
Comments by dallas702 (page 23)

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    10 years ago
    New Jersey
    Deaf dancer
    About 6 years ago, in an "off island" club near Montreal, I met a friendly young dancer who said she was "mostly" deaf. She explained (in surprisingly clear English) that she had implants that allowed her to hear a little (she used the drum beat of the song that was playing as an example) but could not really hear voices in a crowd. She was fluent in sign language (I am not) and skilled at lip reading. As previously mentioned - lip reading is imprecise and involves (according to this dancer) a lot of guesswork. I got most of this info from her while we were sitting outside smoking (smoking was allowed inside but many of the dancers chose to smoke home rolled "cigarettes" on a private deck out back.) She did say that it was easier to "read" lips when she also got clues from voice sounds or the vibration from the speaker's mouth. That was her excuse for spending most of the time we were talking straddling my lap with one hand on my cheek. Her other hand was also busy. She had me holding the "cigarette" so she could keep my attention during our conversation.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Jobs
    @Ranukan, you might also look at marine jobs. If you can stand constant changes in your daily schedule (watch standing is like shift work on steroids) you could probably find work on an oceangoing commercial vessel that will meet your income goals. The pay is not "through the roof" but with appropriate licenses (US Coast Guard administered "masters/mates" certificates) you can find both short term and long term employment. The same licenses can also get you a job on a cruise ship or even a private yacht. Other maritime jobs on the water might involve physical labor (tug boat crew, engineering) but allow you be home most nights. Marine construction/repair is also a surprisingly well paid option with limited training required (welder, pipefitter, diesel mechanic). Usually, starting these jobs without a skilled history means reduced starting wages and lots of OJT.
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    10 years ago
    Job related OT
    Don't ignore "option 2," the lump sum distribution. First, because you CAN take the lump sum and put it into another IRS qualified retirement plan (IRA) and still avoid the immediate tax consequences. And second, because that "lump sum" may be a higher Net Current Value than the other options offered - when you calculate using increased future rates of return. Generally speaking, you can get more return from your retirement money if you control the money. If you can cut out your former employer, you can also cut out the risk that the companies future results will hurt your income stream. Also, if you control the risk/reward balance, you can give yourself a raise - or dedicate money to your survivors. All of this can get complicated. You are right to get advice from pros. (I suggest at least three.) Make sure they know your total income stream, estimated living expenses, long term and short term financial goals. Also, watch out for "advisers" who only offer "in house" investment options. And do not forget to include in your financial calculations sufficient "misc. personal expense" money to buy lots of lappers well into your 70s!
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Pet peeve
    O' well, the hassles we must endure just play with naked women! ;-)
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    10 years ago
    I don't want a lap dance
    Sounds to me like the OP should be tested for low-T.
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Pet peeve
    Clubber, I know your pain. There is a So. GA club I visit when in that area, just for the cheap beer (before 7p domestic $2.00 and no cover before 7p). A few cuties but lots of fuglies, and the fuglies really hustle. My only solution has been to "hire" one of the dancers to cock-block. It usually takes a drink, sometimes a Jefferson, but certain days it is worth it. Doesn't stop me from tipping that "gem," either.
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    10 years ago
    A blast from the past.
    My scary, sacred tune is "Nights in White Satin" by the Moody Blues. She was an athletic college girl with a wicked sexy streak and a rich daddy. We spent many nights with the Moody Blues, "Days of future past" album on my 8-track (continuous loop). Every time "Nights" played she got horny all over again. A few years later my wife bought the album and would sometimes play it at night. I was in constant fear that I would wake to "Nights in White Satin" and speak the wrong name - but I couldn't help wanting to hear it again!
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    10 years ago
    Your area of the country and how much OTC is there
    I have clubbed in Canada, along the US east coast, all across the south and throughout the Midwest. In my experience OTC is pretty much available everywhere. The prices seem to vary more by dancer financial need than by region. On occasion, a nice dinner after her shift was all it took to enjoy her charms. Other times, it cost me as much as $300. Generally, Canadian dancers are relatively less expensive and less nervous about OTC. (prostitution is somewhat legal in Canada) Detroit dancers are inexpensive ITC, but my experience is that they want too much for OTC (at least for a traveling guy) - sometimes quoting as much as $500 and not negotiating. New Orleans OTC is usually $150 to $200, but the ladies there are not clock watchers. In SE Florida (Miami area) most OTC is around $200, the same as most escorts charge and she tends to leave in one hour. But also in SE FL I have found the most dancers who are willing to "hook up" just for fun.
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    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    As a dancer she learned to take money from men, but it is unlikely she learned how to manage money. As a dancer she worked in a sexually charged atmosphere, moving from man to man - and she did this day after day. As a dancer she worked pretty much without schedules or constraints. She spent - however long she danced - most of her time "misbehaving" without consequences. That is a lot of habit to break. Most ex-dancers have a very hard time dealing with relationships and jobs after leaving the clubs. Some transition into the "real" world without a problem. Every woman is different. Anytime you attempt to be in a relationship with another human being you take a chance.
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    The prettiest girl you ever banged?
    Soft, honey blond hair and eyes that couldn't decide whether to be blue as sky or green as clover, she was petite and lean except for breasts that moved with a soft fullness as she walked on dancer legs. Her hips formed a perfect flair below a small, alluring waist. Her face was lightly dusted with freckles and when she smiled she glowed. She was certainly the prettiest girl I ever experienced. She was as civie as could be. I met her at a softball game and a few days later took her out to dinner and to a club with a live band, That night back at her apartment, we progressed smoothly from a drink on the couch to nekked' kissing on her bed. When she breathlessly said, "I want you now" I anticipated a great time. Fukkin' a dead fish might have been more exciting. Once we moved past kisses she had lots of, "no"s, no oral - either way, no passion, no fun. I finally just pounded her missionary as she lay there unmoving and seemingly unresponsive. After a while she whimpered slightly and got tighter for a moment. She later told me it was her first orgasm with a man, and she acted like it was the greatest experience she ever had. There never was a second date, though she kept calling me for months. Sometimes a pretty girl is nothing more than pretty.
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    10 years ago
    My dad was enjoying married life in El Paso when his new Brother-in-law was getting a free ride to Omaha Beach a couple of hours after his tank sank. My Uncle walked ashore after the ugly brutality of first two landings had finally managed to clear the bluffs above the beachhead. It took my uncle over three weeks to get another tank the he was reassigned to Patton's Army. That uncle always claimed his Silver Star was just a mistake - someone said German tigers were coming and he ran the wrong way! Dad had already done his 25 missions - twice - bombing Japan from Aleutian airbases with the 11th Army Air Corps. (Most people don't know our B-24s could and did reach Japan as early as the fall of '42) Dad thought (like a lot of people at the time) that the Normandy invasion plan was a political choice - the smart move was to land in Southern France where the Germans did not have strong defensive positions along the beaches (which we later did).
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Seattle approves highest US minimum wage, $15/hour
    The real crime about the "minimum wage and income inequality" hype is how few people we are talking about. In a country of somewhere between 320 and 350 Million people, less than a tenth of ONE percent are adults (over 25) supporting themselves with their minimum wage. This figure is about as factual as you can get. It is based on reports from BLS.gov, US Census Bureau, SBA and the Social Security Admin. Only 3.5 million workers are not paid significantly (at least 30%) more than the minimum wage. Over two thirds (71%) of these minimum wage workers are under 25 (mostly under 18) leaving only about One Million adult minimum wage workers. Most of this 1 Million are 2nd or 3rd income workers in households with over $50,000 in income. Supposedly "self supporting adults" earning Minimum wage total 300,000 or fewer workers - a tenth of 1% of the population. The real question is why the extreme left wants to push this "wage inequality" lie so hard? I don't have any answers. In Seattle, the cost of living is so high that $15 an hour isn't really a living wage - if the worker is the only breadwinner for a family - but it does create a create an inflationary issue for businesses in town. Will Seattle's fast food shops disappear or will hamburgers cost $10? Will the hundred or so Seattle adult "happy workers" joyfully join the teenagers who got a windfall raise and share their 6 PM soundbites on the network news? Distraction? Distortion? Feel-good fallacy? I don't get it!
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    10 years ago
    O.T. - Golden Eagle
    FarmerArt, I live pretty much on the opposite end of the continent from your Alberta, Northwest Territory, mountains and woods turf. My little home is near a coastal marsh, just a few miles from a very big swamp and the closest thing to a hill anywhere around is and 20' high Indian burial mound about 15 miles south of me. The local weatherman describes an overnight low of 45 as, "bitterly cold." If a winter morning is below 50 F (rare, but it did happen five times last winter) my neighbors wear ski caps, overcoats, scarves and gloves! But, like you, I to really enjoy the natural world around me especially the avians. Except for that damn hoot-owl who has taken up residence in an elm tree next to my bedroom! That irritating bitch thinks 5:14 AM is a perfect time to wake me up and she will not stop her "who, who, whooting" and limb rattling until I let a dog out to bark at her. I swear, that owl thinks it is funny to wake me an hour before dawn. Our "relationship" has gotten so weird that when I returned from a two week trip, the oversized bird actually flew from her hidden nest in the tree to land on the gutter over my garage to hoot her displeasure at my absence. I had a "conversation" with her last night that lasted an hour. It didn't change her mind - at 5:14AM she woke me again this morning. This time I think she also dropped some sticks on the roof. I now think she also knows when I hit a club in the afternoon. The bitch starts whoing me before I even get out of the car.
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    10 years ago
    I am "vacationing." Just spent a few hours in Visions NOLA, handing out $30 or so for the tip parade, and enjoying several interesting conversations with strippers who snuggled into my lap at the bar. Just before shift change I struck gold (or maybe it was just bleached blond) - anyway I scored some tight, trim "C" cup take out. She just left my motel room after promising that next time she'll buy breakfast in Jackson Square! I love Strip Clubbing on the road! Otherwise, I too agree with Papi. Even after I blocked most trolls, there has still been a lot of trash that gets in the way.
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    10 years ago
    Happy Cinco de Mayo
    You sure? O' wow! Damn, that pissed off Frenchman had a mean left hook!
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    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Road Trip
    I haven't clubbed in Louisville but the 3 other towns are certainly very low on my list. If you want "sure thing" action in Chicago check out Arnie's Idle Hour, or for just lappers the IS in Hammond, IN. I didn't find much at all to recommend Indy clubs. Nashville has some weird restrictive laws and plenty of "election year enforcement" that really suppress the ITC action. However, the dancers in Music City have to eat (and buy drugs) just like dancers in other towns, so it IS possible to find occasional take out.
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    10 years ago
    Absurd Creature of the Week: This Marsupial Has Marathon Sex Until It Goes Blind
    Momma always told me beating it off would make me blind. Who's a thought fuckin' would do it too? I'm going to the eye doctor today!
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Tallest/Shortest dancers you've been with ?
    Damn - I wrote more above but it didn't show up (I probably did something wrong - but I'd rather blame Founder) The tallest I have had a dance from was about 6' and even though she was lean and tight, it was a little weird. The shortest was 4'7". I could put my hands around her waist and touch thumbs over her navel and fingertips in back, but she had large soft natural breasts. I very much enjoyed dances with her!!!
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Tallest/Shortest dancers you've been with ?
    Papi, I cum in all sizes of dancers! <;-) The tallest I have gotten a dance from was just about 6', the shortest was 4'9" The short spinner was more fun!
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    10 years ago
    On TV
    I lived in the ugly north (Illinois - but NOT Chicago) for a decade and Duluth work clothes were in every farm store (and there were a lot of farm stores). Local TV had funky Duluth ads all the time. Apparently the company has grown and is advertising in "large" markets. Probably a smart marketing choice to stick to the strange ad style! Look for several other Duluth adds that are just as strange.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Byob clubs
    I recently visited a juice bar in Jacksonville that reopened in a new location but with the same city/county rules. It is totally dry. You cannot even bring in a beer. In Dallas, I have been to several nude/BYOB clubs. No limits on the type of booze, but they do check what you bring in and you do have to buy setups from the club. I have been to full nude/full bar clubs and many years ago I went to a nude club with a $20 cover that could not allow guests to bring in booze and could not sell booze but they gave every guest two "free" beers. I think, in each case, the rules have more to do with local laws than management choices.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Retirement and SCing ?
    Papi, a move across the state to the Tampa/St Pete area might cure your "quality of life" issues without giving up the clubs or the FL no state tax and several breaks for seniors. Other "values" should play a big role in where you choose to retire. If the cost of living is low you will have more money to play with - low enough and you can afford road trips with SC adventures in mind. If you really want the "dream life" with lots of hot women, good club scene and a party life - consider the Dominican Republic. Great strip clubs, with (legal, management approved) take out, chicas on the beach, at civi clubs, at the local diner and all of them smiling and beautiful. The great thing about DR is that the US dollar goes a very long way. As Shadowcat said economics and quality of life should come first. Look for your version of great places to live, pick the most reasonable for your budget - then check out the SCs!
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    10 years ago
    You ever have any dreams where you're alone with a bunch of horny girls?
    One night in college (I won't say what year that was) a female friend snuck me into her dorm room (it was women only - no men after 10PM). She had three roommates and the 5 of us proceeded to get smashed on Canadian Club and inhale laughing gas (one of them pilfered the gas, regulator, hose and mask from a dental lab on campus). Over about six hours we "experimented" with different combinations of sexual positions, with three of the young women taking repeated advantage of my elevated libido and inebriated condition. Though I have had a few threesomes since, that is the only time I ever experienced so much sex and so much laughter. So, Yes, I do have dreams like that. I seriously wish that would happen again!
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    10 years ago
    Dancers talking bad about other dancers to customers.
    Trixxi, that kind of evil bullying goes on in clubs across the country. Hell, it goes on in almost every kind of workplace. The details differ, and some places are better than others about suppressing it, but it IS always there! I think some SC managers intentionally let the stripper on stripper trash talk and bullying happen - as a way to limit the other obvious over the line behaviors without having to actually work. Women condemn the sexuality of other women. Men attack the machismo of other men. Both attempt to take advantage of opportunities this battle creates, especially on the "other" side of the gender gap. It all has something to do with hormones and can be especially bad in the sexually charged environment of a strip club. Cat fights happen and Shadow often reports on the 2AMers around clubs. Some clubs ARE better about controlling this than others. A few dancers have mentioned that they left clubs because the bitchy attacks were just too bothersome. And while I often experience dancers pointing out the "failings" of other dancers, I seldom pay much attention - unless they are pointing out a hot dancer as a "slut." Then I AM paying attention and looking for ways to get the "slut's" attention!
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What are you doing for Cinco de Mayo?
    I think I will just sleep in, have a late lazy breakfast, get cleaned up and wander off to a friendly SC where I will attempt handle a Mexican taco or two and enjoy the bounty of Latin boobs. Then after a siesta (required for any real 5/5 celebration), perhaps I will repeat the experience with a focus on feeling the nether warmth of Mexican beauty totally encompassing my southern exposure.