throw beads at beautiful girls who will flash their bare tits at you in return. Go once and you may never want to return or you may be back next year!
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT. Which foreign county do you live in?
    I initially agreed with Jackslash that some connections are weak. But then I saw New York and North Korea, and I think that they may be on to something!
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Slam Dunked the UAW.
    The origins of cooperative labor groups negotiating better working conditions is not in dispute. Labor unions were once a wonderful thing for workers. In the USA that changed dramatically beginning in the 1930s and accelerating in the 1960s and 1970s. Unions failed to protect themselves from mob influences in the 30s and 40s and by the 60s union leadership in this country was corrupt in every national labor organization. That criminal control was the beginning of distrust for unions, but certainly not the end. Union leadership became more dishonest as the national unions carefully separated from the mob. Union leaders in the 70s and 80s became more and more greedy. Particularly the AFL-CIO and the UAW pushed for greater and greater concessions from employers, repeatedly raised dues, increased employer paid "benefit" and pension costs - then spent the union windfalls on perks for union leaders and bonuses (reported and "less formal") for union bosses. Shortfalls in pension plans plague union balance sheets to this day. The union worker in the 80s did see some improvement in wages, but little else, The increased costs forced many unionized companies to reduce staff and reduce hours. Eventually many union leaders were caught with their hand in the cookie jar, but the criminal charges were too little, too late. Union leaders had killed the goose. That history explains why so many people now dislike and distrust unions. But notably, NOT all unions were corrupt and not all union leaders were dishonest. Unions representing airline pilots, cabin crews and ground crews have been very good at representing their members in negotiations with some cooperating airlines and especially good at protecting jobs and pay in dealing with hostile airlines. Other unions also continue to do what the are supposed to do. In Europe, companies have lived with socialist governments and unionized companies for so long the companies, like VW, have learned to deal with well run unions. In the US, company leaders and stockholders fear unions. That fear in not because US companies do not want to pay fair wages or offer reasonable benefits. Management and ownership fear unreasonable demands, not requested by their employees, but demanded by greedy union bosses unrelated to the local workers, demands that could force the business to close. So Shadowcat, your experience is not uncommon but is not the same experience that others have had. And Farmerart, south of your border we do not fear organized workers but we hate corrupt union bosses who steal from companies and their own members. Minnow, I am not opposed to workers getting a fair wage, or even having a say in how they do their job - but I am strongly opposed to criminal organizations like the UAW or AFL-CIO having the power to dictate to the people who create the wealth we all benefit from. Clubber, public sector unions are devious criminal organizations that should never have been allowed but now infect every state as well as federal employees. I worked in a federal agency in the 80s, when the union demanded a vote at that agency 97% on eligible employees voted AGAINST the union but, because small majorities favored unions in 3 of 137 locations, the NLRB certified the union as the sole employee representative for all non-management employees. If the US government stacks the deck for unions, then unions have an unfair advantage. In this country the federal government is seldom trusted and (now for good reason) the federal employee is rarely trusted. So unions get even more hate.
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    11 years ago
    Decision 2 Discuss
    ". . . distinguish be sarcasm . . ." should be ". . . distinguish between sarcasm . . ." One day I will read what I type before pressing 'post comment'.
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    11 years ago
    Decision 2 Discuss
    Jackslash, as creepy pervert I resemble that remark. I am almost appalled that you would make such an outrageously accurate assertion. Your insightful allegation is an affront to almost every pathetic troll on this board. Such insidious self diminishment leaves me near hyperventilation and not nearly flabbergasted. Personally, I admit that I do occasionally enjoy posting here to tweak those participants who do not seem to be able to distinguish be sarcasm and social sophistry or discourse and dissimilation.
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    11 years ago
    OT: from NEWSMAX -Detroit Police Chief: Armed Citizens Deter Crime
    sure ibbaicnl, you can get the clearance figures from the FBI, but they absolutely do not make it easy. The FBI does not (and insists they will not, keep a tally (statistic) of crimes attempted and aborted when victim or bystander shows a weapon. The information is in their reports though. Try: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded-offense for direct information on defensive use of weapons by civilians the Cato Institute study can be found at: http://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/WP-Tough-Targets.pdf
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    11 years ago
    OT: from NEWSMAX -Detroit Police Chief: Armed Citizens Deter Crime
    @ilbbaicnl, thanks for your comment, I understand many people feel the same. However, the facts differ from your presumption. Police can respond to an emergency call in minutes. Bad guys can hurt a lot of people in seconds. A citizen with a gun, usually makes bad guys run away and almost always stops the bad guy from doing harm. About 70 times every day a civilian good guy with a gun prevents a bad guy from hurting others, and seldom does the good guy have to pull a trigger. The national news seldom report these incidents, in part because they are usually not very interesting (think; "mugger runs away when intended victim draws handgun"). In part, the story of "good guy with gun stops crime" doesn't fit the script that news organizations use. Up until about 100 years ago people were pretty much self reliant and police had very specialized functions, usually including property security, urban patrol and 'after the fact' investigation. It has only been with the tremendous growth in the size and cost of government (city, state and federal) that police have promoted themselves as "protectors." But the truth is, they cannot be everywhere and nut jobs, thieves and violent people can be anywhere. I am not opposed to peace officers. My father was a deputy sheriff, one grandad was a town constable and the other was FBI (before the FBI was armed), and two ancestors were Texas Rangers. I have worked with local, state and federal law enforcement in a prior career and still stay in touch with some of them. I know some very good cops. But they cannot be everywhere and they cannot protect everyone all the time. For instance, of the many school shootings in the past few years, the only time the crazy bad guy had to confront someone with a gun - the mentally ill little coward shot himself immediately! These sick people go to schools BECAUSE they KNOW there are no good guys with guns there. Same with movie theaters, or the Southside of Chicago. Where "everybody knows" that some of the people are carrying guns, potential thieves, muggers and murderers don't misbehave. If you wanted to pull and armed robbery, would rob a gun show, a police station or a Starbucks with a "NO guns" sign outside? If I never (again) encounter a threatening situation that will be great. But because I am prepared, people around me are safer even if they don't know it.
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    11 years ago
    Ship stuck in the ice was studying global warming, haha
    There are a number of "high risk" natural disasters lurking on our planet. Vesuvius may blow again sometime soon and over a dozen other volcanoes have been identified as potential "Krakatoa" eruptions. Fault lines in California, the Aaain Pacific rim, Europe and the Middle East could cause terrible earthquakes. The Azores and Canary Islands pose both fault risks and potential volcanic eruptions that could cause the tsunami Londonguy mentioned. And don't forget solar flares and meteor bombardments. We are living on the edge of total extinction every day = so do not put off your next trip to the SC, it could be your last chance!
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    11 years ago
    Ship stuck in the ice was studying global warming, haha
    rockstar666, perhaps you should check actual figures instead of the "tweaked" numbers the pseudoscientists pushing manmade warming are using. A few actual facts they "forget" to mention: Global temperatures have NOT risen in the last 17 years. Antarctic sea ice (the stuff that trapped the Russian ship full of pseudoscientists) has covered more of the ocean than ever before - for the second year in a row. This is summer down there and where they were has in the past been open water year round. Melting Alaskan glaciers (supposedly caused by manmade global warming) have revealed forests and even dry land villages dating back over 1,000 years. If manmade warming is melting glaciers why was part of Alaske warmer 1,000 years ago than it is today? Arctic sea ice, after about 22 years of steady reductions in the 80s and 90s, has apparently begun to increase in coverage. Carbon emissions from industry, autos and power plants, blamed for much of the manmade global warming - actually amount to about 1/100th of 1% annually of the average total (chemically IDENTICAL) output of volcanoes. It is certain that the planet has been in a (generally) warming phase for about 12,000 years. That warming significantly predates any possible human cause. It is also reasonable to guess that modern human activities have some impact on climate. But it is far too early, and we have far too little real evidence, to claim manmade warming is a risk. Note that the major proponents of manmade warming ALL have a financial interest in either "proving" human cause or providing "green solutions." I think that explains much of the "evidence" offered to date.