
Comments by dallas702 (page 24)

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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the definition of a big penis?
    I have received comments on the length of mine, "Oooh, nice big dick!" "Long feels verrry good to me." But, like you, I don't know what is average nor how much I hear just SS. I heard someone say that 4" to 5" is average, but that may have been just a tiny guy justifying penile underachievement.
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    10 years ago
    In the wind
    OT: Which States make up the 'South"
    If find it interesting that in a "new" political "War Between the States," the "South" will certainly include the expected Georgia (Atlanta's yankiefication notwithstanding), Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas. Traditionally southern states like Virginia (with high populations of liberals near DC) and Florida (all of South FL is the NYC retirement home) are less likely to oppose Federal controls. And that the new "South" would certainly include states like North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma. Even Wisconsin, Maine and New Hampshire might opt in (not likely, but still possible). The primary causes of the 1858 - 1860 dispute between the industrial Northeast and the rural South were States rights v Federalism, and "protective laws" preventing southern stats from acquiring ANY modern industry. A second tier argument was whether new states could opt in as states allowing slavery or whether they must be no slavery states. At NO time, before the southern Senators and Congressmen walked out of congress in 1860, did any elected official propose legislation to end slavery. (That specifically DOES include Lincoln!) The unpopularity of slavery with so many people was the hinge that the Federalist north used to help fund, prosecute and sustain the war long enough to wear down the South. The primary cause of the disfunction in D.C. today is the disconnect between conservatives/libertarians who want a small, limited national government to leave people alone (state's rights) and progressive/liberals who want the big, all powerful government to handle most problems (Federalism). It is therefore NOT surprising that the federalism advocates call upon racism (slavery hangover) as a tool to get their way. The players have changed, but the argument has not!
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    10 years ago
    End Of Freedom Of Speech?
    @Slick, I think you were responding to GMD's question, "@Dallas-private businesses that now must allow concealed carry where before they didn't." but GMD did respond correctly for KY. In GA, conceal carry will be legal - when the individual property owner says so - in bars and restaurants after 7/1, but failure to heed signs that say "no" can result in a ticket and a fine. In Florida CC laws are also changing but fines may be part of the plan. An excellent example of "private institutions that have tried to restrict the 2nd Amendment," are all of the Bloomberg anti-gun groups he has funded, like the Mayors for gun grabbing, Mothers for gun grabbing and more recently, Everytown gun grabbers which he promises to fund with $50 Million. (think of all the lapdances and VIPs that could have bought!)
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    10 years ago
    another Troll with fake reviews - doc_hollerday
    tumblingdice, dude - you really need to chill. Your over the top attacks are tiresome. I cannot prove doc_hollerday is Juice. I suspect they are the same, but that is not verifiable fact. I intentionally left out the guess as to who opened the troll account, to avoid wasting time with speculation. My point is not, "Juice strikes again" nor is it "a different troll strikes." I ask what members consider an appropriate action to deal with this.
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    10 years ago
    End Of Freedom Of Speech?
    I tend to agree with Slick on this. Other posters are correct this is NOT a "constitutional freedom of speech" issue. The government should have no say whatsoever in this matter. (Even though Obama did - again - speak out of turn.) But in a very real and practical sense, people ARE now constrained in what they are allowed to say. Anyone who fails to meet the "politically correct" standard is attacked in many vicious ways. Words have consequences, but the reaction recently appears to be so extreme as to stifle speech and create an atmosphere of PC bullying. Paula Dean admitted to using the "N" word - OVER 20 YEARS AGO - and is treated like a rabid dog. The old rancher in Nevada, Bundy, says some really stupid things "wondering if Blacks might have been happier picking cotton" than sitting unemployed on a project stoop - and the media goes into a frenzy, stopping just short of demanding a lynching. And an 80 y/o Billionaire (up for a NAACP lifetime achievement award) asks his girlfriend in a private phone conversation, not to publicly hang around with Blacks - and he is banned from the NBA for life and fined $2.5 million. His remarks place him exactly in the frame of reference of anyone (of any race) born in the 20s, 30s or 40s. Personally, I think the Clipper's owner has acted like a desperate PL with this mistress for years. Buying her several cars worth millions, and a condo, and "X", and "Y", and begging her not to date Blacks. He should face some consequences. $2.5 million? Forced sale of the club? Lifetime ban? That all sounds very PC police to me.
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    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    Simple Question Shadowcat
    My, my, my goodness gracious! Two grown men fighting over the attentions of a young lady. I fear this will not turn out well. Will the challenger, Sir FumblingDick, prevail with his specious allegations of fraternal associations? Or, will the offended, Sir ReallyOldCat, succeed in retaining his besmirched dignity (and keep the young damsel in his stable)? Will it be, used condom wrappers at 10 paces? Or shall they send forth their selected strippers for a surrogate encounter of the third kind? Stay tuned for further developments.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why are you sitting here by yourself?
    Papi stole my line. I have used, "I was waiting for you." or some derivative for years. There are many follow on lines, like, "But I've waited so long I'm not in the mood now." or: "Where have you been my whole life?" or: "I was beginning to think you didn't like me." or: "I have hand-cuffs and the duct tape in my back pocket, are you ready?" or: "I was gonna' go shoot that guy you were with, but I forgot my silencer so it would make too much noise." or: you get the idea!
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    OT: Ban Georgia!
    Contrary to the slant put on the facts by CNN, the small changes in the existing GA weapons carry law were mostly about fixing problems or unequal provisions in the prior law. The prior law said nothing about carrying in unsecured areas of airports but one federal lawsuit asserted that it was OK while another seemed to claim it wasn't. (It is OK to conceal carry in airports in many states). The old law prohibited any form of carry in a place that served liquor by the drink but every other business in the state could choose whether to allow weapons in their place of business. Now restaurant, tavern and bar owners have the same right to choose as anyone else. The same for churches. Prior law had a blanket exclusion, now churches may choose to allow concealed carry and many in the state have already said they will allow worshipers to carry. Schools are different. With the new law, Georgia school districts may choose to identify individuals (whether teachers, administrators or community volunteers) to conceal carry (with regular background checks, training and proper permit) ON school property and at school activities. It is a way to allow schools to stop the next crazy mass murder BEFORE he kills. Overall the changes were not as dramatic as either side touted. But, I do think people in Georgia will be safer when the law kicks in in July.
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    10 years ago
    Bonding Over Beverages
    I was on a stool at the corner of the bar, coffee cup in my hand and a half empty glass of water next to me on the bar. The bartender left the coffee pot on the bar for me to pour my next cup. A dancer walks up, wiggles into the seat next to me, leans in close with her hands way up on my lap and whispers in my ear, "How come you're not drinking?"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Actual Real-World Interaction with Dancers
    Some dancers are just too "out there" for me to be comfortable interacting outside a club (Hell, some are so far out there I'm not comfortable interacting with them inside a club!). A few more live lifestyles that would naturally exclude me (committed lesbians for instance). But, in my experience, most dancers are pretty much OK - even if many of them are a bit strange in one way or another. I dated one dancer for more than two years, unfortunately she was one of the many dancers who had severe problems dealing with everyday life outside the club. She couldn't manage to keep a car (they always broke and she always picked a shade tree mechanic who ripped her off). She couldn't manage to pay her rent on time, or balance a check book (which meant banks refused to let her open accounts), or keep groceries in the house. Our times together were usually very pleasant. It was never a P4P thing, but I was generous with dinners out, gifts of clothing, shopping, short trips together. Often I stopped at a grocery store and picked up a few staples on my way to her apartment. It ended after she checked herself into a mental health facility because she didn't want to take her meds anymore (bi-polar). After a talk with her, I cut it off - she was refusing to take meds - even in the facility.). A few other dancers have, over the years, been in (or at least on the edges of) my circle of friends. Some were perfectly normal, notable only because they were prettier and healthier than most other people. Others were walking disasters, not bad people, just very bad at living life!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: Godzilla
    I gotta' agree with Jackslash, here. Some of the classics were fantastic. I can still remember sitting in the middle of the first row on a Saturday afternoon with popcorn and a "big" coke, my head tilted back to see all of the enormous screen as Reptilicus ripped a city apart while tank rounds bounced off. Best $0.50 I ever spent!
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    10 years ago
    Private Room Tips
    Item number one: there really is NOT any "private" room in Baby Dolls, Dallas. What you can rent, for an excessive price, is one of those booths along the walls - no real privacy. In BDs your best option for increased fun is find a lady who will take you behind the stage and build a chair fort during the day shift. Also available near to BDs is the Cabaret Royal (6 or 8 blocks away) where the room is darker and chair forts are common. the CR also has an upstairs (not much more privacy) and semi private rooms (also overpriced). Adjacent (and attached) to the CR is the Faire Room (an all nude, BYOB, juice bar. The Faire has been raided a few times and recently the action has been hit or miss. One nice option is you can get a "VIP" admission to the Faire and go back and forth between CR and Faire with no additional charges (daytime price $30, but it goes way up if you buy it later in the evening). If you bring booze, the Faire staff will hold your bottles for you when you got to the CR. Just down Mananna St is the Clubhouse, another nude, BYOB club, The Clubhouse has a Rock and roll theme (it is owned by an aging rocker). It has a ground floor VIP with little privacy but at least it is separated from the open main floor. The club also has a $35 "VIP" upstairs which is also pretty open but covers a lot of space and is seldom crowded, so privacy can usually be found. Fun can be found at all four clubs, but remember it is up to the girl what is on the menu. My experience is that day shift, middle of the afternoon, is the best time to find ladies looking to earn a little extra for fun (except the Faire Room - days are usually dead there). Good luck and good hunting.
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    10 years ago
    Dominican Republic Erotic Vacations
    There have been several threads over the years about sex vacation destinations, including DR. The advertiser who revived this old thread is one of about a dozen "all inclusive" sex vacation providers in the Dominican Republic. There are other package options, most just as good and less expensive. But, if you are interested in a vacation filled with strange pussy, instead of a package trip, just go to the DR and explore! First, prostitution is legal in the DR and the local attitudes about sex are VERY different from the US. Second there are places - all over the island - where financially enhanced sex is easily available. Most strip clubs there have in-house rooms specifically for sex and also have posted prices for take out. Then, there are places like "Blackbeard's" where you can rent a room for a day or a week and have your choice of dozens of young women who are on premises specifically to show you a very good time. The All Inclusive prices in the DR vary significantly and so does the service/quality, but the price tag does not indicate quality. The individual ladies on the island are generally available for much less than you might imagine. "Per hour" (actually, the norm is about 2 hours time spent) prices might run anywhere from $40 US up to $80 (anything more and you are overpaying). But even better are hooking up with a chica for an overnight of longer. Some of these young women will join you for days, cook, blow you, straighten your room, fuck wildly, shop for groceries, do a striptease, act as tour guide, fuck some more - all for less than $200 a day. Papi's comments about DR chicas with bad attitudes may be true for those in the US (on that, I bow to his experience), but it does NOT match my experience in the DR. Truly, many of these young women behave as if they know they are beautiful and desired (mostly because the are very beautiful and desirable) but in my experience they also appreciate the experience and the money they get from being with Americans (mostly US and Canada) Most speak some English, though knowing a little Spanish is very helpful because very few are conversational in English. In the DR, these women can earn in one month of "partying" more than a skilled laborer earns in a year. These are NOT sex slaves, oppressed by pimps, or forced into prostitution. These young women generally choose to experience money and exotic foreign men for a few years. But do be careful, there are many women from Haiti "working" in the DR - stay away from them. It is also worth noting that women in the DR are radiantly beautiful. The island mixes native Indian, Spanish, African and Anglo into a look than is pleasing to the eye and to the touch. They are light skinned to very dark, blue eyed to brown, blonds to nappy black haired, but almost always beautiful.
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    11 years ago
    Biden, Reid, Sharpton
    OK people, all this angst is unnecessary. The only thing anyone needs to know is that liberalism is a mental illness. A "liberal" is unable to function is a free society because a "liberal" cannot observe and process reality. A "liberal" observes and reinterprets the real world to fit their myriad delusions. Like other mental illnesses, a "liberal" is unable to accept factual input and becomes agitated or angry when confronted with information that does not support their delusions. Note the body of science on sociopaths, and paranoid schizophrenia for examples of liberal response to facts. So it is unproductive try and argue with any liberal and can be dangerous to attack their delusions with facts.. Until we have the mental health structures and capacity to treat this massive mental health problem, the only thing we can do is ignore the rants of the less damaged ones, vote out of office the seriously impaired "liberal" and recognize their delusions for what they are.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The troll motto.
    After reading Shadowcat's post, I looked at my "ignore" list and noted it has grown significantly from the last time I checked. I also noted that over half of the comments on this post are just little blue names from my ignore list. So what can be done about the volume of 12 year old jerk posts on this site? I really do not have any possible answer.
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    11 years ago
    What is your preferred type of lapdance?
    I'm with Shadow on this one. My fav lapdance is nasty, hands on, extras included, with either HJ, BBBJ, of FS depending on the place and my moood.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    OT- Letting other driver's merge
    I guess Clubber's rational also explains why you see so few really bad motorcycle drivers. One really stupid move and the dude on a bike is a grease spot on the road.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    HJ vs BJ or FS
    Sometimes I just want to grope a hot young dancer. Sometimes I want to snuggle and play. Sometimes I want a down and dirty FS good time. And sometimes I stop in a club and get a beer even though I know I simply do not have time to play! A hand job might do the trick for me on rare occasion, and I would appreciate the difference in price, but (within reason) the price is not my first deciding factor.
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    11 years ago
    Is Your Lap Taken?
    One of my favorite stripper lines is, "Excuse me, is that lap taken?" When that line is followed by an introduction and request for permission to sit in my lap, I usually enjoy the visit. When the young damsel makes manual several adjustments to improve her "seat," I usually have a very good time. That said, I am not convinced lap vs chair is a definitive marker for entertainment value!
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Surprise, surprise...Strip club 'pole tax' falls short of goal
    I agree, no one should be surprised when these ill conceived attacks on adult businesses fail to do what they claim. But I am confused! From my clubbing days in IL, I know that there are more clubs in the state than are listed on TUSCL, and the site list includes 68 clubs. Subtracting the Chicago juice bars and statewide lingerie studios still leaves more than 37 clubs, selling booze and having TUSCL reviews. Did someone not pay, did the report confuse companies and clubs, or were there other exceptions to the law?
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    11 years ago
    RE: wait time for dances
    As a more mature long time SC customer (read: old, overweight lecher), I have noticed that in some clubs the dancers are less inclined to "seek" customers and must be approached to initiate contact. These clubs represent a small minority of the clubs I have visited. In general, it is initially awkward to be sitting in a strip club observing a number of uncommitted dancers - none of whom will approach. A couple of times I have bailed, not knowing whether the lack of company was bored women, my wardrobe, or club rules. Several times I approached a dancer of barkeep and asked. Turns out, there are some clubs with rules about dancers hitting on customers. Usually, it is just some kind of, "wait until he finishes his 1st drink" rule. In other clubs it is something of a club "culture" thing - the strippers tend to wait until a customer makes eye contact, signals or walks up. Either way, I don't much care for the vibe, or the wait. And I have been in clubs where the hottest dancers wait to be approached, while others are walking around asking, "wanna' dance?" This too, is confusing to me. And, worst of all, it forces me to "think" and make intentional decisions, things I do NOT go into strip clubs expecting to have to do. Honestly, it is off putting to have to adjust to different, often unknown, rules when visiting a new club. But, OTOH, if the strippers are hot, the dances are over the top (and in the pants), and the prices are not killing me - any club can be worth it.
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    11 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Years ago, female co-workers thought it was neat to take me out to Hooters for lunch. They did it several times, even arraigned a surprise birthday party for me at Hooters. My overall impression was less than stellar. I have never been back. The waitresses wore "cast iron" bras and seldom provided anything better than poor service. The food sucked! I have never has a good meal or snack at a Hooters. The prices were too high.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is Clubber really Juice?
    There it is. That South Florida, motorcycle riding, Asian stripper lovin' old white guy - thing - is just a cover for the real 400 lb. South Carolina, KFC chomping, big bootie humping, serial baby daddy with mental health issues. I knew something rang false with Clubber. I mean, really, how could a tiny Asian spinner ride on the back of Clubber's bike - there is no way she could get her arms around an old white guy to even stay on!
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Songs that SHOULD be played in strip clubs
    Knights in White Satin, Moody Blues (never reaching the end!) Inna' Godda' da Vida (In the Garden of Eden) Stones - the full 17 minute album cut (imagine lip and crotch locked with your fav stripper through the entire 5 minute drum solo!) Brick House - The Commodores (concert cut) I saw them in concert about '76 or so and the live performance of Brick House had every woman in the venue on her feet, pushing hips and tush every which way - it was hotttttt!!!! (and it was not just the doobie everyone was smoking.)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Non-dance activity during a lap dance
    One South Florida club has booths lined up side by side with 40" square side panels that block the customers view but leaves the dancer mostly exposed. I was enjoying a dance from a cute spinner when a dancer from nearby started talking to my dancer. My dancer did respond, even added comments of her own, but kept eye contact with me and paid careful attention to my needs while grinding and talking. During the second (or third or forth - I can't remember) dance, my dancer continued her conversation while actively using both hands in my pants and enjoying two fingers FIV. She interrupted the other girl with a, "just a minute" break for a very convincing orgasm, them smiling at me and leaning in for a DFK. She resumed he conversation, and handiwork, with a pleasant smile. I didn't much mind her talking - that time.