
Simple Question Shadowcat

South Carolina
Wednesday, April 23, 2014 6:29 PM
Were you or were you not seen in Platinum Plus Columbia with Bonesbrother?


  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    If we were ever in the club at the same time, I was not aware of it. Apparently I was in Heartbreakers at the same time you were once.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Look dude,tonight three dancers put you two at the same table,and their common thread was"Why do they hate Avalon".Yeah I saw you at HB's,please you do not look like Alan Alda.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    That is totally absurd. What kind of shit are you coming up with now. I certainly do not hate Avalon. She knows it and if any dancer there tells you differently they are lying their asses off. I doubt that there are even 3 dancers left at PP during the night shift that even know who I am. Come up with some names and descriptions or shut the fuck up.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Scat,like any good news reporter I will not reveal my sources.I will tell you that you've been intimate with all [view link],and you talk about two faced people.Maybe I'll see you at their anniversary party tonight.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Who's this Avalon? Does she have a cousin bed Catalina?
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    That's named not bed.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Stalk much?
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Stalk? No. Sport? Absolutely. I just enjoy exposing frauds,liars and the delusional. Why do you think I had such a hardon for Alucard? Stevie,zig when they think you're gonna zag.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    OK stumblingdice, I just heard from you know who and she informs me that she has dumped you and that you are just trying to rattle my cage because of our relationship. So fuck off you drunk ass hole.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Lol, like I said Scat"The Delusional". It was the other way around, I told her to take a [view link] can only deal with Astrology and Unicorns for so long. You two have fun,you deserve each other.
  • dallas702
    10 years ago
    My, my, my goodness gracious! Two grown men fighting over the attentions of a young lady. I fear this will not turn out well. Will the challenger, Sir FumblingDick, prevail with his specious allegations of fraternal associations? Or, will the offended, Sir ReallyOldCat, succeed in retaining his besmirched dignity (and keep the young damsel in his stable)? Will it be, used condom wrappers at 10 paces? Or shall they send forth their selected strippers for a surrogate encounter of the third kind? Stay tuned for further developments.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Bets being taken! shadowcat the 2-1 favorite.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    It's gonna be a slobberknocker!
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Tumblingdice has no credibility. Ever notice how many of his post are incoherent. That you can't understand his point. Now he claims that that 3 strippers that I have been intimate with have seen me with Bonesbrother and heard me say that I hate Avalon. If I was being intimate with 3 strippers in Columbia, I would be spending all of my time there, instead of at Follies. I've got emails and my reputation to back me up, he has nothing. Just a loser that got shot down by a stripper. Game over.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Jerry Jones,you crack me up.Hey, I paid my admission fee,went for a nice ride for two years. But a month ago life got real serious, had to cut the dead wood.Scat,you got any bubble baths working at your place? Psst,Clubber,you got brown stuff on your nose.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Yeah Scat,its funny how when one door slams shut,ten more open.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Hey Scat,I now have fuck you [view link] guess what?Fuck You.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    thumbingdick, I suppose I also hate Avalon? I've wasted way to much "effort" typing for a jerkoff's education! sc needs no help from me. and as he said, "Game over."
  • LarryBird33
    10 years ago
    Game over like tuna fish
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Clubber,you never entered the equation.Its just a little suspect your bromance for [view link] furry like a woman scorned.
  • LarryBird33
    10 years ago
    Shit ! Oooooo that was tight like my sex
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Hot damn. Little boys fighting over a hooker.
  • LarryBird33
    10 years ago
    Correction 1 little boy and 2 old Faggots
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    News Flash! Servers jammed by PL's PM'ing.
  • LarryBird33
    10 years ago
    Now how does he know about this ^^^ shhhh!
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    This is better than "Days of our Lives"
  • LarryBird33
    10 years ago
    Better than Steve Wilcox and I ball like day lakers
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Flubber,you are rudderless.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Scat,you taking a nap or wiping the tears from her eyes?
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Yeah,you almost had your hooks in me,didn't ya dear.
  • LarryBird33
    10 years ago
    Lol dis guy fucking you up " mike Tyson"
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    Well isn't this like the montagues and the capulets!!! #HappyBelatedBirthdayShakespeare 🎉🎂🎉🎂🎈🎈🎈🎊🎉
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    "just enjoy exposing frauds,liars and the delusional" You've blatantly ignored a lot of obvious targets.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    One target at a time,requesting permission to engage.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Well,I come back from the accountants office and I got seven PM's telling me to keep up the good work.Scat,I think your days are numbered.
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    ^^now is this 7 pms from different members or 7(the tuscl member) pms??
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Scat,you're such a [view link] join the ranks of Alucard,Clubber and Bonesbrother.
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