
OT: Which States make up the 'South"

In the wind
From 538.com

"First, the Southerners were considerably more certain of which states are their own. While the top few Midwest states barely pulled 80 percent of the vote, nearly 90 percent of respondents identified Georgia and Alabama as Southern, and more than 80 percent placed Mississippi and Louisiana in the South. South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida and North Carolina all garnered above 60 percent.

Southerners seem remarkably content to mess with Texas, giving it 57 percent support. Virginia, Arkansas and Kentucky hovered at about 50 percent.

Also, Maryland — well and truly — is not a Southern state, according to actual Southerners. It pulled a pathetic 6 percent of the vote. That's worse than Arizona and New Mexico. Walter White is more Southern than a Marylander. Allow me to welcome you to the North, Maryland. I've always loved your well-appointed Interstate 95 rest stops!

Consistent with a tradition of skepticism of the federal government, the South further disagrees with the census designation of what's in the South. In addition to Maryland, Oklahoma and West Virginia both pulled less than 25 percent support, despite the fact that the census says they're the South. Take that, big government.

So, what have we learned? Judging by some of the feedback on Tuesday's blog post, people don't know exactly where these places are, but they're certainly passionate about it.

Also, does anyone know what's going on with Missouri? Mostly excluded from the South and Midwest, it appears to be the geographic equivalent of the last kid picked during dodgeball."

Find entire article here with details of how survey was conducted including how respondents chosen. Also has graphic map:



  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    People who are from the South are awesome! So friendly and down to earth.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Just what we need,another Ilbbaicnl.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago

    Well, I heard Mr. Young sing about her
    Well, I heard ol' Neil put her down
    Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
    A Southern man don't need him around anyhow

  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    The original seven were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

    Later, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina.


    Generally you are correct. As one that lives in the south, but here it is infested with the north, there is a large difference among the people. Just go to the west coast of S. Florida and there is not that large a contrast. Why, you might ask. Well the general consensus is the the east coast is populated with northerners from the northeast, and the west coast with northerners from the mid-west.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Clubber - It's about the same thing where I live. I don't know anybody my age that was born here. It's called "The New South".
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Natives where I am, south of Miami, are few and far between. My family has been here over 100 years. At 65, I AM the old timer. :)
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    I cut my teeth on the mean streets of NYC.Had to move here to Columbia SC two years ago.Believe me when I say the people here are twenty years behind the times.
  • likes2look
    10 years ago
    To answer that question you need to calculate the tooth to tattoo ratio. If the number of tats exceeds the number of teeth in a given room or area then you are in the south.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    @shadow Atlanta is "Dirty South" or at least it was for a while when all the rappers where singing about it.
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    Everything is south of Canada
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    Clubber is right:

    "The original seven were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

    Later, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina."

    These are the 11 states of the Confederacy and are all still considered the South, though Virginia is rapidly becoming a Mid-Atlantic state (along with Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and possibly New Jersey), Florida is increasingly a Northern/Midwestern/Southern/Caribbean/Latin American hodgepodge, and Texas, as I mentioned in my post on the Midwest, has aspects of the South, the West, and the Great Plains.

    America is (unfortunately, in my opinion) losing its regional characteristics. Parts of the South, such as South Florida and Northern Virginia, don't feel Southern at all any more.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    In Florida, the state capital, Tallahassee, was the only Confederate Capitol that wasn't seized during the war. There is disagreement on this point.

    Lincoln tried to bring the state back to the union by sending one of his secretaries to the state to secure 10% of the states population signing a petition to re-enter the Union and be represented in Congress that attempt failed. The state was fully restored to the United States on July 25, 1868.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    gator: "Everything is south of Canada"

    Not Detroit. If you look on the map, you'll see that Detroit is south of Windsor, Canada.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Isn't that pretty much what he said?
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    South America
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Texas usually interesting in that it was a Confederate state yet geographically it's southwest, south, Great Plains.

    I wonder what Otto McNabb would have to say about all this Texas talk?
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    The trouble with the South is there isn't one simple South, there's 3:
    1. The Deep South, where much of the slavery took place and where they grow cotton
    2. The Upland South, which is mountainous and where the hillbillies come from. This is essentially Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia.
    3. The Tidewater South, which is essentially Virginia and eastern North Carolina, where they grow tobacco.
    There's also Cajun Louisiana, but that's pretty much a world apart.

    There's a book I picked up at B&N once, which essentially describes America as not 1 nation, but 11 nations, the 3 I mentioned being "The South". The North is nearly as complicated.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Interesting how, we, as a country, can come together as well as we did on 9-11-2001, and then fight like cats and dogs the rest of the time. Maybe we should get back to a little of the "...one nation, under God..." Sad.

    I remember, as a child in kindergarten, when those two words were added.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    As a polytheist, I prefer, under Gods and Goddesses.
  • dallas702
    10 years ago
    If find it interesting that in a "new" political "War Between the States," the "South" will certainly include the expected Georgia (Atlanta's yankiefication notwithstanding), Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas. Traditionally southern states like Virginia (with high populations of liberals near DC) and Florida (all of South FL is the NYC retirement home) are less likely to oppose Federal controls. And that the new "South" would certainly include states like North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma. Even Wisconsin, Maine and New Hampshire might opt in (not likely, but still possible).

    The primary causes of the 1858 - 1860 dispute between the industrial Northeast and the rural South were States rights v Federalism, and "protective laws" preventing southern stats from acquiring ANY modern industry. A second tier argument was whether new states could opt in as states allowing slavery or whether they must be no slavery states. At NO time, before the southern Senators and Congressmen walked out of congress in 1860, did any elected official propose legislation to end slavery. (That specifically DOES include Lincoln!) The unpopularity of slavery with so many people was the hinge that the Federalist north used to help fund, prosecute and sustain the war long enough to wear down the South.

    The primary cause of the disfunction in D.C. today is the disconnect between conservatives/libertarians who want a small, limited national government to leave people alone (state's rights) and progressive/liberals who want the big, all powerful government to handle most problems (Federalism). It is therefore NOT surprising that the federalism advocates call upon racism (slavery hangover) as a tool to get their way.

    The players have changed, but the argument has not!
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri were non-aligned border states in the Civil War and are not the South. West Virginia seceded from Virginia when Virginia seceded from the Union and is there fore not south. Texas was part of the confederacy, but having joined the Union when it was an independent nation and not a territory and given it's size has always been considered more southwestern than South. Virginia's north is becoming so blue it isn't Southern for very much longer.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    I think "God" is a word that can encompass all beliefs and each individuals god, supreme being, leader, holiness, whatever.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    The North-easterners and west coast fuckwads are fucking up the country.
    Go out to the rocky mountain states and look at who is fucking up a beautiful area. Colorado is loaded with californicators and northeast libs that have totally fucked-up a great place to live. It is no over regulated and taxed to death. These people go from one place to the next bringing misery with them. California is a miserable place to live as is New England! Most anyone form those places expects us hicks from fly-over country to support them until they want to come and take what was ours.
    The country has makers (people who work and produce), takers (the politicians who take what the makers produce at gunpoint. ie taxes), and the users ( the ones who live off what the takers take from the makers who includes everyone who works for or live off the government)
    If government is the answer it must have been a stupid question.
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