
Biden, Reid, Sharpton

The comments they've made the last few days are insane. Obama is a clown commanding fools. Sorry guys, but Jesus Christ!


  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    That is an insult to clowns!
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    In other words, without the exact quotes...

    Biden: It was a wonderful thing to be bombed by terrorists in Boston, because it made us stronger

    Reid: Peaceful American citizens protesting are terrorists

    Sharpton: Obama is almost Jesus-like
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    RE: Sharp, err Dullton. And isn't it the left that whats religion out of everything?
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    What happened to the good old days when those geniuses Bush and Cheney were starting wars that have cost billions but can't be won?

  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
  • LarryBird33
    10 years ago
    My sex cost Mexico billions
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Because even though it began with so much pain and tragedy, the last 12 months have been a blessing. To see a city and a country stick together after a horrible event, to recover as quickly as we did, well, that's a blessing." - David Ortiz

    I guess you can add Big Papi to your clown list. Just don't say it to his face.

    Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/mlb/new…
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    True dat Jack. I'm no fan of Obama, but its not like the alternative is very appealing.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Anyone can see what Big Papi was trying to say,I give him all the respect due,that coming from a Yankee fan.
    Bush and Cheney were all about Iraqi oil, bless their hearts.
    Whenever I get bummed by our current administration I will Google some random phrase such as,um say"FLIR Apache Attacks". Warms the cockles of my heart everytime.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Jackslash for the win!
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Randy Anukam for the loss.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Ah, the uniformed masses have spoken. If the "logic" of some had been followed by my Grandparent and Parents, I'd likely be typing this in German, or perhaps Japanese. From Korea onward, well the informed will know and those that aren't will continue in their ignorant bliss!

    OK, off soapbox and off to a club. Something we can all agree on. :)
  • crsm27
    10 years ago
    How people forget....

    The Conflicts in Iraq and Afgahnistan.....

    We had a terrorist act happen on US Soil. Not done by two people but by many. They highjacked planes and were crashing them at targets. So this country went on a war path and wanted action.... So what two country's were hiding the "terrorists".... Afgahanistan. So we went in and tried to find them in Afgahanistan.

    The UN wanted to go do the nuke checks in Iraq... So they kept getting denied access....again and again. So the UN kept coming to the US and said something needs to be done....So what do we do...invade! What else was found... Mass graves, evidence of torture (sadam's sons!!!), evidence of genocide, etc. No nukes but lots of atrocities agains humans and citizens.

    Now I agree we stayed way too long and maybe we shouldn't have invaded. But it was not all BUSH and CHENEY's fault. We as a society wanted it right away. Our Congress voted on it pretty unanimously. It wasn't a one sided vote!!! So to put the blame on just those two is ridiculous.

    I too will get off my soap box.

    You think the wars were bad and a drain on our economy....just wait to you see with the healthcare bill. If you read all the article that they are printing now pumping their chests saying it is a victory and a great bill....they are wrong!! Like saying it is going to cost less than first estimated.... Didn't they say it wasn't going to cost the tax payers one dime when they pushed the bill through?? But now it will cost 10 billion a year in tax payers money!!!! But that is a victory. They are pumping their chests that 7 million people signed up....wasn't over 40 million uninsured?? So 7 million is a victory?? Wasn't the projection before the roll out they wanted 10 million....but they lowered the goals once they saw it wasn't working....so now it looks like a victory...

    People...wake up and smell the bull shit!!!

    ok....now i will hop off this soap box....and yes I need to go to a titty bar to relax.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Where you want to meet? :)
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Isn't it funny that despite the fact regime change in Iraq became official American policy under Bill Clinton, supported by Ted Kennedy and that both wars were approved by Congress, including a significant majority of Democrats that it's "Bush's" war. Its also funny that despite these two wars, which added to the national debt, that including them, in 8 years, Bush increased the national debt far less than Obama has without Iraq in five years. Obama is a racist. Sharpton is a racist. Reid is just a narrow minded, despicable, Mormon. I am aware that the two least educated groups in America, by far went almost 100% for Obama and that Liberals make money off the poor, but when we elect people simply because we don't want to be called racist when we hold a Black American to the same standard that we do White Americans we are doomed. It is hysterical when the left embraces JFK because JFK was a patriot, a military man, a tax cutter and most famously said: "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". Sounds like a right wing Republican to me and he wouldn't be a Democrat today. As far as what Biden said? As a Bostonian he can go Fuck himself. Tired of these piss ants who want open borders and illegal immigration coming here for a photo op. The idea that what Biden said in his photo op compares to what Ortiz said in Fenway immediately after the bombing is just more typical stupidity from Progressives. What Ortiz said was inane. Ortiz lives here. The patriots day game at Fenway starts at 11 so we can go see the finish of the marathon, 1/2 mile from the ballpark. Ortiz lives here. Biden doesn't. As far as the economy? In January 2007 the Democrats regained control of the House and the Senate. Within six months we had a 50% drop in the stock market and a 50% rise in unemployment. Only stupid people believe and vote Democrat. People who read understand that when Bush had a Republican Congress we had 4% unemployment. So happy I am in my fifties and that I will not live to see Obama and his ilk turn my country into a larger, colder version of Zimbabwe.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Fuck it. I was gonna comment something intelligent with actual references but why. Left or right, nobody is gonna see the forest for the trees.
  • crsm27
    10 years ago
    @ clubber....

    Would love to meet....but I am in MN and you are down south I presume...;-)

    @slick... You are correct. People don't want to see the truth either way or what ever side you are on. I lean to the right and can see good in something the left is doing....but i have to look hard now a days...lol

    But you are correct....It will all fall on deaf ears. The one that kills me is these elected officials forget one main thing... They govern all not just the people who voted for them. They need to remember they need to make legislation that is good for everyone not just a few. They forget....they already have over 50% of the nation that didn't vote for them. yet they still are making laws for all....(Dem and Rep have about 90% of the votes the rest are independents)
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    You guys on the left, you like Socialism? You like elected officials talking crazy shit like the above examples? You never address that.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Mikey,they never address anything.Mo Mexicans mo votes.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    The last four presidents have been fuckwits. I have to admit Slick-Willy was the best of them because he did the least damage. All have usurped the constitution to the point that there was legitimate grounds for impeachment. Obama actually could be charged with Treason as his actions fit the constitutional description of treason and in another time he would have been. He is a Chicago Crook with a god complex.
    People have forgotten when they call the Republicans racist that George Wallace was a democrat and the south was solidly democrat and had the Jim Crowe laws until Reagan changed that. The KKK was a creation of the post civil war democrats. Also that most all the anti discrimination laws were passed and enacted at the end of Eisenhower's administration but the Democratic congress refused to put any teeth in the laws until later under pressure from men like Barry Goldwater and Robert Kennedy.
    Then you have Bloomberg former mayor of NYC claiming he has already been admitted to heaven because of his crusade against soda, salt and the constitution. Where he really just a megalomaniac with short man's disease.
    The most feared words in the English language are: "I am from the government and I am here to help"
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Suck on that you pussy liberals.
  • dallas702
    10 years ago
    OK people, all this angst is unnecessary. The only thing anyone needs to know is that liberalism is a mental illness. A "liberal" is unable to function is a free society because a "liberal" cannot observe and process reality. A "liberal" observes and reinterprets the real world to fit their myriad delusions. Like other mental illnesses, a "liberal" is unable to accept factual input and becomes agitated or angry when confronted with information that does not support their delusions. Note the body of science on sociopaths, and paranoid schizophrenia for examples of liberal response to facts.

    So it is unproductive try and argue with any liberal and can be dangerous to attack their delusions with facts.. Until we have the mental health structures and capacity to treat this massive mental health problem, the only thing we can do is ignore the rants of the less damaged ones, vote out of office the seriously impaired "liberal" and recognize their delusions for what they are.
  • Ironcat
    10 years ago
    This is why, when I was a bartender, I never discussed politics or religion. Everyone has their own opinion and everyone thinks their's is the only opinion that is right. I would much rather talk about strippers.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Try arguing with a liberal(Rino) with OCD.Sorry what I said about you in a previous comment
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    I can agree when you state, "Everyone has their own opinion and everyone thinks their's is the only opinion that is right."

    The difference here is the left can not argue FACTS. They have many wonderful sounding opinions, true enough. Simply put, liberalism or whatever other moniker you wish to use has failed every time it has been tried.

    Even the Pilgrims gave it a shot, and no, shadowcat was not there! :)
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