Bonding Over Beverages

avatar for SlickSpic
Like some of my brothers and sisters, I am a coffee drinker. Love it. I sometimes drink cafe when I'm at the club. At this one club, there's this Brasilian bombshell who also is a coffee queen. Before I ever got a dance with her, she noticed that I was one of the few customers that she has seen drinking coffee. While we were conversing, a lovely waitress had asked if I'd like to buy the lady a drink. I replied, but of course. She ordered a coffee.

Since that time, whenever I see her in the club, we chill and drink coffee together, then enjoy some dances. It's almost become a ritual that we drink coffee together.

Anybody ever bond or get closer with a dancer because of similar drinking habits?


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avatar for gawker
11 years ago
Iced coffee is my drink of choice and my ATF likewise. Whereas it's not served in the club, she frequently sends me out to Dunkin Donuts to get hers. I brink it to the greeter who holds it for the dancer to come get it. When we meet OTC we both bring one to cool the throat after oral pleasures.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
I've only bonded with waitresses over my drinking habit.

At the club I frequent, customers can buy the girls drinks but can't sit and drink with them on the floor. The dancers scurry off to a corner to drink with each other.
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
Not over coffee, but on a recent strip club visit the incredible blonde dancer ignored me while she fawned over my two taller, younger and better looking friends. They enjoyed her dances because it was decent, not great contact with a borderline 10. They were still buying her drinks when I came back from the parking lot wearing my favorite scent: eau de 420 skunk. Bingo. Now she loves me. Wants to nuzzle my neck to smell me. Asked if she kissed me if my lips would taste like bud. Dance time. Full 2-way contact above and below waist with serious public stick shifting. So no to coffee, yes to 420.
avatar for Subraman
11 years ago
Well, beyond the usual, shots, sometimes there's a particular shot that becomes "our" shot.

I like doing the coffee thing too. OFten, I'll text my CF as I'm walking to the club to see what she wants and pick us both up coffees on the way in. I'll grab one for the floor host also, so he'll overlook me bringing in outside drinks.
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
I was on a stool at the corner of the bar, coffee cup in my hand and a half empty glass of water next to me on the bar. The bartender left the coffee pot on the bar for me to pour my next cup. A dancer walks up, wiggles into the seat next to me, leans in close with her hands way up on my lap and whispers in my ear, "How come you're not drinking?"
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
"Way down among the Brazilians,
Coffee beans grow by the billions,
So they've got to find those extra cups to fill,
They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil."
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
The introduction of coffee in Europe from Muslim Turkey prompted calls for it to be banned as the devil's work, although Pope Clement VIII sanctioned its use in 1600, declaring that it was "so delicious that it would be a pity to let the infidels have exclusive use of it."

avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Bondage? Yes!
Bonding? Alas, no.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Lady Lopaw-You crack me up. Never change.
avatar for SuperDude
11 years ago
A tour guide in Rio told me that Brazil grows two kinds of coffee. The milder bean for North America and the strong bean for the rest of the world. Having had coffee in different countries, I can agree with his claim.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Due to the winds of climate change, most of Ethiopias coffe varietals will be gone in the next 50 years.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
I knew a dancer years ago, something like 30 years. I saw her many years later as a barmaid in a club I started visiting as a regular. We didn't recognize each other, but as a regular, and talking over some time, we remembered I used to buy her a drink or two when she was dancing. Wasn't all that common when we met. She became a great source of info in the club and I never failed to share a drink or two with her when I was there.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
%90 of the worlds coffee beans are a type called "Robusta" These are the beans used for all commercial grinds ( not those kind) . Think Maxwell Brothers. Robusta beans have three times the caffeine as the other type which are called "Arabica" All fine coffees are Arabica type. Brazil grows both as do most countries but the prices are very different and so is the quality. I made my first stash brokering coffee in the early days of the Midwest coffee craze. I got out before Starbucks took over . I usually drink coffee in the clubs as it only leads to me driving faster but not weaving. Several of my usual girls know I drink it and usually order some to go with. Not that I care.
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