another Troll with fake reviews - doc_hollerday

avatar for dallas702
What is the appropriate response in an open forum site like TUSCL to a Troll member who intentionally posts fake or stolen reviews?

I was scanning reviews on Monday and saw a couple with questionable details written by a "new" member (04/14), Doc_Hollerday. Noting that the name was a twist on a long time member, I looked and found six reviews, all written this month, from Mexico to Dallas and on East. After looking more closely, I found that ALL six reviews were cut and paste jobs from prior reviewers. In one case the Troll actually used a real DocHolliday review from 2012 (the Clubhouse, Dallas) word for word.

I flagged all six reviews but I think Founder is still busy with server issues since the fake reviews are still up. I just wanted to read your opinion on what the site might do.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I've busted Juicebox69 et all a couple of times for this. He doesn't care and his followers just think it is funny and Founder doesn't have the time to deal with it. So just lump it.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
You guys are starting to make me feel like Einstein.Dallas you didn't know that doc hollerday was a Juice alias?You're dumber than Troy Aikman.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Execute 'em!

avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
tumblingdice, dude - you really need to chill. Your over the top attacks are tiresome.

I cannot prove doc_hollerday is Juice. I suspect they are the same, but that is not verifiable fact. I intentionally left out the guess as to who opened the troll account, to avoid wasting time with speculation. My point is not, "Juice strikes again" nor is it "a different troll strikes." I ask what members consider an appropriate action to deal with this.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Dallas,you know nothing can be done,so maybe you should start a thread on death and taxes.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Juice! Juice! Juice!
avatar for GoldDiamond
11 years ago
Thats a big problem with this site. Seems you can just make up any BS review to gain access. Making it less desirable to post real reviews to gain access.

As for juice, I don't think in my entire life ive seen a forum feed a troll so much. Its easier just to ignore all his post.
avatar for joker44
11 years ago
GoldDiamond +1

Trolls exist to gain attention, even negative attention. Members complain but still respond directly to troll posts [ full disclosure: I've done it a few times myself. In a few instances it was to label poster as troll ] which rewards their efforts.

Use the ignore function AND THEN CONSISTENTLY IGNORE THEM even when they bait you.

As to fake reviews, I agree with sc. dallas, if you simply post evidence of troll reviews and reviewer other members could flag them as 'copied or fake review to get VIP access' That would take some effort and enough members to show up on founders radar. Slim chances but...?

avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
I don't think you guys understand. Half of the responses to Juice....... are by Juice himself! lol
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ At some level, we are all juice.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^^ yes...too bad Alucard didn't understand that.
avatar for joker44
11 years ago
"I don't think you guys understand. Half of the responses to Juice....... are by Juice himself! lol"

Yea, but if j and all his aliases and supporters are on ignore list they show only as blue placeholders never to be read. And never to bother me.
avatar for minnow
11 years ago
d702: Do as you have done- flag any questionable review. I've ran across some in clubs that I'm familiar with- sometimes false info, sometimes a cut and paste review saying the same generic things in multiple clubs.

Sheesh, you only started thread 4-5 hrs. ago, this ain't pay pal or I've waited longer for some of my reviews to be accepted. In all my cases, founder deleted bogus review. Maybe not right away, but in 12-48 hour timeframe.
avatar for knight_errant
11 years ago
Dallas- apparently Founder is busy with other matters; I have flagged a few shill/duplicate reviews that have gone unaddressed. Write an honest review and cite the phonies ones in it, identifying them as duplicates or shills. Do the vast majority of decent members a service and put them on notice of the bs.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Juice has a passport?
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^^that ought to go well at the border...

"You are Bat_mane, ehh? Hmmm...better come with us"
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
rickdugan is certainly doing his best to ruin the board with all his troll accounts.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
avatar for Fanky
11 years ago
The bottom of the website says

" Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."

So I don't understand what the issue is ?

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