What is the definition of a big penis?

avatar for shadowcat
We have all had strippers tell us we had a big dick to boost our egos. But what is a big dick. I have always thought of myself as slightly bigger than average. Yesterday I had one of my favorites tells me that she liked my big dick and to put her on the spot I asked "What do you like about it?" She replied "the girth". I have no idea how I stack up against other men when it comes to girth. All references to size have always been length. I guess you would use a tap measure to figure out what size you are but is there an average and what is more important length or girth"?


last comment
avatar for Fanky
11 years ago
I normally get the response" I have a pretty penis"

You tell me what that means ?
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
Just call me Girth Brooks...seriously, some girls have mentioned girth over length to me
avatar for Fanky
11 years ago
I'm thanking my dick must look like the Greek Gods. Not to big, not to small but just right
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
I have received comments on the length of mine, "Oooh, nice big dick!" "Long feels verrry good to me." But, like you, I don't know what is average nor how much I hear just SS.

I heard someone say that 4" to 5" is average, but that may have been just a tiny guy justifying penile underachievement.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Length is overrated. It's all about girth or my name ain't Tuna Can Sam for nothing.
avatar for carl95
11 years ago
"Just call me Girth Brooks...seriously, some girls have mentioned girth over length to me"

Are you hung like a coke can?
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
SS is right. Girls like girth, no doubt about it.
avatar for BuckMcNutter
11 years ago
I'm long 8" , and i'm a short man. I get dancers responding like "wtf " … But i would gladly sacrifice an inch to get more girth !
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
@carl...more like a 24oz Miller :)
avatar for goonster
11 years ago
The average erect penis length 5.5-6.5 inches in length as measured from the pubic bone to the tip. The average erect circumference is 4.5-5.5 inches as measured at the base.

If you fall within those measurements, congratulations, your penis is roughly the same size as every other guys penis.

If that is the case and a stripper tells you that you have a big dick, it's either stripper shit or she is very inexperienced.
avatar for Prim0
11 years ago
I can guarantee you it is SS...I'm sure they say that to every damned guy they dance for!

Me, I'm a grower, not a shower....which sucks.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I usually just get compliments on my personality
avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
My ex looked at my penis when I pulled it out and said just who do you expect to please with that? I just smiled and said ME!
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Ever see a Fosters can?
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Clubber-You win. All I can do with my tuna can is stretch out her lips.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Just asking if you saw one. I'm envious. :)
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Awhile ago I had this black stripper bitchin at me "I'm tired of you white boys coming in here and complaining about loose pussy. Just tie a board across yo ass and C'mon down. :)
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
This thread is funny. Juice says he is hung like a fruit bat
avatar for grand1511
11 years ago
I can't believe a stripper knew how to use the word "girth" properly!
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
Good question, I always thought a big penis was defined by length. That being said, I think a big penis should be defined length AND girth.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“… What is the definition of a big penis? …”

I’ll go ahead and upload a selfie to my TUSCL profile
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
From the Kinsey Institute for Sex Research:

"penile dimensions were assessed using five measures of penile length and circumference from Kinsey's original protocol. On all five measures, homosexual men reported larger penises than did heterosexual men"


Whoa there Cowboys. You sure you wanna be braggin' about what you're packing.

avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
I have two comments on this...

First I once had a stripper ask me "do you have a skinny long dick or a short, fat one." She told me "you can't have both it's one or the other and she said she liked the fat ones! She had a few kids so I can see why. Unfortunately it wasn't the type of club where I could show her and I was just passing through the town.

I remember back in college reading an article in GQ about the average erect size and it said 5". Crazily a few days later I'm sitting in my girlfriends living room waiting on her and I start flipping through a cosmopolitan magazine sitting on the coffee table reading another article on sex, in the article it stated the average erect penis size is 7". Leave it to women to always screw up measurements.

Lastly I get the "wow you have a large cock" too and I wonder if I really do because if I did, wouldn't every stripper say that when they saw it instead of just a few? Lol
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
avatar for originaljuicebox69
11 years ago
^^^ lol, well said George

Mines not just short, it's thin too!
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
Strippers always say they like my penis. Not for the size but for the taste.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
Twice in my life I have been declined FS after the girl saw the stout nature of Mr. Wood; once in a massage parlour and once in a strip club.
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
I've always considered mine to be small because when flaccid it almost disappears, however when erect I'm average in length, but "thicker" than most. Several dancers who I see OTC require a lubricant so that it slides in more easily. Without lube I have to work to get them wet. It's a tough job but someone's got to do it.
avatar for hardman
11 years ago
Women consistently tell me I have a "classically shaped" penis, usually the first time they see it and play with. It's a wonderful compliment to receive, I must tell you. I am also significantly longer than the average when but only once has a woman commented on my length. I think women appreciate shape (including girth) and symmetry as much or more than length. And most of all they appreciate how skillfully you can fuck them with whatever you got.
avatar for Ironcat
11 years ago
It is like a guy's take on tits - some like huge ones and some like well shaped C cups - some even like small ones. Matters of taste are beyond dispute (Ruskin).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
^ I’m not sure if tit size and penis size can be compared – as I once heard one PL put it:

“Breasts are window dressing – a penis has to perform”
avatar for Fanky
11 years ago
avatar for Ironcat
11 years ago
What about titty fucking Papi? the exception to the rule?
avatar for Fanky
11 years ago
+1 papi
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Gawker: I thought it was a hard job, not a tough one.
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
Touché ATAC
avatar for Fanky
11 years ago
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
All too often it's a hand job; not a hard job.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
over 8 inches long and if i have a problem wrapping my hand around it. but girth is better than length.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ So I’m doing alright ;))
avatar for wellhungsac420
6 years ago
From what I can tell, a big penis is determined by the contents of ones wallet, its big until your wallets empty!
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Whatever makes you feel better txtty I think you were doing better when you were on your meds but hey whatever makes you feel better
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
The perfect dicks:

Shout out to Shorty Mac!

I know 2 people who fucked him in their personal lives not porn, he gets around lol
Jack Napier
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